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ICM2E 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (2021) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1742/1/012026

Development of an Android-Based for Math E-Module by

using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 for Grade X Students of
Senior High School

R Ilmi1, I M Arnawa2, Yerizon1 and N N Bakar2

Department of Mathematics Educations, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

*corresponding author:

Abstract. Learning in the industrial revolution 4.0 requires the optimal use of technology in
the learning, one of which is by learning to use mathematical e-modules that can be operated
on smartphones using an android operating system. This study aimed to create valid, practical,
and effective android-based e-modules. This research was research and development (R&D)
with the Plomp development model, which consists of the preliminary research phase, the
development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. The subjects of this study were
students of grade X in SMA N 5 Pekanbaru. The results of this study were the android-based e-
module was valid, practical, and effective. The validity of e-modules was classified based on
the results of the experts' evaluation. The practicality of the e-module was classified based on
the questionnaire responses of teachers and students, who can use the e-module well, can help
students in understanding the material, and interested in using it. The effectiveness of e-
modules was classified by the percentage of student's completeness learning after using e-
modules more than 70%.

1. Introduction
Mathematics is a subject important in the development of science and technology. Mathematics is one
of the important learning to form attitude, guiding patterns of thinking, and can train and develop
thinking skills [1], [2]. However, in all levels of education, mathematics is still a subject that is
considered difficult by students, so that the result of learning mathematics is also low [3-15]. One of
the factors that cause the learning outcomes of students to learn mathematics is that there is a
mismatch between the material being taught with the contents of books or teaching materials [16]
because the usage of teaching materials can affect students' mathematics learning outcomes [17].
The 21st century of mathematics education in the 4.0 revolution requires qualified human
resources, has the comparative ability, innovative, competitive, and able to collaborate so that it has
the ability to adapt to the changing times that are accelerating [18]. 21st-century learning in the 4.0
industrial revolution requires innovation and optimal usage of technology. In the industrial revolution
4.0, technology is no strange; society shifts activities that were initially in the realm of the virtual
world to cyberspace [19]. 21st-century education must be able to facilitate students with various
technological innovations such as computers, electronic whiteboards, and electronic modules [20].
Students need innovative learning materials or resources that can be used anywhere and anytime [21].
The teaching materials are electronic modules or commonly known as e-modules.

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICM2E 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (2021) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1742/1/012026

E-module is a systematically prepared independent learning material that is displayed in an

electronic form, in which there is audio, navigation and animation [22]. The e-module is operated on
smartphones that have an Android operating system because the system is the most widely used in
Indonesia [23], [24]. Preliminary data shows that users of the Android system as a supporting
operating system used in Indonesia grew to 76.03% in June 2019 and dominated the smartphone
market [25].
One of the software used to make the e-module is Adobe Flash Professional CS6. The software has
an Action Script that can be used to enter formulas and make buttons have certain functions that can
be used on the media so that the media is made to be interesting. It also has features that can be used to
edit, design, and arrange objects in making animation [26] so that e-modules are made to be
interesting. In addition, Adobe Flash Professional CS6 features AIR for Android, useful for creating e-
modules that can later be installed on smartphones supported by the Android operating system.
The goals of this study is to obtain an Android-based mathematics e-module using Adobe Flash
Professional CS6, which is valid, practical, and effective for high school grade X students. The results
of this study are expected to provide benefits and add teaching material in the learning.

2. Materials dan Methods

This research was research and development (R&D), which aimed to develop an android-based math
e-module. This study used the Plomp development model because the model has been widely used by
researchers in conducting research and development (R&D) [27-29]. The Plomp development model
consists of three phases, namely the preliminary research phase, the development or prototyping
phase, and the assessment phase. Layers of the formative evaluation can be seen in Figure 1. At the
assessment phase, an assessment of the e-module was applied to see the practicality and effectiveness
of the e-module.

Figure 1. Plomp Model Formative Evaluation Layer [30].

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Preliminary research phase
The initial step in developing the e-module was by conducting the first phase, namely an initial
investigation by interviewing one of the mathematics teachers, interviewing students, and distributing
questionnaires to the needs of 35 students at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. Based on interviews and
questionnaires, information was obtained that the teaching materials usual used in the learning process
were printed teaching materials in the form of text and worksheets. Students still found it difficult to
learn mathematics from teaching materials used at school, so they find other sources from their
smartphones to b understand the material being studied better. Questionnaire distribution data shows
that there were 44% of respondents rate teaching materials used as not interactive, and there were 58%

ICM2E 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (2021) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1742/1/012026

of respondents generally use non-printed learning resources outside of teaching materials not provided
by the teacher, and 81% of respondents had difficulty learning mathematics.

