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EST-EFL (INTERNAL USE ONLY) | For Student's Book Audio go to: Dé truy cap bai nghe cia sich, hay ding nhip: ON Toa oles Mera tar Go to: ing nhp dia chi sear FOR STUDENTS eae studentaw6 hana’ natgeo Message from Apollo's Founders E Apollo English has been the place where the best become better since 1995. We have one goal: to ensure that every Apollo English student develops confidence and fluency in using English and becomes a strong and resilient global citizen. Our expertise is widely recognised and we are proud to have won more national and international awards than any © Thuyoung Hoang other training provider in Vietnam. Nothing, however, is More important to us than seeing the positive impact we make on the lives of our students. We believe that Apollo English students deserve the best teachers, the best curriculum and the best methodology. We are proud to deliver these key elements and continuously work to become even better. We also believe that Apollo English students deserve the best learning content and that is why we have entered into a strategic partnership with National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, to bring you Apollo World. Thank you for selecting Apollo English and enjoy your child's learning journey with Apollo World, Khalid Muhmood MBE and Arabella Peters Founders Tir nam 1995, Apollo English da tré thanh manh dat uom mam phat trién cdc thé hé uu tu - noi nhting hoc vién xudt sdc tré nén xudt sdc hon. Ching toi luén huéng dén mét muc tiéu: dm b30 méi hoc vien Apollo English lun sr dung tiéng Anh mot cach tu tin, thanh thao va tré thanh nhiing céng dan toan cu manh mé va ban finh, ‘Chuyén mén cia chiing tai duoc chting nhan rng rai va chting téi thao da nhan duge rat nhiéu giai thung uy tin trong nudc va quéc té, nhiGu hon bat ky t6 chic gido duc nao tai Vit Nam. Tuy vay, véi chting tdi, khéng cé gi quan trong hon duoc nhin thay nhiing tac dng tich cuc lén tuong lai méi hoc vién khi theo hoc tai Apollo English. Ching ti tin rang dng sau nhiing hoc vién uu td 1a tam huyét cia doi ngt giso vién cé6 trinh dé, chuong trinh giéng day chat luong va phutong phap dao tao tién bd. Chiing tdi ty hao trao tng hoc vién nhing diéu tét dep nhat va sé tiép tuc cong hién dé giup cdc em tré nén xuat séc hon. Ching t6i ciing luén tin rang nhing hoc vién xuat sdc nhat xting dang c6 dugc nhiing tu ligu hoc tap tot nhat. B6 chinh Ia ly do chung t6i thiét lp méi quan hé ddi tc chién lugc véi National Geographic Learning, thudc cng ty Cengage Learning, dé mang dén cho cdc hoc vién bé sach Apollo World. Xin cm on ban da Iya chon Apollo English va chdc ban cé hanh trinh kham phé Apollo World that thd vi Khalid Muhmood MBE va Arabella Peters ‘Dong sang lap About Apollo English y. 4 a Apollo English, foundedin 1995, isthe firs fully foreign-owned English Language training organisation in Vietnam. At the heart of everything 7a ‘ourexceptonalteam of internationally qualifiedteachers who APOLLO are proud to consider themselves global citizens. With an extensive ENGLISH _ network of international-standard teaching centres located in Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Bac Ninh, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong, we have served over five hundred thousand students. Apollo English makes numerous contributions to Vietnamese society through scholarship programmes, English activities and teacher training, programmes in local schools. We are also well known for our contributions to well-loved television programmes including ‘Golden Belt, The Road to Olympia’ and ‘Connect Youths. Our mission to be the place WHERE THE BEST BECOME BETTER was defined on the basis that our entire community (educators and learners) consists of ambitious and forward- thinking