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APOLLO SECOND EDITION Series Editors Joan Kang Shin and JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Authors Ronald Scro. ‘and Rob Sved NATIONAL p oO GEOGRAPHIC mx LEARNING APOLLO usta a0 Mea Sgapore Unitas Rar» ea Sates ENGLISF Be ACen ey UEC ans | Ce De et eee een an eee? ee ee err ee ee eT ren en a neh TC ea iar ty eet eee Stok er teen ren mer te et cen sar eee oc tne POR ee or aa eae ren tt eid Cen cers Hon 25 nam qua, théy c® luén cm thay biét on vi 66 thé thay dBi cube séng ca hoc vien theo eee ee Nee Cte eet et are cr ar] Bot ae ee USSU aE ee ema sty Peete We are a family business that strongly believes learning changes lives and thet learning English is See ee eae rent rt Ce ee ete ee eee are ee cere on me ea Cee ee er ee eters See ee ete et tener ety CE ea ete ee Ree tec att tatty eal CM ae ee a Te tr 19985, Apollo English lun git vimg vi thé cia mét 8 chire Gido dys & Bo to tiéng Ani hang du Vigt Nam véi hon 80 trung tam trén c& nu va vn dang tiép te 'mé rng. Ty hao la chayén gia tin c3y trong nganh gido duc, chang to khdng nging tng dung ning xu thé hos tap m6 nha, gidp hoe vin tr thanh cng dn ton cu ne ty tin sir dung tidng Anh thong theo nhu ng ng thi al, lm chi. cc ky nang tiét you cba thé kj 21 va nm ot than cong trén con auéng hoe vin. o pe] es Ly do Apollo English duge hon 1.000.000 phy huynh hoc vién Iya chon Nw ee Gite nen khi chon Apollo English la t8 chiie Gido dye va Dao tao uy tin * 0 nam kinh nghigm ddng hanh eting sy phat tridn etia con, ‘Cho con 100% q ‘mdi truzng tiéng Anh = =< i gid ven nue ngoa. Con duoc tb xe vein gag » ‘gid nude ngoai danh tiéng dn tty nhidu quéc gia. s Mencia fel Soiree Me eNae mer is Sei gio tinh dao tao de quyBn chun qués t, phi gp lire tudi va bai thi quéc t8 nhur Cambridge, IELTS. ‘Gi bb kj nang trong Iai AC (Giao tp, Hyp tac, Tur duy phn | ign, Séng go), kha néng hoe tp ten m6i trong 86 ve | pphurong phép hoe tiéng Anh qua mén hoc (LETS). Do ‘dp hoc tp hién da hat “Ka _ eo, Phu huynh duge cap nhat tinh hinh ey ‘Bingo chuyén gia ca chiing oi ludn sat canh cing phy ‘huynh thy hign cam két gidp hoc vien dat duge két qua tét rnh&t trong hanh trinh he ta. Y< ABOUT APOLLO ENGLISH Established in 1995, Apollo English has since maintained its position as a leading English Education and Training organization in Vietnam with more than 50 centres ‘across the counity, Proud to be a trusted exper in the education industry, we constantly apply the latest leaming trends to help students become global citizens who can use English confidently and fluently as a second language, master the essential skils of the 2st century, and achieve academic success. The reasons Apollo English has been the choice of over 1,000,000 parents a nts are reassured when they choose Apolo English -a prestigious Education 4 and Training organization wih 30 years of experience ‘accompanying the development of their children. Providing children with a “@ ——— eS with foreign teachers. Students are exposed to ” ‘well-known speakers from many countries. s Enea With an exclusive international training curiculum tallored to all ages and international tests such as IN the Cambridge Engish Qualifications and IELTS. Children have access to the x latest learning methodologies _ K \which incorporate 4C skis for the future (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity), cgtliteracy, = ‘and LETS (Learning English Through Subjects). DS Sve once kmacia ee ERY cee es CORP cn menstpcats vor sy opens ot or S Ss ‘commitment to helping students achieve the best results their learning journey. Y- reso This is our world. Everybody's got a song to sing. Each boy and girl. This is our world! | say ‘our’ You say ‘world. Our! World! Our! World! | say ‘boy’, You say’gr!’ Boy! Girl | say ‘Everybody move!” I say ‘Everybody stop!" Everybody, stop! This is our world, Everybody's gota song to sing. Each boy and girl. This is our world! ta ar tay Unit 1 Extreme Weather. . Unit 2 Copycat Animals. Unit 3 Music in Our World. Units 1-3 Review Units 1-3 Extended Reading Animal Predictions. Let's Talk! Unit 4 Life Out There. Unit 5 Arts Lost and Found Unit 6 Amazing Plants! Units 4-6 Review 7 Units 4-6 Extended Reading: Attack of the Extraterrestrial Plants! Let's Tall Unit 7 Volcanoes. fi Unit 8 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Unit 9 Wonderful Holidays! Units 7-9 Review : Units 7-9 Extended Reading: Surviving Krakatoa Let's Talk Irregular Verbs Cutouts Stickers 22 38 54 56 58 60 76 92 108 110 12 114 130 146 on - 164 166 168 169 on ‘seas (renters ‘Morgomptomo ase? eee er teatey CU Perea] Ber Caprese hone oma seca ea es Spite ior ego or eet) teeny Semegyuinsan cha Seeger caudate —" ext roi ttm pamper Pepin aie ito Gepoph er Volcanoes orcs Recycle ena. (owen Eero Neco eopopiaples eee) Sete syn In this unit, it. ase ee eter ee + deste th Gatiage stones tar case eee ree eee eee See Tick T for True or F for False. Ie Trereesstara contd nese (TC) Petes seenvaed ike (TNC) 3.1 raining heavily Oo A is safe tobe outside @@ AOTC ey @ Listen and read. (ected We know we can't com-rol the weather. It can be beautiful, wild and dangerous, often zll at the same time. Scientists try to predict weather in different ways. They tell us when extreme weather is SO aU Une eee ec ‘Thunderstorms bring heavy rain with loud thunder and econ ee ere ee CT Een ne eee CT cold, a rainstorm can turn into a hailstorm or a blizzard. Grand Canyon, USA co iey A burricane Perea ‘storm, the wind speed can be more than 100 kilometres (60 miles) per hour. Wind TE Uae cet ‘We can only live within a specific range of temperatures. At times, temperatures rise too high or drop too low. It not Cee Res ceca Coc ans Reno} for days or even weeks, (rues erates ee Ren een Wen the weather is Srey High winds in dry places such as deserts Cee eer ecu sc Deo no ROR ees Nears AUGUST B range ©) Usten, read and sing. Bad Weather There's bad weather on tie way! ‘There's bad weather on tie way! Is it going to rain? Yes, it s! Is there going to be a storm? Yes, there is! Is there going to be thunder and lightning? Ves, there is ‘There's going tobe a stom. Im going to go inside! cHoRUS s Be prepared for emergencies. oe It's always good to be safe, you'll see! as Get supplies and a toich, too. 3 Seek shelter. It's a safe thing to do! Is there going to be a bizzard? Yes, there is! Is there going to be ahaistorm? Yes, there is! Isit going to be cold? Oh yes i is! ‘There's going to be a blizzard. 