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W Idea Bank
Summer 2008, Tips and Techniques for Creative Teaching

Measuring the Speed The trickiest part of tbis activity

of Sound for students is getting tbe computer
The following physics lab activities to start at tbe "clack" sound of their
are new versions of old experiments clotbespin. Classroom noises, as well
for measuring the speed of sound— as competing lab stations, can cause
what makes them new is their use of tbe computer to trigger prematurely.
electronic interfacing, which can be As students experiment in closely
exciting for students. spaced teams of two, tbey must work
aH)perativeIy and take turns "clack-
Experiment 1: ing" so as to trigger only tbcir own
The "echo tube" computer. Students need practice to
When I was setting up my new identify the ecbo return point—whicb
physics lab a few years ago, I pur- is u-sed to calculate total time-—on the
chased a set of 1.2 m long aluminum computer display, but after a few trial
Echo tubes experiment setup.
tracks for dynamics experiments. runs, tbey quickly learn bow tofindit
These tracks came packaged in long on tbe screen. If teachers want to get indicate tbat the speed of sound in-
cardboard tubes, and it occurred to really fancy, they can also use a mo- creases witb temperature. The slope
me that tbey wouiti make neat "echo tion sensor to measure tbe distance of tbe line sbould give the correction
tubes." An echo tube can be used for from tbe sound sensor to the floor factor, 0.6 m/s/"C. Figure 2 sbows the
echo detection and is comprised of (the length of tbe tube); bowever, a plotted student data grapb.
a long cardboard tube, clotbespin, meterstick works just fine. Figure 1
sound sensor, and tbe associated shows actual stutlent data gathered Experiment 2:
computer-interfacing equipment. for tbis activity, in whicb each lab
Closed pipe resonance
I designed a simple lab for mea- group performed four trials.
A common high scbool experiment
suring tbe speed of sound in the An interesting extension oi this for measuring the speed of sound
classroom using these echo tubes. lab would be to heat the air inside involves closed pipe resonance, wbicb
Students measure tbe time delay the ecbo tube with a hair dryer and occurs wben a pressure (sound) wave
between a snap of the fingers or then bave students repeat the ex- travels down the inside of the pipe,
"clack" of a clothespin and the ar- periment for a new temperature. reflects off the closed end, travels
rival of its ecbo after reflecting off Hy plotting class data for measured back up tbe pipe, and constructively
the floor. To measure this delay, a speeds of sound versus the various interferes with another incoming
computer is programmed to begin temperatures, a linear plot should wave. Wben this happens, an increase
tbe timing sequence at tbe sound of
tbe snap and to end after one second. FIGURE 1
Knowing the tube's length {tolal Echo tubes: Student data.
distance) and finding tbe time delay
{total time) allows for a calculation Time Distance Temperature Speed True speed Percent
of tbe speed of sound in air using the
formula below:
(sec) (m) rc) experimental adjusted error
(m/s) (m/s)

Speed of sound = TawldisTance idownJXKLback) 0,0070 2.62 19,5 374,3 343,2 9,1
Total Time (down and back)
0.0090 2.62 19.9 291.1 343,4 -15,2
Witb tbe help of a temperature 0,0070 2.62 20,3 374,3 343.7 8.9
sensor, it is possible to check tbe 0,0080 2.62 20.5 3275 343.8 -4.7
experimental resuits adjusted for
temperature. Average 341.8 0.5

