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Unit 1
Present Tense

Table 1. Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense

a) Ann takes a shower The SIMPLE PRESENT

every day. expresses daily habits or
b) I usually read the usual activities, as in (a)
newspaper in the and b).
morning. The simple present
c) Babies cry. Birds fly. expresses general
d) NEGATIVE: statements of fact, as in
It doesn't snow in (c).
Bangkok. In sum, the simple
e) QUESTION: present is used for
Does the teacher speak events or situations that
slowly? exist always, usually, or
habitually in the past,
present, and future.
a) Ann can't come to the The PRESENT
phone right now CONTINUOUS
because she is taking a expresses an activity
shower. that is in progress (is
b) I am reading my occurring, is happening)
grammar book right right now. The event is in
now. progress at the time the
c) Jimmy and Susie are speaker is saying the
babies. They are crying. sentence.
I can hear them right The event began in the
now. Maybe they are past, is in progress now,
hungry. and will probably
d) NEGATIVE: continue into the future.
It isn't snowing right
Is the teacher speaking
right now?

Table 2. The Form of Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense

The Simple Present Tense The Present Continuous Tense

STATEMENT I-You-We-They study. I am studying.
He-She-It studies. You-We-They are studying.
He-She-It is studying.
NEGATIVE I-You-We-They do not study. I am not studying.
He-She-It does not study. You-We-They are not studying.
He-She-It is not studying.
QUESTION Do I-you-we-they study? Am I studying?
Does he-she-it study? Are you-we-they studying?
Is he-she-it studying?

Exercise 1
Choose the best answer!

1. Do you ........ black coffee?

a. Likes
b. Are liking
c. Like
d. Be like
2. Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it!
a. Hate
b. Be hate  
c. hates
d. is hating
3. I ......... for this company until December.
a. Worked
b. Am worki ng
c. Works
d. Work
4. Choose the correct sentences!
a. Danny went to church on Sunday.
b. Danny go to church on Sunday.
c. Danny goes to church on Sunday.
d. Danny is going to church on Sunday.
5. What class .......... this semester?
a. You take
b. Are you taking
c. Is you taking
d. Was you take

Exercise 2
Put the verbs into the correct form!

1. Please don’t make so much noise. I …………….. (study).

2. Let’s go out now. It …………….. (not rain) anymore.
3. I …………….. (not go) to the theatre very often.
4. I …………….. (scan) my computer for viruses once a week.
5. I …………….. (see) a very important customer in my office at 4 o'clock.

Exercise 3
Complete the dialog using the correct form of the verb!

Son : I …………….. (be) hungry!

Dad : I …………….. (be) Dad. Nice to meet you, Hungry!
Son : I …………….. (be) serious!
Dad : No! You …………….. (be) Hungry!
Son : You …………….. (kid)!
Dad : No, I …………….. (be) Dad!

Exercise 4

Next week, my friends and I …………….. (1. go) on camping in the woods. I
…………….. (2. organize) the food, because I …………….. (3. like) cooking. Dave ……………..
(4. have) a big car with a trailer, so he …………….. (5. plan) the transportation. Sam
…………….. (6. bring) the tent — he …………….. (7. go) camping every year, so he ……………..
(8. have) a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife …………….. (9. think) we're
crazy. She …………….. (10. like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she …………….. (11. take)
a trip to Paris instead.

Unit 2
Past Tense

Table 3. The Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

The SIMPLE PAST is used

a) Marry walked to talk about an activity
downtown yesterday. or situation that began
b) I slept for eight hours and ended at a
last night. particular time in the
c) I was busy yesterday. past (e.g. yesterday, last
d) They were at home last night, days ago, in 1999),
night. as in (a) and (b).
The simple past forms of
be are was and were.

f) I sat down at the dinner The PAST CONTINUOUS

table at 6:00 P.M. expresses an activity
yesterday. Tom came to that was in progress
my house at 6:10 P.M. (was occurring, was
I was eating dinner happening) at a point of
when Tom came. time in the past (e.g., at
g) I went to bed at 10:00. 6:10) or at the time of
The phone rang at another action (e.g.,
11:00. When Tom came).
I was sleeping when In (c): eating was in
the phone rang. progress at 6:10; eating
was in progress when
Tom came.
FORM: was/were + -ing.

