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o Cha,alambo. O.nd,inol. Jonllhu HI Eir.n. Hlrvali •• Crook.

H.rrin and oon"ibulo'i 200l

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The .dilo" hue ISsc'led lheir morol righa und.r lhe Copyrighl, O•• ign. and
"alonu ACI, t988, lo be idenlifi.d .'Ihe .diIO" Oflhis work.

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Alhgal. publishins Limil.d A.hgll. "ubli.hini Company
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Brllllb Llbr.rr Ca •• loeuln! lo hblluUon DUo

PorphrroBenlla : el"rl on Ih. hi.lory ond li"'Ilurc of
Brn'lium Ind Ih. L.lin EUI in honour of Julian
l. Bynnlino lil"'lure· HiOlorr Ind crilici.m 2. Byzanline
Empire· tli.tory l. Bynnlin••mpir•• Civili.alion
I. D.ndfinol, Chorolombo. II. Chry.ostomidu, J. UI. King',
Colleg., London. C.ntre ror Helleni. Sludi •• IV. Uni"."'ly
oru.odon. Royalllolloway.llell.nic In>!ilul.

Llbr.ry or Coner... Conlrol Number: 2003040357

ISBN O 7546 3696 B

Thi. book i. prinl.d on Icid·fr.c p.p.r.

Co"c" Deloll or r.lI.f mlrble pl",!ue wilh Ih. doubl.·huded ugl. of lhe
p.l••ologi, " or lhe Meuopolir.n church of SI D.m.nius. Mim••
b.Binning of fifl ••nlh .cnIUrr. Ouig" by Qucnlin R.u.l!.

TyPC'CI by lho H.II.nic Instilul., Royal HollowlY. tlniv... ily of London,

Eghlm. Suney. TW20 OEX. En&llnd,

I'rilIted.1>d bound in GIUI Brillin by Cromw.U" Trowt>ridg., Wiltshi..

Edward II, Andranicu. If anJ Cile. ai Argcnleim 79
VII (t 1313)" Ho, whi1c on a oyage lowards thc of Rhodcs,
Gilc. wu b)' a hOllil 1, .. i~.d. and thro....n inlo prison.
Ed ard II promplly mounl.d a ,mail diplomalic offcn,iv. lO ,.eure his
r.I Th. Engh.h king wa. origin.lI)' und.r Ih. impr."ion Ih'l Gil.,
had b•• n caplur.d by m.n from Rhod••.•0 he wrOI. in Augu'l 1313 lO Ih.
Ma.t.r or lhe 110.pilall... and ln. gov.romeol ofGenoa whom h. bdi.,'.d
would h3.... Ih. n.c.$$a'1' lO ,Cl Gil•• at lib.rly.' II S.cms nol 10
hav. b••n unlil Oelob.r lhal Edw.rd di.eo.... r.d lh'l Gil.,', caplo" wcr.
in facl in lhe s.rvice of lhe By~amin •• mp.ror. and lhal Gile, w.. I.n·
gui,hing in Ih. Byumin. cily ofTh...aloniea. So h. dir.el.d hi. demand
10 COU1.nlinopl., in lhe I.n.r und.r di,cu,.ion h.r•. '
Iflhal w.r. alllh.r. wa, lo lh.I.I1.r, iI would cerlainly nOl any
I.nglhy di,cu ..!on. bUI Ih.rc i, on. 5lriking poiot abouI ii. 11 doe. nol
sland alone. bul is on. of a '.ri., or almoS! id.nlie.1 1.11... on lhe ,aIO.
lopi•. di,palched to membe.. or lhe Byzanlin. eourl and olher intere'led
parti.s. Aecordinl: lo the Clo.e RolI entry.•ueh lelIe ... mUlor;s mutundis,
wero di,paleh.d lo Androoicu,'. clde,l son. Michael. to lhe B)'unlin•
• mp"55. lO Ih. marqu;$ or Monlf."at. and lO no le55 lhan .ix olh.r indi_
viduai., ineluding Ih. king or Sicil)' and .0meOM callcd 'Epi.ei Sp)'nel.',
Thesc mullip1c copi., of lhe I.n.r ar. signifka"l becau,. lhe)' impl)'
Ihal Edward and hi ••dvi,e.. ver)' ...... 11 informed abool Ih. personn.1
and conn.etion. of lhe B)'umine COUrI, and abOOI cvenlS in lhe nUe,"
M.dil." Ia deciding toadd Michael IX (1294·1320). for .xam·
pi •. lhc)' were appar.nll)' aware Ihal Andronicus'. SOn pl.ycd an imporlanl
polilical rol. in Con'lantinopl., having ruled as co-cmperor sinee 1294.
Th,y probably ka,w 100 Ihat thc Empre" Ircne. who h3d b••n boro
Volanda of Momfcrral. wa, a latin who mighl bc ,xpe<lcd lO be sympa·
lhclic lo Gil ••·• plighl. Mor.o r since 1303 shc h3d becn re.idcnl in
Thcss.lonica and 50 woold ha bccn on lhe SpOl lO in his fa·
...oor. tflhe Engli,h king h.d known Ihi" iI would explain why she 100 was The Marquis of Montferr'l. "'hom he .Iso addrc"ed, w..
Th.odore Palaeologo•. Ihc son of Andronicu, 11 and Iftne, who lherefor.
mighl bc <xpeelcd lO <a,,)' ,orne "'eighl aI lhc Byz.nline eourl. Frederick
II ofSicily(1296-IJJ7) had been on friendly lerm. ",ith Andronieu. II in

