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Ciwt~on Vol. 29. No,. 4!5. pp. 547-555. 1991 oow-6223191 $3.110 + .

Printed m Great Bntain. Copyright Q 1991 Pcrgamon Press plc



Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI 53706

(Received 4 September 1990; accepted in revised form 2 October 1990)

Abstrac&-The formation mechanism of kish graphite has been studied by observing the morphology
developed under a number of experimental conditions. Kish graphite is formed on the free surface of
molten iron and grows in a foliated dendritic manner. However, this surface formation mode mty,be
suppressed in favor of graphite formation within the melt by increasing the cooling rate and avoiding
the presence of oxygen at the melt surface. Oxygen not only affects the graphite morphology by attacking
the growth front of kish graphite crystal, but promotes nucleation of graphite on the melt surface.
Increased cooling rates and exposure of the melt to oxygen favor the formation of a foliated dendritic
structure. On the other hand, slow cooling and avoidance of oxygen result in the formation of a graphite
ahcet over the melt surface. In addition, sulfur has been shown to play an important role in the formation
of kish graphite.
Key Words-Kish graphite, graphite morphology, foliated dendritic structure.

1. INTRODUCTION the formation of silicate substrates[ 17,191. Contin-

ued growth may proceed via a two-dimensional nu-
Kish graphite is typically a byproduct formed in the cleation mechanism resulting in anisotropic growth
manufacture of blast furnace hot metal or in cast rates forming a flake-like shape which may be altered
irons. Carbon in excess of the solubility limit sepa- by screw dislocations and/or rotational bounda-
rates from the molten iron as graphite flakes as the ries[20,21). The instability of the faceted graphite
melt is cooled. A considerable tonnage of kish graph- growth interface has been attributed to the effects
ite is produced daily in steel production. Kish graph- of undercooling and impu~ty elements[l7,22].
ite has long been recognized as an example of Kish graphite formed as a byproduct of iron smelt-
graphite having ideal, or near ideal, crystal struc- ing or similar processes, in which molten iron cools
tures[l]. X-ray diffraction analysis has shown that relatively slowly and graphite accumulates on the
the structure of kish graphite is almost identical with surface of the iron, has not been studied in detail.
that of natural graphite[2,3,4]. The electronic and This may be because the graphite crystals were con-
magnetic properties, electronic band structures, etc. sidered too impure and imperfect to be of much
of kish graphite have been investigated in more re- interest[5]. Recently, a number of theories have
cent studies{59]. These properties were comparable been proposed to describe the formation of kish
to that of Ticonderoga single graphite crystals and graphitei23.241. Volume agglomeration refers to the
highiy oriented pyrolytic graphite[lO]. Lately, kish precipitation of kish graphite from the carbon sat-
graphite crystals have been investigated as the host urated melt, its growth and agglomeration within the
material for graphite intercalation compounds[ 1l- melt, and its subsequent flotation to the melt surface.
131. Regardless of these achievements, very little is Surface agglomeration is based on the agglomeration
known about the formation process of kish graphite. of microflakes of kish graphite on the surface of the
Because of limited high-quality natural graphite re- melt. It has also been proposed that kish graphite
sources and associated en~fironmenta1 concerns, the may form directly on the melt surface[25,26]. These
synthesis of graphite as kish graphite or a similar theories. however, have not been supported by ex-
process has been proposed[l4-161 with the need for tensive experimental evidence.
improved understanding of the mechanism of kish The present studies were conducted to verify and
graphite formation. characterize the process of formation of kish graph-
Graphite, formed as the primary or eutectic phase ite and to evaluate factors involved (e.g., cooling
in commercial cast irons, has been extensively stud- rate, atmosphere, melt composition, etc.). In addi-
ied by cast iron metallurgists. It has been universally tion, the morphology of industrially produced kish
accepted that the nucleation of primary graphite in graphite was examined, and the conditions involved
cast irons is a heterogeneous nucleation event in- in its formation were studied experimentally.
volving a disc-shaped nucleus (due to its highly
anisotropic structure) formed on a fiat substrate
or nucleant[ 17,181. Experimental data has demon- 2. EXPERIMENTAL
strated that heterogeneous nucleation of graphite The morphology of kish graphite formed under
occurs primarily by oxides, particularly silicates, in various conditions encountered in both steel-making
a process complicated by difficulties associated with operations and in laboratory experiments (e.g., com-