'm going to 0 inside! cHorus Is there going to be a hurricane? Yes, there is! Is the wind going to how? Yes, itis! Are the waves going to rage? Yes, they are! There's going to be a huricane, Let's evacuate! cHoRUS Seek shelter It's a safe thing to dol (©) ask and answer. work with a partner. 1. Do you remember a bad storm in your town? 2. What did you do to prepare? 3. What did you think and Feel during the storm? 10 Unit 1 a GRAMMAR 1 © Wntite. what is tre weather going to be lke? Tuesday Wednesday ‘Thursday Friday 1. It’s going to rain on Monday. 2, 3 4 5 oe Ask and answer. Read. Take turns. 1. Why can't we go to the park tomorrow? (rain) 2, Will she get wet walking in the rain? (take an umbrella) 3. Why is she closing the windows? (rain) 4. When is he going to get a new raincoat? (today) © write. what are you going to do? A thunderstorm is coming. Aheatwave is coming, “i A hurricane is coming. Ask and answer. Work with a partner. What about you? Talk about today ‘blizzards coming, and tomorrow. . That's right. Its going to snow aot Let's pay inside B VOCABULARY 2 © Usten and repeat. Then read and write 1-15 atorch sup a shelter When a weather forecaster predicts bad weather, you can make a a to prepare. To protect yourself from wind and rain, you should go toa IF the electricity goes off, sea to see in the dark. You can store in a safe place so that you have got food to eat. Areally bad storm can affect the whole town. In an like that, people have 10 and go where it’s safer. Listen and stick. Find out what to do next. Put your stickers in the correct order. Work with a partner. uricanef coming. I's an emergency ‘Summarise the weather forecast. re:a.6 Yes, puta pian in umber 1. Thats corect 14 Unit 1 GRAMMAR 2 © match and make logical sentences. What do you do in these situations? Write five sentences of your own in your notebook. 1. 1F1 see lightning when I'm swimming, a. 1 look for a boat. 2. it rains, 1 wear gloves and boots. 3. Ifa storm comes, ©. | try to stay cool. 4. 1f the temperature rises, 4.1 get out of the water. 5. Ifa flood comes, e.1 go inside the house. 6.1F it snows, 1 use an umbrella, © Paya game. cut out the cards at the back of the book. Play with a partner. Take turns. Match and make sentences, Keep the cards. writ 15 READING (recur cc Tornadoes happen all over the world, There is Pero Sn RoR eo eee studies extreme weather. He joined a team of other eon Seca td Ce un day, the blue sky turned black. A giant cloud came eee ee eee Se ST Re eR a Ce on the computer scree showed where the ran fell and where the wind was the strongest. San aN cee Tae ee Soe MTU MN ene en rs 1] the ground, it became a tornado! The tornado looked | eee eeu ere Se Ro OCT Fer ee ee enc asa Cre ene nes aos ce ‘These instruments showed wind speed, temperature: Een re cL The tornado twvisted and moved for half an hour Te ee MS CS MOO Tama merc Sea A ne en eed SPO MS Oe RUS) STS RSE Ua can warn people and save lives. Cer ane eo Ren ea Ne ee Rea eRe Cn Sea r a SMES mcd A aCe Sn Se CN Src DEN RR ee ROT Rd Dem Ra orcas CMP ats a, Warm and cold air currents twist winds into a funnel, Then the funnel touches oe b. Warm air and cold air come together. They make a twisting wind of air that moves Einss , The twisting air stands up. Warm air moves up, Cold air moves down, Work with a group. Compare tornadoes and hurricanes. Discuss. oon eel acu t) Cre Porc WRITING SX75 Read. Read the personal narrative. How does the writer describe the hurricane? How does the writer describe what she hears and sees? How does she feel? Circle the words that relate to the senses and emotions. Underline the words and expressions that show the sequence of events. Safe, not sorry! If a hurricane comes, we Know what to do. We've got a tamily plan. Last year, the weather forecaster told us that @ hurricane was coming, First, I helped my dad put heavy wood over the windows It was hard work. Next, we went inside the house and turned on the radio ta listen for news about the hurricane. When the hurricane came, we could hear the strong winds outside, It was scary. The rain came down hard on the root, too, Then sudeny, there was a loud crash, The whole house shook! Everyone was worried. What was it? Soon, it was quiet and we could go outside. We saw a huge tree on the ground. Part of the tree hit the wood on the window. Tam 20 happy ve had a family plan! Hopetuly, there isn't gong to be a hurricane for a while © wirite. write aboutan extreme weather experience. Give details relating to the senses. Help the reader feel what you felt. © Share. share your writing, Work in a small group. Listen and make notes. 18 Unit 1 Se mR te ee ee a eons as Pee Re ona Se Ur Ce Ceyad eye eee Le National Geographic Explorer PROJECT Make your own tornado. ‘Work in small groups to make a ‘tornado in ajar. © Vou need a giass jar or bottle, some water, some washing-up liquid and some glitter. 7 7 we Pour water into the dottle, about ‘three-quarters full. Then add a small amount of washing-up liquid. © aad arictc gitter. © putthe tid tignty on. oe Then, shake the bottle around ina circle and watch your tornado! 