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As questões 01 e 02 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto Let nature take its course for now.

Let nature take its course for now

01 ADOLESCENCE, quite rightly, has a bad reputation. It is tough for youngsters when their sex hormones
02 surge and for parents to watch their little angels turn into raging beasts. It is especially hard if puberty begins
03 when children are very young.
04 Today, drugs that can be injected to delay puberty are reserved for extreme cases. But that could change.
05 Better drugs are expected to emerge in the next decade thanks to the discovery of the gene that kick-starts
06 puberty. That raises an intriguing question: should we leave the timing of puberty to the whim of nature or take
07 control?
08 There is plenty of evidence that the timing of puberty matters. One study compared women whose periods
09 started before age 11 with those who matured later. It found lasting differences: the early maturers’ educational
10 achievements were lower and they tended to be shorter and have weight problems. Other studies suggest that
11 early puberty is linked to increased risks of breast and prostate cancers.
12 As yet, however, it is not clear if delaying puberty will reverse these harmful effects. We do not know, for
13 example, if puberty itself increases the risk of cancer or if some other factor causes both early puberty and a
14 higher cancer risk. Until that evidence is in, doctors and parents should dismiss the notion of a pharmaceutical
15 fix for borderline cases.
16 In the meantime, we do know that the recent decline in the average age of onset of puberty has been
17 caused at least in part by increasing obesity. So, for parents worried about the early emergence of raging beasts,
18 throw out the computer games and buy them some tennis shoes.
(22 July 2006 / NewScientist)

01. Leia o terceiro parágrafo e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sua idéia principal.
A) Estudos que mostram os efeitos prejudiciais da puberdade precoce.
B) Resultado de estudos sobre a puberdade.
C) Estudos que mostram que a puberdade precoce aumenta os riscos de câncer de mama e próstata.
D) Estudos que mostram que a puberdade precoce interfere no desempenho escolar.
E) A necessidade de evitar o surgimento da puberdade precoce.

02. Na conclusão do texto, o autor dá um conselho com base na afirmação que estabelece uma relação entre
obesidade e puberdade precoce. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta esse conselho.
A) Os pais não devem se preocupar com o possível surgimento de uma puberdade precoce, pois não há nada que eles
possam fazer, já que as causas ainda são desconhecidas.
B) Os pais que se preocupam com o surgimento de uma puberdade precoce devem começar a controlar o peso de
seus filhos o mais cedo possível, orientando-os a deixarem os jogos de computadores de lado para praticarem
atividades físicas, como jogar tênis e fazer caminhadas.
C) Como a obesidade é uma das principais causas do surgimento da puberdade precoce, os pais devem aconselhar os
filhos a passarem menos tempo no computador e a praticarem algumas atividades físicas.
D) Como as pesquisas já mostram e apresentam evidências de que o surgimento da puberdade precoce é, pelo menos
em parte, causada pelo crescente problema da obesidade em crianças e jovens, os pais devem procurar controlar o
peso de seus filhos com o uso de medicamentos e com a prática de exercícios físicos.
E) Como já se sabe que a obesidade é, pelo menos em parte, responsável pelo surgimento da puberdade precoce, os
pais devem evitar que os seus filhos tenham estilo de vida sedentário, o que significa dizer que os jogos de
computador devem ser substituídos pela prática de atividades físicas.

As questões 15, 16 e 17 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto Healthy Swamps.

Healthy Swamps
By Alison Moodie
01 HAVE WE HEARD all the bad news about global warming? Apparently not. Reduced biodiversity – one
02 byproduct of climate change – could have a more serious impact on ecosystems than previously thought. In the
03 past, scientists may have looked too narrowly at what it takes to keep an ecosystem healthy – they’d use, say,
04 water quality as an indicator of viability. But the combination of animals, plants and microbes needed to
05 maintain clear water aren’t the same as those required for other “ecosystem processes,” such as keeping the food
06 chain going or absorbing carbon dioxide. University of Zurich scientists, who published a study of European
07 grasslands in the journal Nature, say that ecosystems need a different group of species for each of half a dozen
08 processes. Ecosystems need more biodiversity to stay healthy, and could be more vulnerable to species loss than
09 we thought.
(30 July, 2007 / Newsweek)

03. Leia a afirmação do tópico frasal (linhas 01 e 02) e a afirmação no final do texto (linhas 08 e 09) e assinale a
alternativa que contém as palavras que podem substituir thought, nas linhas 02 e 09, respectivamente.
A) Pensamento – pensamento D) Pensávamos – pensávamos
B) Pensamento – pensávamos E) Pensamento – pensaram
C) Pensaram – pensaram