• CPR (IJOJ·IJ/J). p. 124; S".bo•• ·• R•• c.. cd. MP MCllAl ..UD .nd J.A.C.
SnvEssoN. J '011.. 'C<l"i.~ T", Soei<!)·. 11. ll. 11 (Ed,obO'lh. 1910·1S), III, p. 61; SI'
TIIO"" GMV Of I1no". &al"<~"",i<,,. A O,o.idr 01 fn,'~nd and S<oll~"d I'"'' AO
W'xJ'lIO AO UCCCCL;JiIJ. ,d. J S' .....5ON, M.;,I... d Clob IEdmbo'zII, 1Il6). pp 101-4J
'CCI«IJlJ.IJI'!,p.11 .
• PRO C'~llJ I. ",<",b, •.,< 12d; CC" (I JI )·1) /8!. p 16; f'CL 11., lU.. A""ho. 00"'"
i.nOI";'. hii, di<ho" q..-d ~;t ..loI 01 r,d<h, noml. Elidiu, d, A'I<.,'<)m mil". n0l'<'. 'o
I,"n"oodo ,n qo.d.m 1,1,1 ""0' 10'01.", d< 11.0<1<1, 1"" G<.,I... ,.,".. Im~«Io ,ob)«.
lu. e.pu... <I .p,d S.I,n)qo, cor"" <>h"l m.n"palo" qui .dho' ibid<m ,ob ..,,,,.h
<ollodit d'lin,lU<; d, quo ...... """" pl",imom """,",b'M '''I'''. M'ln,r,,,oli.m
.1r"10"" "qui,imu. <1 '''a.mui. qUalinu, p,.. r'lum ~hl"'m ""'''"'" Jol><<< .d,,;•.
'mo" ""mi.• , ...,«< lil><,.,i. 'I p,i"'n.. ,..,""' hb,",,,.·


