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Name : Nurasmah

Nim : 1888203033
MID Language learning Assesment

Implementation of assessment in learning is a teacher activity to know the progress achieved by

students. It is widely known that every subject at schools needs to be assessed in order to get
information about their progress and achievement. Assessment allows teachers to measure, judge and
compare students’ ability and performance. this occasion I will discuss about what is assessment ?, the
difference between testing and assessment in the third paragraph and then regarding the difference
between formative and summative assessment. Not only that, the material continues in the next
paragraph regarding kind of testing in formative and summative tests, definition of diagnostic
assessment and give example, definition of authentic assessment and give example and the last
paragraph will discuss about The importance of bloom's taxonomy in language learning assessment. This
material is all important we discuss to know more deeply about the assessment.

Assessment is an essential component of teaching and learning in the English art. Without an
effective assessment program, it is impossible to know whether students have learned, whether
teaching has been effective, or how best to meet student learning needs. Research consistently shows
that regular monitoring and feedback is essential for improving students, Meidasari (2017). Meanwhile,
according to Hanna & Dettmer (2004) Assessment is a way for instructors to collect data about the
teaching and learning process of their students. My opinion Assessment is the main key to knowing a
student's abilities both from the strengths and weaknesses of students.

Then the term 'assessment' is used as a general term covering all methods of testing and
assessment. The distinction between testing and assessment is based on some applied linguists using
the term 'testing' to apply to the construction and administration of formal or standard tests such as the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and 'assessment' to refer to more informal methods
(Clapham , 2000). In my opinion, the difference between assessment and testing is that assessment
leads to informal assessment, whereas testing leads to formal assessment.

The next discussion, namely formative assessment. It can be said that formative assessment is
when information is used to adapt the teaching and learning process to meet students and is carried out
at the beginning and in the learning process. It shows the extent to which students have succeeded in
meeting the assessment criteria used to measure the desired learning outcomes of the module or
program (Dandekar ,2015). Meanwhile, in my opinion, formative assessment is an assessment carried
out at the beginning and in the learning process.

While summative assessment is a learning assessment that is carried out at the end of the
learning unit or at a certain point in time. It compares students' knowledge or skills with standards or
benchmarks (States and friends,2018). According to me summative assessment is the assessment is
carried out at the end of the lesson and is formal in nature.

Furthermore, the type of difference between summative and formative, namely formative
assessment is not a test, or an instrument, but a teaching and learning approach that uses feedback as
the center is a supportive classroom context. On the other hand, summative assessment is used to
evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the end of the period,
generally evaluative, not diagnostic (Center, 2014). In my opinion, a different type is summative
assessment at the end of the lesson while formative assessment at the beginning and during the
learning process.

Then the diagnostic assessment is an initial assessment that aims to determine the location of
student weaknesses and the factors that cause them (Suwarto, 2012: 134). Examples of these test
questions can be in the form of choice tests, descriptions (descriptions), and performance (performance)
of the material sources. In my opinion, the diagnostic assessment is an assessment carried out at the
beginning of learning in the form of an ability test, where this test will be continued at the end of the
lesson to re-test whether the test is developing or not. For example a multiple choice test based on the
material will then be given at the end of the lesson with the same questions.

According to Callison (1998: 4) states that authentic assessment is an evaluation consisting of

various forms of performance measurement that reflects student learning, achievement, motivation and
attitudes towards relevant learning activities. For example, applying various kinds of authentic
assessments that assess students' speaking skills, for example: role playing, oral interviews, and other
types of authentic assessment (Sahyoni et al, 2017). In my opinion, Authentic Assessment is a process
carried out by the teacher to collect information about the learning progress made by students. for
example role-playing, oral interviews, information gaps, and other types of authentic assessment.

why it is said that bloom taxonomy is important because Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical
structure that identifies skills ranging from low to high levels, making it more specific. Of course, to
achieve higher goals, low levels must be met first ( Utari and friends,2011). According me The bloom
taxonomy is said to be important because in achieving the assessment, it can be done from a low level
to a high level to be more specific.

The conclusion that we can draw from some of the above material is that the assessment in
effective learning must be based on the understanding of the assessment itself. teachers are required to
provide understanding to students through several assessments.

LANGUAGE. Indonesian EFL Journal, 1(2), 224-231.

Hanna, G. S., & Dettmer, P. A. (2004). Assessment for effective teaching: Usingcontext-adaptive

Boston, MA: Pearson A&B

Clapham, C. (2000). Assessment and testing. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 20, 147-161.

Dandekar, P. D. (2015). Effect of formative assessment of students on their academic performance in

Department of Kriya Sharir. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 2(2), 51-56.

States, J., Detrich, R. & Keyworth, R. (2018). Overview of Summative Assessment. Oakland, CA: The Wing
Center, E. (2014). Formative vs summative assessment: Teaching excellence and educational innovation.

Suwarto. 2013. Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik dalam Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Callison, D. (1998). Authentic assessment. Journal School Library Media Activities Monthly. Indiana
University: Bloomington.

SCHOOL. Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, 18(1), 15-26.

Utari, R., Madya, W., & Pusdiklat, K. N. P. K. (2011). Taksonomi Bloom. Jurnal: Pusdiklat KNPK.

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