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Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school.

Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students of all races

and classes. Bullying has everyone worried, not just the kids on
its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other
adults don't always see it, they may not understand how extreme
bullying can get. Bullying is when a person is picked on over and
over again by an individual or group with more power, either in
terms of physical strength or social standing. Two of the main
reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and
social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in,
maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids
who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because
the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. Some bullies
attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from
shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault.
Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put
themselves in charge. For example, people in popular groups or
cliques often bully people they categorize as different by
excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying).
They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying).
Verbal bullying can also involve sending cruel instant or email
messages or even posting insults about a person on a website —
practices that are known as cyberbullying. One of the most
painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can
take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at
the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a
person in a state of constant fear. Guys and girls who are bullied
may find their schoolwork and health suffering. Amber began
having stomach pains and diarrhea and was diagnosed with a
digestive condition called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of
the stress that came from being bullied throughout ninth grade.
Mafooz spent his afternoons hungry and unable to concentrate in
class because he was too afraid to go to the school cafeteria at
lunchtime. Studies show that people who are abused by their
peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-
esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think
about suicide more. Bullies are at risk for problems, too. Bullying
is violence, and it often leads to more violent behavior as the
bully grows up. It's estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary-school
bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some
teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and
losefriendships as they grow older. Bullies may also fail in school
and not have the career or relationship success that other people
enjoy. (Disponível em:
<> Acessado em 10 de
julho de 2008)

1. According to the text, bullying may seriously affect:

a. all kinds of people except for the white ones.

 b. people’s health in many different ways.

 c. people mentally but not physically.

 d. children but not their parents.

 e. people but not the very bullies themselves.

2. According to the text, bullying has got to do with:

 a. guys and girls whose homework cannot be turned in due
to tardiness.

 b. dropping out of school due to mental or physical health


 c. the use of physical and psychological force to ensure

superiority of humans over animals.

 d. an individual’s or a group’s repeated physical or

psychological molesting of a person.

 e. obedience owed to older and more educated people.

3. “Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can

mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or
hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological
control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge.” The
reflexive pronoun themselves refers to:

 a. verbal insults.

 b. assaut.

 c. bullies.

 d. targets.
 e. psychological control.

Alcohol is the drug most commonly used and abused by

adolescents. It is responsible for the 3 major causes of
death in this age group: motor vehicle accidents,
unintentional injuries, and homicide. In fact, postmortem
studies show that in 45% to 50% of violent deaths involving
adolescents, alcohol had been consumed by both victims
and perpetrators. Yet, alcohol use and abuse is the most
commonly missed teenage diagnosis. Although it is illegal
for minors to purchase alcohol in most parts of the United
States, many adolescents say that getting alcohol is 'very
easy or fairly easy.' (Disponível em:
<> Acessado em: 20
de julho de 2008)

4. According to the text, one can assert that in the US:

 a. teens’ consumption of alcohol exceeds that of all other


 b. the death rate among teens as a result of alcohol use is


 c. jealousy is one of the top 3 causes of death among


 d. adolescents hardly ever consume alcoholic beverages.

 e. as concerns violent deaths, only adolescent
perpetrators had consumed alcohol.

5. According to the text, Adolescents are

not allowed to buy alcohol, in most parts of the

 a. as a consequence of a misdiagnosed

scenario b. though they find little or no difficulty in

doing so.

c. due to its obscenely high price.  

d. in spite of their social responsibility.

 e. because teenagers are considered violent

 Star Wars is an epic space franchise conceived by George

Lucas. The first film in the franchise was originally released on
May 25, 1977, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide
pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels,
released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release
of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films
was released, again released at three-year intervals, with the
finalfilm released on May 19, 2005. As of 2008, the overall box
office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled
approximately $4.3 billion, making it the third-highest-grossing
film series, behind only the James Bond and Harry Potter films.
The Star Wars film series has spawned other media including
books, television series, video games, and comic books. These
supplements to the film trilogies comprise the Star Wars
Expanded Universe, and have resulted in significant
development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept
the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In
2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released to theaters as
the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the
main trilogies. It was the franchise's first animated film, and was
intended as an introduction to the Expanded Universe series of
the same name, a 3D CGI animated series based on a previous
2D animated series of a similar name.
( –

6. O texto trata, principalmente:

 a. dos acontecimentos que geraram as séries de filmes Star


 b. dos lucros proporcionados pelas trilogias Star Wars.

 c. dos locais onde foram filmadas as séries Star Wars.

 d. de um resumo histórico da saga Star Wars.

 e. da primeira trilogia da série Star Wars.

7. Comparando-se as séries sobre James Bond, Harry Potter

e Star Wars, pode-se afirmar que:
 a. as três séries obtiveram a mesma renda.

 b. James Bond e Harry Potter geraram menos renda do que

Star Wars.

 c. James Bond e Harry Potter geraram mais renda do que

Star Wars.

 d. James Bond gerou menos renda do que Harry Potter.

 e. apenas Harry Potter obteve menos renda do que Star


8. Analise as afirmativas sobre Star Wars:

I - O primeiro filme da série foi lançado há 33 anos.

II - O terceiro filme da sequência foi o mais rentável.

III - Cada filme era lançado com dois anos de intervalo. Está(ão)

 a. apenas I
 b. apenas II

 c. apenas I e II.

 d. apenas II e III

 e. I, II e III.

9. A melhor tradução para o verbo 'spawn'

 a. finalizar.

 b. trabalhar.

 c. mudar.

 d. gerar.

 e. sentir.