Table 4. The Form of Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

The Simple Past Tense The Past Continuous Tense

STATEMENT I-You-We-They - He-She-It studied I- He-She-It was studying.
yesterday. You-We-They were studying.

NEGATIVE I-You-We-They- He-She-It did not I- He-She-It was not

study yesterday. studying.
You-We-They were not

QUESTION Did I-you-she-he-it-we-they study Was I- he-she-it

yesterday? studying?
Were you-we-they studying?

Exercise 1
Choose the best answer!

1. I was doing my homework when she ........ here.

a. Come
b. Is coming
c. Came
d. Be came
2. The doctor examined me, detected my illness and .......... some medicine, then he
told me to go home and rest.
a. Prescribed
b. Prescribe
c. Was prescribe
d. Was prescribing
3. The telephone rang while we ............. TV.
a. Watched
b. Are watched
c. Were watching
d. Has watched
4. I ............ John in town yesterday. He was shopping.
a. Was meeting
b. Meet
c. Ran into
d. Run into
5. The boys were swimming while the girls ............ .
a. Was sunbathing
b. Sunbathe
c. Were sunbathing
d. Sunbathed

Exercise 2
Put the verbs into the correct form!
1. Bill …………….. (lose) his key yesterday.
2. I …………….. (try) to repair my computer when he came.
3. The teacher ……………….. (correct) tests when the postman …………….. (ring) the bell.
4. Mandy …………….. (play) the piano while Jack …………….. (do) his homework.
5. Fred …………….. (go) home and …………….. (have) a shower before he …………….. (call)
his sister.

Exercise 3
Complete the dialog using the correct form of the verb!
A young man was in the middle of a road with his right ear to the ground.
Old lady : What are you listening for?
The man : A motorbike …………….. (pass) this spot ten minutes ago.
Old lady : That's incredible! How do you know that?
The man : Because it …………….. me while I …………….. the road and it …………….. my
(hit, cross, break)

Exercise 4
Complete the paragraph using the correct form of the verb!

When I …………….. (1. get)  up yesterday, the sun …………….. (2. shine) .

It …………….. (3. be)  a beautiful morning. So I …………….. (4. decide)  to cycle around a
little. I …………….. (5. go)  to the shed and …………….. (6. take)  out my bike. While
I …………….. (7. cycle)  past some villages, I …………….. (8. see)  some people in their
gardens. One man …………….. (9. mow)  the grass while his wife …………….. (10.
pick)  strawberries. After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud
suddenly …………….. (11. appear) and it …………….. (12. start)  to rain. Luckily, a
farmer …………….. (13. notice)  me and …………….. (14. tell)  me to come in. While
it …………….. (15. rain)  outside, I …………….. (16. sit)  in the farmer's house. After a while,
the sun …………….. (17. come)  out again. I …………….. (18. thank)  the farmer for his
hospitality and …………….. (19. move)  on.

Unit 3
Future Tense

A. Simple Future
Functions of the simple future tense : The simple future refers to a time later than now,
and expresses facts or certainty. In this case there is no 'attitude'.

The simple future is used:

 To predict a future event:
It will rain tomorrow.
 With I or We, to express a spontaneous decision:
I'll pay for the tickets by credit card.
 To express willingness:
I'll do the washing-up.
He'll carry your bag for you.
 In the negative form, to express unwillingness:
The baby won't eat his soup.
I won't leave until I've seen the manager!
 With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to make an offer:
Shall I open the window?
 With we in the interrogative form using "shall", to make a suggestion:
Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
 With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to ask for advice or instructions:
What shall I tell the boss about this money?
 With you, to give orders:
You will do exactly as I say.
 With you in the interrogative form, to give an invitation:
Will you come to the dance with me?
Will you marry me?

Note: In modern English will is preferred to shall. Shall is mainly used with I and we to
make an offer or suggestion, or to ask for advice (see examples above). With the other
persons (you, he, she, they) shall is only used in literary or poetic situations, e.g. "With
rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes."