individuals who strive to contribute and succeed. We are proud that our expertise has enabled hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese learners to achieve a level of confidence and fluency in using English that provides a solid foundation for success in their education, careers and lives. Apollo English duc thanh lap vao nam 1995 va la trung tam Anh ngG thudc sé htru nu6c ngoai dau tién tai Viet Nam. Trong moi hoat d6ng tai Apollo English, ban s® lun nhan thay du dn cla d6i ngii céc nha gido duc va lanh dao quéc té, nhting cOng dan toan cau. Véi hé théng cdc trung tam giang day dat tiéu chudn quéc té rong khap céc than phé én nhu Ha Ndi, thanh phé H6 Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Da Nng, Bac Ninh, Bién Hoa va Binh Duong, ching t0i da va dang giang day hon nim tram ngan hoc vién tai tat c& cdc khu vuc. Apollo English khang ngting dong g6p cho cdc hoat d6ng xa héi tai Viét Nam théng qua cac chung trinh hoc béng, cdc hoat dong vé tiéng Anh, céc chuong trinh dao tao giao vién tai trudng hoc, cdc chuong trinh truyén hinh dugc yéu thich bao gdm “Rung chu6ng vang", “Duong len dinh Olympia’ va "Két ni Tre”. Cong dong cac nha gido duc va hoc vién Apollo English chinh la nhding ngudt lam nén WHERE THE BEST BECOME BETTER, noi nhting con ngubi xudt sac trd nén xuat sic han. Ho la nhiing cd nhan day khat vong, luén mong muén dugc déng gop cho x hdi va vuon dén thanh cng. Chting tdi ty hao voi chat lugng gido duc vugt tr6i, Apollo English 43 gidp hang tram nghin hoc vin Viet Nam cd duge sty tin va luu loat trong viéc sti dung tiéng Anh - chia khoa mé ra co héi thanh céng trong hoc tap, su nghiép va cudc sdng. About Apollo Teachers and Methodologies TEACHERS We provide qualified, 100% foreign teachers, 100% of the time, We have an exceptional group of internationally qualified expatriate teachers within our Learning Experience Team. Our teachers are true global citizens who come to Vietnam from the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada and beyond. All teachers hold the University of Cambridge CELTA qualification or equivalent and participate in an ongoing programme of teacher training, development and best-practice sharing, Apollo English Junior is today’s most effective and comprehensive English teaching pro- gramme for children. i eee STUDENT-CENTRED LEARNING Teachers prioritise activities where all students can immediately take part and use English with each other, not just with the teacher. This has the benefits of maximising practice ‘opportunities and making learning memorable. LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH SUBJECTS (LETS) We use the LETS methodology as a tool to teach Science, Maths, Art, Music, Geography and other subjects. This helps students build their knowledge about the world while using English in authentic tasks and projects. 4Cs We nurture the 4Cs of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity, These are the essential skills that students will need to be successful in their future careers andlives, TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITAL LITERACY Digital literacy is the ability to utilise the 4Cs with a range of technology and devices. We use computers and interactive whiteboards to make learning engaging and build confidence and competence with technology. EXAM SUCCESS \Wewantourstudentsto demonstrate their English knowledge in externalexams. Throughout Apollo World we build in lessons and activities that help students learn the exam skills and techniques necessary to succeed in recognised proficiency tests such as the Cambridge Starters, Movers and Flyers exams. GIAO VIEN DOingligiaovién clia chuingtdila 100% gido vien nudc ngoaicé bang cdpchuyénmén. Cac gido vién tai Apollo English déu cé day dti bang cp chuyén man