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Nama : Nadia Prasasti Pramudya Wardhani

NIM : 7111420168
Rombel : EP C


Global Issues in Education for All: Learning Innovations for the Society.
Education is the right of all citizens form an early age to adults who are held
in informal, formal, and non-formal education. Education challenges. The
convergent impact of globalization, ICT, and the explosion of knowledge has
caused unprecedented changes in modern society, challenging every aspect
and modern lifestyle. The aim of the seminar. This international seminar aims
to provide a platform for researchers, experts, and experts from academia,
government, research institutions, and industry to share the latest advances
in education and community development in the digital era.
1) Dr. Ahad Ali
Entrepreneurial Education:
a. Curiosity
In a world of accelerating change, today’s solutions are often obsolete
tomorrow. Since discoveries are made by the curious, we must
empower our students to investigate a rapidly changing world with an
insatiable curiosity.
Explore the theme, build empathy, and identify customer’s pains.
Accessibility simulation and an Ethnography activity at the
customer’s workplace.
Curiosity experiences provide a springboard for design opportunity
Form teams around the design opportunity they are most
passionate about solving.
• Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
• Explore a contrarian view of accepted solutions
b. Connections
Discoveries, however, are not enough. Information only yields insight
when connected with other information. We must teach our students to
habitually pursue knowledge and integrate it with their own
discoveries to reveal innovative solutions.
Integrate observation and simulation experiences with the potential
foe engineering design.
Employ market research and outcome driven innovation methods.
Create design requirements and technical specification based
directly on customer needs.
• Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
• Assess and manage risk
c. Creating value
Innovative solutions are most meaningful when they create
extraordinary value for others. Therefore, students must be champions
of value creations. As educators, we must train students to persist
anticipate and most the needs of a changing world.
Engage real customers.
Design solutions to real problems based on customer needs.
Multiple customer site visits to gather feedback.
Multiple levels of prototyping for a “build to learn” design approach.
Robust design methodology for tenting and refinement.
• Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
• Persist through and learn from failure.
Methodology property- “Prior Art”
o Determine if “Prior Art” exists
o Use the USPTO website as the primary resource
o Google can is an alternative resource for intellectual property
o Evaluate the extent of parents that have been issued and the claims that
are stated in the document
o Is the existing patent close too similar to your idea?
Preparing for incubation
o Continue to engage the customer
o Develop a prototype for customer engagement
o Refine the prototype based on customer feedback
o Determine in incubation is the nest step for your product idea
o If so, move forward with the incubation process
o This step should include the creations of an entity.
Developing the entrepreneurial mindset
o Problem based and active and collaborative learning
o Engaging the student with an interactive approach
o Developing team building skills
o Building strong leadership styles
o Understanding the world of entrepreneurship

Applying PBL in the classroom- Sustainability module development

▪ Creation of sustainability modules in development of products in the
undergraduate engineering curricula.
▪ LTU used the manufacturing processes class in two semesters.
▪ Ohio Northern used the process of design class and manufacturing
▪ Gonzaga had a two Semester sequence class on thermodynamics with the
same group of students.
▪ St. Louis University taught Mechatronics and Material Science.
▪ Approximately 2019 student were part of the sustainability module
▪ It was an exceptional learning experience for the students that provided
an understanding of entrepreneurship and sustainability in product
design and manufacturing.

How to develop entrepreneurship education

▪ Create entrepreneurial focus group
▪ Review successful entrepreneurial programs
▪ Select some courses to add entrepreneurship content
▪ Encourage individual and/ or group projects throughout your engineering
▪ Presentation opportunities for students
▪ Assessment entrepreneurial learning

Building blocks of Industry 4.0

❖ Autonomous robots ❖ Industrial internet of things
❖ Big data analytics ❖ Horizontal and vertical system
❖ Augmented reality integration
❖ Additive manufacturing ❖ simulation
❖ Cyber security
Top 10 skills relevant in Industry 4.0 in 2021
➢ complex problem solving ➢ emotional intelligence
➢ creativity ➢ judgment and decision making
➢ critical thinking ➢ flexibility
➢ people management ➢ negotiation
and coordination ➢ service orientation

Industry 4.0 status report

✓ according to the World Economic Forum, 65% of children entering
primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new
job types that currently do not exist (Automation Alley 2018).
✓ Industry 4.0 transformation is shaping our talent pipeline in the
manufacturing industry
✓ Disruptive technologies are forcing the development of new business
✓ Uber Technologies has nearly eliminated long standing taxi industries
✓ CNC+ Automation+ Industry 4.0
✓ Lack of skilled qualified workface with this smart integration

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