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Disclaimer 1

My Detailed Eczema Healing Treatment Plan 2

The start of the healing process ..................................................................................2

Supplements I took: ......................................................................................................3

Colon hydrotherapy: .....................................................................................................5

Diet ..................................................................................................................................6

Healing Crisis .................................................................................................................9

The real healing turning point ...................................................................................11

Length of my healing process: ..................................................................................11

Food Journal: 13

Day 1: ............................................................................................................................14

Day 2: ............................................................................................................................14

Day 3: ............................................................................................................................15

Day 4: ............................................................................................................................16

Day 5: ............................................................................................................................16

Day 6: ............................................................................................................................17

Day 7: ............................................................................................................................18

Lifestyle Changes: 19

About Abby Lai 20

The information contained within this document is for informational purposes only. It is not
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any disease. You should always consult with a health care professional before starting on any
health plan, fitness regimen, or taking supplements.

The Author of "My Detailed Eczema Healing Treatment Plan,” Abby Lai, Prime Physique
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I’m so excited to share this guide with you because this is the first time that I’m documenting
the exact details of my healing journey.

This guide stemmed from the overwhelming number of questions I’ve received from readers
who have been requesting the details of my treatment plan. As a result, I decided to create a
detailed document for you to list out the exact details of my healing process. It is my
greatest hope that you will really benefit from this guide. I hope that it will also give you a
good starting point of how to begin healing your body from the inside out, and may it
encourage you that healing is possible.

In this guide, I cover important details, which include:

๏ The supplements I took

๏ The diet I followed

๏ Lifestyle changes I made

๏ The amount of time it took me to heal

๏ Sample of foods I ate (taken from my food journal)

Please note that this guide is not intended to replace proper medical advice. This
information is only meant to serve as informational purposes. I highly recommend that you
consult and walk with a qualified health care provider before embarking on any health or
supplement plan, even for the ones I’ve listed below (as healing treatment plans may vary
for each person).


The healing process was long and by no means an easy process. A lot of it was arduous and
discouraging, as it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But after much
perseverance, healing finally took place. I want to encourage you that whatever you’re going
through now, my greatest hope is that you won’t give up as well.

To begin the healing process, the main things I focused on were healing my gut, working on
my digestion, and strengthening my detoxification organs (to help me eliminate toxins
quicker so that my body and skin could heal).

These are the basis of starting off

the healing process – especially
since 80% of the immune system
is located in your gut. If you don’t
start by improving your digestion
and your gut, then even if you do
a parasite cleanse, candida
cleanse, or liver detox, you won’t
be effective at eliminating those
toxins from your body. In fact, at
times it can even aggravate your
eczema even more.

You can refer to my eBook to learn more about why it’s important to focus on these main
things, as I go into much more detail there.

Eczema is the body crying out for
help. Supplements definitely
helped to replace any nutrient
deficiencies and also helped to
repair the skin (and speed up

Below is a list of supplements I

took. Please note that some of
the supplements I used were
quite pricey, as I wanted to invest
in higher quality supplements
(that tend to be more
absorbable) to help heal my body; it wasn’t that I had a ton of money to spend at that time –
but I was willing to invest as much as I could in my health. You don’t have to do the same -

but this was just a personal investment of mine.

With supplements, I believe you get what you pay for and I was really determined to help my
body heal. Sometimes (though not always), opting for cheaper brands of supplements may
not provide as much benefit because the quality of the supplements is lower.

(Note: I have not listed the dosages below as you should speak with your healthcare
provider or holistic practitioner about the dosage they recommend for you, as it may vary for
each person)

๏ B vitamins (Brand: Thorne B Complex, but I now use New Chapter’s Coenzyme B
Complex as it’s made from whole foods, which is usually better absorbed by the
body). B vitamins help rebuild tissue, assist in detoxification, and provide energy for
your body.