04. A palavra / a expressão no texto que significa meio ambiente é:

A) Swamps D) Ecosystem
B) Environment E) Grasslands
C) Healthy swamps

05. Assinale a alternativa na qual todos os exemplos são grupos nominais.

A) Climate change (linha 02) / serious impact (linha 02) / have looked (linha 03)
B) To keep an ecosystem healthy (linha 03) / water quality (linha 04) / to stay healthy (linha 08)
C) Global warming (linha 01) / reduced biodiversity (linha 01) / ecosystem processes (linha 05)
D) A more serious impact (linha 02)/ may have looked (linhas 03)/ the food chain (linhas 05 e 06)
E) Keeping the food chain going (linha 05 e 06) / absorbing carbon dioxide (linha 06) / species loss (linha 08)

As questões 06 e 07 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto Smoking your way to memory loss.
Smoking your way to memory loss
1 “IT DEFINITELY fogs your brain,” says Lambros Messinis of the University Hospital of Patras in
2 Greece, on the effects of marijuana. That, of course, is why people smoke it in the first place. What Messinis
3 claims, however, is that it has a more serious effect: he says that long-term users gradually become worse at
4 learning and remembering things.
05 Messinis and his colleagues compared the mental abilities of 20 people who had smoked dope at least four
06 times weekly for an average of 15 years with 20 shorter-term users averaging 7 years of use, and 24 controls.
07 None of the subjects had smoked for at least 24 hours before the test, and Messinis used a standard
08 psychological method to control for differences in intelligence before they started using marijuana.
09 The veteran users performed worst in memory tests: asked to recall lists of 15 words they had seen
10 earlier, for example, they averaged seven, compared with nine for the shorter-term users and 12 for the controls
11 (Neurology, vol 66, p 737).
12 “The extent to which such impairments persist with ongoing abstinence remains contentious,” says Nadia
13 Solowij of the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia. Messinis plans to find out if the effect
14 is reversible by retesting the same groups after they have abstained for at least a month. Dope smokers should
15 watch this space – if they remember.
(18 March 2006 / NewScientist)
06. O objetivo do texto é:
A) Alertar os jovens sobre os danos que a maconha pode causar à inteligência e à memória.
B) Descrever métodos psicológicos desenvolvidos no Hospital Universitário de Patras, na Grécia, para comparar
diferenças em habilidades mentais de usuários de maconha a longo prazo e a curto prazo.
C) Argumentar sobre a extensão dos danos que a maconha causa ao cérebro e a possível reversibilidade desses
danos após abstinência.
D) Apresentar o resultado de uma pesquisa que mostra os danos que a maconha causa na memória de usuários a
longo prazo e curto prazo.
E) Apresentar o resultado de um estudo realizado por pesquisadores do Hospital Universitário de Patras, na Grécia,
a respeito dos sérios problemas que a maconha pode causar à memória e à aprendizagem de usuários veteranos.

07. Com base no texto, faça a inferência do significado do enunciado “IT DEFINITELY fogs your brain” (linha 01) e
assinale a alternativa que contém o enunciado com sentido equivalente.
A) É fato que a maconha causa perda de memória definitiva.
B) A maconha afeta o cérebro definitivamente.
C) Com certeza, a maconha embaça a memória.
D) É claro que a maconha ilumina a memória.
E) Sem dúvidas, a maconha faz a mente ficar menos fértil.
As questões 08, 09 e 10 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto A FUTURE WITHOUT BANANAS?


01 Go bananas while you still can. The world’s most popular fruit and the fourth most important food crop of
02 any sort is in deep trouble. Its genetic base, the wild bananas and traditional varieties cultivated in India, has
03 collapsed.
04 Virtually all bananas traded internationally are of a single variety, the Cavendish, the genetic roots of
05 which lie in India. Three years ago, New Scientist revealed that the world Cavendish crop was threatened by
06 pandemics of diseases such as that caused by the black sigatoka fungus. The main hope for survival of the
07 Cavendish lies in developing new hybrids resistant to the fungus, but this is a difficult and time-consuming task
08 because the seedless modern fruit does not reproduce sexually and has to be bred from cuttings.
09 Now the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned that wild banana species are rapidly
10 going extinct as Indian forests are destroyed, while many traditional farmers’ varieties are also disappearing. It
11 could take a global effort to save the bananas’ gene pool.
12 In fact many of the genes that could save the Cavendish may already have been lost, says NeBambi
13 Lutaladio, a plant scientist at the FAO’s headquarters in Rome, Italy. One variety that contains genes that resist
14 black sigatoka survives as a single plant in the botanical gardens of Calcutta, he says.
(13 May 2006 / NewScientist)
• gene pool: todos os genes presentes em uma espécie particular de animal ou planta.

