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Respond to emergenaes

Metode yang lebih efektif untuk menolong orang jatuh kelaut (MOB)

o Double Turn

o Single Turn

o Williamsun Turn

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

What is a requirement for any action taken to avoid collision?

o When in sight of another vessel, any action taken must be accompanied by sound signals.

o All of the above

o The action taken must include changing the speed of the vessel.

1$ The action must be positive and made in ample time.

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

The engines have failed and will requ ire at least 24 hours to be available as a reliable means of propulsion. Your
vessel is about 20 miles off the coast in a tidal area . What are the initial steps that should be taken to ensure the
safety of the sh ip?

o Display NUC lights and send out a navigational warn ing to all other vessels of your position and situation

o Display NUC lights and inform the nearest Coast Guard of you pred icament

~ Display NUC lights and investigate the tidal flow over the next 24 hours and the probable drift of the vessel

o Display NUC lights and determine if anchoring is possible

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

Apa ka h keuntunganapabiladi buatorganisasipenanggu langan keadaandaru rat ?

o Dalamsatupimpinan , sehinggaperintah , instruksiakanlebihterarah

o Tugasdantanggungjawabtidakterlaluberatkarena di pikulbersama

o Semuajawabanbenar

o Semuai ndivid umerasasa lingterkaitdanterggabu ngdalamsa ubentukorganisasi

o Tugasdantanggu ngjawa bdapattertu lisdenganjelas

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Daftarnama-namadariseluruhanakbuahkapaldengantugasmasingmasingdalammenanggulangikeadaandarurat di
kapal. Di sebut

0 Escape plan

0 Crew list

0 Fire plan

0 Passage plan

0 Muster list

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

Berikut adalah beberapa alarm signal yang harus di bunyikan berdasarkan emergency procedure, kecuali

o Abandon ship Station

o Berthing station

o Fire and emergency Station

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Rencanapenanggulangansegalakemu ngkinana kantimbul nya keadaa ndaru rat di ataskapal, d isebut

0 Ship security plan

0 Master plan

0 Fire plan

0 Contingency plan

0 Passage plan

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

The ship is involved in a collision, what is the immediate action by the Officer of the Watch after the incident has
taken place?

o Stop engines and check over the side for any signs of pollution

o Contact the other sh ip and send the bridge lookout down to start taking soundings

I:'Y Sound the General Alarm and stop eng ines

o Call the Master and check the position for any immediate dangers

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first action that should be taken?

1i/ Attempt to establish contact with the distressed vessel

o Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station

o Determ ine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel

o Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Which statement is TRUE concerning a partly submerged vessel being towed?

rJ A diamond shape will be carried at the aftermost extremity of the tow.

o It must show a yellow light at each end .

o It will show red lights along its length.

o All of the above

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

In the daytime, you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is also propelled by machinery if she
shows _ _ _ __

0 two black cones

J a black cone

0 a basket

0 a black ball

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship's steering gear fails?

o Display the NUC signal and consider stopping the engines

o Request the engine room to check the steering gear

o Request the engine room to check the steering gear

~All of the suggested answers

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

According to the Navigation Rules, all of the following are engaged in fish ing EXCEPT a vessel _ _ _ __

0 setting nets

0 using a dredge net

0 trawling

..; troll ing

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

K apalkandassecaratidaksengajaolehsuatukeadaandarurat

0 Surging

0 Stranding

0 Pitching

0 Yawing

0 Beaching

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

Faktorfaktor yang menyebabkanpencariantidakberhasiladalah ....

0 Salah dalampenentuan datum

0 Benda yang di cariterlalukecil

0 Keadaancuacatidakmendukung

0 Keadaanlaut { ombakbesar

0 Semua benar

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

You are approach ing a vessel dredging during the day and see two balls in a vertical line on the port side of the
dredge. These shapes mean that _____

o the dredge is moored

o the dredge is not under command

.,g' there is an obstruction on the port side of the dredge

o you should pass on the port side of the dredge

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

What is a contingency plan for ships?

o Loading plan for general cargo

o Plan for maintenance and repair

&' Plan for safety preparedness

o Plan for next voyage

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Where can you find what your duties are during a life boat drill?

o Safety plan .

o From the drill leader.

V Muster List

o Stated at the embarkation station .

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

You sight another power-driven vessel dead-ahead showing both the red and green sidelights. The required action
to take would be to _____ .

o alter your course to port

c.V alter your course to starboard

o start a radar plot in order to ascertain his course

o carefully watch his compass bearing

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel and a wreck?

0 Cosmos line

0 Sputnik line

-<:I Rocket line

0 Heaving line

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Which vessel would be required to show a white light from a lantern exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision?

-s/ A rowboat
o A 9-meter sailing vessel

o A 6-meter motorboat

o A small vessel fishing

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?

o Sail ing vessel

o Vessel towing

" Vessel restricted in her abi lity to maneuver

o Vessel engaged in fishing

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

As defined in the Rules, a towing light is a yellow light having the same characteristics as a(n) _ _ _ __

0 masthead light

0 sidelight

0 all-round light

16' stern light

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

You are underway in fog and hear one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in succession. What is the meaning
of this s ignal?

o A vessel is fish ing , hau ling nets

o A vessel is in distress and needs assistance

o A vessel is towing

J A vessel is at anchor, warning of her position

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

Yang tidaktermasukpenyebabterjadinyakeadaandarura t di ataskapal

0 Pelangga ra nperatu ran

0 Human error

0 KehendakTuhan

0 Kesalahanmanusia

0 Kesalahansatelit

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

What day-shape wou ld a vessel at anchor show du ring daylight?

0 Two black balls

0 Two black balls

0 No signal

,J One black ba ll

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

While underway in a narrow channel , a vessel should stay _ _ _ _ _ .

o in the middle of the channel

o to the s ide of the channel that has the widest bends

'It to the starboard side of the channel

o to the port side of the channel

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Which vessel is to sound a fog signal of one prolonged followed by two short blasts?

o A vessel not under command

o A sail ing vessel, underway

~ All of the above

o A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when carrying out her work at anchor

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergencies

Oi bawahini adalah life saving appliences, kecuali

0 Parachute signal

0 Orange smoke signal

0 Life boat

0 Axe and crowbars

0 Life bouy

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in
the middle of the ocean?

1!1 Stop engines and call the Master

o Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position

o Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern"

o Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

Vessels of less than what length may not impede the passage of other vessels which can safely navigate only within
a narrow channel or fairway?

¥ 20 meters

o 10 meters

o 40 meters

o 30 meters

o I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

You are heading due east (090°) and observe a vessel's red sidelight on your port beam. The vessel may be
heading _ _ _ __

0 southeast (135°)

lsi southwest (225°)

0 north (000°)

0 northwest (315°)

0 I Don't Know.
Respond to emergenaes

A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other vessels may be hidden by an obstruction
shall _ _ __

0 sound the danger signal

0 take all way off

'elf sound a prolonged blast

0 take all way off

0 I Don't Know.

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