๏ Digestive Enzyme with HCL (Brand: Thorne Bio-Gest) Note: I've tried many
digestive enzymes & not all of them work effectively. This one contains HCL (and
pepsin to make it more effective). This was first prescribed to me by my naturopath
and it worked better than the one I had bought for myself. This is one of the most
important supplements that I would take to fix digestion. Refer to my eBook to find
out why. For a cheaper option that works well, you can also try NOW Super Enzymes.

๏ Probiotics (Brand: HMF Forte – this is a professional line of supplements and

therefore pricier. For a cheaper option, you can try Jarrow Brand for adults or for
kids). Probiotics are incredibly helpful in replenishing the good bacteria in your gut,
boosting your immune system, and helping to absorb nutrients (which in turn will
help heal your skin).

๏ Fish oil (Brand: I started off with Nutrasea Omega 3 Fish Oils – I specifically used
their HP (higher potency) product, which is pricier but more effective because it
contains a higher concentration of EPA & DHA, which your body needs to reduce
inflammation, boost the immune system, and to heal). I now use Fermented Cod Liver
Oil (specifically Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil, which is pricey, but highly
effective). It’s fermented, which retains more nutrients, and it is also high Vitamin A &
D to help heal the skin. I love this brand, but fish oil or cod liver oil will both work.

๏ Vit A, C, E, Selenium & Zinc (Brand: Cytoplex – I purchased this product from my

naturopath and, unfortunately, I can’t find this product on Amazon). This supplement
contains a combination of antioxidants to help heal the skin and speed up wound
healing. Plus, some eczema sufferers are deficient in zinc and these other
antioxidants, so supplementing with it helped.

Occasional additional supplements I took:

๏ L-Glutamine (Brand: AOR - I can’t find this product on Amazon, but another brand
I’ve seen great reviews for is Source Naturals). L-glutamine is an amino acid that is the
primary nutrient for the cells of the intestinal lining. It is known to help heal the gut
lining (particularly with leaky gut), especially in times of stress.

๏ Spirulina (Brand: Prairie Naturals – I used the powder version, but the tablet version
from Amazon looks a lot cheaper). Spirulina is a blue-green algae that’s a superfood
to help reduce inflammation. It also helps purify the blood (as it contains chlorophyll
to help speed the release of toxins from the bloodstream) and heal eczema.

๏ Tumeric: I took this as a spice to reduce inflammation. You can buy it in health foods
stores or grocery stores. I cooked with it or added it to my teas. It’s best absorbed
when eaten with healthy fats (such as avocado or coconut oil). You can also make
Golden Milk tea with this which is very soothing (to make it, simply add 1 cup warm
almond milk, and mix in turmeric, grated ginger, and Manuka honey/raw honey to
make an anti-inflammatory drink).

๏ I also tried to start my mornings off with 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds or either
chia seeds to help provide fiber and help my body with elimination.

It’s said that pounds of toxic waste can get stuck in your colon for years! For those with a
toxic colon, this will definitely show up on your skin and affect your overall immune system.
To get out the “gunk” out, I did colon hydrotherapy, which is a method of internally cleansing
the entire length of your colon (large intestine) without the use of drugs or chemicals. It’s
similar to an enema, but colon hydrotherapy is able to reach the upper parts of your

The therapy involves gently filling the
colon with warm, filtered water through
a disposable, sanitized system. When
the water flows out, it carries with it any
material that has built up in the colon,
including waste matter and toxins.

It may seem strange to do colon

hydrotherapy at first, but I believe that it
really helped to clear a lot of the toxic
waste and I felt a lot better. Toxins that
were trapped in my body for years were
finally removed. Although it does remove the good bacteria from your body as well, I
replenished this by adding in good bacteria and probiotics to my gut after every treatment.

This therapy can also help allergies, including food allergies and other sensitivities,
indigestion, acid reflux, gas, bloating, and much more. I truly believe it helped to speed up
the healing of my body though.

As you've heard me write in my eBook, diet and gut healing are incredibly tied to eczema.

