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What is my e-mail address?

How do I track participation for online classes?

I can track my participation for online classes by participating in a discussion feature each week.
The discussion feature is available in canvas and will be based on topics covered in the text.

What do you need to do to meet the full participation requirement?

I need to have an original response to any discussion board by Wednesday before midnight and
then respond a minimum of four times to other students' posts on Sunday.

What percentage of your grade is based on quizzes, tests, and exams?


What does this percentage tell you in terms of how to earn a good grade in this course?

Quizzes, tests, and exams contribute to half of my grades, and therefore I need to be
adequately prepared to take quizzes, tests, and exams to pass well.

Will there be lots of time to complete quizzes and exams?

Yes, there is enough time to complete quizzes and exams since early preparation will be integral
to answering the exams or quizzes within the time limits.

Will I accept late homework?


How are submitted files supposed to be named?

Submitted files must have the class number, assignment name, and semester in that order.

For example: BA30- Syllabus Hunt - Fall 2021

Will I accept assignments if they are not named correctly?

Yes, but it is essential for students to use the proper naming for future assignment searches.

What format do your assignment files need to be in?

The assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Office compatible format (.doc or .docx) or rich
text format (.rtf)

Will I accept files not in the proper format?

No. For anyone to receive credit for any assignment, the proper format for assignment must be

How thorough do you need to be on homework assignments?

I need to be very thorough on my homework assignments to receive the maximum credit for it.
Reading the text will help me to be thorough when answering my homework assignments.

What book(s) do you need for this class?

PFIN published by Cengage (7th) - ISBN-13: 978-0357033616

Are there any other resources listed that you need to purchase?


How many discussion board posts are due for each discussion topic?

Five posts: One initial response and four responses to other students.

When do you need to make your first post?


When are your four follow-up posts due?


Can you calculate your grade by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible?


How is your total grade calculated?

The first step is by familiarizing yourself with the weights for each grading category. The second
step is to calculate the points earned in each category; then, you divide the total points earned
by the total points possible.

What you get from the above step, you multiply it with the weighting percentage for each
particular category. What you get from each, you add them up, and that you get the overall

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