quéc té, cO thé giang day khp noi trén thé gidt va ho da chon dén Vit Nam. Ho la nhing cong, dan toan cau thyc thy dén tir cac quéc gia nhu Anh, My, Uc, Canada va cac nue khac. Bén canh nhting tiéu chun tuyén chon dac biét, cdc gido vién déu phai co cchiing chi giang day quéc té CELTA hoc tuong dung, va phai tham diy cdc churong trinh hud luyén va dao tao thutng xuyén. Apollo English Junior la chuong trinh ging day tiéng Anh cho thiéu nhi va thiu nién toan dign va higu qua nhat hién nay. LAY HOC VIEN LAM TRONG TAM. Trong l6p hoc, gido vién sé wu tién cdc hoat déng thtic ddy hoc vién giao tiép bing ting Anh vdi nhau chty khéng chi vai gido vién. Phuong phap nay gidp hoc vién tng cuting t6i da cdc co h6i giao tiép bang tiéng Anh va gidp ghi nhé céc n6i dung bai hoc dé dang hon. PHUONG PHAP OC QUYEN HOC TIENG ANH QUA MON HOC Phuong php LETS ctia ching toi str dung tiéng Anh nhumét cong cu dé giang day Khoa hoc, Todn, Nghé thuat, Am nhac, Bia ly va céc mén hoc khac. Phuong phép nay gidp hoc vién hinh thanh kién thifc v8 thé gidi thong qua viéc sit dung tiéng Anh dé hoan thanh cdc bai tp va dy dn trén I6p. BO KY NANG TUONG LAI 4c Chiing t6i gido duc bd ky nang tuang lai 4C qua ting hoat dong trong va ngoai lp hoc: Communication - Giao tiép, Collaboration - Hop téc, Critical thinking - Tu duy phan bién va Creativity - Sang tao. Day la nhiing ky nang vé cling can thiét dé hoc vién thanh céng trong c6ng viéc va cudc dng, HIEU BIET VE CONG NGHE VA KY THUAT SO BO kj ning 4C dugc phat trién két hop véi cdc thiét bi Kj thuat s6, Chung t6i str dung bang tuong tac dé bién viéc hoc tré nén hig tha han, phat trién sy tytin va trang bj kién thc cdng nghé ving vang cho hoc vien. THANH CONG TRONG THI CU CChiing t6i muén hoc vien thé hién t6t kién thitc tiéng Anh trong cc cudc thi. Thong qua gido trinh Apollo World, ching tdi x4y dung cdc bai hoc va hoat déng gidp hoc vign tiép thu cc kj nang va phuong phép cn thiét dé thanh cOng trong céc ky thi nhu Chung chi quéc té Starters, Movers va Flyers cua Bai hoc Cambridge. Apollo Global Citizens Our vision is to educate people to become global citizens and foster prosperity. We believe that developing globally relevant skills, provides an advantage that is vital for maximising success, locally or internationally, in todays ever-changing world. Our students develop fluency and confidence in English as the worlds leading global language, along with other practical skills for future success and academic results that ensure our learners stand out in a global landscape. Su ménh alia chting t6i Ia d30 tao cong dan toan cau va thc day sy thinh vung. Trong mat thé gigi thay déi khéng ngling, Apollo English tin rang phat trién nhong gj nang can thiét sé la don bay dé t6i wu thanh céng, khOng chi trong nuéc ma con mdi trudng quéc té. Hoc vién cia chung tdi phat trién sy ty tin va thuan thuc bang tiéng Anh, ngon ngt quécté,béncanh céckynangcAn thiétkhacdé dat dugckétquahoctapvathanhc6ng. trong tuang lai, gidp hoc vign cla chung t6i ludn néi bat trong mdi truéng toan cau. Apollo Parent Partnership The Apollo Parent Partnership programme enables our team of Learning Experience experts to support you as parents in helping your child get the best out of his/her learning journey. You can stay informed on practical issues (e.g. attendance, class times, class changes), get up-to-date feedback on your child's progress, and/or reach out and discuss any concerns you may have. We also use our expertise to share tips, advice and strategies on how to support your child at home to ensure they get the BEST outcomes in their learning with Apollo English. CChuong trinh két n6i nha trung - phy huynh “Apollo Parent Partnership" la noi dé ‘d6i gti chuyén gia cla ching t6i hd tro phy huynh va hoc sinh dat duoc két qua t6t nhat trong suét hanh trinh