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PART 1: (187 words)

The diagram illustrate the way geothermal power is manufactured to become electricity.

Overall, we can see that it is complex process with no fewer than 5 diffirent parties
involved and there are also 5 different steps until the generator produces electricity.

The process will be divided into 2 phases, the first phase being performed underground.
To begin, cold water will be prepared to poured into a injection well about 4,5 km long .
After that, the water will follow and be heated by the hot rocks which are known as
geothermal zone to get to a production well. Finally, the water which is hot now pumped
up to the well to push hot steam to the condenser above the ground.

In the second phase on the ground, the steam in condenser will power the turbine and
make it rotate which will create energy helps geothermal power plant generate electricity.

In sum, the power generation process of the geothermal plant is quite complicated but not
difficult to implement. This is an economical and environmentally friendly method of
electricity generation, thus it should be applied more in the future.

PART 2: (290 words)

Opinions differ as to whether allowing children to make basis decisions themselves in

their daily life is a good method to educate them or just make them become selfish
individuals. Personally, I do think both views are reasonable as each has its own merits.

The option that the freedom of children to make decisions will make them selfish can be
considered as when children have total freedom to make their own choice they may fail
to take care the feelings of others. For example, they may think that they will be eaten
whatever they want for dinner, regardless of what the rest of the family wants. If parents
allow a child to grow up like this, he will definitely become a selfish person in the future.
Therefore, it is important for parents to set the limits of the freedom a child can have.

On another hand, decision making is an important skill for success in life that children
should learn from young. They can start by small decisions as the clothes they will wear
for shool or the movie they will watch in weekend, this will build the independence in
thinking and a sense of responsibility to the child for his actions, which are also essential
skills for children in his life and future career. In addition, a child who has a right to make
decisions from a young age can easily deal with difficulties and challenges in life more

In conclusion, allowing children to make small decisions in their life is very important
and necessary as they can learn essential skills for the future, however, parents have to
pay attention and regulate children’s actions when needed as children can misunderstand
the meaning of decision-making and then become selfish.

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