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Date sales product Find

12/4/2015 52 apple 7/17/2016
1/5/2016 60 banana
2/7/2016 55 kiwi
3/9/2016 42 orange 2/7/2016
4/11/2016 35 kiwi
5/12/2016 15 apple
6/14/2016 74 grapes
7/17/2016 46 apple
8/18/2016 51 banana 4/11/2016
9/19/2016 63 mango

1 Approx match
0 Exact Match

apple pear grapes orange
10 7 20 10
15 15 24 15
24 22 28 17

Find Formula Result

pear =HLOOKUP(A26,A20:D23,3,TRUE) 15
Formula result
=VLOOKUP(D4,A4:C13,3,False) apple

whether banana was sold ?

=IF(VLOOKUP(D4,A4:C13,3,False)="banana","Yes","No")) No

whether banana was sold ?

=IF(VLOOKUP(D12,A4:C13,3,False)="kiwi","Yes","No")) Yes

Find the value of the cell A16 and return of the value from the third row of the same column

The application of HLOOKUP in practice is limited, inasmuch as the horizontal representati

the same column.

ontal representation of the information is used very rarely.


Product Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Product 2

product 1 4 9 15 Week 1
product 2 9 10 14 Item 9
product 3 12 12 17 Formula =INDEX(B4:D8,G3,G4)
product 4 4 17 22
product 5 8 20 25

The MATCH function in Excel searches for a specified value in a range of cells, and returns the relative position of that value

student Score
ravi 200 Name amit Input
amit 210 Sequence 2
rajeev 215 Formula =MATCH(G17,A17:A22,0) Data can be random
rahul 280
akash 315
pankaj 322

Match Type
1 1 or omitted (default) - find the largest value in the lookup array that is less than or equal to the lookup value. Requires sorting
0 find the first value in the array that is exactly equal to the lookup value. No sorting is required.
-1 find the smallest value in the array that is greater than or equal to the lookup value. The lookup array should be sorted in descending order, fr
Data can be random

okup value. Requires sorting the lookup array in ascending order, from smallest to largest or from A to Z.

e sorted in descending order, from largest to smallest or from Z to A.

Covid-19 Data
S.No Countries Number of Confirmed Cases Number of Deaths
1 China 81,767 3,283
2 Italy 63,927 6,077
3 USA 112,653 2,112
4 Spain 33,089 2,182
5 Germany 29,212 126
6 Iran 24,811 1,934
7 France 19,615 860
Republic of
8 Korea 9,037 120
9 Switzerland 8,015 66
The United
10 Kingdom 6,654 335
11 Netherlands 4,749 213
12 Austria 4,486 25
13 Belgium 3,743 88
14 Norway 2,371 8
15 Australia 2,136 8
16 Portugal 2,060 23
17 Sweden 2,106 25
18 Brazil 1,546 25
19 Turkey 1,529 37
20 Malaysia 1,518 15

To Find No of Cases in a Country

=INDEX(C4:C23, MATCH("Spain", B4:B23, 0))


Student Competition Points

ravi maths 45
akash english 47
mohan french 38
komal histrory 42
akansha maths 35
priyanka english 45
priyanka history 28

sorted by points
Student Competition Points
priyanka history 28
akansha maths 35
mohan french 38
komal histrory 42
ravi maths 45
priyanka english 45
akash english 47

Two level sorting

Student Competition Points
priyanka english 45
akash english 47
mohan french 38
priyanka history 28
komal histrory 42
akansha maths 35
ravi maths 45


Student Mathematics English Results

Anu 85 87 satisfactory
praveen 50 77 satisfactory
John 72 22 not satisfactory
Mrinal 24 12 not satisfactory

Student Mathematics English Results
Anu 85 87 satisfactory
praveen 50 77 satisfactory
John 72 22 not satisfactory
Mrinal 24 12 not satisfactory
Student Mathematics English Results
Anu 85 87 satisfactory
praveen 50 77 satisfactory
English English
> 50 < 100
Student CompetitPoints (empty) Competition Points
ravi maths 45 english
akash english 47 Student 45 47
mohan french 38 akansha
komal histrory 42 akash
akansha maths 35 komal
priyanka english 45 mohan
priyanka history 28 priyanka
Total Result
english Resultfrench french Result history history Resulthistrory histrory Resultmaths
38 28 42 35 45
maths Result Total Result

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