hoc tap. Phy huynh va hoc sinh sé dugc thong bao nhting thong tin cu thé nhur chuyén cn, gid hoc, thay d6i Isp hoc; hoc phan hoi ve suttién b6 cla hoc sinh. Phy huynh cing c6 thé thao luan bat ky mdi ban khoan n3o ve hoc tiéng Anh hay gido duc con tré. Nhiing chuyén gia tai Apolio English sé chia sé nhting Idi khuyén bd ich, chin luge va I6 trinh hoc tap hiéu qua dé phy huynh 6 thé hd tr¢ cdc con tai nha va dat két qua t6i uu tir viéc hoc tai Apollo English. re SERIES EDITORS JoAnn Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin AuTHOR Kate Cory-Wright NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING NATIONAL (GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING ‘Apollo World Student's Book 6 (© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company Series Editors: Joann Yodi) Crandall, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by the copyright Joan Kang Shin herein may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, ‘Author: Kate Cory-Wright Sr Regional Director, Asia ELT/Schoot Michael Cahill | except as permitted by US. copyright law, without the prior writen permission ofthe copyright owner. “National Geographic’, “National Geographic Society” and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Business Development Director, Asia: Scdeive uareeshecirots Erik Gundersen Publisher, Asia ELT/School: Sub dain | For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, ‘ For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at Further permissions questions can be emailed (0 ; ‘sr. Product Manager, Asia ELT/Schoo! Paul Grainger ‘Sr, Regional Manager, Production and Rights: Pauline Lim ‘sr. Operations Executive: Sacceunme ISBN: 978-981-4792-88-2 Creative Manager: Melvin Chong 151 Lorong Chuan '#02.08 New Tech Park Singapore $56741 Cover image: ‘©rmnunes/istock/ Thinkstock National Geographic Learning. a Cengage Learning Company, has a mission to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life \With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic ‘and TED Talks, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders. Locate your local office at international.cengage.comvregion Apollo Photo Credit: Visit National Geographic Learning online at Apollo founders’ photo by © Thuy Dung Hoang, Visit our corporate website at creas Iustration ivan st su eyon sent sj nie shots es een P74 LM o8 7M 8 Photography ‘Soweto eet? Soa rte 3 Gu argh eat ge W crear oatecr aps Hi ney tengo ‘SEs Sp eana inary. try Cather maps Crna eset OK ees ges) ke onan Ee Sarco teh anton ogy en cca ms eos ta rn Ca ety ag nace eet} ar Cys ena £7 aah ap ny ty py aa cn thi nh en yeaa ‘Sry, ene weg vow mers 3 obape Sraehaar Gop spne to Shenananar aoa 2 Gk STEEN toner ep ihe fe ‘ta ake gan cea arb bata tna ns ae Printed in Vietnam Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2017 te tie ep Fon er ees enthuse p om ) nA: hle o Te Irmgtrscey mages nent nges man on) ety ages Centon Phy Pee Ee ane am "jet roy een apaarepty ce Sn aon: tn x) tne ng: eh aah ety es Cos ‘nate soviet ota Ran yuan aga Cla Nowe ae tS Seapets ne eo ey 22cm nay hoppy seo cxaun onus sh neta Gepaph 8 Coe owen cngaphis een reeves ‘crpanuuateses oFs nT anston oppo aoa ewan enero, eon fests Ona ‘erence Fs Deas ay 5 2 ts Papen) eae ears ernment eNom ‘Seon as ua Tne ep aon, Nexen Magy ps oan nrc ea oO pe ‘Ecerntincars aston pero) pena ton en sa Tah ash sage Ug 2048 Te! ‘ez founn elm aman cep ee Warners ste gs) any lees Cees saga cape eae ‘SeuomaestralCongape Wt thenangerytears anid hae Cg ph otanee aps Crt Wet ‘aa ger uy hrs eas saga S89 Conan crop crs es 0 res Cnn tat ease 29 re mages a eatery Benue) Syst ogee pegs ‘Saarinen i choosen tolnnaren: toner nates eG enrages mr (a Seeipstonenose to sue tanec Sucutd, Wea tar ouseeCats he eran mean Gangs san