20 Unita gO Now I can IMI shake the jar around, the siiter looks ke a tornado. talk about different kinds of extreme weather. describe the damage storms can cause, describe how to prepare for extreme weather, write a personal narrative, 21 HF DOLE ag Cente eu aan (Reena ‘Some animals can Took tke other animals or even like a plant! These copycats are trying to hide from, or trick, a hungry predator. They can look like another more Soro RM ue es Oe This cheetahs black spots act as camouflage. This way, the cheetah doesn't Ue Ree OL eg Poe eee cee as est ees ‘These butterflies are not the same pe ee ere ‘The top one tastes bad. The other one copies its shape and colours and tastes 7. | Pen camel Greer) Perea Oe cae ty UES aoa ne Oe at NUT ll ATO ero ces a TW wii SONG Listen, read and sing. rm: It's a Wild World cHorus It's a wild world! It's hard work staying alive. Animals do amazing things in order to survive. An insect that looks Ike a leat copies plants to be free. Predators are everywhere | and looking for a feast! CHORUS Camouflage and imitate. Resemble and escape ‘Animals hide infront of our eyes, every day. The hunter and the hunted, predator and prey, ‘must hunt or hide to stay alive, each and every day. A pretty frog can be as deadly asa polsonous snake. Its got stripes to tell it's enemies to stay away! CHORUS. & W's a wild wort AE ; Ask and answer. Work with a partner. 1, What predators have you seen? 2, What is their prey? 3. How does the prey avoid predators? Se cenit E © Read and write. work with a partner. Take tums. Compare. 1. some inseets / thin j sticks 2. a polar bear / white | snow 3. king snakes | not dangerous / coral snakes 4. a bee sting / bad / < wasp sting 5. alion / not loud / howler monkey ©} compare the animals. Work with a partner. Choose one word from each "group. Make sentences. ‘small smooth im a donkey i a | aan com © Make sentences. Work in a group. Take turns, Use the last word in each sentence to start the next sentence. The hippos as ») big as theca, “The frogs as funny 35 you Haha ¢ ~] a 29 VOCABULARY 2 6 Listen and repeat. Then read and write. r:2.s The butterfly Jaguars attack The cobra Deer escape fish confuses its their prey. defends itself. predators by predators with a ‘The mongoose running away. spot like an eye. avoids its bite. 1. All predators prey. 2. Bluebirds ______ their eggs from predators. 3. The tails of Calabar aythons look like heads, This predators so that they will not know where to strike! 4, Some animals use cemouflage to____________ predators. 5. A rabbit that runs fast can the coyote that chases it. © ussten. stick Hue cr False, Work with a partner Compare your answers. ra:2.6 “The spot onthe tall looks like an eye The sentences tue, You are right! My turn 30 Unit2 GRAMMAR 2 © Read. complete the questions 1. The katydid is pretending it’s a leaf, 2. The donkey doesn't look thirsty, 3. That python really confused its predator, ? 4, Cats like sleeping in the sun, 5, Baby penguins are so cute, 6. Those weren't copycat animals, 2 7. This lion's got big teeth, © Pray a game. cut out the question tags at the back of the book. Glue nine to complete your game. Listen. Which tag completes the sentence? If you've got it, draw an X on the square, 20 31 READING ‘One kind of spider tricks predators by imitating an ant. It e stan and foodie holds two legs up to look more Copycats enone ‘The leafy sea dragon is @ weird but beautiful copycat. From its name you would think it imitates a dracon, wouldn't you? But no, it only gets that name from its funny shape. The leafy sea dragon imitates what is around it.I lives in seaweed, and 50 its body looks like ¢ seaweed leaf. The sea dragon imitates the shape and colour of seaweed, and it ever looks like floating seaweed when it moves. It doesn't use the parts ofits body that look like a leaf to swim. It uses fins that are transparent, so it’s hard to see them move The leafy sea dragon not only looks like a copycat, it also dances like a copycat. A ‘male and female sea dragon will copy each other’s movements for hours! ‘The mimic octopusis the only sea creature that can imitate many different species, It not only changes its colour, it also changes its shape. It’s got arms as thick as pencils. When it spreads them wide, they look like the spines of a lionfish, It hides some of its arms in the sand but leaves two arms out. Then with its white and brown stripes and the two arms, it looks like a sea snake! It can also pull its arms together and swim on the sea floor, so to a predator, it looks like a poisonous flatfish! Like other octopuses, the mimic octopus has got eight arms and three hearts. It swims by shooting out jets of water through a siphon. I's also got a large brain for its size. What a clever octopt Eran ted Read and write. Work with a partner. Compare your answers. 1, What does the leafy sea dragon imitate? 2. What does the leafy sea dragon use to swim? 3. What does the mimic octopus look like? 4, What does the mimic octopus do with its arms? Work with a partner. Choose the leafy sea dragon or the mimic octopus ‘to talk about. Your partner will listen and complete the first row. Then listen to your partner and fill in the second row. ‘an octopus 4 Summarise the reading. Work in groups of three. Take turns The leafy sea dragon is 2 copycat animal ‘But it doesnt ook like a dragon. No, took ke seaweed, eon) WRITING Read. Read about two types of copycat animals. How does the writer classify them? What words does the writer use to show that the animals are similar or different? Underline the words and expressions. Animals that imitate ‘Some animals copy other animals to avoid attack. Some species copy the appearance or the ‘sound of another animal The monarch buttertly is poisonous to many predators, The viceroy buttertly is also poisonous and it looks like the monarch buttertly, So predators don't eat it Like the viceroy butterfly, ‘the ash borer moth changes its appearance to protect itself. It hasr't got a stinger, but it looks like a wasp, so predators avoid it Other species copy the sound of another animal When termites feed under the leaves, they make hissing sound, ike a snake. A dormouse does the same thing. Wher it is ina dark hole, it hisses loudly, Predators leave both of these animals alone! ash borer moth Write. Write about animals that belong to a certain category. Describe the characteristics that they share and the characteristics that are different. 6 Share. Share your writing. Work in a small group. Listen and make notes. 