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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 59

CD8 recognizes self

HLA Class I

Virus TcR
body cell CD3

Viral Ag in HLA
Class I groove

FIGURE 5-6 Specific cells of the immune response.

Virus TcR
body cell CD3

1. CTL binds target with TcR. Granules move into area. Perforin released.

Ca++ Ca++
2. Perforin sets up ion channels which allow unlimited Ca++ to enter dead, virus
the cell, poisioning it. infected cell

FIGURE 5-7 CD8 + cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antiviral activity.

Specific anti-tumor Ab


Killer cells have Fc receptors that bind Ab NK cells bind their tumor targets by an
already bound to the tumor target. unknown mechanism. Kill with perforin.

FIGURE 5-8 Killer and natural killer cells. Large granular lymphocytes that carry neither T- nor B-cell markers. Kill
tumor cells using the perforin mechanism.
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60 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

B Lymphocytes production on reexposure. The antibodies produced

The remaining 5% to 15% of peripheral blood lympho- during this so-called anamnestic response are very
cytes can be classified as B lymphocytes on the basis of high-quality antibodies said to belong to the im-
their surface antigen receptors, which are actually munoglobulin G or IgG subclass.
antibody molecules. After migration from the bone The preceding discussion described the clonal se-
marrow, B lymphocytes reside in the germinal centers lection theory in its basic form. This theory postulates
and medullary areas of the lymph nodes and spleen, that a given B lymphocyte is triggered by contact
where they lose some cytoplasm and become smaller. with an antigen for which it carries specific cell
More than 50% of the lymphocytes in the spleen and surface receptors. The activated cell proliferates
tonsils are B lymphocytes. The immature B lymphocyte and synthesizes antibody with the same binding
may be thought of as the precursor to the antibody- specificity as the surface antigen receptor. The the-
producing and morphologically recognizable plasma ory also states that all of the progeny of that acti-
cell, which is differentiated by exposure to antigen and vated lymphocyte produce antibody of identical
interaction with T-helper cells. structure and specificity. Although the cells in the
If a B cell has recognized its specific antigen B-lymphocyte population have many features in
using its specific cell surface antigen receptor (an anti- common, they synthesize different classes of im-
body molecule, which may also be called surface munoglobulin—IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE. Addi-
immunoglobulin) and has received a cytokine signal tional variation has led to subdivision of the
from the T-helper cell, the B cell divides and differen- classes into subclasses, the importance of which
tiates to become a plasma cell. The plasma cells, which becomes apparent in the section on immunoglobu-
are large and full of protein-producing machinery lin subclasses later in this chapter. It is also impor-
(called the endoplasmic reticulum), gush antibody for tant to realize that antibody synthesis is an
3 to 4 days. The antibody produced by the plasma cell extremely complex process under the control of
has the same antigen-binding specificity as the origi- genes beyond those that control diversification.
nal B cell’s surface antigen receptor (Fig. 5-9). Many aspects are controversial and under intense
Groups of B cells or plasma cells that produce an- investigation.
tibody with the same specificity are said to be mem- Keep in mind that most immune responses are a
bers of the same B cell clone. Not all B cells are combination of nonspecific inflammation (caused
transformed into plasma cells and produce antibody. predominantly by macrophages, neutrophils, and
Some become memory cells capable of rapid antibody mast cells) and specific, acquired immunity (conferred

IL-2 thru 6
et al. T cell B
B “help”

1. B cells surface Ig Ag receptor binds 2. B cells are stimulated to divide and

free Ag or receives Ag from APCs. differentiate by Ag binding and cytokines.

3. Plasma cells gush Ab for 3-4 days. The Ab

specificity is the same as the slg (same
variable regio AA sequence). The Ab
produced helps to destroy the Ag. Thus the
Ag has selected the B cell clone producing
Ab that eventually led to the destruction of
Ag. Immunization, memory.

FIGURE 5-9 Antibody production: the antigen selection hypothesis.

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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 61

Bacteria &
tissue damage

Chemotaxins. WBC Antibodies,

called to the area opsonization B cell,
plasma cell,

Mast cells PMN

Phagocytosis Cytotoxic
and bacterial T cell
killing memory

T-helper cell, memory

Macrophage antigen presentation

FIGURE 5-10 An immune response consists of both nonspecific inflammation and specific acquired immunity.

by lymphocytes). The complex interactions and especially those containing proteins or polypeptide–
cooperation demonstrated by these cell populations carbohydrate combinations, are highly immuno-
are shown in diagrammatic fashion in Figure 5-10. genic. The more diverse the molecule is, the more im-
This example describes the cells that work together to munogenic it becomes. As previously indicated, the
fight off a bacterial infection. structure must be recognized by the cells of the recip-
ient’s immune system to be nonself.