Peay. {tipo cote rom on Covenants Yess ar Peet oes er hess El one We Eas romavincesae oy Sten Asastanicee Geopape sas Meise Scena cepa eee ser cosy Bee ‘Sunn amar a esenbnaLotanatan gigi Nea ros Rees sr epee eae a Se ‘SIvoarg rary nage Omen rk: xenon cai ety Payee Rens Me TPA ‘natant Copa en Satan Saas Acantn Pnresa 1 fd en Prato ang Uf Se ea oN Ten ‘Gu coppice 2-2 antares as nasa charmer dy ea Gee e {Ss can bundy naga: tookathamns 9 un vr OcupeenatehO4 cee owe ee ‘Secs seniy high raat mages cata nreaguny aan ary Peep al eam esse Wace nae Sharon ets cou cttsneknsens apap Wt Cream antes opm yun en Stn Weare att a ‘tc vny mg ue oe) eas san Sonoma BMA ceca aon Sec ge "NOs non aun renews eg ove of osama ear Teen Gea ta Sa hry ‘Scans tates Cnty rks Latinas Gepaphe c 245. Tw tack REND tt hn Tentrean Pnre CaaACede EMESRD TO aon bopper ay reheat ees OO A HUSSHnon pa eo Aon cpap SRG OEH ‘ecanmage na bax cnn seria mmeae Unt ey cans rang hanya go Smathers cite Totes =COTERAYSRe Ut) ob ‘tn: E Cea mage Cony sass Obl ae mages anaes Unt Cpr ae Steere as hee acc ase raps nro pny aoa en ah a a ea a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Pen This is our world. | say everybody move ... Everybody's got a song to sing. _| say everybody stop .. Each boy and girl. Everybody stop! This is our world! This is our world. I say ‘our’, you say ‘world’. Everybody's got a song to sing. Our! Each boy and girl. World! This is our world! Our! World! | say ‘boy’, you say ‘girl’. Boy! Girl! Boy! Girl! Unit 1 Exciting Sports Unit 2 History's a Mystery Unit 3. Chocolate! Units 1-3 Review q ee ra) Hove it! Excuse me, please Unit 4 Water, Water Everywhere Unit 5 It's a Small World Unit 6 Good Choice Units 4-6 Review. ore a Imean Actually, it's true. Unit 7 Wonders of the Natural World Unit 8 Robots Rule Unit 9 Amazing Adventures at Sea Units 7-9 Review. are See what | mean? Please have a look Irregular Verbs Cutouts Stickers 20 36 52 54 55 56 72 88 104 106 107 108 124 140 156 158 159 160 161 Exciting Sy oLel aE In this unit, | will. + discuss extreme sports. + discuss safety in sport: + describe people and actions. + write a biographical paragraph. Look, tick and write 1. How do you think these people feel? © really happy Overy worried CO extremely excited _ 3 2. Would you ever do this sport? 3, Write a caption for the photo. Dg ES CEC Ted ea Listen and repeat. Pee oO age Brie rete mete Cee “a Pe US SEAR a Extreme skiers reach speeds of 240 kilometres (150 miles) an hour and fly the length of two football fields before they land! Another popular Pe eee DACA rt and BMX, people flip in the air, like this skier! Kitesurfing is a new kind of surfing. An athlete travels skilfully across the water at speeds of 55 kilometres (35 miles) an hour or more. If he Poe ME CLC LLCS Browners’, need lots of strength in their arms. PELL) eee eee Co ca cS ni sports, although the equipment is expensive. RSI et UCD Se LL Pe ea CORN U AMUN) like a bird at a height of 6,000 metres ere a kitesurfing hang-gliding eee rg 86 Work with a friend. What did you learn? Ask and answer. What are kitesurfers called? 2 Ad © uisten, read and sing. Extreme Sports A kitesurfer surfs the waves. A kitesurfer moves with the wind. Ive kitesurfed in my dreams ever since | was young! Extreme sports. Flying high in the air! Other sports don’t compare! Extreme sports. Look around. They're everywhere! Really exciting sports! skiers somersault skilfully incredibly high over the snow. I've skied in my dreams ever since | was young! CHORUS Motocross and hang-gliding, are incredibly fun! I've dreamt of doing both ever since | was young! CHORUS: 6 Answer the questions. 1. Circle two types of extreme sports athletes in the song. 2. Underline two extreme sports. 