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Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)



Step 1: Write a concise summary of the UDHR and write the correct MLA citation for
the text.
Step 2: Choose two of the civil rights articles from the Analyzing Argument assignment.
Step 3: Compare and connect the columns to the UDHR by choosing a few elements
that are related to your topic and explain how they fit together. The more notes, the
Step 4: Finally, write the correct MLA citation for both columns.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Summary

The UDHR is a document that was proclaimed by the UN and it addresses and
outlines the rights that everyone should have. It outlines specifically the
“...fundamental human rights to be universally protected…” and has been translated
into hundreds of languages throughout the world. It begins with a Preamble that
introduces what the UDHR is, and then has its Articles which are the rights that were
composed by representatives from all areas of the world.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights MLA Citation

Draft Committee, United Nations. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

United Nations, 10 Dec. 1948,
universal-declaration-of-human-rights. Accessed 17 Sept. 2021

Column 1 (Headline & link)

Faculty members push back against Boston College’s decision not to require masks in

MLA Citation
MacQuarrie, Brian. "Faculty members push back against Boston College's decision
not to require masks in classrooms." Boston Globe [Boston], 31 Aug. 2021.
Boston Globe,
Accessed 20 Sept. 2021.

Comparison Notes

This article relates to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it

addresses whether or not creating a mask mandate would be a violation of human
rights. However, in the UDHR, it doesn’t list whether or not masks are a violation of
Human RIghts because it honestly that big a topic until this past year really, and it
also isn’t totally a human right. It’s more of a civil right, so it isn’t addressed in the

Column 2 (Headline & link)

To mask or not to mask? Parents clash over masks, school board makes no mandate.

MLA Citation

Bourke, Theresa. "To mask or not to mask? Parents clash over masks, school board
makes no mandate." Brainerd DIspatch [Brainerd], 10 Aug. 2021. Brainerd
date. Accessed 20 Sept. 2021.

Comparison Notes

This article related to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it

addressed the rights that people have whether to wear masks or whether to not wear
masks. So many people have made wearing masks a political statement when it really
isn’t. It isn’t a violation of human rights because nowhere in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (or anywhere else) does it say that wearing masks or not wearing
them is a violation of rights. It doesn’t impede on any rights, but it is something that
people still argue about.

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