An immunogen is a substance that causes a detectable Intravenous and intraperitoneal injection of immuno-
immune response. Frequently, the terms “immuno- gen is highly effective in producing an immune
gen” and “antigen” are used interchangeably, although response. Intradermal, subcutaneous, or intramuscu-
they are not, in the strictest sense of their definitions, lar routes are less effective.
the same thing. An antigen is a substance that is
capable of reacting with the product of an immune
response. Antigen combines with antibody (i.e.,
Shape and Charge
“antigen–antibody reaction” is used instead of “im- It is now recognized that molecular shape and charge
munogen–antibody reaction”). are the most important features affecting immuno-
Introduction of nonself immunogens present on genicity and antigenicity (the ability of a substance to
human RBCs, white blood cells, and platelets may react with the product of an immune response). Anti-
elicit antibody production. On a biochemical level, an gens on human RBCs protrude from the cells’ mem-
immunogen is a substance with a molecular weight brane in a steric (three-dimensional) configuration
of 10,000 D or more. Substances with a molecular and carry ionic charges. These immunogens are pro-
weight of less than 5,000 D seldom cause antibody teins coupled with carbohydrate molecules (glycopro-
formation. If coupled with larger carrier molecules, teins) or lipids (lipoproteins). Although the immunogen
however, these substances, known as haptens, can be- is large, the antigenic determinant, known also as the
come immunogenic (able to stimulate an immune re- epitope, is a small portion that may be composed of as
sponse). Once an immune response has been initiated few as five or six amino acids or sugars. This small
by the hapten–carrier complex, the hapten alone epitopic region is responsible for specificity, meaning
can react with the product of the immune response that the region contains the molecular configurations
(i.e., antibody). Complex biochemical compounds, that allow recognition by the corresponding antibody.
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62 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

Many epitopes are present on an immunogen and

multiple antibodies that have somewhat different BOX 5-1 Properties of the Immunoglobulin
specificity and reactivity may be formed in response Classes
to a single, large immunogen. Because of the steric IgG
or spatial configuration of these biochemical struc- • Monomer; molecular weight 180,000 D
tures, some epitopes may be rendered nonfunctional • Most abundant in serum; 10 immune response,
or unable to combine unless the molecule is struc- class shift
turally altered (such as may occur during deliberate • “Maternal Ab”; crosses placenta
modification with enzymes or during the combina- • Binds complement to destroy antigens which have
tion of antigen with its antibody). been bound
The chemical composition of the human blood group • Is opsonic; macrophage Fc receptors have high
substances has been studied for many years. Similar affinity for IgG Fc regions
macromolecular configurations are widely distributed IgA
throughout the biologic world in mammals, birds, am- • Dimeric, 400 kD
phibians, reptiles, bacteria, and plants. Since 1950, when • Secreted by mucous membranes, in mother’s milk
the carbohydrate composition of the A, B, and H blood • Does not bind complement
group substances became known, the new science of IgM
immunochemistry has added much knowledge to our • Pentameric, 900 kD
understanding of the structural arrangement of the com- • Primary immune response Ab; binds complement
ponent sugars. The structures of the ABO, Lewis, and H IgD
antigens are better understood than any of the other blood • 180 kD
groups. Also, the Rh antigens have a lipoprotein structure. • B cell surface Ig?
Because the task is complicated by the isolation of anti- IgE
gens from the red cell, much remains to be learned about • Monomeric, 180 kD
many of the other blood group antigens. • In allergy or anaphylaxis, binds mast cell and allergen
The lipoprotein immunogens (antigens) are proba-
bly even more complex than the carbohydrate structures.
Antigens expressed on human red cells are developed
under the control of genes. The names for the genes and
the antigens each defines are the same for most of the
blood groups (i.e., A gene codes for the A antigen). Immunoglobulins are the product of plasma cell
protein production, and these protein–carbohydrate
moieties (glycoprotein) bind to their antigens in a highly
ANTIBODIES specific fashion. Each immunoglobulin molecule is
made of 82% to 96% protein (polypeptide) and 4% to
The terms “antibody” and “immunoglobulin” are 18% carbohydrate. Human blood group antibodies
commonly used interchangeably, though there is a are generally of two types, IgM or IgG, although
semantic difference between the two terms. Immu- IgA forms also exist. Within the five classes of
nologists call a molecule an antibody if its binding immunoglobulins, there exist differences in each
specificity is known—for example, an antimeasles single type that have resulted in the further division into
virus antibody. Immunoglobulin refers to a collec- subgroups or subclasses. For example, IgG has four
tion of different antibodies with no single binding identified subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4.
specificity, such as a preparation of intravenous im-
Antibodies may be thought of as substances pro-
Structure and Physiochemistry
duced in response to immunogenic stimulation that are Each immunoglobulin molecule may be thought of
capable of specific interaction with the provoking as consisting of two identical polypeptide heavy
antigens. The immunoglobulins that function as anti- chains (H) and two identical polypeptide light
body may be divided into five classes based on their dif- chains (L) (Fig. 5-12). Each of the heavy chains con-
ferent physical, chemical, and biologic properties: IgG, tains a sequence of approximately 440 amino acids
IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE. Each of these classes can bind with a molecular weight between 50,000 and 70,000 D
antigens. Box 5-1 summarizes some of the properties that is identical within each molecule. The light
of these immunoglobulins, and Figure 5-11 shows the chains are also identical to each other within the
simplified structure of IgG, dimeric IgA, and penta- same molecule, although different from the heavy
meric IgM. chains. The light chains contain about 220 amino
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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 63