What my diet was like before healing

I used to have an incredibly bad habit of overeating. A lot of it stemmed from emotional
overeating, but I would overeat to the point where I was incredibly full and it would hurt.
Even after I was full, I continued to crave food and eat even more. I still struggle with this a
bit, but I am 80% better.

Back then, I was also constantly feeling gas in my digestive system. And as such, I believe
that the stress, years of emotional overeating and bad habits of snacking contributed to my
leaky gut and eczema.

This is something that I wish I had learned earlier. Nowadays, I notice that on days that I
overeat a lot (to the point that I continue to overeat once I'm full), it will sometimes cause a
skin reaction on the next day.

Overeating causes stress on the body – which places more burden on the digestive system
and immune system.

I encourage you to develop a healthy

relationship with food. I ate out of
stress and emotional reasons to make
me feel better. Now, I only stick to 3
meals a day (with smoothies or
homemade green juices in the
morning and evening), 1-2 snacks
throughout the day, and I’ve noticed
an incredibly huge improvement in

How my skin began to heal

I was seeing a naturopath, an

acupuncturist (and a nutritionist on and
off) during the crazy flare up that
happened a few years ago (you can tell
that I was so desperate for healing!).

They all helped in different ways. I took

supplements from my naturopath,
changed my diet according to the
nutritionist’s suggestions, and also did
acupuncture (although I didn’t notice a
huge difference. At one point before
my skin started healing, I was taking
Chinese medicine, but it made my skin
worse because the doctor didn’t know how to treat eczema very well). Since then, I’ve found
that there are some doctors that do know how to treat eczema well using acupuncture and
Chinese medicine, whereas there are also those who don’t. (However, this is not to say that
acupuncture and Chinese medicine are not effective for some people).

For me, the most helpful thing was probably going on the elimination diet for my skin. It
really helped to heal my body and my immune system, as I wasn’t eating allergenic foods

anymore. The only problem was that I went on it cold turkey. I don't recommend doing this,
as it was a big shock for my body to go from eating very poorly to eating extremely clean (so
I would recommend gradually easing into the diet instead).

I also went through a healing crisis at the beginning and the whole ordeal was not the most
pleasant at first (I write more about my experience after this food list, below).

Here is the list of foods I followed (which is from the Clean program by Dr. Jungor):

Foods to Include    Foods to Exclude

Fruits Unsweetened fresh or frozen Oranges, orange juice, grapefruit,
whole fruits, fresh squeezed strawberries, grapes, banana
fruit juices
Vegetables Almost all fresh raw, steamed, Corn, creamed vegetables,
sautéed, or roasted nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes,
vegetables, sea vegetables eggplants, peppers)
Non-Gluten Brown rice, millet, quinoa, Wheat, corn, barley, spelt, kamut,
Grains & Starch amaranth, buckwheat rye, couscous, oats
Vegetable Split peas, lentils, legumes, Soybean products (soy sauce,
Protein beans soybean oil in processed foods,
tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt)
Nuts and seeds Walnuts, sesame, pumpkin, Peanuts, peanut butter
sunflower, hazelnuts,
almonds, cashews, brazil
nut, nut and seed butters
(such as almond and tahini)
Meat and fish Fresh or water-packed cold- Pork (bacon), beef, veal, sausage,
water fish (e.g. trout, salmon, cold cuts, canned meats, hot
tuna), wild game (e.g. rabbit), dogs, shellfish, raw meats and raw
lamb, duck, organic chicken fish
and turkey
Dairy products Unsweetened rice milk*, Milk, cheese, cottage cheese,
and milk almond milk, coconut milk cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream,
substitutes non-dairy creamers, eggs
Fats & Oils Cold-pressed olive, coconut, Butter, margarine, shortening,
flax, sesame, almond, processed oils, canola oil, salad
sunflower, pumpkin, walnut, dressings, mayonnaise, spreads