08. De acordo com o texto, a alternativa que contém a resposta para a pergunta feita no título é:
A) Em apenas 3 anos, o mundo ficará sem bananas, pois o fungo sigatoka terá destruído todas as plantações de
banana Cavendish, variedade essa que tem suas raízes genéticas na Índia.
B) O desenvolvimento de novos híbridos resistentes ao fungo sigatoka é a principal esperança para a sobrevivência
da variedade de banana Cavendish.
C) Apesar do futuro da fruta mais popular do mundo estar ameaçado, ainda há muita esperança para a sobrevivência
da banana Cavendish.
D) Não há mais esperança para o futuro da banana, pois muitos dos genes que poderiam salvar a variedade
Cavendish já se perderam.
E) Nenhum esforço mundial poderá salvar o “gene pool” das bananas.

09. No enunciado “It could take a global effort to save the bananas’ gene pool” (linhas 10 e 11), could expressa a idéia
A) possibilidade B) predição C) esperança D) habilidade E) certeza

10. As classes gramaticais das palavras developing (linha 07), time-consuming (linha 07) e cuttings (linha 08), no
contexto em que elas se encontram, são, respectivamente:
A) verbo, adjetivo, verbo D) adjetivo, adjetivo, substantivo
B) verbo, substantivo, verbo E) verbo, adjetivo, substantivo
C) verbo, verbo, substantivo

As questões 11 a 15 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto Could stem cells help heal damaged livers?

Could stem cells help heal damaged livers?

01 THE number of people with cirrhosis who need new livers is growing, but organs for transplantation are
02 in short supply. Fortunately, a solution may lie within the patient’s own body. Nine Japanese people with
03 cirrhosis have been given a pioneering treatment that uses the patient’s bone marrow cells, and the first results
04 are encouraging. The procedure could potentially ease the symptoms of cirrhosis and make a liver transplant
05 unnecessary.
06 None of the patients was cured, but evidence from blood samples and liver scans suggested that their
07 organs were functioning better six months after treatment, says Isao Sakaida, head of the team at Yamaguchi
08 University in western Japan that developed the treatment. “Another six patients show similar results, but haven’t
09 been followed up yet for six months, and so weren’t included in our report,” he says.
10 Sakaida took bone marrow cells from the hip bones of patients, extracted the white blood cells and
11 reinfused them through a vein. The hope was that stem cells in the mixture, which are normally locked within
12 the bone marrow, would reach the liver in large numbers and become new liver cells. This is what happened in
13 Sakaida’s earlier experiments in mice (NewScientist, 18 December 2004, p 6).
14 Reporting the new results online in Stem Cells (DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2005-0542), Sakaida’s team
15 found rising levels of albumin in the blood, a general indicator of the liver’s health. When the liver is damaged it
16 produces less albumin and discharges a watery fluid, causing a painful swelling called ascites. Scans showed
17 reduced ascites in five of the patients.
18 Not everyone is impressed, however. “The claimed improvement is not convincingly shown”, says Karl-
19 Dimiter Bissig of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, who is attempting to treat liver disease by gene
20 therapy.
21 A similar trial is under way on 18 patients in London, in which stem cells are collected from the patients’
22 blood, not from bone marrow. Preliminary trials, led by Nagy Habib of Imperial College London, have produced
23 anecdotal reports of improvements (see NewScientist, 8 October 2005, p 13). Andy Coghian.
(22 July 2006 / NewScientist)
• stem cells: células-tronco • bone marrow: medula óssea • hip bones: bacia óssea

11. De acordo com as informações apresentadas no primeiro, segundo e terceiro parágrafo do texto, é correto afirmar
A) A solução para o sofrimento de pessoas que necessitam de transplante de fígado se encontra no tratamento que
usa células-tronco coletadas da medula óssea do próprio paciente.
B) Isao Sakaida afirma que o tratamento com células da medula óssea do paciente com cirrose é a solução para o
problema da escassez de órgãos para transplantes de fígado.
C) Não houve nenhuma cura e nenhuma evidência de melhora dos sintomas dos nove pacientes com cirrose que
foram submetidos ao tratamento que usa células-tronco coletadas da medula óssea do próprio paciente.
D) Os nove pacientes com cirrose que receberam o tratamento utilizando células-tronco coletadas da medula óssea do
próprio paciente não foram curados. No entanto, observou-se uma melhora no funcionamento dos fígados desses
pacientes após seis meses de tratamento.
E) Sakaida afirma que sua experiência com células-tronco coletadas da bacia óssea do próprio paciente é a grande
esperança para a cura de fígados danificados.