34 Unit2 iret Think. Pair. Share. Rear a Ce UT ek biodiversity affect it? Ba cUN IR RC as Eee eas coe SOAS Coke a a Pe ee Co Cee aad See Re eee Se ee aoa EUR) places, particularly children who are stewards of the future of nature? Sec 35 PROJECT Make a collage. Work in small groups. Choose a habitat such as a sea, a forest or a desert. Discuss how animals protect themselves in that glace. ‘Theresa leaf talled gecko ona tree trunk In te rainforest. tuses camouflage to In your part of the collage, a show some animals that use camouflage and some that survive in other ways. 36 Unit2 Now I can... CO describe O© compare diffe © talk abou imitate o © we classification writing In this unit, twit + talk about different musical instruments and styles. + talk about my musical experiences. + compare how people make music. + do contrast writing Circle the correct answer. 1. The man is using a. a hunting ». a musical instrument. 2. He's playing 2. traditional musi b. classical music De) VOCABULARY 1 listen and read. Listen and repeat. There are three main types of musical instruments. String instruments make sounds when you pluck the strings. Wind instruments make sounds when you blow air through them. Percussion instruments make different sounds when you hit them or shake them Music has its own language. Each single sound is a note. Play two notes lor more at one time to make a chord. Notes and chords played one after the other make a melody. The thump, thump, thump that makes you want to dance is the beat. Put all the beats together, slow and fast, repeat them over time, and you have a rhythm, & / \ apiano aflute a saxophone Do you want your band to play better? ‘You have to practise! Play songs again and again until they sound really good ‘When your band sounds good, you can perform for an audience. Invite your friends to the concert! IF you don't play an instrument but you sing well, you could be the lead singer! © Ask and answer. work with a partner. What did you learn? How many types of ere are three main types. Instruments are there? There are th pe 4 1 1 SONG © listen, read and sing. 22 Music Is Fun cHoRUS Have you ever listened to hip-hop? Have you ever listened to drums? listen to all kinds of music. It's amazing fun. Listen to the saxophone. Lsten to the beat Listen to the melody. Feel itn your feet! The flute is playing. The piano fs, too. | can hear the guitar. Can you? 3 cHoRus Listen to the rhythm. Lsten to that band! . Sing the notes (la, la, a) ‘and clap your hands. Have you ever played note? Have you ever playeda chord? Have you ever playeda rhythm? 1,2,3,41 33) CHORUS: © Ask and answer. work with a partner. 1. Who are your favourite musicians? 2. What instruments do they play? 3. Why do you like their music? 42 Unit 3 Pantsula, Alexandra, South Africa 43 GRAMMAR 1 Present perfect with everand never ri-3.« Have you ever listened to hip-hop? Yes, | have, Have you ever danced to hip-hop? No, | haven't. Have you ever been (go) toa concert? No, I haven't, Has Lisa ever heard an orctestra perform? No, she has never heard an ‘orchestra perform. © Read. complete the sentences. have never heard 1. This song is new. 1 (hear it before. 2 ee {go) to see an opera. | don't think Vd Tike it 3 ister) to faze? Yes, 1 ke itt 4.ifyou___ (hear) her sing, then you know she sings well. 5. This is his first time, He —__ (perform) in public before. GS ese ee rye seen eeserreser ear: (lane) tn a slow song? Chinese opera e Write. What about you? Write questions. Work with a partner. Answer each other's questions, Have you ever been to a rock concert? 1. go | rock concert 2. play / a musical instrument 3. have / music lessons 4, see | a band 5. listen to / classical music 6. sing / in public 7. hear | your brother sing 8, perform Jin public © Ask and answer. work in groups of three. Use words from thelist. Take turns. band guitar dance perform concert piano havejazzlessons play drums saxophone listen to see famous singer meet sing Of course Ive listened to her sing. She's good Have you ever istened {0 your sister sing? 45 VOCABULARY 2 6 Listen and repeat. Then read and write. re:3.5 pop jazz rock 1. Alarge orchestra that includes cellos, violins and trumpets often plays : music. 2, Some music uses spoken words instead of singing. It's called 3. Atype of music with swing and rhythm that began 100 years ago and had Tinks to the music of West Africa is —__ 4. This music is made for lots of people to enjoy. It's easy to listen to. Ws music, 5, This music has a strong beat and fast rhythm. I's called Talk and stick, Work with a partner. Put the types of music in order (1 = favourite), Discuss your favourite music and give examples of songs and performers. 46 Unit 3 GRAMMAR 2 Comparative adverbs rn: 3.6 He sings more loudly than | do, ‘She plays the violin better than he does. | play the guitar as well as my brother. He practises the piano less often than me. 6 Read and write. Make comparisons. Use five words from the list. beautifully fast hard often. slow well worse 1. He's good. He plays the guitar —__ he plays the drums. 2. That's not good. The orchestra sounds the band, 3, She practises __________ than he does. She plays at least twice a day. 4.1 dance to hip-hop 1 dance to rock 5. 1 play the piano my older sister. © Pray a game. Play with a partner, Take tutns, Spin and make sentences with a comparison. Hy sister sings better than me READING 4000 BCE 3500 BCE a eee ae Lea © Usten and read. m7 Sorbet (Egypt) 5 All Mi aoonee Its UsiIC ove) ) 20008t8 People made music before they could write about it eee One of the oldest instruments ever found is more than Percussion 42,000 years old. Is a flute. Instruments tke flutes are dates i called wind instruments. The music comes from moving ae cere ai usly when peson Blows into the sumer 29 Each wind instrument asa shpe tat mast sound ue diferent Some have got holes for Fingers to cover OtNes ga ite have got buttons to press. Holes and buttons let you ‘Oboe change the way the ait travels to change the notes. Rome) Another way to mace music is with strings. When you pluck a string, it makes a note. String instruments have got thick or thin strings and long or short strings to make different notes. The shape of the string instrument also helps to make the sound. If the shape is bigger, the music sounds lower. Musicians often use a bow to play string instruments, The bow is a piece of wood with hairs or a string stretched between its ends. Musicians slide it over the strings to make sounds. You can also make music by hitting or shaking something. Percussion instruments can be made from many things. That’s because most things make a sound when you hit them. The air inside the instrument makes the sound louder. A drum is a percussion instrument, but instruments with strings can be percussion instruments, too. When you hit strings, you can make music. A piano is a percussion instrument. When you press the piano keys, hammers inside the piano hit the strings to make music. - Ce) © choose the best answer. 