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Pursue passion until success was no longer just a dream Sam - English Teacher

Hotline: 0976882626

IETLS TEEN – impact wilderness tourism

Exercise 1: Fill in the gap with one suitable word

1. Tourists are d_______________ to (bị thu hút) these regions by their natural landscape beauty and the
unique cultures of their i_______________ (thuộc về bản xứ) people.
2. The success of this ongoing research may make this method a v_______________ s_______________.
(giải pháp khả thi)
3. The three most significant types of f_______________ e_______________ (môi trường nhạy cảm) in
terms of the proportion of the Earth's surface they cover, are deserts, mountains and Arctic areas.
4. Some Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves, thereby ensuring that the
b_______________ a_______________ (lợi ích tích luỹ) locally.
5. Struggling firms would get a g_______________ h_______________ (trợ cấp chính phủ) for several
months to help with cashflow problems.
Exercise 2: Matching columns

Words/ Phrases Meanings/ Synonyms

6. isolated areas A. not enough in amount, strength, or quality
7. key elements B. make something stronger
8. undermine C. remote areas/ places are far away from any others
9. penetrate D. move into or through something
10. insufficient E. be caused by
11. arise from F. a place that people visit for pleasure, usually while they are on holiday
12. reinvigorate G. important, crucial factors
13. harsh conditions H. severe and unpleasant conditions
14. be grateful for I. make something weaker
15. tourist destination K. showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person

Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistake

16. Once a location is established as a main tourist destination, the affects on the local community are profound.
17. Some inhabitants become involving in tourism, they no longer have time to collect wild food.
18. There is a serious decline in farm output because of lacking labour to maintain irrigate systems.
19. Slow-growing trees are often the main sources of fuel and water supplies may be vulnerate to
degradation through heavy use.
20. Most human activities, including tourism, are limited to quite clearly defining parts of the year.
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer
21. Local concern about the number of second home developments resulted in limits being _________ on
their growth.
A. minimized B. imposed C. drawn D. integrated
22. Native people have followed similar strategies, encouraging tourists to visit their reservations to
_________ high-quality handicrafts and artwork.
A. ensure B. restrict C. achieve D. purchase
23. Tourism is not always the culprit ________ changes to the environment.

PAGE Facebook: Luyện thi đại học môn Tiếng Anh cùng Sam
Pursue passion until success was no longer just a dream Sam - English Teacher
Hotline: 0976882626

A. after B. behind C. towards D. forward

24. There has also been a renaissance in __________ cheese production in the area, providing the locals
with a reliable source of income that does not depend on outside visitors.
A. community B. commune C. communal D. communative

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