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Make a reflection TO BUY or not TO BUY

TO BUY or NOT TO BUY it’s like of Needs over wants, why we need to priorities needs over our wants
first, let’s differentiate between wants and needs. Needs are the things that we cannot live without like
foods and other things that we Need on our daily basis. Also needs keep us alive because without one of
the things we Need in life is challenging. However, Wants are the things that we desire or we want to
claim it, also Wants make us happy but Needs is make us happy, because it is the same things, we need
to our life but for me we need to focus and first the Needs over our wants because of our needs keep us
alive. Wants gives us happiness because that one of our Desire like buying a Shoes, gadget, cloths, and
many more. But first we need a condition to get our wants, like we need to earn the things we want,
there are many things that make us happy that don’t always cost money, we have different types of
happiness and how we get it. we need to contented on what we have and cherries it. always thankful on
what we have right now and use it on full capabilities because sometimes we don’t need particular
things but because it’s trend we entice and keep us with the trends. This is the reason why we need to
put needs before wants, Needs are something we have, we can’t live without the things we need, needs
helps us to live. Wants is something we would like to have but we can live without our wants we can set
a side our wants and focus on our needs first and when our life is stable we can buy our wants and do
our wants to do on our life, remember this sometimes we need to look around to find our happiness
because happiness is not the things we need to buy this is how we feel on something we do or we get.

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