1. Adrum isa a. string instrument b, percussion instrument. wind instrument 2. IFyou press a key on a wind instrument, the sound changes because 2. your finger is heavy b. it holds the instrument tightly «. the path of the air changes 3. An empty space inside percussion instruments makes the sound a. softer. faster. louder 4, Some string instruments are played with a a.bow b.hammer —c. key oe Match the instruments and their types. Work with a partner. Tick the correct column. = @ Mozart Kosta composed his Piano first songwhen he was ve Saxophone yrs ol Viotin Work in groups of three. Invent a unique band that mixes different musical instruments. What six instruments would you choose? 49 WRITING Read. Read the text about two ways to compose music. How does the writer show they are different? Underline the words used. Composing, then and now In the past, comsosers wrote down their music with paper and a pen. They wrote short lines and dots, This showed another person how to play the music. They 4 couldn't record the music, so people always played the 4 music to each other. But now, technology has changed all this. f For about 150 years, people have recorded music electronically, Today, computers are helping people to) itt i mW write music more easily. While in the past composers t ke me + hi had to write on paper, today computers can do that for them. A person sings a melody, and then the computer writes the notes! Before, when composers wanted to make changes, they had to stop and rub out the notes. Instead, composers today can touch a screen a few times and make big changes to their music. While @ tracitional composer was busy cleaning ink off his fingers, a modern composer writes ‘more songs instead! SA 7D Se Write. Write about two styles of music or two musical instruments. How are they different? Use words and expressions that show contrast. © hare. share your writing. Work in a small group. Listen and make notes. 50 Unit 3 @ 0 mission 2 a POUT CR nC loo Think, Pair. Share. SMe Occur Cn eng * Think of a song. How has it changed how you think? — OOo n te a enc BR ‘Music can change the world. It can inspire people to care, to do something Renee arg SS Oe S Rc eo PROJECT Make an instrument. Work in small groups and research ye me perasson ané wna homemade musical instruments. instrament. They sound great Collect recycling ane make a musical instrument. Join other groups with instruments and practise. Have a concert! Now I can... © talk about different ‘musical instruments and styles, © talk about my musical experiences. © compare how people make do contrast writing. Listen and write. Carla is doing a survey about music, What are her questions? What do Laura and Andrew answer? Complete the table. rr:3.0 Questions Laura ‘andrew 1 hip-hop 2 He likes singing. He's sung in public. 4 none © doa survey. Ask two other students the same questions. Make notes. © Ask and answer. viork in groups of three. One of you is going on holiday toa place with extreme weather. How are you going to prepare? Take ‘tums to ask questions and give advice. hunicane | @ —~ sandstorm 4 flood . hailstorm, 3 heatwave: blizzard never tornado | (i going to Antarctica! That's coo), rm going to ake very plan srt? Have you ever been thee? warm gloves! tropical storm It you go to Antarctica, you ( heed more than warm doves! No, Ive never been there. What are you going to pack? 54 Review Units 1-3 © atch the copycat animal. Find the photo that matches the text ‘tawny frogmouth = 1. This animal's skin is as rough as a tree. I brown like a tree, too! ‘That helps it hide from predators. 2. This animal has got feathers as brown as the colour of wood. If it hears you, it doesn’t move. It makes its body stiff. It looks just like a tree branch! 3. This animal imitates the colour of a dead leaf, It uses the leaf as camouflage. Even if you look for it, you will never see it! Write. Continue the story, Work in groups of four. Choose a story. Read it aloud. Then add your own sentence to the story. Take turns. Then share your story with another group. Tis raining hard. Paolo runs ‘A few friends meet to play music. under a tree. Maria fs standing Paolo is good at playing the there, too. They can hear guitar. Maria has got a beautiful thunder. Then there is a lash voice. Alba has got a drum. They of lightning! Maria says .. talk about what music to play. 55 people tell stories about this, but is it true? Some scientists say that it might be, We're going to look at a few examples. Many people who have got dogs know about their behaviour. They can see when dogs are more nervous than usual. One ‘example is Champ, an cleven-year-old dog who went down to the basement and wouldn't come out. His family knew he was scared. ‘They looked at the sky and saw a tornado coming. So they took shelter in the basement, too. The tornado destroyed their house but they were safe in the basement with Champ. Dogs can hear low sounds, feel changes in air pressure and smell better than people. So they can often help tell when a storm is coming. Birds often change their movements before a storm. Golden ‘winged warblers are birds that migrate from Latin America to North America. In 2014, scientists studying migration noticed that the birds weren't in the state of Tenmessee at the right time. In fact, they flew 1,500 kilometres 00 miles) more to avoid a huge storm. Itis possible they heard the low sounds from the thunder. They returned to Tennessee a few days later. Have you ever heard that some species can predict earthquakes and tsunamis? Elephants are very good at this. Their big feet can feel ibrations in the ground. In the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, elephants escaped up the hills before the sea water flooded the beaches. They probably fet early vibrations of the earthquake that caused the tsunami. With time, we will understand more about animals and how they react. ‘The next time the weather forecast says a storm is coming, watch the animals around you. Ate they predicting it, too? Nebraska, USA eee eh tird @ Read. Tick T for True or F for False. PSone ones Peake eee Cen cma icant discovered that the birds predicted the wea! 3. Champ, the dog, wasn't disturbed by the storm. 