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Name: Katherine Last name: Caqui Reading & Writing 2

The oxymoronic will of an obligation

Every morning, after waking up, you go out on the streets and begin to look from left to right. Suddenly,
the reality shows utopian magazines and TV shows about how wonderful is a volunteering program, but
which as its name implies, it's necessary for the will of the person. However, the mandatory volunteering
shows otherwise. "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a
lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will, " as mentioned by Vince Lombardi. It enhanced our deduction
due to the ridiculousness of having a false commitment to helping people. This society is a constant
paradox, this paradox makes me feel a deep indignation. I passionately believe in the next sentence:
"There are three reasons why Mandatory volunteering at ICPNA is not unbiased for students."

First of all, The authorities al Icpna have an unlawful use of volunteering programs. We have to know
that our legal system is against the violations of our rights. One of them is the unlawful use. According to
the General Labour Act, it has a particular statement: "every worker that provides services has the law of
receiving their benefit payments". For that reason, when a student finishes "Advanced 12" has two
options, or continues to be a teacher or gets his certificate, so if a student teaches to another students
from basic for 30 hours, It means that you´re offering your services about your knowledge in English, so
it has to be paid. Though you win experience teaching to students from basic 1 to 12, You have started
studying without a requirement to graduate, so it can't be retroactive because it is ridiculously
disadvantageous for the students that finish the curse. Otherwise, If that students teach to them, It must
be compensated.

The second reason is the lack of will to take this mandatory volunteering. I'd like to invoke the
importance to take volunteer programs such as the bicentennial, Aiesec, and the Pan American Games.
In all of that volunteering programs, each person decided to their own will and passion without a
requirement. I admire people that help others, but it has to be linked with the will of each person. For
instance, the decision of a student to sacrifice his time and delay other activities to focus on volunteering
has to be intentional. Even though the mandatory program at ICPNA helps them to enhance your
English, This program is against you want to do. As a consequence it won't have good results. In other
words, you will do a bad job because you know English, but it doesn't mean that you get the quality of
teaching. Highlighting the role of will in the determination of natural law, the freedom to choose our
activities is essential to living in society.

The third, but no less important is the medical problem of the student. Speaking in terms of psychology
and medicine, Dr. Hans Selye investigated about "General Adaptation Syndrome". He is convinced that
40% of the people who face an unexpected challenge have an important wear for the body as a result of
stress. For example, Instead of playing with your friends, learn other languages or maybe improve your
grades in the school or university, you can't because you have to work 30 hours a week to graduate at
ICPNA. It doesn't have coherence. Although you learn new approaches to handle your skill in English,
You don't have an equal share between giving and receiving help. Furthermore, as long as you teach
virtual classes, you have to consume the light supply; and at the same time, your vision gets weaker.

To sum up, I strongly believe that mandatory volunteering at Icpna is an awful idea. It's clear that
students that finish the course want to graduate, so there should not have a requirement to complete
your goals. The main function of studying is that a person learns and that person feels satisfied with that.
Nonetheless, the mandatory volunteering is not neutral due to the authorities at ICPNA doesn't respect
the rights of the students, the second reason is about the lack of will to take this mandatory volunteering,
and the third cause is about the health matter of the student that finish the course.

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