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BSN 1-1
Task #2

1. A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as
much as you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with it?
Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you want.

I would prefer not to get that a charge card on the off chance that I not use it
to individuals who need the assistance rather in my own joy, in light of the fact
that my satisfaction is to the patient individuals need a help in their lives.
Initially when I utilize that a charge card is in my own requirements like
garments, shoes, vehicle, house and my every day food and to help my family
needs. Second if that a check card parcel of cash inside I will make offices for
the patient individuals like medical clinics and so forth for the patient
individuals and I will give part of help for day by day needs of patient
individuals. Furthermore, the abundance I will give to individuals influenced of
any calamity danger in my nation.
2. How do you feel as you do the debit card challenge?

When I’m doing this challenge I can feel the fulfillment on the
grounds that for me rewarding others by giving this sort of help
even enormous or little is heart warming as long you have the
brilliant heart to help. There's few method to show help either
with the utilization of cash, demonstrating love, and the in
particular is the supplication. I accept that being a useful
individual is significant particularly into day circumstance. I don't
state that you can be a benevolent individual however what I
needed to state here is on the off chance that you have a gift to
share, share it. As conceivable we ought to stay away from self-
centeredness in light of the fact that we all are influenced in each
emergency that we are confronting. That nobody will give up we
should rehearse the sound rivalry not in a real sense rivalry yet in
a method of contending the terrible difficulties throughout
everyday life.
3. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?

What I've recorded are general areas which I would need to dedicate my
cash on, so theres no particular thing that I like the most. In any case, the
area I need the most is the cash I'll go through with my friends and
family, particularly my other half. It has been my youth dream since the
time to visit around the world and experience various and assorted
culture, food, and natural life. The time we go through with our friends
and family is extremely valuable; life is certainly short to amplify it with
them. That is the reason before I leave this world; before my final gasp, I
would need to gather numerous recollections with them. I need to feel
their adoration and the fulfillment realizing that I made
them upbeat as it is likewise their fantasy to venture to the far corners
of the planet. We carry on with our everyday routine as we direct it to be
experienced by. My way of thinking is to invest each valuable energy with
the ones who makes life worth living; the individuals you need to live with
for the remainder of your life.

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