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Maria Alejandra Sanguino Rubiano

Restoration Diary
Tuesday November 9, 1665

I have not left the house for two months, I have not seen anyone other than my father, my brother and the
servants, and with whom I have spent most of the time is with my maid Mary, who has played the role of
mother since I was ten years old, since my mother died giving birth to my younger brother.

Mary has been the only breath of fresh air for me, since she brings me the gossip of the city, as is everything in
the recent court of Charles II, who was crowned king not long ago and therefore his court is part of many gossip,
that and my brother are the only interesting ones in the house, because the rest is nothing more than
monotonous days, without dances or parties to attend.

The confinement in the house is due to the recent plague in the city, many of my friends went months ago to
their country houses, where they are safer, and can continue with the tea parties and dances without fear of the

For me we would have already left but my father has not wanted to leave for business reasons, he is a rising
bourgeois, he brings silk and spices from India, however, his fame lies in his opium smuggling that he brings
camouflaged with other merchandise, which are sold, but not in such quantity, they are bought mainly by the
nobles and the other bourgeoisie.

Saturday November 13, 1665

Yesterday my father finally gave me the news that we are leaving for our country house, the infections are
increasing worryingly and he does not want to expose us anymore, a fortune is useless if he does not have time
to enjoy it by dying from the plague . His decision makes me happy in an unimaginable way, I can't bear not
being able to leave the house anymore, I'm sure my younger brother Henrry will agree whit me.

Father has said that we will leave tomorrow morning and that we wear clothes for a long time, it is not known
how long we will be in the country house, so all afternoon I have been making the trunks to leave, I have packed
all kinds of clothes from simple dresses that allow me to ride a horse to beautiful party dresses.

The latter are my favorites with their wide skirts, beautiful lace details and colors that dazzle, I miss so much
being able to wear them, go to parties and dance with different people, and gossip with the other ladies,
hopefully we can have a dance at home, from the field, I'll ask my father as soon as I can and see that he is in a
good mood.

Sunday, November 14, 1665

Today we have finally been able to leave the city, we left in the morning, the carriages were ready since the
early morning, the clean horses and the coachmen in their places, there were 4 in total, one for me, one for my
father and my brother, and the other two were full of things, I think one was even full only of my trunks
prepared the day before.
The trip through the city was something refreshing, especially because after two months locked up anything is
surprising, the city seemed more subdued, and in every street you could see a house with red crosses on the
doors and windows. I did not know why they were doing that so I asked Mary, who said that they were the
houses of those who had contracted the plague and that they were locked up there, when I realized this I sent a
thank you to God for keeping my family safe and I apologized for complaining when there were people in a
worse situation.

We continued the trip through the city quietly, I saw children in the streets, people working, women doing the
shopping, we even stopped by my favorite bakery that is on the street of Pudding Lane, and which is run by a
kind man named Thomas Farriner who makes the best Tartlets from the city, they were so delicious that I could
eat so many that I felt that the cotset was going to explode, our favorites were those of Limon, they reminded
me of the ones my mother made when I was younger.

When leaving the city we found a scene that was a bit particular, more than particularly sad, they were a lot of
men digging giant holes in the ground and carts full of corpses, I imagined they were people who had died from
the plague, Mary I He said not to look too much that it looked like something in bad taste, and that we better
pray for the souls of the deceased to the Lord.

Tuesday November 16, 1665

Finally we arrived at the country house, the trip lasted 3 days, which were full of beautiful landscapes and
different towns, in all of them there were houses with the red cross, it seems the plague was more contagious
than I imagined.

In the Second day of the trip I went with my brother Henry who was 5 years old, he was too amused and how I
could not say my full name Addelaide called me Addi, his games made the second day more bearable, besides
that we ate sweets that my father had bought him in a store in a town, besides that I spoke with his maid Cecil,
who was one years older than me, but who had that air of youth yet.

For the third day I asked my father if he could ride, I agreed to do it but only for a short time, so my mare Snow
and I had a good time galloping in front of our small entourage, until we stopped for lunch. and I had to go back
to the carriage with Mary, who to cheer me up I talked with me about the new trend of dresses having a wider
neckline, which she found vulgar and inappropriate.

Wednesday 19 November 1665

Today I asked my father if I could do a dance in the country house, he said yes, but that I had to take care of
everything, which would be good practice for when I had to have parties on behalf of my husband.

I am excited about all the preparation, I want it to be a masquerade, I already see everyone with their elegant
dresses, admiring the decoration of the party, everything has to be perfect I cannot fail, it would be a disgrace
for me and my family, I also hope in the dance to be able to meet again with my friends, I have not seen them in
a long time and I miss them.

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