10. O segmento 'Star Wars Expanded Universe' pode ser

explicado como:

 a. todos os filmes da série Star Wars.

 b. os filmes em 3D baseados nas trilogias.

 c. o filme 'The Clone Wars' lançado em 2008.

 d. uma série animada em 2D lançada previamente.

 e. livros, seriados televisivos, videogames etc. baseados no

filme Star Wars.

11. O segmento 'These media' refere-se

 a. à companhia 20th Century Fox.

 b. à mídia complementar, gerada pelo sucesso dos filmes.

 c. à cultura popular.

 d. aos filmes da série.

 e. apenas aos videogames baseados na trilogia.


The six-year molars

The six-year molars are the first permanente teeth. They are the
“keystone” of the dental arch. They are also extremely susceptible to
Parents have to understand the these teeth are very important. Over
25% of 6 to 7 year old children have beginning cavities in one of the

The early loss of one these molars causes serious problems in

childhood and adult life it is never easy for parents to make kids take
care of their teeth. Even so, parents have to insist and never give
Módulo do Ensino Integrado: Fundamental, Médio, profissional-DCL.
O texto aborda uma temática inerente ao processo de
desenvolvimento do ser humano, a dentição. Há informação
quantificada na mensagem quando se diz que as cáries dos dentes

A)acontecem em mais de 25% da criança entre seis e sete anos.

B)ocorrem em menos de 25% das crianças entre seis e sete anos.
C) surge em uma pequena minoria das crianças.
D) começam em crianças acima dos 7 anos.
E)podem levar dezenas de anos para ocorrer.


The record industry

The record industry is undoubtedly in crisis, with labels laying off

employees in continuation. This is because CD sales are
plummeting as youngsters prefer to download their music from the
Internet, usually free of charge.

And yet it’s not all gloom and doom. Some labels are in fact thriving.
Putumayo World Music, for example, is growing, thanks to is
catalogue of ethnic compilation albums, featuring work by largely
unknown artists from around the planet.

Putumayo, which takes its name from a valley in Colombia, was

founded in New York in 1993. It began life as an alternative clothing
company, but soon decided to concentrate on music. Indeed its
growth appears to have coincided with that of world music as a
Speak Up. Ano XXIII, nº275 (fragmento).

A indústria fonográfica passou por várias mudanças no século XX e,

como consequência, as empresas enfrentaram crises. entre as
causas, o texto da revista Speak Up aponta

A)o baixo interesse dos jovens por alguns gêneros musicais.

B)o acesso a músicas, geralmente sem custo, pela Internet.
C) a compilação de álbuns com diferentes estilos musicais.
D) a ausência de artistas populares entre as pessoas mais
E)o aumento do número de cantores desconhecidos.

Hip hop music

Hip hop music is a musical genre which developed as part of hip

hop culture, and is defined by key stylistic elements such as rapping,
D.Jing, sampling (or synthesis), scratching and beatboxing. Hip hop
began in the South Bronx of New York City in the 1970s. The term
rap is often used synonymously with hip hop, but hip hop denotes
the practices of an entire subculture.
Disponível em: http: em: 8jul.2010.

Brazilian hip hop is one of the world’s major hip hop scenes, with
active rap, break dance, and graffiti scenes, especially in São Paulo,
where groups tend to have a more international style, influenced by
old school hip hop and gangsta rap.

Brazilian rap has served as a reflection of political, social, and racial

issues plaguing the disenfranchised youth in the suburbs of São
Paulo and Rio. The lyrical content, band names, and song names
used by Brazilian hip hop artists often connote the socio-political
issues surrounding their communities.

Disponível em: http: em: 8jul.2010(fragmento).

Sendo a música uma das formas de manifestação cultural de um

país, o rap brasileiro, a partir das informações do texto, tem sido

A)pela influência internacional nos nomes de bandas e de músicas.

B)como um instrumento de reflexão crítica do jovem da periferia.
C) pela irreverência dos cantores, adeptos e suas vestimentas.
D) como um gênero musical de menor prestígio na sociedade.
E)pela criatividade dos primeiros adeptos do gênero hip hop.


Crystal Ball
Come see your life in my Crystal glass –
Twenty-five cents is all you pay
Let me look into your past –
Here’s what you had for lunch today:
Tuna salad and mashed potatoes.
Collard greens pea soup and apple juice.
Chocolate milk and lemon mousse.
You admit I’ve got told it all?
Well, I know it, I confess,
Not by looking, in my ball,
But just by looking at your dress.

SILVERSTEIN, S. Falling up. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1996.

A curiosidade a respeito do futuro pode exercer um fascínio peculiar

sobre algumas pessoas, a ponto de coloca-las em situações
inusitadas. na letra da música Crystal Ball, essa situação fica
evidente quando é revelado à pessoa que ela
A)recebeu uma boa notícia.
B)ganhou um colar de pedras.
C) se sujou durante o almoço
D) comprovou vestidos novos.
E)encontrou uma moeda.

Os aparelhos eletrônicos contam com um número cada vez maior
de recursos. O autor do desenho detalha os diferentes acessórios e
características de um celular e, a julgar pela maneira como os
descreve, ele

A)prefere os aparelhos celulares com flip, mecanismo que se dobra,

estando as teclas protegidas contra eventuais danos.
B)apresenta uma opinião sarcástica com relação aos aparelhos
celulares repletos de recursos adcionais.
C) escolhe seus aparelhos celulares conforme o tamanho das
teclas, facilitando o manuseio.
D) acredita que o uso de aparelhos telefônicos portáteis seja
essencial para que a comunicação se dê a qualquer instante.
E)julga essencial a presença de editores de textos nos celulares,
pois ele pode concluir seus trabalhos pendentes fora do

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