548 S. LKJ and C. R. LOPER
position, cooling rate, atmosphere) was observed Table 1. Composion of raw materials and blast furnace
visually and with a scanning electronic micro- iron
scope (JEOL JSM-35C). All graphite samples were
c s1 M” s P Fe
mounted using conductive silver paint. Special at-
tention was paid to the morphological differences in Rg Imn 4.35 0.18 O.ocs 0.015 0.025 Rem
sample orientations and surfaces.
StllCOtJ 99.9 .- -- -- --
Two experimental procedures (referred to as open
Carbon 99.8 ._ .. .-
bath and closed bath) were designed to examine the
EIectrolytlc Iron -- .. .. -. -- 99.9
formation of kish graphite. The open bath procedure
Blast Furnace Iron * 0.4X 0.5 0.4 0.04 Rem
was adopted to reproduce the conditions of indus-
trial kish graphite formation in a 135 kg air melted
* The carbon content vaoes with llquldus temperature.
alumina crucible induction furnace. The melt was * Sulfur level prior to desullurlzatlon (0.02 after desulhrfxatton).

saturated with a high-purity carbon raiser at 1550°C.

Excess carbon raiser was removed, and the forma-
tion of kish graphite was observed as the melt was were achieved. The average composition of the car-
cooled at about 900”Cih. bon-saturated iron is presented in Table 1.
The closed bath procedure was designed to eval-
uate the effects of cooling rate, melt composition,
atmosphere, and so on on kish graphite formation.
This procedure required a smaller amount of melt 3.1 Industrial kish graphite
(about 4.5 kg) prepared in a graphite crucible (see Generally, industrial kish graphite exhibits a plate-
Fig. l), sealed so that different atmospheres (e.g., like appearance, with the plate size ranging from
air, argon) could be introduced into the crucible. several centimeters across to fine mesh sizes; how-
The gas flow rate was controlled at about 0.5 m3/h ever, the coarse flakes predominate. The plate thick-
while the melt cooling rate was varied from lOOO”C/ ness varies from 0.01 to 0.10 mm depending on the
h to 20”C/h. The melt was carbon saturated from size of the flake. The plates have a relatively flat
the crucible wall; otherwise the experimental tech- surface with irregularly rounded corners and exhibit
nique for the closed bath procedure was similar to a dark, metallic luster. The shape of the kish graphite
that of the open bath procedure. is larger in size but not as thick as that found in most
Melt charge materials used in these experiments natural flake graphite.
included select high-purity pig iron, pure silicon, Industrial kish graphite was of two types. The first
electrolytic iron, and a high-purity carbon raiser (see is characterized by greater branching of a thin lay-
Table 1). Most of the melts were prepared using pig ered structure, appearing like several microflakes
iron as the basic charge material with some addition joined to form a large flake (see Fig, 2). (This ap-
of silicon to yield about 0.4% Si. The sulfur content pearance may well have been the basis of the stated
was adjusted with iron sulfide (FeS). A few heats agglomeration formation theory.) In subsequent dis-
were produced from a base of electrolytic iron. cussion this type of kish graphite has been termed
Blast furnace kish graphite was collected from a “fast-cooled kish graphite.” The second type ex-
large hot metal transfer ladle and from surrounding hibits a thicker plate structure with less branching
areas where it had settled from the atmosphere. The and smoother surfaces (see Fig. 3). This type has
temperature of the carbon-saturated molten iron been termed “slow-cooled kish graphite.”
ranged from 1.500 to 1300°C. While in the transfer The slow-cooled kish graphite was not as dense or
car the melt cooling rate was estimated to be about solid as expected and exhibited split edges (see Fig.
20”C/h, but during ladle transfer higher cooling rates 4) and a less well developed layered structure (de-
teriorated, degenerated) (see Fig. 5). Both the slow-
and fast-cooled types of kish graphite developed with
varying degrees of foliated dendritic structure. The
foliated dendrite is a particular case of a layered
dendrite in which some of the growth layers have
developed laterally to various degrees depending on
the availability of supersaturated carbon.