4, Storms can make low sounds that humans can't hear. COC Mra Sees Mr eet soma aT PET meu Red RRL oe 1. Pretend you are a scientist observing one of the animals in the text. Write down your observations. 2. What other stories have you heard about animals sensing storms or other weather events? Write a short paragraph about it. 3. How do you know the weather is changing? Can you think of signs? Complete the table and then discuss with a partner. Let’s © isten and read. 1:20 ‘Marco: Whose turn is it? Amy: It's my turn, ‘Marco: Well, hurry up! Amy: Yes, won! : Now we're tied, No! What do you mean? Well, 1 won last time! Whose turnisit? Hurry up! Yes! Not ns my tur, Comeon! wont ‘That's not true. Ws hismher turn We're tied. That's not possible. Sorry, you lost! © Discuss. work with a partner. Use the table, Take turns to talk about playing a game. 58 Let's Talk © Uusten and read. n:231 So, I'll be the reporter. Who's going to make notes? 11do that. ‘Thanks. Can you watch the time, Hans? Sure. ‘Um, what page are we on? We're on page 25. We're sharing ideas about music. Thanks, Olga. Who's goingto —rildo that. What pageare we on? We're on page r MM (wateh the time). which page is it? Gan you ibe | 7 ican How long have we got? We've got | What are we doing? were © Ussten to two discussions. circle what the students are doing. masz 1. They're doing a role play / preparing a poster. Olga is going to do the art / write. 2. They're doing a role play / crossword. Olga is going to watch the time / class. © Discuss. work in groups of three. Prepare and practise discussions Choose one task. Discuss how you are going to do it. 1, Make a musical instrument from recycled objects. 2. Make a collage about copycat animals. 3, Make a poster about the weather. [ert a ihe - ae t Out Ue Teun aN eee Sn Bercy Dens Pao ce) ec ee ec Het tr x +5 re pean At TE ee ¢ PS CUE IC cL acres (ce ered ee Cae RS eae See Ue ces Cu Se Beg eee ees ne eS ee eg cece cen fhas an atmosphere with oxygen to breathe. eee Oe Ee een ed ae SUAS 100 billion stars. The Milky Way isn't the only galaxy. ‘There are more galaxies in the universe than there are SE AN ane ae SC es een Poel € A comet is a cloud of rock, ice and gas that Sa RUNS ee] its journey around the sun. Scientists keep data on comets to know when they will appear. 5 Bron Ero SC Ne ce RSS CR Se ee RS fee cr eae ur eee Sea eee OTe Ceo na Ree Nc billon stars ‘ur goaxy is our galaxy ky Way brit (ect Eo eae Deep in Outer Space eet) Ser een CRC ay ee eas Ronee n ee ae ee arene ees Pee ee ec) Ceres Clr Ceo oe Rae ea ut Pees Pee oo Sy Rene Ree re Perr but! wish we'd get there soon! Cry CT eae eset Ciaran ctc rs cen ee) Pei un Te ea and see the wonders of life an Earth and so much more ry Pesos? fone ered - Cerca ete) Ses cet ereenue nue na Sr ar OE aS GRAMMAR 1 May and might «» Haplanethas an atmosprere, it may Do you think astronauts might go to have life, ‘the moon again? There might be life on other planets. Yes, but it may be very simple life. 6 Read. Tick the true sentences, 1. Some stars may have planets like Earth, 2. We may find extraterrestrials on a distant planet. 3. A meteor might hit Earth, 4. The Milky Way might be a galaxy. 5, Earth may have an atmosphere, 6. You may become an astronaut. © complete the sentences. are maybe is. maydiscover_— live. —_may live = 1. There __ oxygen on planets in other galaxies. 7 2. There no oxygen on the moon. 3. Extraterrestrials : on other planets. 4, Astronauts on the space station for some time. 5. There __________ other solar systems in the universe. 6. One day, scientists life on other planets. Comes 6 Write sentences. What do you think? 1. green skin / extraterrestrial Extraterrestrials might not have green skin like they do in films. 2. comet / lifetime 3. universe | galaxies 4. comet / our planet, 5. find / life 6. moon / one day © ak about life in the universe. Work in groups of three. Take turns ‘to add more information. ‘The planet might be too hat or t00 cold for ite There may be another planet with an atmasphere tke Earth. Ifthe planet has water, itmay have plants, 67 hl VOCABULARY 2 © Uisten and repeat. Then read and write. 1:45 a spacecraft ‘arocket This is a rover called Curiosity. t's on ‘Mars and it searches for signs of life Inthe rocks. t communicates with ‘computers on Earth. 1. A powerful is needed to send anything into space. 2. People live and work on a . They perform ‘experiments in space 3. Extraterrestrials probably would not speak English. It would be difficult to with them 4, Scientists use rovers to___forlife in other galaxies. 5. One day we may land a_________on the moon again. 6. Someone who travels in space is an Listen and stick. Work with a partner. Take turns describing the rocket launch. rr: 4.6 68 Unit 4 © Read and write. Complete the paragraph anyone everyone no one someone likes debating life on other planets. __ knows for sure if there is life on other planets or not. If tells you that they know, that person really doesn't know! Are you who likes debating? 1 will debate life in space with ____ who wants to. knows the answer, but has an opinion! © Asiana answer. work with a partner. 1. Does anyone in your family think there is life on other planets? 2. Name one thing everyone in your family does believe. 3, Name one thing no one in your family believes. 4, Name a funny habit someone in your family has. Play a game. Cut out the cards at the back of the book. Make sentences. Take turns. ‘Someone in this lass is wearing an orange T-shirt. Has anyone got an umbrella today? 