Drinks Filtered water, green tea, Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated
herbal teas, seltzer or mineral beverages, soda pop, soft drinks
water, yerba mate, coconut
Spices and Vinegar, all spices, sea salt, Chocolate, ketchup, relish,
condiments dried pepper, carob, raw chutney, soy sauce, barbecue
cacao sauce, teriyaki, other condiments
Sweeteners Stevia, xylitol, coconut nectar, Refined sugar, white/brown sugars,
whole/fresh fruit (in honey, maple syrup, high fructose
moderation) corn syrup, evaporated cane juice,
brown rice syrup, agave nectar,
Splenda®, Equal®, Sweet’N Low®

Not only was this a big adjustment for my body, but it caused the worst reaction I had ever
had, as my body went through a really extreme healing crisis. My body flared up so badly to
the point where it was the worst I had ever seen; I woke up with raw, open wounds on most
days, and even doubted if I had done the right thing as it was getting so much worse, rather
than better.

This was the scariest time

for me. It was so painful to
walk, move, and even get
ready. I cried in despair
every morning as I got
ready, because I had to
sweep such a big pile of
dead skin flakes off the
floor (every single
morning). My face was
almost unrecognizable
because of the wounds
and rashes on it. I was traumatized.

What made this journey even harder was that I lived on my own without my family (who all
lived overseas) – so I had no one to support me. The only person I had was my boyfriend –
but he lived further away from the city, so we would only see each other on weekends. All in
all, it was incredibly tiring to take care of myself throughout the week.

I was also still working full time - so trying to hide all this and trying to appear positive and
"normal" in front of my friends and colleagues was incredibly stressful for me. Looking back,
I should have quit my job to focus on my health and let it heal itself. (However, I'm thankful
that work had given me unlimited work from home days and sick days to get through it.)

To be honest, I questioned myself a lot as to whether or not I was doing the right thing. I was
so deeply afraid at that time, but thankfully, my boyfriend encouraged me to keep going on
and he told me he wouldn’t give up on me. This meant the world to me – as we’d only been
dating for 4 months at that time! (Now we’ve been together for 4 years and happily

I can’t believe that my husband chose to stay with me back then, even though I was in pain,
full of rashes, and full of open wounds. There were many times where he asked to see it and
he would keep telling me not to be ashamed, and to believe that I was still beautiful. I write
about this here not to sound “mushy,” but to give you hope that there are amazing people
and that true love exists in this world. It was a huge blessing to experience the support from
it – so I encourage you to let love and support into your life.

And even more importantly, prayer and relying on God was an incredibly big source of
strength to me at this time. When I was lost and frightened, reading the Bible, praying with
my mom, and developing faith that God was with me and loved me despite my tribulations,
helped me get through it. It took a lot of faith, and it was very painful emotionally. But
despite everything, God was faithful and answered my prayer.

Perhaps you might believe in another religion – but I encourage you to pray and develop
faith, believing that you’ll heal. I believe we all go through things for a purpose and a
reason. The most important thing is how we rise out of the challenge; we can choose to put
a positive attitude towards things we go through, or we can go through things with a
depressed, negative attitude.

Therefore, I truly encourage you to look on the bright side – and be hopeful that healing will
take place. If I can do it, I know you can too!

I was on the elimination diet for many months (even after I saw significant healing), but in the
first few weeks into the diet, my skin was getting a lot worse, so one of my practitioners told
me to remove all meat products and go on a vegan diet for a month.

This was so hard, as I needed to cut out all eggs and meat. However, the moment I switched
to an elimination and vegan diet, my body was having bowel movements anywhere from 3-5
times a day! It was incredible; I was eliminating so many toxins out of my body.

My parents also kept telling me to

switch to a more breathable blanket
to allow my skin to heal (since I was
using a sleeping bag as my blanket at
this time!).

