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Prey Relations A 36s, lions, charges, an : repairs UPON Conjugal Property xpenses including major and minor A oe non The sopeyl Mee preservation, made uring. the : Property of either spouse. P oe ne met SPOUSE to commence or complete a pee al OF other activity for self-improvement. Debis before mariage of g; redounded to the Deno the faieous® in so far as they have 3, The vanie ore e donated or Promised by both spouses in favor of ee oo a come Children for the exciveive Purpose of in 1 Betty for Sttimerovemerg, " W®¥SSional o vocatonal course oF * Obligations contracted during marriage are presumed to have benefited the family and therefore Conjugal deductions. While obligations contracted by either spouse before marriage are x luctions untess shown that i from the said obligations, we famty gained bonetts exclusive property, or depending on whether the Property to which the deduction is related is conjugal or exclusive Property. * Wagering loss during marriage shall be bome by the loser. Winnings, however, shall form Part of conjugal property. Fines and pecuniary damages or indemnites imposed upon either Spouse shall be charges against exclusive Property. 137

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