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Communicative Activities


Word Factor
Part of Speech Noun
Definition Something that affect an event, decision or situation
Synonym Aspect, reason
Sentence The bad weather was a factor in a crash
Questions What factors influenced your decision to study English at this

Look them up at "Oxford English Dictionary" and "Synonyms & Antonyms


Accounting Family


Word Accountant
Part of Speech Noun
Definition a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial
Synonym auditor
Sentence That firm is looking for a new accountant.
Questions How should I prepare for an accountant interview?


Word Accounting
Part of Speech Noun
Definition the action or process of keeping financial accounts
Synonym auditing
Sentence The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques
Questions what are the techniques in accounting?

Word Accountancy
Part of Speech Noun
Definition The work or profession of an accountant.
Synonym accounting system
Sentence He's just started working for an accountancy firm/a firm of
accountants in Jakarta
Questions How should I structure my small business without

Word Accountable
Part of Speech Adjective
Definition subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify
something, responsible, answerable
Synonym Responsible
Sentence You'll be held accountable if anything bad happens
Questions How do you describe someone how is accountable?

Word Accountably
Part of Speech Adverb

Definition capable of being explained, explicable, explainable
Synonym answerable
Sentence Transparency and accountability are essential to a
democratic government
Questions What does accountability mean to you?

Word Account
Part of speech Verb
Definition a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts
relating to a particular period or purpose
Synonym attribute
Sentence to take into consideration She didn't account for extra costs
Questions How should I record transactions with account?

Word Account
Part of speech Noun
Definition a verbal or written report, description, or narration of some
occurrence, event, etc
Synonym calculation
Sentence I need to draw some money out of my account.
Questions How do you interview for new account?

Tax Family


Word Tax
Part of Speech Noun
Definition a compulsory financial contribution imposed by a
government to raise revenue, levied on the income or
property of persons or organizations, on the production costs
or sales prices of goods and services, etc.
Synonym tariff
Sentence He was accused of evading tax
Questions What is the amount of tax to be paid?

Word Taxation
Part of Speech N
Definition Money that has to be paid as taxes.
Synonym Amount, appraisal, charge, demand
Sentence They were burdened with heavy taxation
Questions How do I know if I have to file a taxation return?

Word Tax
Part of Speech N

Word Taxable
Part of Speech Adjective

Other related words

Translate into Indonesian!

tax avoidance, tax evasion, tax collector, tax dodger, tax-free, tax-deductible, tax-
file number, tax payer, tax collector, tax inspector, tax year, added value tax,


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