lhe P"51, and bad reccnll)' beco acknowlcdged a•• ~zcrain ar lhe Calalan
Du.h)' af Alhens. Hc (herdore mighl .Iso bc c~pcclcd 10 wicld influen.e
and hente lhe dcspalch af li. leue. 10 him. The•• wa, good ruson for lhe
indu.ion (Ven af lhe mYllcrioul 'EP;ICi Spyndc': hc WaS probably
Opicino Spinola. li. promincnt Gcnocsc ",hole daughlcr, Argenlina, was
marricd lO Thcodorc or Monlf.r.a!.'
!la.. did lhe English king and his .dvisc.s come by ali (his up-lo-date
informalion 00 lhe 5late "farrl;" in Byu.ntium? Thoy cC'lainl)' did no\ do
.0 by .uding pious a.connll nf relie•. The aos",.r lits r.lhe. in lhe
chang.l lh.! had takcn plIco in lhe Medite •."••• n world since lhe captu,e
or Con'lanlinoplc by lhe Founh Cruudc in 1204. Whatcvcr lhe Icgaoy of
binornoss 1011 by lhal ovonl, lhe seizure and senlement b)' westerners of
large traots of ",hal had becn B)'unlioe le .. il0l')' meant thal lhe two hal~es
ofChristendom "'Cre more dosd)' eonne.lcd than they had been for eentu·
ries. The maio ehannels for conlaet "'ere pro~ided b)' lhe h.lian maritime
rcpublies. nolabl)' Venice and Genoa. ",hose lrading oetworks aetcd as a
kiod ofbridge bel"'een nsl and wes!.
As far as Englaod in lhe C1rly (ouneenlh cenlul')' ",a. concemed, the
link ",as pro~ided b)' Geooa. r.lher lhao Venioe. For in lhal period, the
Geooese were in a "ery ad~lnlageous posilion as regards both lhe lrade
wilh Constantinople Ind the Aegean On lhe One hand. and wilh England
and Flande.. on the other. The)' had supporled the B)'unlioe reconquesl of
Cooslaoliooplc in 1261 by lhc nUl cmperor of lhe Palaeologus (amil)',
Michael VIII. and in 1267 had establishcd a pcrmancot commertial lIuartcr
oppnS;lc thc til)' at Galala no thc Gnldeo Horo. Thcir eoloo)' aI Caffa aod
a prelence in Trebiznnd eoabled lhem ln pia)' a significanl pari io lhe
Black SOl trade, ",hilc cnmml nf Phocaca aod the island of Chiol gne
lhcm a mooopol)' of lhe e~pon of alum and maltic.'· The)' also gaiocd a
Iink wilh the B)'uol;ne eou,l "'hco Ooe of Iheir lcadiog families, lhe Spi·
0010. enlered into a marriage allinnec ",ilh lhe Palacolngu. (amil)'.
TIIe SU.,"55 Oflhe Oenoe.e;n the east had implicatiool for thcir rclatioRS
",ilh nonhcm Eurnpe. From abo"t 129g lhc)' "'ere shipping thc produ.ts

• PRO O~lIll. m,.,b,,", 22d. CCIl (I JI J·I JIJ), p. 16; FeL II.U I. O. Mi<h ••1 IX'.' •• Em~,..'I'."., lh••d....fMOIIlf...", F,.d.,j,k II .od Opl.;no Splnol ••
... t.:.M SETT"". r". CQI.I." Do.oo'''.''M .1 A,,,.,,, IJlI·ISS. (C."b';d... MA..
19~'I. pp. 1·). IS; G. Onlooolsu. m"OI' QII~' 8J~Q.""" s "•••. l.M. lIus..v
IO,fllfd. 196J'), p. ~Io, N,eoL, Lm, C.",...... pp. 102, !lt-n; E. L.. ou.· ... D,....·
li•• p,;••• I";";"d· ro.o<Io.. P.I...I.I"'. M..q"i. or MOII,r", 8 31 (1%'1. l16·
410; O.M. N":OL. 110. 8F~ft"'.. (m/y: r.ft;" I)JO·IJOO (C.mb,jdl'. 1994). pp.
48-11. P. toe~. no. F••"is!. I~'
.. M. DAI. O. /.Q R....
"!. "".,..
ft 110l·IJOf)\Lond••. 1991). p. 111 .
(A·II.·d'b.' d. XI'...1.H). 2 ••". IR• .,., 19111.
J, pp. ~j·I): lo 'Th. G<n..... i" ,~, ""IU" (1204. U6-lil'. i. Lo"", ud G...I.. !" ,,,.
Ú". ." />I.d"'''~'''Qft qfl" ! Z(U• • d•. o D. I!A"'L10~ ."4 O. JACO.' (I..ood•••
1919). pp. ISI·14; S P. t.:AIl'OV, L '!'"/H'. d' r"'~"OIIdo. I'."mo. G."",·~ • N••~ 110l·
Udl. NQPI""/i p.U'«;. d;pl...""c; .....,...."'Ii (R..... 19161. pp. I~ 1·16; t.on. ~·..,,,Is
'" ,,,. A.,."". ~p. ljj'S9; A.E. l.>,oo. C••''''""••pH.nd I.' U"". lC."b,id~, M....
1972). pp. 260-61

