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Lesson 8: Points. Lines.

Three collinear points

I. Basic knowledge

A point is the most fundamental object in geometry. It is represented by

a dot and named by a capital letter.

 From the points given, we can construct figures. Each figure is a

collection of points and a point is also a figure.

A line (straight line) can be thought of as a connected set of infinitely

many points. It extends infinitely far in two opposite directions

 Any two points on the line name it. The symbol ↔ written on top of
two letters is used to denote that line. Sometimes, the symbol ↔ can be
omitted and we call it AB. A line may also be named by one small letter.
Example: Line a, line d or line m....
 In the picture below, the point A belongs to the line d. Notation: A
We can also say: “The point A lies on the line d”, or “The line d passes
through the point A”, or “The line d contains the point A”.
 The point B doesn’t belong to the line d. Notation: B ∉ d
 We can also say: “The point B doesn’t lie on the line d”, or “The line
d doesn’t pass through the point A”, or “The line d doesn’t contain
the point A”.

 Points that lie on the same line are called collinear points. If there is
no line on which all of the points lie, then they are non-collinear

Example: In the above diagram, the points A, B, C and D are all points
lying on the line “ l” so we say “ A, B, C and D are collinear”.
New word Meaning New word Meaning
Point Concurrent
Line Figure
Collinear Vertex
Non - collinear Contain

II. Examples


Give two examples in the classroom of:

a) A point b) A line c) A figure
List three collinear points and three non-collinear points in the figure
below. Note: In three collinear points, there is one and only one point
between two other points.

III. Exercises

Find the relationship between points C, E and line a.

Draw the figure :

a. Three points M, N, P are collinear
b. Three points C, E, D are collinear, point E is between point C
and D
c. Three points T, Q, R are non-collinear
d. Point M is between point A and B; point N is not between A
and B
(Three points N, A, B are collinear).
What is the maximal number of intersections can you get with
1) 3 lines? 2) 4 lines? 3) 5 lines? 4) 10 lines?
What is the maximum number of slices can you
obtain by cutting a pizza with only 4 cuts?
(Assuming that after each slice cut we can not put
all slice on top of each other).

In the figure, we can plant 12 trees into

6 rows, each row contains 4 trees. Let’s
draw a figure in which
a. 10 trees are planted into 5 rows, each rows has 4 trees
b. 7 trees are planted into 6 rows, each rows has 3 trees.

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