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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 October 14, 2021 – William Penn’s B.D.

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CXXVI] – Amistad Update & PA

Myriad topics discussed during the weekly American Voter’s Alliance Zoom-call with Tim Griffin
were again summarized on his notification e-mail; noted was availability of [AVA-podcasts],
copied to Spotify, and re-emphasized was availability of lotsa detail on electionfraud20. Phill Klein
detailing how the 2020 election was hijacked in a Hillsdale speech; his op-ed that emphasized
keeping politicians accountable dovetailed with how my suggested PA-Subpoenae target people
rather than just their offices (per the Atlanta experience and the Maricopa achievement).

Additional topics (noting yesterday’s prescient probe of Georgia) included follow-up as to alleged
law-violations in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, illustrating the urgency of “fixing” 2020 before
addressing 2022. Fairfax County (which had ~500K of Virginia's total 3.4M ballots cast in 2020)
loosened documentation requirements: a voter doesn't need to submit the required last four
digits of his/her SSN to receive an absentee ballot per the Registrar (affirmed by the Department
of Elections) and the witness signature requirement on absentee ballots may be waived (if the
Board of Supervisors can get the governor to declare a public health emergency).

Cited was my having noted an op-ed by Hans von Spakovsky elucidating What the Arizona Audit
really shows; he recognized that, while the recount out of Arizona reaffirmed the paper vote total,
major questions persist regarding the origin of these paper ballots. And Justice Mike Gableman
(Wisconsin’s Special Counsel to the state legislature) updated his review of the 2020 election
before the Green Bay City Council. Also, lefties are attacking the Michigan Auditor General’s
ongoing audit for inter alia requesting lotsa info from some of Michigan's bigger jurisdictions; in
previous years, it performed an outstanding audit of the access granted to Qualified Voter Files.

It is feared that some PA “reforms” have become entrenched, noting that some called for more
security for ballot drop boxes in Northampton County and the Luzerne County Election Board
approved mail ballot drop box sites; progressives are never satisfied, noting that an Inqy op-ed
claimed, after 150 years, Octavius V. Catto’s campaign for voting rights remains a call-to-action.
Bill McSwain typifies the GOPe/RINO establishment, as this gubernatorial candidate wrote that
“Much-Needed Election Integrity Reforms Will Increase Voter Participation” without explicitly
endorsing an audit; when I spoke with him @ the PA Leadership Conference, he refused to be
supportive of any such initiative, claiming he was still on his “listening tour” campaign phase.

Also typical of Dem attacks is the claim that, although the GOP wants personal voter data to root
out fraud, PA already uses a more secure system; conveniently forgotten is needing baseline data,
cited on Monday by Epshteyn on Bannon’s show as imminent (along with appointing an auditor)
[despite the fact that earlier articles stated no further subpoenae pend and an auditor won’t be
chosen until the completion of the Dem-litigation]. During my * interview* a few weeks ago,
refuted were five conjured reasons why PA Dems are suing Republicans over election subpoenas.

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