62 The Science Teacher

in energy or loudness occurs. This walled polyvinyl chloride
increased loudness is quite noticeable, (PVC) pipe. Pipe antl FIGURE 1
even to tbe unaided ear, and occurs in spool sizes are not criti- Echo tubes: Plotted student data
multiples of one-quarter wavelengths. cal, however—teachers graph.
Typically, a closed pipe resonance can use whatever they
experiment involves a large cylinder have on hand. (Note:
of water and a piece ot plastic pipe. One setup is created for
A tuning fork is sounded over one each student group.)
end of tbe plastic pipe, and by rais- In this version of tbe
ing or lowering the pipe and the fork experiment, I replace
while the pipe is immersed in tbe the tuning forks with a
cylinder of water, a resonance can computer speaker that
be beard at multiples of one-^quarter connects to tbe signal-
wavelengtbs. However, tbis version generator output of tbe
of the classic experiment {loes not re- computer interface. Tbe
quire water and tbe associated mess. signal generator is ca-
Instead of reflecting sound off the p a b l e of p r o d u c i n g
surface of water, this new method several waveforms at
uses an empty sewing thread spool ditferent frequencies and
mounted on a stick, wbich can be amplitudes, and tbe tone
slid inside the tube and acts as tbe is continuous—in contrast to the A simple sine wave set from
reflecting surface. Several science tuning fork, wbicb must be struck approximately 200 Hz for longer
equipment supply companies sell and restruck several times in order to pipes to 450 Hz for sborter pipes
nonvvater versions, but I decided to take a measurement. I then make an works well in this activity. Shorter
make my own. adapter for the speaker plug from an pipes seem to bave a sharper, nar-
To conduct the experiment, attach old 35 mm film canister and a mini- rower resonant point and, there-
a spool to a 0.64 cm (0.25 in.) dowel pbone jack, along with two banana fore, show bigher errors than lon-
stick using hot glue. The spool tits plugs purcbased at a local electronics ger pipes (Figure 3). Once again,
perfectly into 3.8 cm (1.5 in.), thin- store. accommodations for classroom

Closed pipe resonance: Pipe error.
(inside diameter of pipe = 0.04 m; temperature = 22.0 °C.)

Trial Resonant length Frequency Corrected length I Speed of sound Percent

(m) (HI) (m) (m) (m/s) error
experimental accepted
1 0,395 200 0.411 1.644 328,8 344.7 4.6
2 0.280 300 0.296 1.184 355.2 344.7 3.0
3 0.185 330 0.201 0.904 265,3 344,7 23.0
4 0.155 450 0.171 0.684 307.8 344,7 10,7
5 0.145 450 0.161 0.644 289,8 344,7 15.9
Average 11.5

Summer 2008 63

f Idea Bank
FIGURE 4 is the point of FIGURE I
maximum energy
Closed pipe resonance: or loudness, seen
Closed pipe resonance: Student data.
Wavelength equation. as an enlarged Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe
>. = 4 (0.4c/ + L) sine wave on the #1 #2 #3 #4
v^n oscilloscope and
Frequency (Hz) 250 300 350 400
where: X = wavelength heard as an in-
d = inside diameter of pipe
crease in "volume Temperature fC) 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0
l e v e l " c o m i n g Speed of sound (m/s) 344.7 344.7 344.7 344.7
L = resonant length
from the tube.
f = frequency Wavelength (m) 1.379 1.149 0.985 0.862
V = speed of sound
If teachers do
not have computer Resonant length (m) x 1 0.395 0.280 0.185 0.156
interfacing with Resonant length (m) x 2 0.790 0.560 0.370 0.312
noises and competing resonance signal generator
setups must be made. I have found capabilities or a Resonant length (m) x 4 1580 1.120 0.740 0.624
that setting the sound sensor near conventional signal
the open end of the pipe allows generator, they can still do the experi- A variation of this activity in-
tor viewing the signal on the com- ment in the traditional manner, only volves experimentally determin-
puter's oscilloscope. As students without the water. "The Soundry Inter- ing the relationship between the
slide the spool-stick into the pipe, active Sound Lab," available online (see resonant length and the wavelength
they can hear and see (on the oscil- "On the web" at the end of this article), of the sound. Once again, students
loscope) when the amplitude of the can be used as a sound source that is locate the resonant point by sliding
sound hits its resonant point, which played through a computer's speakers. the piston (the spool attached to the

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64 The Science Teacher

dowel) back and forth in the pipe, generator positioned at one end of are multiples of the fundamental,
listening for the loudest point, and the open pipe, students use the Fast or base, frequency. For example, a
looking for maximum displace- Fourier Transform (FFT) computer 100 Hz tone will also sound loud
ment of the oscilloscope pattern, if display function to locate the reso- at 200 Hz (2nd barmonic), and at
used. This time, however, students nant frequency. The difficulty with 300 Hz (3rd harmonic). The F F T
calculate the sound's wavelength this method, however, is finding the function solves tbis problem by
using the familiar wave equation, v fundamental frequency. displaying a noticeable difference
= fX., and compare this value to the Students often obtain loud points in the frequency distribution at the
measured resonant length (Figure at harmonic frequencies, so a meth- fundamental level versus one of the
4). Then, students multiply by 1, 2, od for identifying tbe fundamental barmonic levels (Figure 6). Students
and 4 to determine which multiple frequency is necessary. Harmonics choose five or six pipes of random
is closest to the actual wavelength
(Figure 5). If students perform these
riGURE 6
calculations successfully, they should
see that resonant length x 4 is the clos- Open pipe resonance: FFT display.
est value to tbe actual wavelength.
Experiment 3: 10 — WO MM .ct* 10-
II — Volttgt.Cf*