12. Assinale a alternativa na qual a palavra sublinhada não desempenha a função de adjetivo no contexto.
A) A pioneering treatment (1º parágrafo, linha 03).
B) That developed the treatment (2º parágrafo, linha 08).
C) Rising levels of albumin in the blood (4º parágrafo, linha 15).
D) The claimed improvement (5º parágrafo, linha 18).
E) Damaged livers (título do texto).

13. No quinto parágrafo (linha 18), o elo coesivo however expressa a idéia de:
A) Um contraste em relação à terapia genética para o tratamento de doenças do fígado, de Karl-Dimeter Bissig.
B) Um contraste que se refere aos resultados da experiência com células-tronco, que está sendo desenvolvida na
Faculdade Imperial de Londres.
C) Um contraste que se refere aos resultados da experiência de Sakaida com células-tronco em seis pacientes.
D) Um contraste que se refere aos resultados da experiência de Sakaida com células-tronco em ratos.
E) Um contraste que se refere à melhora do funcionamento dos fígados dos pacientes de Sakaida apresentada nos
resultados de sua experiência com células-tronco.

14. O pronome relativo who (linha 01) se refere a:

A) The number of people D) New livers
B) People E) The number of people with cirrhosis
C) People with cirrhosis

15. Assinale a alternativa na qual as duas palavras são formadas por prefixação.
A) Potentially (linha 04) e treatment (linha 03) D) Reinfused (linha 11) e reduced (linha 17)
B) Unnecessary (linha 05) e discharges (linha 16) E) Impressed (linha 18) e improvement (linha 18)
C) Included (linha 09) e experiments (linha 13)

PORTO SEGURO -- How to get there

‘’This trek ____________as Trilha do Descobrimento and

due to the remote places visited, with no infra-strucuture at

all, the eco-tourism agencies usually ___________ trip

packages only during the summer and depending

___________ the number of people interested. But, of

course, if you have ____________ own group formed, the

agencies can arrange a trip for you.

The prices _______________ vary depending on the transport used (bus, airplane or jeep) and the number of

days. The accommodation is done in tents and the meals are


If you want an adventure on your own, check out the costs

for the transportation to Porto Seguro.''

(Source: Porto Seguro -- 500 years later, SPEAK UP, July'00)

To fill in the blanks in the text above, select the correct

sequence of words.


A) have known -- offers -- of -- yours – would

B) has known -- offered --in -- it – will

C) is known -- offer -- on -- your – may

D) are known -- is offering -- at -- his – should

E) had known -- are offering -- to -- their – must

17. According to the text, trip packages to Porto Seguro are


A) throughout the year

B) in the sunny season

C) only to individuals

D) at a unique price

E) with excellent infra-structure

18. These packages do not include:

A) accommodation in tents
B) visits to far-reaching places

C) transportation to and from Porto Seguro

D) tours on boats

E) eco-tourism

19. ‘’With no infra-structure at all'' means:

A) with very humble living conditions

B) with very sophisticated resorts

C) with a lively night life

D) lacking infra-structure

E) with 'luxury' restaurants

20. The negative form of “Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER” is:

a) Botelho didn’t spend the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER.

b) Botelho doesn’t spend the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER.

c) Botelho wouldn’t spend the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER.

d) Botelho won’t spend the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER.

e) Botelho hasn’t spent the first 15 years of his working career at EMBRAER.

21. ... he was waiting for the news, he looked very angry.

a) If

b) While

c) Why

d) Since

e) How

22. Both Mary and Roger enjoy ... tennis.

a) plays

b) play

c) to playing

d) playing

e) played

23. Assinale a alternativa que relaciona as construções adequadas e as inadequadas em inglês dentre as listadas a
1 Mary is likeing John.