The moment that I switched to a "real"

blanket and switched to a vegan diet
for 1 month, my skin had healed so
much! In fact, it had healed at such an
incredible rate, that every morning
when I woke up, I saw very noticeable
healing take place. I was incredibly surprised. Even if I didn’t sleep enough, and I only slept
for 4-5 hours, I saw a significant difference in my skin healing every day when I woke up.

My friends were so amazed at how quickly my skin began to heal.

An important thing to note is that as my skin healed, so did the gas and bloating in my body!
This showed me that as my skin healed, my gut was healing too (since gut health is closely
tied to skin health). The great thing is that my food cravings also started to diminish, as my
body and skin started to become healthier.


Around the 2-month mark of making the changes, I was so happy that significant healing
was taking place. In fact, my naturopath told me that after 2 months of being on the diet, he
could finally see what my “normal” face looked like!

Moreover, 2 months of being on this diet did more than 10 years of being on steroids.

It took another year or so for the last amount to completely
heal (as I had many scars – and still to this day I still have
some, as I had it so severely).

The last 10% of my skin was actually the hardest to heal. It

was very stubborn and I had reached a plateau in my
healing. Although my diet was great and I was exercising, I
felt like I had done all that I could to help it heal and it was
still not healing.

I ended up quitting my very stressful job to pursue full time

nutrition school. Long story short – once I quit my stressful
job, the stress lifted off, and the insomnia that I had lived
with for over a decade completely went away (even to this

The last 10% of my skin healed so fast once I quit my job –

and I believe it’s because I removed the stress in my life
If your body is healing, it’s a good
and I was finally able to sleep, which allowed my body to
idea to track symptoms and figure
heal itself. out what foods are causing you to
react. Using a food journal app is a
I encourage you to remove or learn how to manage the good way to track this. Above is
stressors in your life, as it will greatly help with the healing the Intolerance food diary (on the
Android phone), which is the one
of your skin. that I use.

Please note that even though I’ve overcome severe

eczema (and I no longer get it as severely as I used to), I need to continue to manage my
body and watch the symptoms. Years of using steroids and medications has affected my
liver so much that, sometimes, reactions may come back if I go through long periods of
overeating, eating the wrong foods, not sleeping well, or not managing my stress properly.
However, this can also be a blessing, because my body is teaching me to listen to it.

Here is a 1-week sample from my food journal that I followed back in 2011 that I ate
throughout my healing process:

Before you read my food journal, here are a few things to note:

๏ You’ll see a lot of carbs in my food journal below. I’ve switched to the paleo diet and
no longer eat as many grains and carbs, as I’ve found that the carbs make my blood
sugar higher and less stable (high blood sugar also leads to more inflammation). My
eBook explains about this in more detail - including the link between grains/carbs
and inflammation.

๏ I didn’t drink many smoothies or juices back then. However, nowadays, I start
everyday with a smoothie or homemade juice now (my juice is made from vegetables
like celery, carrots, beets, ginger and other nutritious vegetables to help heal the
skin). This helps to provide the nutrient content that my body needs to alkalize it and
provide the nourishment that it needs.

๏ The food journal below is a sample of what I ate on the elimination diet
(unfortunately, I don’t have the details of what I ate on the vegan diet in my food
journal). However, they were very similar, and the sample below should be enough
information to give you an idea of what I ate during my healing process.

๏ I didn’t eat much fruit (as you’ll notice in the sample menu below). I only limited my
diet to 1-2 fruits a day, as I was very sensitive to sugar. If I ate too much sugar (even in
the form of fruits), I would react. Most eczema sufferers are very sensitive to sugar, and
I would encourage you to limit your fruit consumption (as it is still a form of sugar that
your body is ingesting).

๏ I always buy grass-fed meat (when it comes to red meat), wild (when it comes to fish)
or organic (wherever possible). If it’s too pricey, then I’ll buy the antibiotic-free option.
These types of meat tend to be raised better, more nutritious, and contain less toxins
(from antibiotics and hormones), compared to conventionally raised meat. I found
that the cleaner I ate, the quicker my body would heal.