3.2. Development or prototyping phase

In this phase, an e-module was created using the Adobe Flash Professional CS6 application. The
results of the design were then self-evaluated to see errors contained in the e-module. It was found that
a few errors in the e-module, such as typing errors and some navigation buttons that have not
functioned and then made improvements to these errors. The corrected e-module was validated by five
experts consisting of three material experts who understood mathematical material, one linguist, and
one media expert [31]. The results of the material expert validation obtained a value of 3.61 or very
valid category and made several revisions after being tested by the material expert. One material
expert gave a suggestion so that the e-module that was made needed to add a video in each part of the
material so that students can be better to understand the material. The results of the validation of
linguists obtained a value of 3.50 or very valid category, but there were minor revisions related to
writing errors. The results of media validation obtained a value of 3.42 or a very valid category, and
revisions were made to the background and size of the navigation buttons. Overall, the validation
results obtained from five experts were 3.54 or very valid categories. One of the results before and
after validation can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 is a revision made based on the material validator's
advice to change the background from blue to white so that the writing is clearly visible to the reader.

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) before revision, (b) after revision.

Validated and revised e-modules were then evaluated with individual evaluations (one to one
evaluation). Individual evaluations were carried out on three students coming from grade X of SMAN
5 Pekanbaru who had different abilities, namely one high ability person, one moderate ability person,
and one low ability person. The individual evaluation aimed to identify errors such as poorly
understood of grammar, incorrect spelling, punctuation, poorly understood instructions,
appropriateness of examples, systematic material, ease of use, attractiveness, and satisfaction.
During the observation, students who were highly capable could understand the contents of the
material and a video explanation of the material well. While students with low ability were still
confused and several times repeated the video to be able to understand the material and got guidance
from researchers to understand the material well. When reading trigonometric comparison material on

ICM2E 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (2021) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1742/1/012026

a right triangle, students find some typing errors such as " 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛼 = ," which is supposed to
"𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛼 = 𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ". When paying attention to the video, students were seen holding the smartphone
close to their face because it was caused by the size of the video that was not large enough, so that
revisions were made in that section. One of the revision results can be seen in Figure 3.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) before revision, (b) after revision.

After the e-module was revised, an evaluation was conducted on a small group to see the
practicality of using the e-module, which includes learning activities, the suitability of time allocation,
and convenience. The evaluation was conducted on six students of grade X SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The
results of small group trials on e-modules obtained an average of 82.15% or practical category. The
results of the analysis show that the Android-based mathematics e-module can already be used for
classroom learning.

3.3. Assessment phase

In this phase, a field test was applied to obtain the practicality and effectiveness of the e-module by
carrying out the practicality and effectiveness tests. Practicality tests were applied to determine the
practicality of e-modules obtained from the practicality questionnaire [32, 33]. The effectiveness test
was conducted to determine the impact of using e-modules on student learning outcomes [34]. The
effectiveness of e-modules was obtained from the results of student tests. The practicality test results
of the effectiveness test results can be seen in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Overall user response on e-module

Respondent result (%) category
Teacher 83.32 Practical
Student 86.28 Very practical
Average 84.80 Practical

Table 2. Student Learning Test Results

ICM2E 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (2021) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1742/1/012026

Passing grade
Final test Total
Pass Not pass
Number of students 26 9 35
Percentage 74.29% 25.71% 100%

In table 1, the average overall value of the android-based e-module practicality obtained from
teachers and students was 84.80% in the practical category. So the e-module was declared practical
and feasible to use as a source of independent learning. In table 2 shows the results of student learning
tests with the number of students who completed were 26 people or 74.29%, and students who did not
complete are nine people by 25.71%. There were still students who are incomplete. It might be
because, during the learning process, students were not focused when discussing and are not serious
about doing the exercises, causing students to be unable to answer test questions properly. From the
results of these tests, it was known that more than 70% of students complete it. It can be said that the
android-based mathematics e-module was effective.

4. Conclusion
This research was a valid, practical, and effective android-based math e-module. The validity of e-
modules is classified from the results of the experts' evaluation. The practicality of the e-module was
classified from the responses of teachers, and students who can use e-modules well can help the
students in understanding the material and students that are interested in using it. The effectiveness of
e-modules is classified based on the percentage of student completeness learning after using e-
modules, and it was more than 70%.

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