3.2 Kish graphite from open bath melts

Kish graphite produced in open bath melts is il-
lustrated in Fig. 6. The layered, or foliated, dendritic
structure is apparent in the edge view where the split,
but still interconnected, layers are evident. The
platelets lying on top of each other are approxi-
mately parallel, displaying well-defined hexagonal
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the apparatus for the corners and growth steps (these were not observed
closed bath kish graphite growth experiments. in the industrial kish graphite).
The formation of kish graphite 549

Fig. 2. (a) Fast-cooled kish graphite collected from a steel- Fig. 3. (a) A slow-cooled industrial kish graphite plate.
making operation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) SEM 60 x (b) Edge view of the kish graphite plate shown
60x. (b) Edge view of the kish graphite plate shown in in (a). SEM 60x.
(a). SEM 60 x

A difference was observed between the appear- graphite exhibits evidence of a more ideal crystal
ance of the kish graphite surface formed in contact structure.
with the melt and that formed in contact with air A large film of graphite was formed at slow cooling
(see Fig. 7). The surface formed in contact with air rates, less than 200”Cih (see Fig. 9). Both the top
was smoother and cleaner, attributed to not being and bottom surfaces exhibit features characteristic
in contact with the melt after the initial stages of its of single crystals rather than of a foliated dendritic
growth. The foliated dendritic growth of this plate structure.
resulted from the separation of the upper surface
from the melt during its edgewise growth, causing a
large increase in the volume of the kish flake. This
separation also resulted in some layers appearing to
have been bent. The lower surface (in contact with
the melt) displayed a rougher surface containing
growth steps, pits, and entrapped melt beads.

3.3 Graphite from closed bath melts

(argon atmosphere)
Primary graphite was observed to precipitate
within the bulk of the melt rather than on the melt
surface when held under an argon atmosphere and
cooled at rates in excess of 50OWh. Graphite crys-
tals grown within the melt were examined in the
fracture surface of a solidified melt block (see Fig.
Fig. 4. Edge view of slow-cooled kish graphite exhibiting
8). The graphite shows characteristic hexagonal split edges. The large, irregularly shaped particles are en-
growth features, a tubular appearance, and appears trapped slag while the small, round particles are iron. SEM
thicker than does kish graphite. Furthermore, the 1200x.
550 S. LIU and C. R. LOPER

Fig. 5. Slow-cooled kish graphite flake which had been

cleaved to reveal the foliated dendritic structure. SEM

The formation of graphite crystals was studied at

intermediate cooling rates (180,230,280, and 38o”C/
h) to evaluate the transition in morphology. In all
cases the top surface remained smooth but the bot-
tom (melt) surface was altered by the cooling rate.

Fig. 7. (a) Upper (air) side of laboratory-grown (open

bath) kish graphite showing a relatively smooth surface.
SEM 60 x (b) Lower (melt) side of the kish graphite crys-
tal shown in (a). Note the rough surface appearance and
the entrapment of iron beads. SEM 60 x

At slow cooling rates a pyramidal growth mode was

observed (see Fig. 10). With an increase in the cool-
ing rate, some of the plates were noted to tilt at a
small angle (see Fig. 11). This tilting was attributed
to a degradation of pyramidal growth. At still higher
cooling rates (see Fig. 12), substantial branching was
03 i

Fig. 6. (a) Kish graphite grown in an open bath melt show-

ing the foliated dendritic growth structure, and an agglom-
erate-like morphology with a hexagonal dendritic growth
front. SEM 60 x (b) Edge view of the kish graphite shown Fig. 8. Fracture surface of a sample of iron showing the
in (a) exhibiting the split and interconnected leaves within cleavage of graphite crystals which had grown in the melt.
this plate. SEM 60 x SEM6Ox.
The formation of kish graphite 551

Fig. 11. The bottom surface of a thin crystal film grown

at 280”C/h exhibiting the tilting of platelets due to growth
interference. SEM 60 X

appears more c~stalIog~phicaliy perfect than in-

dustrial kish graphite.