DAY 1:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ 2 slices of mango

๏ Homemade vegetable soup


๏ Quinoa with fish and an herb salad


๏ Quinoa with chicken, diced cucumber and avocado

DAY 2:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ Quinoa with sweet potato


๏ Salmon with kale, avocado, quinoa, and sprouted pea shoots


๏ Turkey, sweet potato mash, and steamed purple cabbage


๏ A few bites of papaya

DAY 3:


๏ Green smoothie (with kale, avocado, apple, arugula and cucumber) – 30 mins before

๏ Mixed beans and lentils with homemade vegetable soup (including carrots, butternut
squash, potato). I also added in chia seeds, hemp seeds and flax seeds.


๏ Salmon with onions and a handful of spinach 


๏ Chickpea stir-fry with vegetables


๏ Mixed nuts

DAY 4:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ Tuna sweet potato “jackets” (Baked sweet potato stuffed with avocado and tuna)


๏ Quinoa with fish and avocado


๏ Sauerkraut


๏ Large Chicken with salad and cucumbers

DAY 5:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ Coconut Porridge (made with coconut milk, flax, chia, hemp seeds and coconut
flakes. Topped with raspberries and coconut flakes)


๏ Brown rice with onions, chicken, pea shoots and alfalfa sprouts


๏ Carrots with hummus


๏ Kale salad with quinoa, apples, cucumbers and olive oil/lemon juice

๏ Roasted asparagus with salt and pepper

DAY 6:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ Chia pudding (chia seeds in almond milk soaked overnight) with berries and a few
drops of stevia.


๏ Vegetable soup (homemade)


๏ Quinoa with avocado and fish

DAY 7:


๏ Warm lemon water (30 mins before eating breakfast)

๏ Chia pudding (chia seeds in almond milk soaked overnight) with berries and a few
drops of stevia


๏ Chicken drumstick with mashed yam and apple, red potato with parsley salad


๏ Almonds


๏ Chickpea stir-fry with vegetables

I believe that lifestyle is hugely
important in helping your skin to heal
(aside from just making diet). If it’s one
thing I wish I had done better, it would
have been at this.

Back then, I wasn’t very great at finding

time to manage my stress or finding a
support group to help me. My parents
lived overseas so I took care of myself
(and it was incredibly tiring). My
husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) and my friend, who was a nurse, were my main
supporters and encouraged me to pull through.

Nowadays when I look at other eczema sufferers going through the same thing, I really wish
that I had found a strong support group. I follow so many groups on Facebook now (some
good ones are the Eczema & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Support Group). I highly encourage
you to find someone to walk with you, whether you’re a parent or someone personally going
through it; I see so many people supporting each other out there, and I know I would have
been stronger, if I had done that.

Looking back, I should have also quit my full time job during the flare up, as it put my body
under too much stress. My health means so much more and I know my body would have
healed quicker.

Everyone has a different way of approaching this – but I encourage you to find something
that works for you (whether it’s deep breathing, meditation, or exercise). I personally find
that dancing really relieves me of stress and it’s something I highly enjoy!

I hope you’ll find that this guide gave you insight into the treatment plan that I used to help
my body improve.

May it give you encouragement – and more importantly, hope.

Abby is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who
works with clients around the world to help
them achieve clear skin and optimal health.

After suffering from eczema for so many years,

her passion is to see people use health,
nutrition and natural remedies to transform

Her greatest hope is that her experience,

knowledge, and research can help educate
others on natural remedies that will help

Follow her on these channels to receive the

latest updates:

๏ Blog

๏ YouTube

๏ Facebook

๏ Pinterest

๏ Instagram

๏ Twitter

Also be sure to check out her newest eBook, “Healing Eczema: Why Dieting Is Not
Enough” to learn more about healing eczema from the inside out.

Thank you for reading and may you shine bright with clear skin and abundant health!


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