69 Everyone here is 2 good student. READING Listen and read. Listening for Life If extraterrestrials live on other planets, we can’t see them, Planets in other solar systems are extremely far away. We can't see the planets, even with our biggest telescopes. But what if the extraterrestrials want to communicate with us? What if they are sending messages? This signal would travel through space. After many years, it might reach our solar system. It would be hidden in the noise from other places in space. We would need special tools to hear it Scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have made a tool for listening. It uses 42 satellite dishes that are connected together. Scientists plan to have 350 dishes one day. They point all the dishes at the same place in the sky. Then they search for any data they can hear. The dishes can hear very weak signals. For example, hey could hear a mobile phone on a planet in our solar system. (That's if someone had a mobile phone on Jupiter!) The dishes pick up noise from radios on Earth, too. Scientists must be careful to avoid this noise. We have not heard from an extraterrestrial yet. But is it possible that they are listening to us? If they are, most could not have heard us yet. We have used radios for just over 100 years. That isn't much time for the big distances in the universe, Jn that time, our signal could only reach a small number of stars. Extraterrestrials from nearby solar systems would not hear us for thousands cf years. rey k T for True or F for False. 1. Extraterrestrials have listened to our radio waves for over 100 years. 2. SETI dishes listen for life by listening for radio signals. 3. Scientists point the SETI dishes in many directions. Q@OO OOOO 4, Radio waves from Earth are a problem for SETI scientists Should we search for life? Write why and why not, Discuss the table. Work with a partner, Support your opinions. ngs om the extraterre AEMy Te test scons wee rat les. They were aunched on LJ) 201h February, 1947. Bene Se WRITING 6 Read. How does the writer persuade? Underline the words. Exploring space People spend a lot of time and money on space exploration. I think ‘his fo @ good thing, We can learn a lot about our lives here on Earth when we discover more about space. The facts show that many inventions We use today come from the {> technology people used to travel to space. For example, all smartphones today have a small camera. Space scientists started to make these in the 1990s so that they could take small cameras into space. : Also, according to experts, in many places the water We drink is now much cleaner because of space technology. Space scientists needed to search for ways to make water clean or the spacecraft. We use s0me of this technology today to Keep our water clean on Earth I believe that secrching for lite in space is a good thing, too. It helps us to see how special our lives on Earth are, Write. Do you think we should search for life in space? Take a position. Think about cost, usefulness, urgent problems on Earth, advances in technology and so on, Use facts to persuade, 6 Share. Share your writing, Work in a small group. Listen and make notes, 72 unit 4 Psst Be curious. BUT aCe SERRE POR Ra oN RE Peri ORS even when it's difficult? SRN MCR Un OSM Ree ec ro Cre ‘We finally have the tools and technology to answer this age-old question: Ree eed ee eee ee ees frees at Cee en ae eee 73 PROJECT Make a model of a type of place where you think we could find life. Use your imagination to re-create the surface of the type of planet ‘or moon you choose, Use cardboard, paper and other materials. © Make citferent iife forms as you imagine them. © think about how they might eat and what they might do. © decide how to present your ideas to the class. 74 Unit 4 | think these animals might Ive ina place ke this. They might eat these blve and purple plants, Now I can... © talk about space and space exploration: © talk about different possibilities of life in space. CO ive my opinions bout space, © do persuasive writing. 5 Unit 5 Arts Lost y and Found / DOLe Uae Storytelling isn’t always done Ceci aes hese rite eer ren (econ ced De een Pee) CORR ORe CC ROR LC down from one generation to WERE = sank eee a Se ne EerSeeeaestne riot enero seetir ny eerie ee eed poe tethers Sree src rs Dragon boats are a 2,000-year-old Chinese ere ene ee Se together to win. Today. dragon boat racing has eee RT nn at In Ghana, many people hold on nate beautiful cloth. Tourists eee nas Dee Cn oe eu NaS ood keep their history alive. This local Pee ee Cons gee ET Ce eer ORT Crees d NOR ee Do Seen SONG © usten, read and sing. 52 Keep Your Culture Strong chorus Knowing your history is important. Holding on to your culture is an excellent thing Knowing your history is important. It's up to you to keep your culture strong! \What special art does your culture bring to cour world? What special thing does your family bring to cour world? Weaving? Learn to doit! Storyteling? Learn to tellit! What brings your culture aide? chorus What special art does your culture bring to ‘our world? \What special thing does your family bring to four world? Embroidery? Leatn to sew it! Sculpture? Learn to sculp: it! What brings your culture aide? Your grandparents may seem ald to you, but they know a thing or twol chorus © Ask and answer. work with a partner 1. What special art does your culture bring to our world? 2. What special thing does your family bring to our world? 3. What would you like to learn to do? 80 Unit 5 GRAMMAR 1 © Read. complete the sentences. cook create paint row share weave ___a boat is hard to do with another person, 2. cloth was my grandmother's job. 3. artis exciting! 4,_________your traditions helps other people understand you. 5. (on wood is fun for people who like colours. 