3. Write an extreme sport you would like to try. Jf St Christoph, Arlberg, Austria 2 GRAMMAR tras Kitesurfing has been popular for about 15 years. Surfing and skateboarding have been popular since the 1970s. How long have you done extreme sports? for: for 15 years / for five years / for a month / for an hour since: since the 1970s / since | was born / since June / since last year Read. Write and underline. abe be be have be want 1. Kitesurfing ____has been _ popular for / since 1 was a child. 2. Surfing _____ my favourite sport for / since many years, 3. Many people — p ite _ accidents for / since kitesurfing began. = Skiing ___ __ my dad’s favourite sport for / since the last 20 years. . He was three years old. . BMX (motocross) for | since 2008. r | ' 9 Make sentences. Use one word in each column. know have live study play in this town a computer the piano skateboarding , jor English best friend since a bicycle football in this street Work in a group. Discuss. Compare your sentences from Activity 7. Are they the same or different? How long have you had a bike? I've had a bike for five years, 11 6 Listen and repeat. Then read and write. tr: as elbow \ pads a helmet q. brakes knee pads v S y \ a life jacket Most skateboarding injuries happen when people do tricks and fall on the hard ground. Protect your elbows by wearing —__ . IF you practise water sports, you might fall in the water. Wear a bright on your body, even if you can swim. . When you go cycling or skateboarding, always protect your knees by wearing _. . Check your bicycle __—_ often! If they work well, you can stop your bicycle quickly. BMX riders often have accidents. They should wear a __ so that if they fall, they won't hurt their head. ® Listen and stick. Work with a friend. ra:a7 GRAMMAR tr:as cool so Skateboarding is exciting very That trick is a scary, Those knee pads look seresich dangerous This boy's helmet looks 2 difficult. extremely ai Read and answer. Look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences. 1. | think that riding a bike 2. In my opinion, skateboarding 3. The cyclist’s 4. The skateboarder’s helmet pyineiboysibike # ew Ay eee a . It says, The equipment is expensive’ and \ You fly tke a bird: Play a game. Work in a small group. = J Choose three sports. Write five sentences about each sport without giving the name of the sport. Exchange your sentences with another group. Guess the sports. I think it's hang-gliding! © isten and read. tr: as Amazing Adventurers PEE Danny MacAskill and Bethany Hamilton are two incredibly brave athletes who love being outdoors. Both have known success and failure in their lives. Danny MacAskill is a skilful cyclist who flips off buildings and rides trains on his bicycle. He has often fallen out of trees and crashed since he began extreme cycling. He's been very lucky ~ serious accidents often happen to athletes, but he has only broken a few bones and 12 helmets. Every time he’s in hospital, he thinks of new places to ride. Born in 1985 in Scotland, he loved cycling as a child, but he never expected to be famous. Then, in 2009, a video of him appeared on YouTube and was watched 27 million times. In 2012, he became a National Geographic ‘Adventurer of the Year’. Super-cool surfer Bethany Hamilton was born in Hawaii in 1990. She was already an extremely skilful surfer at the age of eight. But in 2003, when she was just 13 years old, a shark attacked her and she lost her left arm. Just one month after her injury, she was back in the water. Since then, she has learnt to surf with one arm. She needs more strength in her legs than other surfers because she has only one arm, but she has won competitions. She has written a book about her accident. The book became a film in 2011. skateboarding cycling skiing hang-eliding | | me SOE SOBA kitesurfing extreme cycling. heli-skiing Read and write. Read the text again. Write T for True or F for False. 