Open pipe resonance t

lot o|

It occurred to me that I should also lot |0B

be able to resonate a pipe open at

both ends by varying the frequency 03-

of the incoming sound, instead of

100 tooo 4 OC 500 leoo '•"'' ^
varying tbe length of the pipe. I bave FmguancvlHz]

seen one other person try sometbing

similar (Warden 2005), and my ex- Fundamental frequency = 328 Hz 2nd harmonic = 656 Hz
[)criment likewise does not require
"plumbing" or a spool glued to a
stick, but ratber an open pipe, sound
sensor, and computer speaker.
In the case of a pipe closed at
one end, the reflected sound con-
structively interferes at multiples
of one-quarter wavelengths; thus,
producing resonance at tbese points.
For a pipe open at both ends, bow-
ever, a sound wave traveling down
tbe tube also partially reflects its
energy at the ends of the pipe.
In this case, resonance occurs in
multiples of balf a wavelength. At
resonance, tbe length of a closed
pipe is one-quarter wavelength (not
including a minor correction for the
pipes interior diameter), while tbe
lengtb of an open pipe is half of a
wavelength^—so the math is very
similar. By increasing or decreasing
the frequency or pitch of the sound Closed pipe resonance materials.

Summer 2008 65

f Idea Bank
lengths for six trials; Figure 7 illus- the experiment is a little trickier, and FIGURE 8
trates student results. therefore is better suited to more ad-
In essence, this activity assumes vanced groups of students. The closed Open pipe resonance:
the half wavelength relationship and pipe version is straightforward and Wavelength equation.
then computes the speed of sound suitable for most classes. Each activ- 'k = 2 (0.8d + L)
using the wavelength equation (Fig- ity addresses the National Science v = fX
ure 8). Teachers can also flip this Education Standards dealing with where: X = wavelength
activity around and determine the Content Standard B, "Interactions d = inside diameter o f pipe
half wavelength resonant length by of Energy and Matter" (NRC 1996, L = resoriant length
multiplying the measured resonant pp. 176-181), and Content Standard f = frequency
length by 1,2, and 4. E, "Understandings About Science V ^ speed of sound
and Technology" (NRC 1996, pp.
Conclusion 190-193).
Typically, I do not perform all three A noisy classroom makes either On the web
experiments in the same year due version more difficult, so I use this fact The Soundry Interactive Sound Lab: hllp:/l
to time constraints. However, I do to emphasize quiet in the classroom!
conduct the echo tube experiment
each year, and choose to include ei- Jeremy Brown (jeremyO87@ References
ther the closed pipie or the open pipe is a physics teacher National Research Council (NRC). 1996. Na-
experiment as well, depending on at Kettle Moraine High School in tional sdaice education standards. Wash-
the class. The open pipe version of Wales, Wisconsin. ington, DC': National Academy Press.
Warden, J.A. 2005. Measuring the speed of
sound without plumhing. The Physics
Open pipe resonance: Student results. Teacher 43: 308.

Measured pipe length Inside diameter Temperature Measured resonant

H (m) rc) frequency (Hz)
0377 0.034 20.9 399.0
0.446 0.034 20.9 347.0
0.S08 0.039 20.9 300.9

0.154 0.034 21.0 978.1

0.350 0.034 21.0 485.7

0.627 0.041 21.0 270.2

Calculated Speed of sound True speed Percent

wavelengths experimental of sound difference Visit
(m) (m/s) (m/s)
0.808 322.6 344.0 -6.2
The Science Teacher
0.946 328.4 344.0 -4.5 Archives
1.078 324.5 344.0 -57 online at
0.362 354.5 344.1 3.0
0.754 366.4 344.1 6.5
1.320 356.6 344.1 3.6
Average 342.1 344.0 -0.5

66 The Science Teacher

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