2 Mary needs to help sheself.

3 I can see him.

4 John was expected to win the world cup.

5 Americans films are goods.

6 They has a big farm in downtown.

a) Adequadas: 3, 4. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 5, 6.

b) Adequadas: 1, 2, 5. Inadequadas: 3, 4, 6.

c) Adequadas: 3, 4, 5. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 6.

d) Adequadas: 1, 3, 6. Inadequadas: 2, 4, 5.

e) Adequadas: 2, 3, 5, 6. Inadequadas: 1, 4.

24. Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below:

Mr. Wilson is applying for a job. Right now, he is being interviewed by Mrs. Taylor, head of the personnel

Mrs. Taylor: ... is your full name, please?

Mr. Wilson: Thomas Wilson.

Mrs. Taylor: ... are you from?

Mr. Wilson: Canada.

Mrs. Taylor: ... were you born?

Mr. Wilson: I was born on March 7, 1956.

Mrs. Taylor: ... did you know about our job offer?

Mr. Wilson: Through the ad you put in the newspaper.

a) How Where Why Who

b) What Where How Why

c) Who How Where When

d) What Where When How

e) What Who When How

25. Assinale a alternativa correta:

... work in the field of engineering.

a) She

b) They

c) He

d) Them

e) It

26. Assinale a pergunta correta para as respostas apresentadas:

Take the second on the left and then ask again.

a) Can you give me an information?

b) Excuse me. Where the Town Hall is?

c) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Town Hall is?

d) Could you tell me where does the Town Hall is?

e) Do you know when is the Town Hall?

27. Mark the Passive Voice of the sentence:

They feed the seals twice a week.

a) The seals are fed twice a week.

b) The seals are feeded twice a week.

c) The seals are found twice a week.

d) Twice a week they are feeding the seals.

e) The seals are being fed twice a week.

28. Change to the Passive Voice:

Somebody left the lights on all night.

a) All night somebody left the lights.

b) The lights are left on all night.

c) The lights didn't leave on all night.

d) The lights were left on all night.

e) The lights was left on all night.

29. Mark the Passive Voice:

Thousands of people ride the underground every morning.

a) The underground is ridded by thousands of people every morning.

b) The underground was rode by thousands of people every morning.

c) The underground is rode by thousands of people every morning.

d) Thousands of people is ride by the underground every morning.

e) The underground is ridden by thousands of people every morning.

30. The Passive Voice of Man has made the world much more complex is:

a) Much more complex has made the world.

b) The world was been made much more complex by man.

c) Much more complex was the world made.

d) Complex has been made the world much more by man.

e) The world has been made much more complex.

31. The correct Reported Speech of "Are there any messages for me? , said Helen is:

a) Helen asked if there is any messages for her.

b) Helen asked whether there were any messages for she.

c) Helen asked whether were there any messages for herself.

d) Helen asked if there were some messages for her.

e) Helen asked if there were any messages for herself.

32. My __________ school is near our house.

A) children’s B) children C) childrens’ D) childrens’s E) children is

33. __________ Brian __________ a letter to Brazil last Saturday?

A) Did; write B) Did; wrote C) Will; write D) Does; write E) Do; write

34. The students __________ never __________ German classes.

A) have; have B) had; have C) have; had D) hadn’t; had E) has; had

35. An elephant is much __________ an ant.

A) the bigger B) the biggest C) the biggest than D) bigger E) bigger than

36. Jane is tired of __________ bad programs on television.

A) watch B) watching C) watches D) be watching E) watched

37. She hadn’t done the right thing, __________?

A) had it B) has she C) has it D) had she E) had her

38. __________! I saw you ten years ago.

A) How far B) How old C) How long D) When E) What time

39. Don’t try to cheat! The teacher is sitting __________ you.

A) of B) in C) on D) behind E) off

40. He said, “I bought the new U2’s CD yesterday.”

He said he __________ the new U2’s CD yesterday.

A) buy B) bought C) has bought D) had buy E) had bought

41. The sentence “You can’t grow strawberries in hot places” in the passive voice is

A) strawberries can’t being grown in hot places.

B) strawberries grow in hot places. D) strawberries couldn’t be grown in hot places.

C) strawberries can be grown in hot places. E) strawberries can’t be grown in hot places.

42. How can I say “@” in English?

A) In. B) On. C) At. D) Over. E) Inside.

43. Michael couldn’t decide __________ CD to by.

A) who B) when C) that D) which E) why

44. __________ mother takes very good care of them.