6,______ traditional recipes is another way to keep your culture alive. © atite. compete the sentences about you and your family, 1. Painting iS my father's hol 2. Teaching a craig eee gage 4 Helping >. Taking photos 6. Reading : 82 Unit 5 © complete the conversa jn. ‘Mario: Grandpa, did you listen to music when you were young? Grandpa: Yes, | did. ‘was one of my favourite hobbies! ‘Mario: And did you go to the cinema? Grandpa: Of course! | went every Sunday. ______________ was the most important event of the weekend! ‘Mario: Did you talk to your friends on the phone? Grandpa: No, | didn't ‘was very expensive when | ‘was young! Mario: And did you play sports? Grandpa: Not much. My parents thought that was a ‘waste of time. They wanted me to study all the time! But | still played football with my friends! ‘Mario: What about housework? Did you help around the house? Grandpa: Of course! __ was something everyone had to do! © sive your opinion. work in groups of three. Take turns. listening to stories creating art saving traditions visiting family watching dancers singing traditional songs looking at old photos ooking at my grandfathers ‘old photos is really cal! 83 VOCABULARY 2 Listen and repeat. Then read and write. sculpture embroidery handmade pottery jewellery making 1. When a work of art is made by hand, we say it’s 2. People use___________to make their clothes more beautiful and decorative. is made from clay that dries and becomes hard Sometimes itis heated in an oven. 4. Tomakea________ artists can use materials such as wood, stone, metal or ice. 5. is popular. Many children like making bracelets. © Look, put in order (2 = favourite) and stick. Work with a partner. Discuss your preferences. 84 Unit 5 © Read and complete the sentences. Use the words from the list. co-operating making passing sharing storytelling travelling 1. Young people today are very interested in their traditions. 2. Yim very excited about _____to where my grandparents came from. 3. Do you like 2 Storytellers like down their traditions. 4. Lenjoy traditional jewellery. © Piay a game. cut out the cube at the back of the book. Work with 2 partner. Take turns making sentences. Paying. enjoy laying football with my friends 85 Pity (econ ae Not Your Grandpa’s Mariachi Tee RCO reer Neo eee eee Lad rs Re en Ree a CE RSS RS CM Se Sen RSC Mee eS ea ce instruments included traditional violins and different kinds of classical guitars. The sinaller guitars played he higher notes, and a traditional bass guitar played the low Se ee ee MRNA er EO en ae cr ees cas Pee ea RSL enn ‘The mariachi played and danced at celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. OCs URS eS et eae eee no Fast-forward to today and meet the Mariachi Flor de Toloache. They're an SS a ee oR Leen Oa ‘women have Mexican or Puerto Rican famijes, but others do pot. So the band ey na Sees se They sing traditional Po SSeS eT ee STS See aS CS Sect ee a Sona modern worl. Corot Mariachi Band, Ceara y Cay © Read and write. 1. Where did mariachi music begin? 2. What instruments are usually in @ mariachi band? 3. When did the traditional mariachi that we see today begin? 4, What language do mariachi singers usually sing in? 5. Where did the Mariachi Flor de Toloache band meet? © write. compare traditional mariachi to the Mariachi Flor de Toloache. rr | P| tonsa | Ni male or female choice of songs dress language Make new music. Work with a partner. Invent a new musical style. It can be completely new, or you can modernise a style you know. What styles would you mix? What instruments would you use? Mice sng to each other atnight. Yes! Let’ add crums and an electric gitar! Any other ideas? 87 WRITING Read. What informal expressions does the writer use in her blog? Underline them. The coolest holiday ever!!! ‘My famity and | went to Machu Picchu in Peru Itwas amazing. Fist |went on a ong tain ride with my amity to Aguas Cates, From there we took a bus ie Machu Picchu ‘Te bus went iow up the steep mountain Wi eal gla the bus was slow} LOL. From the bus window, saw lamas eating grass. When we arved, Iwas excited. It was 0 cool to see the runs. The Incas who bult Machu Picchu were great zrchitects. My family and! climbed the steps ll the way up tothe ‘Sun Gate. twas a ifiult im, Wl stopped to res a few times because | was incredbly ted, Then we were at the top — what a view! We could see everything! think my photos are brillant. Tell me what you think Write. Write a blog entry about a family holiday or a special day. Describe your thoughts and feelings. Se ‘Share. Share your writing. Work in a small group. Listen and make notes. 88 Unit 5 Tene) meet (ey BUTT aac Sec een Pe eueeed at cae Ce Oey 'm committed to protecting the cultures of the world in hopes that the Sree aac es Dee ie Me as Rea a PROJECT Make a museum of the future. Find an object that is important to you and you think people in the future would find interesting. Write about why it is important to you Put all the objects together in part of your classroom. Invite people to come to your museum of the future. 90 Unit 5 Hove this lantern. t's made of sik and it has been in my ‘amily for along time. We often hang it up outside our home in the evening. | love looking at it when it’s shining! Now I can... CO tak about traditions and communities. O talk about different craft and cultural ac CO understand changing traditions. O write a blog entry. Amazing Plants! VOTE Ay Cece en Pecunia Have you ever heard of a flower that Rae eer) eed en Ree reac ce ty Ee ee eae See ae om Plants need light, air, water and nutrients to live, Roots absorb the ‘nutrients that are in the ground and water. Tiny organisms called bacteria turn these nutrients into food that the plant can use. But some places don’t have a Jot of these nutrients. So some plants adapt. ‘They follow a different plan for survival. Their strategy is to eat insects! aren ere ‘The Venus flytrap attracts insects with smell. The flower stinks like rotting a sweet odour. When an insect lands ‘meat, The smell attracts flies to the ‘on an open leaf, the leaf closes and plant ~ and then tricks them! When (UWB traps the insect. Then the plant slowly a fly crawls on the flower, pollen insect over a period of sticks to the fly. Then the fy takes the pollen and leaves it on the next plant it visits, That's how the stink lily makes new plants. oe ELTA EY ue

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