1. Danny and Bethany both do water sports. 2. They both continued to do their sport after they had an injury. 3. Bethany was in the water just one year after the shark attacked her. —__ 4, Danny and Bethany are both National Geographic Adventurers of the Year. 5. They have both known how to do their sport since they were young. —__ Complete the table. Write the information. Compare your answers with a friend. When they were born Where they were born Sport they participate in Why they are famous a RU U Tes ™~ SUPE RUT Ra CoRR oeleg ae ey Tale a ea ce Sel - WMaeametesrllee arate eN ed Explain why you think this. Does your ET Tralee But Bethany started surfing one month after her accident. | think Danny is braver because he That's incredibly brave! performs really dangerous tricks. Biographical Paragraphs A biographical paragraph describes the life of another person. When you write a biographical paragraph, you can make it more interesting for the reader if you connect the dates and events in that person's life. Words you can use to link the dates and events include: after (that), before, since then, the next year, then, at the time, suddenly and afterwards. 9 Read. Read the biography. Underline the expressions that are used to link the events. High climber Before the age of nine, Matt Moniz enjoyed summer holidays like all children do. Then his lite suddenly changed. Matt's father invited him to join a climb to Mount Everest. At the time, Matt did not know what to expect, but he said afterwards that the experience was ‘the best of his life’. After that, there was no stopping him! The next year, he climbed two of the world's highest mountains: Africa's Kilimanjaro and Russia’s Elbrus. Then, at the age of ten, he climbed Argentina's Aconcagua (a height of 6,962 metres) Since then, Matt has climbed more mountains with his dad, In 2010, Matt became the youngest person in the world to climb the highest point in all fifty states in the USA - in record time. He loves the outdoors and often talks to other children about spending more time outdoors. Write. Write a short biographical paragraph about someone who has an exciting job, does an exciting sport or has travelled to exciting places. Remember to link the events and dates with connecting expressions. @ 656 0>55>> > >-+ ® Work in a small group. Share your writing. 16 — Soe -e ea at CRU Taree mes Tan Poo OL Re er ne Tg Meee Te he Ce Work in a small group. Name some extremesports. er RUSS EU eect ee 7 CMR unas EC aout) eee ren Connect with our world. t SRO Pca To ey Explorer-in-Residence Sea oe Mut wk GT sera ease ee cy everyone thinks are best. TRON ET Re a where name of camp who for how |) typeof |) which long |}equipment|) sports xtreme sports. discuss safet describe people and actions. write a biographical paragraph. Tena OU e In this unit, | will. * talk about famous discov + discuss historical mysteries. * speculate about the past. + use examples to support my writing. Read and circle the correct answer. 1. Which of these statements is true? a. The Sphinx is in Egypt. b. The Sphinx has got the head of a man, but the feet of a cat. c. The Sphinx is made from piece of stone. . The Sphinx was built in 2686 ace. Itis about years old. a.74 . 2,686. 4,700 Rica ad ra es) Listen and read. re: 010 i) Listen and repeat. tr: 021 IE StS UE RSC RTS LL ee ee eR eS mountains and under the ground. Discoveries TOO rac OSORIO TUS UAC SCT Ame cate Nene ROMS RUN aC Parte ae CTC Mn SCORN TU ALD him in a tomb. Archaeologists Ce CR EO as CUO Eon IO Oe RAUL ATC ea cee 22 % tattoos — cir TSE Nae Ott) PERCE cS Tone ere Ng een Po Re Ceo et ea Ce eee Coa erat Nae Td buried with her. What did you learn? SS

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