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Sum function

To sum/add a range of cells in MS Excel, we can use SUM function. SUM

function can either by used by directly writing in the cell or by clicking on Sum
command from the 'Editing' group under 'HOME' tab on the Ribbon.

SumIf function
Like CountIf function, SUMIF function is also used to sum the range of cells
based on one criteria.

SumIfs function
If our requirement is to use mutilple criteria while summing the range of cells,
we can use SumIfs function
Count -Count number of cells that have numbers or values
CountA - count any cell value containing numbers, text, logical values, etc.
any type of value excluding blanks.
CountIF - count cells matching a certain criteria
Countifs - Similar to countif function. However, it allows multiple criterias
from multiple ranges and counts the number of times all criteria are meet
CountBlank - Count number of blank cells
Average Function (Mean)
One of the most used statistical functions in Excel is Average. Calculating the
Average in Excel is much simpler than it was in the school. Simply use the
Average function and select the range which needs to be averaged.
Median in Excel
Median is a function which is used to find the middle number in a given range
of numbers. When you are finding median manually, you need to sort the data
in an ascending order but in Excel, you can simply use the Median function and
select the range and you will find your median. We take the same example as
above to find the median of marks obtained by students. So we use
Mode in Excel
Mode helps you to find out the value that occurs most number of times. When
you are working on a large amount of data, this function can be a lot of help. To
find the most occurring value in Excel, use the MODE function and select the
range you want to find the mode of. In our example below, we use
=MODE(B2:B12) and since 2 students have scored 55 we get the answer as 55.

Standard Deviation in Excel

Standard deviation in Excel helps you to understand, how much your values
deviate from the Average or Mean that is it tells you that whether your data is
somewhere close to the average or fluctuates a lot. If the value received is on
the higher side then that means that your data has a lot of fluctuations and vice
versa. To calculate standard deviation in excel we use STDEV function. In the
same example we shall use the STDEV function so our formula will be
=STDEV(B2:B12). Our answer is around 20 which indicates that the marks of
the students fluctuates a lot.
MIN and MAX Functions
The MIN and MAX functions are just what the names imply. MIN will find the
lowest number in a range, while MAX finds the largest number in a range.

RANK - The Excel RANK function returns the rank of a numeric value when
compared to a list of other numeric values. RANK can rank values from largest
to smallest as well as smallest to largest.

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