edward II. Andrtmirlis 1/ aoá GiI~5 Df Arilenlâm 81
of their easlero oUlpmts to Eogland and Flande... Th~ .Iam monopolisl.
Beoedeno Zaçeari•••eems to have b~eo lhe firsl lO s.od his ganeys 50 faro
."d b)' aboat 1Jlll Oe"oe.e ship5 were ..guiar viSito.. to lhe pon, of
'-oodoo aod Soulhamptoo."
Perhaps p."ly as a resull oflhe,. lradiog lioks. a namber of Geooe.e
eeele5iaslie•. finanei~.. and ship 0"'0." ,eem lo ,enled ar to h,ve
eSlablished ioleresls in Engl~nd during lhe rale thirteenth ~nd four.
teenlh eenturies. To lake some exomple•. the Geooe.e m~rchanl Anlonio
I'essagno "'a5 seuled Ihere from aboul I] 12. and wu authori.ed to eollecl
eenain cusloms re,·enue. 00 lhe kiog's behalf." Membe.. of lhe alum-
lr.dio~ Z•••• ri. familr were appointed h> eanonries io Engli5h çalhe·
dr.l•. ' Even lhe minmel. aI the eOUIl of Ed ...ard n "'ere Genoue."
Wh)' were English king. so favourable IOw..ds Genoe.e immigratlls
like I'e..agno. granling lhero beneli.e. and posilio"s aI eoull? There were
a number of rea$Oo,. Nol loast among lhem waS the generou. loans pro.
vided b)' rieh merehanU Iike ressagno whi.h kept Edward II .floal fi"an·
ei.lI)' duriog the )'oa.. when he ",as at odds "';lh his mago.te •." Dut ther
were al.o u.eful in aoolher "'3)" as Sou,.eS of ioformalion. Their pre5enee
in Engl.nd meanl lhal Ihere "'OS a bodr of people who. thanks to lhe Irad·
ing inleleslS .nd marriase eoooeelioos oflheir eil)'. would h,ve beco ideallr

