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Hello everyone.

Today, I’m going to talk about Lopburi Monkey Festival in Thailand that is
celebrated on the last Sunday in November. Actually, in Lopburi. Lopburi is a city from Thailand
near to Bangkok. In the Lopburi Monkey Festival the people give fruit, some rice, salads and
desserts to monkeys. Well, let’s go to see more about this (when, where, what time and why).

When? And where?

Since sains 1989 uan tausend nai handred eighty nai the Lopburi Monkey Festival is
celebrated tt on the last Sunday in November each year. The first feast fist the monkeys
enjoyed consisted of 35 tables of hearty jati or jari food. According to the daily The Epoch
Times the event is celebrated at Wat Phra Sam Yot Temple. In this picture we can see the Wat
phra sam yot temple. It’s very ancient and famous for the tourists because the monkeys invade
inveid it

Wat Phra Sam Yot Temple

The three-tower temple was a buddhist temple built bilt by powerful khmer in 1181 uan
tausend uan handred eighty uan. In any event, three major meilla Buddhist deities diris were
worshipped tt at the temple: the Buddha in the central tower, the Bodhisattva bodshitava in
the south tower, and Prajnaparamita prayanparamita in the north tower. Visitors should note
that the temple is locally famous for the hundreds of monkeys that now call it home.

Time? People? Monkeys?

The event starts at 10am and it’s celebrated during the day in two rounds. One at 2pm and
other at 4pm at Wat Phra Sam Yot temple. Approximately aproksimetly 10000 ten tausend
people arrive at the site sait every year mostly tourists. In addition, according to The Volemos
Travel and Passenger Blog there are more than 3000 tri tausend monkeys in Lopburi.


the reason the monkeys are praised preizd is because there is a legend leyend that say “the
monkeys are descendants disendants of the monkey god hanuman”. Culturally it’s believed
that this custom brings good luck to the people of the local village. For this reason, the
monkeys are not only celebrated with fruit pyramids píramids. Also, people doing musical
processions and dances in monkey clothing in honor of them.

Fun fact

Living humans with monkeys has caused monkeys to take their things from them. So the city
has appointed officials to feed them at specific times during the day so that they do not attack
tourists. So, if you want to visit lopburi monkey festival take care of your things.

There are my reading sources from where the information was collected. Thank you.

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