3.4 Graphite from closed bath melts

(air atmosphere)
This set of experiments was conducted similarly
to those just described, except that the melts were
produced in air. At high cooling rates (9OOWh, the
kish exhibited a layered structure almost identical to
that obtained in the open bath experiments (see Fig.
Fig. 9. (a) The top surface of a graphite film developed at
slow cooling rates. SEM 60x (b) The bottom surface of 14). A 50% increase in the air flow rate (0.75 m’i
the graphite film shown in (a). SEM 60X. h) resulted in a smaller flakes having a more open,
foliated structure, due to oxidation (see Fig. 15). In
addition, it is likely that this change could in part be
noted at the tips of these platelets (with branching
attributed to increased local cooling rates due to the
occurring dendritically from {lOTO}crystal faces).
greater air flow rate. A more detailed view of kish
On the other hand, reducing the cooling rate to
graphite formed under these circumstances is pre-
about 5O”Cih resulted in the formation of a large
sented in Fig. 16, where the “etching” of the graphite
single crystal of graphite on the melt surface (see
by oxygen is evident in the kish graphite structure.
Fig. 13). This crystal is larger, thicker, denser, and
At lower cooling rates, less than 20O”C/h, the for-
mation of graphite on the melt surface was com-

Fig. 10. Kish graphite formed in the closed bath experi-

ments using an argon atmosphere. The bottom (melt) sur-
face is shown here, grown at a cooling rate of 23OWh. Fig. 12. The bottom surface of a thin crystal film grown
The smooth surface has broken down into a pyramidal at 380”Cih showing a greater amount of branching. SEM
growth mode[ 171. SEM 60 x 60x.

Fig. 13a. Atmoshpere surface of a smooth crystal sheet Fig. 13~. Edge view of the crystal shown in Figs. 13a and
grown at low cooling rates, 50Wh. SEM 60 x . 13b showing a thicker, denser fracture surface than ob-
served in kish graphite. SEM 60 x .

pletely prevented as oxidation consumed carbon at ification of the eutectic and has thus attracted con-
the melt surface. siderable attention[l7]. The foliated dendritic
structure, however, is unique in that the degradation
of the growth front occurs not only in the a direction
of the graphite crystal but also in the c direction.
Graphite as the primary phase in hypereutectic Branching typically occurs in the basal plane but also
melts of Fe-C alloys will precipitate when the melt develops with overlapping split layers approximately
is cooled below the liquidus temperature. However, parallel to the basal plane. This agglomerated char-
it is evident from these experiments that primary acter is demonstrated more clearly by the sketch
graphite can be formed by different modes under shown in Fig. 17[27]. This sketch presents the ap-
different growth conditions. Kish graphite is char- pearance of individua1 graphite particles which have
acterized by its foliated dendritic structure (to var- been agglomerated, although they have in fact de-
ious degrees) and by the fact that this structure is veloped as a single complex dendrite. It was ob-
formed on the surface of the melt when exposed to served that the foliated dendritic structure is pro-
air. The evidence of contact with the melt on one moted by higher cooling rates and by the exposure
surface of the crystal but not the other and the round of the melt surface to air.
corners exhibited in industrial kish graphite which When the effect of air was excluded by introducing
may be attributed to their impingement with slag an argon atmosphere, graphite crystal films were
(oxides, etc.) during surface growth are consistent observed to form on the melt surface (also referred
with a surface formation mechanism. In contrast to to as surface formation mode) promoted by slow
the formation of graphite crystals within the melt, cooling. While higher cooling rates suppressed the
this is referred to as a surface formation mode. surface formation mode, the primary graphite phase
Graphite as a faceted phase exhibits growth insta- was precipitated on crucible wails or within the body
bilities both as a proeutectic phase and during solid-

Fig. 14. The foliated dendritic structure of kish graphite

Fig. 13b. Bottom surface of the crystal sheet shown in Fig. grown in the closed bath technique with an air atmosphere.
13a showing steps on this surface. SEM 60 x SEM6Ox.
The formation of kish graphite s53

