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Nama : Ummi Salamah

Bp : 1910423016

Active Listening

Active listening means listening completely, there two secret to active listening :

1. Commit
= You have to put aside whatever else might be distracting you and make listening
a real priority
2. Practice
= listening is not mysterious or complicated. Four qualities that you got from
a. Active Listening Involves Nonverbal Communications
You’re demonstrating that you enggaged and paying attention nonverbally,
you also noticing the speakers nonverbal cues
b. Involves Verbal Communications
Good mental therapist will ask thoughful questions, then is thoose small
utterences that shoe the other person that we’re following them
c. Involves Responding To What Somebody Just Said
If you actively listening for while, while they’re talkingand at the end of
their talking turn, it’s your turb again, and this is where you show that you
were actively following along and were interested in what they were saying
and we can do this by reflecting back what we just heard. They key to
respond to what they have just been saying yu don’t wanna do is just look at
them blankly and not react when they’re done talking.
d. Keep The Focus on Them
Keep your talking turns and questions concise and stick to whatevr topic
they’re interested in.

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