Forming the simple future

Subject + will / shall + the infinitive (V1)

I will go
I shall go
They will not see
They won't see
Will she ask?
Interrogative negative
Won't they try?
I will = I'll
We will = we'll
You will = you'll
He will = he'll
She will = she'll
They will = they'll
Will not = won't
The form "it will" is not normally shortened.

To see: Simple future tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative Negative
I will see I won't see Will I see? Won't I see?
*I shall see   *Shall I see?  
You will see You won't see Will you see? Won't you see?
He will see He won't see Will he see? Won't he see?
We will see We won't see Will we see? Won't we see?
*We shall see   *Shall we see?  
They will see They won't see Will they see? Won't they see?

B. Future Continuous

The future continuous is made up of two elements:

S + to be + V + ing

Subject simple future of the verb 'to be' present participle

You will be watching
I will be staying

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative
I will be staying. I won't be staying. Will I be staying? Won't I be staying?
You will be staying. You won't be staying. Will you be staying? Won't you be staying?
He will be staying. He won't be staying. Will he be staying? Won't he be staying?
She will be staying. She won't be staying. Will she be staying? Won't she be staying?
It will be staying. It won't be staying. Will it be staying? Won't it be staying?
We will be staying. We won't be staying. Will we be staying? Won't we be staying?
They will be staying. They won't be staying. Will they be staying? Won't they be staying?


The future continuous refers to an unfinished action or event that will be in progress at
a time later than now. The future continuous is used for quite a few different purposes.

The future continuous can be used to project ourselves into the future.


 This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali.

 By Christmas I will be skiing like a pro.
 Just think, next Monday you will be working in your new job.

The future continuous can be used for predicting or guessing about future events.


 He'll be coming to the meeting, I expect.

 I guess you'll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.
 You'll be missing the sunshine once you're back in England.

In the interrogative form, the future continuous can be used to ask politely for
information about the future.


 Will you be bringing your friend to the pub tonight?

 Will Jim be coming with us?
 Will she be going to the party tonight?
 Will I be sleeping in this room?

The future continuous can be used to refer to continuous events that we expect to
happen in the future.


 I'll be seeing Jim at the conference next week.

 When he is in Australia he will be staying with friends.
 I'll be eating with Jane this evening so I can tell her.

When combined with still, the future continuous refers to events that are already
happening now and that we expect to continue some time into the future.


 In an hour I'll still be ironing my clothes.

 Tomorrow he'll still be suffering from his cold.
 Next year will she still be wearing a size six?
 Won't stock prices still be falling in the morning?
 Unfortunately, sea levels will still be rising in 20 years.
C. Future Perfect
The future perfect is composed of two elements
the simple future of the verb "to have" (will have) + the past participle of the main

Subject + will have + past participle of the main verb

He will have finished.
I will have finished.

To arrive, future perfect tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative
I will have arrived I won't have arrived Will I have arrived? Won't I have arrived?
You will have You won't have Will you have Won't you have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?
He won't have
He will have arrived Will he have arrived? Won't he have arrived?
We won't have Won't we have
We will have arrived Will we have arrived?
arrived arrived?
They will have They won't have Will they have Won't they have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?


The future perfect tense refers to a completed action in the future. When we use this
tense we are projecting ourselves forward into the future and looking back at an action
that will be completed some time later than now. It is most often used with a time

 I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.
 By the time you read this I will have left.
 You will have finished your report by this time next week.
 Won't they have arrived by 5:00?
 Will you have eaten when I pick you up?

Exercise 1

Fill the blank with will or will be.

1. I am sure we … pass the exam.

2. I don’t think the test … very difficult.
3. She … angry if I am late.
4. They … come here soon.
5. I wonder where we … 30 years from now.

Exercise 2

Fill the blank here with is/am/are going to or is/am/are going to be.

6. He … wash the car.

7. Look at the clouds. It … rain.
8. I … buy something for lunch.
9. She … nice to you because of the gift.
10. We … the players.


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