11 CPR (/ J01.IJJJj. pp. )16. )71. A.A. RUODOCK. Ila""~ M"<h"~,, "~d SIIIPP'"I ln
$0"'6""'1"1)11 1110·/600 (S"",ho"p,on. 19l1). pp, 19·21. 26·21. R.S. L""El. ·".n,
ond Oe....... on lho Norlh S.. r"".. ,n Ih. ,h;".. nlh «n,o",·. RDPII 29 (1911). 1161.19.
01 1115·77; D~""'D. R....o"l. ~f""' I. pp. 16'·69. ~.U. r"v,,". ·It.".n marillme Ir.Je
~;I~ "cdio••1 EOII.nd l<.IHO·, "JOr. NSJB J2 (1974). HI·1J7 ar 29J.94 i.
E.II. F""<w.. Ir..d,.. m ,1,1"1,, •..,1 r.~J. ~od rl""~" (l.on~o •• 19UI. 110. XlV; K r.( .....
1i"."fM~~ ~",J 1"0"" T.aJe ,n Ih. Lo ... .tI,MI. Ag... 'he .'"<ho,,,••f O,""" onJ r.,·
{., (C• .,bri~lc. (999). pp. 10·3J.
"CCR (IJ01·/JI1). p. 41); N. F"YD'. ·Anl.". P.....". of 0.0.0. k.. ,·, .,,,,h•• ,
orE~w.rd II'. ,. St><dllo 101••",1. di ~-''''''go 101.1... I .01' ( 19131. II. pp 119.
19. IDtM. nro r,,~o~y .od FolI of li"""," /I 1 J1 1·1 J)6 (C.mbridlo. 1979). p 22, ) Il, 5
p~,tu ••• A,,_, d. Val.~ ... F.~d of h.d'ol. IJQ1·IJN IO,fard. 1972). p lJ. 5
Duo ..... ·n.e ,o",.,"oil)' io L•• d-on d""., Ih. 1<'1" of Edoar~ 11'. UI' (1993).
14·22. II Il.
"ln 1311 no.n,i.. ,n 'h, cOlho~r.".rllo"for~.nd L•• hfield ••nd i. Ihc ."."".r
R,po. O"'" pro.;d.d f.r Ih. '.0' or '" i" do«"bod ., ·p.lyalolu, Cllh"i.·.
al.,oll «flli.l, PalcOIoI" 1... o"i •• ,,·h. '''~ .' •• l~' .Iu., mo.opoly fr• ., h.. ra'h..
U.",,<k1l0 in 1}ll' CPt ,i. "6. R, I)(I!:M~':"". t .... I~"oo. <0'",,,,,01... ~,,, G'~".
lo 8.lglq... <I /'O.'''.o~1 d'opr<. I. . . .dl... ",,'.,;.1.. O'oom. ou ~'JtI. <I XII'•
•It,I.... '01" (il,o"cÕ!·1l0.,c. 1941). III. pp 861·71; IIA"""O. R.,"o~" gJn~" •• i J6';
LAloo. CO"""""""I'I. o"d Ih. ta"",. p, 161,
"PRO EtOtl169111. r. 96. "rord•••ifi.f lO ,! ,. IlO)/6 I. ·1!<r1oI0h. <l
1I0,,",ho .,onc""II;, l.n"o·. II I~.,<f... ,,,.,, 010., lhll lhoy ...". rrom Oono. rOlh..
Ih•• ('0" Gen.'·o.' "."d by c, BUll.OC.·OA''''. R'i"''' ~f Ro,...'.nd ~~'M'al /)0'
_."C MI""..I. 1111·1111 (Woodh"d.o. 19161. p. 10. F., ron~ .. <>'"0''' .ro......
f...,li., in EnSI•• d. ..c Lo.... ·Major.a.. and o ·. 111Sn; o Plsr~"'NO. ·O.o"a Ir•• rionl< o ..<idonl<·. RSIII (1969). l}. aI 6'J
., foV"E. rJ"an"y~od Fali. p, 12


plated to provido lhe English coorl ",ilh informalian 00 lho 5101. of
in lhe wider "'orld.
One ",ay of making us. af lhe internatioo.1 conoeelioo. af lho•• Geno·
••• who found lhemsolves in England ",as lO employ (bem a. ambassadors.
When Edward I (1212-1307) despalched an embassy to lhe khan of rer.ia
ia 1292. ;1 was huded by an Englishman. Ocoffrcy af L.angley. bUI "'U
accompanied by a Gcnoe5•. Buscardla di Oi50lfo. "'ho had earlicr he.ded
a Mongol embany lo Europc. ln Ih. sam. war, Edward III (1327-1377)
sem a 000005010 Romo ia 1338 lo convin.e 1h. pope ofln. justice ofh;. to lhe Freneh crowa." Edward II al.o modc extensivc USe Qf lhe Gc·
no.s. . . adviscl"'j and sourec, of information 00 fOf<'ign arfai.s. Thc mero
ehoal Antonio Pn~asno was onc of his çlosesl advisers, "nd ofien ser"cd
as nn 3mbassador." Pessagno "nd olhers ,,'ould haYe had lhe advanlase of
having conlaclS amons lheir own counlrymcn in Oenocsc OUlpOSIS
lhroughoul lhc EIslern Medilcrrlnean "nd possibly pcrson"1 knowledse of
lhc cour! Or governmenl lO which lhey were lenl.
So 10 relurn lo lhe queslion of how Edward II and his adviscrs wcre ~o
well informed ab<luI lhe Byunline cour!, lhe mosl likcly Iheory is rhal Ihcy
were .upplicd wilh lhe information by Oenoe.e residing in Engl~nd. The
mosl Iikcly candidale. are members oflhe prominenl Genoe.e Guelph elan
of Hcschi or de Flisco, "'ho hcld lhe lil1c of Counls of Lavagna."
The Fie.chi family had a long slanding ",soeialion wilh EnSland. naü
in 1265, lhe papal legale Cardinal Ol1obuono Fie~chi had visited lhe
counUy in order lO mnke pCICC bel",een the king and the barons. and as a
resuh seems lo havc been on vcry fri.ndly lerms wilh rhe Planlagenel •. ln
his wiJl. madc in 1275. F;cschi ;nSlrucled lhal d"ily maSSeS wne lO bc s.;d
nOI only for lhe repose ofhis Own .oul and lhos. or hi. parenl', which was
n'lural enough. bUl al.o for lhal of lhe Enghsh king. Henry III (12)6_
1272)." Ove.- lhe "exI rcw yUI"J scveral mcmbcrs or his f.mily "'erc