A) Brian’s and Andy

B) Brian and Andy’s D) Bryan

C) Theirs E) Brian’s and Andy’s

45. You can choose __________ a CD __________ a DVD player.

A) or; or B) either; either C) either; or D) or; either E) neither; neither

46. Extensive reading is a good way of __________ vocabulary.

A) to learn B) learning C) learned D) learnt E) have to learn

47. The sentence “Actually, Lindsay fell asleep when she was attending the lecture” in Portuguese is

A) Atualmente, Lindsay caiu no sono, quando estava atendendo à palestra.

B) Hoje em dia, Lindsay caiu no sono, quando estava assistindo à conferência.

C) De fato, Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava lendo.

D) Realmente Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava atendendo à conferência.

E) Na verdade, Lindsay pegou no sono, quando estava assistindo à conferência.

48. Change the sentence “I may live in Recife” to the direct speech.

A) I said I might live in Recife.

B) I said I must live in Recife. D) I said I was living in Recife.

C) I said I’m living in Recife. E) I said I can live in Recife.

49. If Margareth had studied, she __________ the exam.

A) will has passed

B) will passes it D) would have passed

C) will pass it E) would have passess


Annie: What’s the matter? You look worried! Why have you been so quiet lately?

Brian: It’s my future. I don’t know what to do.

Annie: You don’t know what to do about what?

Brian: About my life, my studies, my career…

Annie: What do you mean?

Brian: I feel very confused. I do not know exactly what profession I want to follow, what I

want to study… but that has nothing to do with my family’s ideas about it.

Annie: How come?

Brian: Well, my parents want me to be either a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer. They


these are respectful professions… titles. But I don’t like the idea of hospitals ,

courts or engineering offices. I’m not fit for that. I am feeling very pressed… and

very depressed about that.

Annie: There must be a way out. Let’s think together… Imagine yourself working in

various professions. Which of them would make you feel happy? How fulfilled

would you be? Would you contribute as a human being if you chose any of them?
There are so many career alternatives! Arts, languages, music, psychology ,

computing, communication, propaganda, tourism…

Brian: Well, I’m not really so sure, but I think I would like to go in for arts or propaganda.

I know it is difficult to be an artist. I know the money wouldn’t come in easily,

this is what I think I would be happy doing. This is how I feel.

Annie: Then, fight for it! It’s your life. Don’t give up!

FERRARI, Mariza & RUBIN, Sarah G. Inglês. São Paulo: Ed. Scipione, 2001, p. 271.

50. Why is Brian worried?

A) Because he is very quiet lately.

B) Because he wants to become a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer.

C) Because he has decided about the profession he wants to follow.

D) Because his friend, Annie, can’t help him to decide about his future.

E) Because he is not sure about the career he wants to follow.

51. What’s Annie’s advice?

A) Brian should listen to his parents’ advice.

B) Medicine, engineering and law are respectful professions.

C) Brian should fight for what he wants to do. He shouldn’t give up.

D) Brian thinks he would like to go in for arts or propaganda.

E) She said, there was not a way out for Brian.

52. Change the Reported Speech:

Warren said to me, "I can't find my glasses in this room."

a) Warren told me that he couldn't found his glasses in that room.

b) Warren told me he couldn't find her glasses in these room.

c) Warren told me that he couldn't find his glasses in that room.

d) Warren told me that he can't find his glasses in those room.

e) Warren said to me that he could not found his glasses in this room.

53. Change to the Reported Speech:

Helen said to Paul, "Is this a free country?"

a) Helen told Paul if this was a free country?

b) Helen asked Paul if that was a free country.

c) Helen asked Paul whether that is a free country.

d) Helen told Paul this is a free country.

e) Helen told Paul if that is a free country.

54. Considering that the plural form of:

1. Man is Men

2. Woman is Women

3. Roman is Romen

The incorrect datum(a) is(are) the:

a) number 1

b) number 2

c) number 3

d) numbers 1 and 2

e) numbers 1 and 3

55. As colunas A e B, encontrando o Imperativo correto.

Coluna A

1. I'm hungry.

2. I'm very tired.

3. I'm sad today.

4. I'm pissed off.

5. I'm thirsty.
Coluna B

( ) See a comedy movie.

( ) Take vacation.

( ) Eat something.

( ) Drink some water.

( ) Chill out and take it easy.

a) 1 2 3 4 5

b) 5 4 3 2 1

c) 3 2 1 4 5

d) 3 2 1 5 4

e) 2 3 4 1 5

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