Fig. 17. Sketches illustrating a foliated dendritic struc-

ture[27]. (a) Top view of the dendritic structure. (b) Section
view, showing the same feature as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 15. Kish graphite formed in the closed bath experi-

ments with higher air flow rates showing smaller flakes and SiO, is stable), and (b) that much less kish graphite
an open, foliated structure. SEM 60 x . was observed to form in a silicon-free melt (electro-
lytic iron charge). The foliated dendritic structure
of the melt in a manner which is similar to that of was formed only when the graphite was grown on
primary graphite formation in commercial cast irons. the surface of the melt; graphite developed within
It has been demonstrated that cooling rate is an in- the melt exhibited a thicker, plate-like structure. It
fluential factor in controlling the growth mode, at- is apparent that the presence of oxygen from the air
tributed to the effect of diffusion on the solute was a major factor assisting the growth of kish graph-
redistribution for maintaining the interface stability ite.
and the effect on the undercooling required for in- The effect of oxygen may be due to defects de-
itiating bulk graphite nucleation within the melt. In- veloped along the growth front. At the temperatures
creased undercooling associated with faster cooling involved, oxygen will attack the graphite crystal on
rates results in the transition from surface growth to both basal and prism planes, resulting in the char-
volume growth. Fioatation, then, may or may not acteristic claw defects shown in Fig. 18[1]. The claw
occur depending on local conditions. In the gener- defects occur when foreign atoms (oxygen being the
ation of kish in commercial steel-making operations, principal example) are bonded at edge defects and/
the cooling rates are typically slow, favoring the sur- or screw dislocations in the carbon hexagon net-
face formation mode. work, and when these broken bonds lead to holes
The presence of air at the melt surface is also a or reentrant ruptures in the hexagonal network of
significant factor. The relative ease of graphite for- carbon atoms. To accommodate the disparity in size
mation associated with the exposure of the melt sur- of these foreign atoms, the network must deviate
face to air may be attributed to the formation of from being planar. The crystallographic defects
oxides on the melt surface serving as nuclei for which result cause the carbon network to bulge or
graphite crystals. Two observations support this pro- buckle and are believed to be the cause of the fol-
posal: (a) that large quantities of kish graphite iated dendritic structure. Evidence of oxygen attack
formed at temperatures below 1400°C (below which on the graphite surface is apparent in Fig. 16.
Three forms of foliated dendrites are depicted in
Fig. 19. Edge splitting is often observed in kish

Fig. 18. Out of plane buckling of a carbon hexagonal nct-

Fig. 16. Kish graphite grown in the air atmosphere showing work at a claw defect due to repulsion between corner
grooves on the surface due to the preferential oxidation. atoms (marked with a dot). (After A R. Uhbeiohde et
SEM 480 x Ui.[Il).
554 S. LIU and C. R. LOPER
manner. The surface growth of graphite can be sup-
pressed in favor of a growth mode within the melt
by increasing the cooling rate and avoiding the pres-
ence of oxygen at the melt surface. It is apparent
that oxygen is important not only in that it affects
a b c the graphite morphology by attacking the growth
front of the kish graphite crystal, but that it provides
Fig. 19. Model of foliated dendritic formation showing typ- a means to nucleate graphite on the melt surface
ical observations of foliated dendrites. Exposure to air dur- (through the oxidation of silicon). Increased cooling
ing growth increased from a to c. (a) Edge splitting. (b)
Plane branching. (c) Corner flipping. rates and exposure of the melt to oxygen favor the
formation of foliated dendritic structures. On the
other hand, slow cooling and avoidance of oxygen
graphite formed with a slight exposure to air, while
result in the formation of a graphite sheet over the
plane branching and corner flipping are more often
melt surface. In addition, however sulfur contents
observed at greater exposure of the developing kish
promote the surface formation mode.
to air. This occurrence is attributed to the effect of
air (oxygen) on the formation of claw defects[l].
Acknowledgment-The authors express their gratitude to
Edge defects may be formed as a result of a single the Superior Graphite Company for the partial financial
(or a few) claw defect, whereas plane branching and support of this research program.
corner bending may be the result of multiple or con-
centrated claw defects. This occurance is also con-
sidered to be associated with the effect of instability REFERENCES

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