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The entire subject matter of the Kalachakra is contained in the three wheels of time: the Outer Wheel of Time, the Inner
Wheel of Time, referring to the human body and the Other Wheel of Time. The first layer is called the External
Kalachakra; it signifies a part of the cycle with no beginning and no end. This means everything in the universe, from
celestial bodies to plants, to water and the atomic level, the small particle level. Everything is made of cycles, made up
of each other; nothing disappears and nothing appears. At the apparent level of the Wheel of time, there isn't our social
understanding of the dimension but rather the process of everything, change and transfer of energy. That means if the
whole universe is Kalachakra, we are both a part of it and exist beyond it. We have what is the external universe has in
our body, in our mind. The initiations are aimed to tune the pilgrims' Inner and Outer wheels of time in sync with the
'other' and at complete peace with oneself. In doing this, the guru actualizes the Bodhi body's result, representing the
divine image of enlightenment.
Individuals usually see the Inner level Kalachakra as a deity with many hands and many heads in a union, falsely
believing that it is the Kalachakra, leading to the weeds of mistrust stemming. Fortunately, this is only the symbol. The
real Kalachakra is the ultimate loving-kindness and compassion as the sublime empty form of the totality of everything
and the immutable bliss. The sublime blank form of the totality of everything stands for the ultimate beauty, Mother
Nature, the female form. The "immutable bliss" stands for the result of utmost compassion and achievement so that
there is perfect; immutable bliss is the male form. The union of these forms together is the ultimate Buddha Nature so
that we possess the sentient when imbibing this.
Time means everything has a process; everything is inevitable without time. The core philosophy of the whole ritual is
to acquaint a person with themself. If the universe is infinite, each point on it becomes the central point. For every
individual they are the centre of the universe, and everything revolves around them. The answers to all the mysteries of
the universe lie within, and a feeling of ultimate solace is achieved when the individual gains actual knowledge of one's
own self. This puts the individual on a pedestal and at the same time reminds him of his insignificance.
So thus concluding we would like to point out that perhaps the signified reasoning may not appeal to you due to the
lack of immutable scientific proof but if we consider the teaching at a micro level, all this ritual is suggesting is for you to
appeal to compassion and to limit the amount of inevitable suffering you would cause if you are not mindful. It speaks of
the ripples your actions and choices create, time, as seen as a process here is seen as energy. This energy is both in
you as well as the cosmos, this energy had no beginning nor will it have an end. All that is constant about this energy is
change that it undergoes through via the transfer of energy. This energy at a macro level is going through a place of
suffering. We can take charge of our own energy. By following the teaching of the Kalachakra, we can be at peace with
ourselves by learning how to be in sync with this energy.
The Buddhist believes in the infinite potential of the self and its spiritual unity with god. However, each material
distraction and desire strays us away from our self in its pure form, hence driving us away from god. The Kalachakra
Initiations are all about acquainting ourselves with our own true self, for it is within where the meaning of the entire
universe is contained.

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