"UI. TU"N('. ·U.publi,h.d oOli«, ar rhe lim... r Ed~"d I... p.... II) .r hi, .01.·
rio•• w,rh lh. M"""ol .o.",i.". or Pcn',·. AJ I (I H I)• .,.)1. ar a·.9. J.·8 eH."Or.
'No,.. ,ur I.. retOl'." du r.i ....I.U' ov« ["""cid.. !'. ROL 2 (119~ I. $66·629. ar '9l·91;
l.O. Rv.". ·Ni.hol., tV ,.d lhe <>·"'0" .... or Ih. """" m.,,"O."" dr..,'. "111' 19
1(911).19.9'. ar 19. C. 0.""0'", 'I 'o." d.lI".mb••",r•• 1 ,h•• dI r..,i•••1 1292'.
ASUf' 13 (1119), ,)7·691. ar 601, 614; O.,.IO. 110",on" ,<no!... '- ll•. ~. lAS"l"'.
Tril"""t/< •• Colc~,d, lU,o",". 1969). pp. 9)·94. C~'onl<l.. o/ ,~. 11'I~m o/ Edw.rd 1
and U ..o,d II, cd. W. SIU.nS, 1 "011. (Lo"d""', lU2·ll), II. p. Il9.
" J.C. D~"'Ll. TIt< 8çro~;ol Oppo.'';o~ lO Ed,..,d II. I" Chç,acl<r ç~d Poll9'
lC.mbl'dl', 19 tI}, p. lU; P'"Cl"$, AJ·"'.r ri, 1'.1,.,•. pp. U, Ill-l. 106, I 10
" On lb. Fi."hi f.mll~. '" A M.G. seo.... IA /.""111" .0MI 11'••"'" (O,no•.
19241. pp. 97·101; A. SISTO, G<~.'a n.1 d••cemo /I ,apl'olo rll S•• L.".,. IO,ooa.
(979). PI'. 19-11: G W DA Y. G<n""~ 11..""".. t. B}-=o.,!.... II1S·I!1)I (U,t>.>&-<:~i'.IO,
(911), pp. '9, 100.
.. F. F(Ot_rco. Po-lIa fç",i",. fi.... Ir.".'O.•d M. Flesco (G'M'.' (610), pp
129·l0. SISTO. O,~o .....1d....~la. p. N.

