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Partnership of the Conrad fti. Hilton Foundation, Marywood University and the Aliican
Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Agreement with Shahah Solutions [nvestment for

SLDI Instructional Services in I(ENYA

The purpose of the Sisters Leadership Development initiative (SLDI) is to increase access to
technology. rnaflagement and leadership skill-buildin-e tbr Sisters in Africa through training and
education, geared and adaptable to the specific needs and contexts in which the Sisters are working.

Marywood University and ASEC wishes to engage Shahah Solutions lnvestment to facilitate a
20-day Finance I Training in KENYA. Training will take place or, April 19- May 74,2021.
The venue will be Tumaini Centre.

The 20-day training, SLDI Finance II Training fbr Sisters in KENYA is geared toward building
sisters' capacities by equipping sister-parlicipants with relevant Finance 1l training, identified in
the curicuium for SLDI Finance II Workshop that was provided to you.

The fbllou,ing ore the terms o/'this dgreement:


1.l Effectively deliver the content specified in the cur:riculum for SLDI Finance II
Training, ascertain that specified curriculum goals are attained, and facilitate
assessment to ascertain that participants have acquired competencies fiom the specified
curriculum objectives; under no circunrstances shall the instructor change or modity
the cur:riculum during the course of the training:
1.2Assist participants to drar,v action plans for praciice and implementation in their
respective projects/ministries, adhering to the theory-practice model of SLDI:
1.3 Use parlicipatory methodologies that are appropriate to meet the stated objectives,
and which cater for the different learning styles of parlicipants (e.g. Comprehensive
lectures accompanied by PowerPoint presentations; plenary presentations and
discussions; group discussions; case studies/scenarios; practical exercises/experiential
1.4 Support participants to develop porllblios that indicate skills acquisition and
1.5 Engage parlicipants in developing mentoring plans as a strategy to transfer skiils to
colleagues and in their workplaces.
1.6 Effectively facilitate workshops during the 20 days specified in this agreement.


2.l Facilitation of the SLDI Finance II Training will focus on developing participants'
skills as defined in the curriculum.

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Z.2Training will bc for 20-days at a rate of $250 per day for one instructor. The total
amount to be paid to the Instructor(s) for 2O-days w'ill be 55.000.00. This rate is final
and no additional t'ees/VATs u.ill be accepted rn the f'rnal invoice fbr the facilitator
fee. If you plan to have nrore than onc facilitator, thc total cost to be paid will be for
one instructor/facilitator. There will be NO reirnbursement for prep days. The nuwber
of instructors is to be upproved by the Program Manager, SLDI prior to start af the
2.3 Room and board will be provided for the four-week period at ihe training site.
2.4 Payment to the Instructor for the training rvill be issued upon completion of the
u,orkshop along rvith Student Assessments, and after submission of a report on the
training to the Program Manager, SLDI and the Country Director. Payment cunnot be
wired until ull requirements $re met snd the Jinal report is received by the Progrant
Manager, SLDI. Sutlmit final report and signed invoice to

2.5 Travel expenses for the facilitator willbe reimbursed throtigh the Program Manager,
SLDI. Receipts and signed invoice for all travel expenditures will be given to the
Program Manager, SLDI ,lpon the completion of the u,orkshop; please submit the
itinerary and travel receipts for reirnbursement to
2.6 The Instructor and ASEC wiii jointiy own materiais deveioped by the F'aciiitator to be
distribrited to par-ticipants for use in this training session; either party can use these

2.7 Lf the materials developed by the lnstructor are used in the SLDI ourriculum, the
aggregate materials (the curriculum) rn'ill be owned by ASEC/SLDL The developer
retains the right to specific materials developed, but not the aggregate curriculum.
2.8 Program evaluation data is the joint propefiy of ASEC and Marywood University.
2.9 The Instructor. the ASEC Country Director, and the Program Manager. SLDI will
maintain tiequent and open lines of communication.


Instructional materials u,i1l be provided f,or use during the training, inciuding: PowerPoint/LCD
projector; Flip charts; Felt pens/Markers; Masking tapes; Writing materials tbr participants; and a
cornputer lab lor participants usc.


instructor(s) is an independent contractor. lnstnrctor is not an employee, or agent of ASEC or

Marywood University at any time contemplated by this Agreement. Instructor w'iil use the
provided curicnlum and materials through Google Classloom.

This Agreement shall be governed by and constr-Lled in accordance with Pennsylvania law and by
the law of the Countly in r.vhich the r,vorkshop is taking place. In the event litigation is nccessaty
to enfbrce this Agreement, venue shall be proper in any coufi of competent jurisdiction located in
jurisdiction of Instructor's choice.

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By signing this agrcerncnt, Shahah Soltitions lnvestment agrees to provide the services as
dcscribed in this agreement. In thc evcnt that Shahah Solutions lnvestment is unable to deliver
services as agreed upon irnmcdiatc notification to ASEC Country Director and Program Manager,
SLDI is rcquired prior within 7 busincss days. In the event of adverse circumstances (illness, death
etc.) during the training Shahah Solutions Investment will notily ASEC Country Director who will
communicate to the Program Manager, SLDI fbr an action.


For Training Firmilnstructor(s) Signature(s):

Name: A * ^n,
*^u a^r,., Name: 'b ttx{ f-t- M u.r;1.rk.{

1111.' D\ v titDrr Title: T B-rrr,r+c.r-

I p.^4 =tqFrrZry

Sister Mary Cecilia Draru, LSMIG, PhD

Executivs Director


Jaime Bloxham, MPA Sr. Joyce Kwamboka Nyakwama, SSMD

Program Manager, SLDI ASEC Country Director
ibloxham j nyakwa{na@ asec- sldi. org

Date: Date:

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