Edward II. Andrrm;eJis 1/ o"d Gile,' af Argen/e;", 83
gramed !>endiu af ane son or aoolher in Englaod. notabl~ pensiono nnd
eeelcsinslkalliviog•. '"
Edward II conlioued lhc conneclion wilh lhis Gcooe.e famil~. ln DOS.
whilc "iII priocc ar Wale., be b.d wriuen 10 anOlber member of lhe elao.
l.uc. Fielcbi (.... 121S·1336), ",bo "'II Iben. papal chaplaio. congralolal-
ing bim on his .ppoimmcnl .. cardinaL So elosc did he regard Ihc tOO-
neelioo thl he CVC" dCleribcd l.uca as o ,elativ. (CQn.anguineJis). Luca,
Iikc olbcr mcmbcrs ar hi, famil~. beld certain bendice•• nd pensions in
England, and be laler visilcd io person as papal legalc." Luta wal nol Ibe
ooly member oflbe Fielchi famil~ wha ",as On sood terms wilh Edw..d li,
Laler in his reigo Edward appoimed IwO olhcrl. FrancelCO l'ieschi, Coum
Lovago •. and Cario Fieschi lo hi. hou.ehold and couoeil." Clearly Ihen,
Ihc Fieschi fomily had eXlen.ive inlere'IS io Eogland and ,",'U elmel~ eon_
neeled wilh lhe eoun ond lhe Ro~al famil~. They were ao obviou. source
of information abOUI .fTairs in the Easlern Empire. The lener of 1313 pro-
vides corroboraliou Oflhis lheory,
As alread~ llated lhe leller reque'ling lhe relcase of Gires of Argenle im
"'•• Sem in modified form lO a number of individuais. beside. AndroniCUl
II him.elf. nolabl~ olher members oflhe Byumine ,oy.l, lhe Kiog
of Sicily. and lhe Geooele Opitioo Spinol •. whole famil)' WII linked lo
lhe Palacologi by marriaSe. However, copin of lhe leucr "'ere al.o des.
palched lo Iwo persoo, delcribed on lhe roll as 'Domioo comili de
tav.i&o· aod 'Domino Karolo de fliseo', lhe laner beinS deseribed al a
relalive (can..JIIgJi;ncus) oflhe kioS.
h i. nOI dimeuh lo idenlif)' Ihese Iwo individuall. The~ are elearly
Francesco fiesthi. Coum L.ngna. and Carla FielChi. whom Edward was
laler lo appoinllO hi. hou.ehold and council. The English king appears la
have been keeping lhem infonned ofhi. ,clioOl wilh copie. ofhi.loltcr lO
lhe emperor. slrongl~ sugge'liog Ihallhey had been Involved io lhe nego-
lialioo, ai some poinl. The~ had pOlsibly adviled on lho persoonel of lhe
BYlJlnline COUrl or had acted a. ambassadorJ plying belweeo lhe courl. of
WeSlminSler and Conllanlinople.

.. FeL 1.11.101; ePL 1.l12. 616: w f., lU"'. f-,,,.ncl.1 R.I.".", .I'h. P.p.r, .."h
I:"al••d ,. Iln <C.mb,id,•. MA. IOJO). pp. 1'~·IS, 191·91: f M Paw.. <" K'.8 H.,,')'
11/ .,,11 ,lo< u..1I I:dw••d. fh. e..... ~.", 01 ,h. R.oI.. ,. ,h< fh",,,.,h e•• ,~')'. 2 voh.
10do,d. 1947). n. pp S26-62: F.M, PoWIC. . ,.d ç R ç''':Nn, c ... "I, ud S)'.odI
t:J«v-"" .. I."", '. ,I.. F:~,I"h e...... 3 ,-"l, (O>-f.. ~. 196-1), 11. PI' 71l·l6
.."h (>1M,
" Lm'''.1 1:<1....11. P"." .1 W.I" /JOI-IJOS.•d 11. JO"""ON" \C.mb"~I"
19J I). p. H; CPL !.ln, 616: DI"••"". "'1'./1•• "'111 1,.1,.",. ~o vol. (R""". 196(1.
97). XL VII. pp, 418·91; ) R, M'OOIC01"1", Th...., .1 u.~r:,"''' I JO/·I Jn A "wiy I. ,h<
R.~ of u...nJ 11 <o.fot~. lolO~ pp. 191. 205. 1.""-r.r,,,,,,,,,..1R.I."""" pp. 167-61, 164-6S.
JJ CPR (IJIJ.17). p. )40. (1}1!·IJiI). p, 10, CPL li 241.269. FeL 11'11. F•• ,,~.
'''nlo.,o r....""'·. p. 1M 0" C.. lo t"iucb,. ~b<J ~ ... <i<Ol.d C.pto,. ar 'h. r.opl. ,n
G<ooo lo No«mb<, DI7•• r< 0"'."."0 blof••/k. "'a/' /,.1,,,.,. XlUn. pp. 4U·40:
n......", R_".,.ai••"" I. p. 66: l.,ou. C•• ".~".opl. "nII ," [."." pp 163-64

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