J Chain Secretory Piece

IgG Dimeric, Secretory IgA

Pentameric IgM

J Chain

FIGURE 5-11 Simplified structures of IgG, IgA, and IgM.

acids with a weight of 20,000 to 25,000 D. These two bonds holds together loops of folded polypeptide
pairs of chains are held together covalently by chains known as domains. The disulfide bonds also
molecular bridges called disulfide bonds (S–S) and allow the antibody molecule to flex, and to change
noncovalent forces. The interaction of disulfide shape in three-dimensional space. Antigens are

Heavy Chain

Variable Region
Heavy Chain Light Chain

Variable Region
Light Chain Fab Region

• Fraction Ag binding

• Ag bound here
Constant Region
Light Chain

Disulfide bonds SS
Fc Region

• Complement binds

Constant Region • Macrophage FcR

Heavy Chain bind here

FIGURE 5-12 Basic structure of the immunoglobulin molecule.

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64 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

bound in the groove formed by the amino-terminal the idiotype of the antibody molecule. Anti-idiotype
ends of the heavy and light chains. antibodies can prevent the antibody from complexing
Human immunoglobulins have two types of light with its antigen by combining with these idiotypic
chains, known as kappa and lambda, and both types determinants.
can form antigen-binding sites. Human heavy chains The remaining portions of each heavy and light
are found in five variations known as gamma, alpha, chain pair comprise the constant regions. These
mu, delta, and epsilon. All five types can bind anti- regions are so named because the amino acid
gens. An immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing gamma sequence is identical for molecules in the same class
heavy chains is called immunoglobulin gamma, or IgG, or subclass (except for differences due to genetic
whereas a mu-containing immunoglobulin is called polymorphisms). The constant regions function
IgM, and so forth. to control biologic effector mechanisms, such as
macrophage Fc receptor binding and complement
Variable and Constant Regions
Heavy chains have at least three constant re-
Approximately one fourth of each heavy chain and gions, and these domains are numbered consecu-
one half of each light chain contains regions of amino tively from the amino-terminal end (as are all of the
acid sequence that vary from one antibody molecule amino acids that comprise the molecules) as CH1,
to another. These regions of varying amino acid CH2, and CH3 (and CH4 in the case of IgM and IgE
sequence may be found at the amino-terminal end of molecules, which possess this additional domain).
the molecule (see Fig. 5-12). The variable regions are Although specific functions for the CL (constant re-
concerned with antigen binding and confer specificity gion of the light chain) and CH1 domains elude
on the molecule; that is, the particular amino acid demonstration, it is at least reasonable to suppose
sequence allows the molecule to bind or not bind to a that they help orient the hypervariable sequences
particular antigen. for antigen binding. The CH2 domain has been
There are about 20 different amino acids that are shown specifically to activate complement by bind-
used to make up human proteins, and each amino ing the Clq molecule. The CH3 domain is the C re-
acid has its own unique shape. Therefore, the amino gion responsible for binding to macrophages. In
acid sequence of the variable region determines the addition, the constant region is involved in placen-
three-dimensional shape of the antibody-binding tal transfer, which confers passive immunity to the
site. Thus, this sequence determines which antigen newborn. IgG constant and variable domains are
is bound by that antibody molecule. If the amino shown in Figure 5-13.
acid sequence of the variable region is changed, the These functions of the constant regions of the
shape of the antibody-binding site and which anti- heavy and light chains are of vital importance and
gen will fit in the groove between the H and L chains should not be considered secondary to the essential
are also changed. “antigen recognition” function of the amino-terminal
Actually, the ability to bind one antigen as end. The primary interactions of antigen with anti-
opposed to another is believed to be controlled more body would be insignificant if these effector functions
precisely by hypervariable amino acid sequences in did not become manifest.
these regions, three in each light chain and four in
each heavy chain. More specifically, the shapes of both
The Hinge Region
are complementary and dictate the “goodness of fit”
and whether the antibody and antigen will complex. The hinge region of the antibody molecule between
The analogy of the “lock and key” supplemented with the CH1 and CH2 domains is the area that provides
positive and negative charges is a good description of flexibility in allowing the molecule to combine with
antibody–antigen binding. antigen (Fig. 5-13). As is apparent from the previous
(The principle of variable and constant regions discussion of the hypervariable sequences, the elec-
described here for the formation of antibodies that tric charges present, with positive and negative
bind their antigen specifically can also be applied to charges attracting and like charges repelling each
the T-cell surface antigen receptor, with the exception other, the molecule must have the ability to conform
that the T-cell receptor is made of two protein chains three-dimensionally and shape itself spatially to fit
with one antigen-binding site. Antibodies are closely or widely separated antigens. It has also been
constructed of four protein chains with two antigen- suggested that the molecule in the unbound state, as
binding sites per molecule.) normally occurs in the serum, is in a “T” shape with
The sequence of amino acids in the hypervariable the amino-terminal ends maximally distant from
regions of the heavy and light chains is referred to as each other. When combined with antigen, these ends
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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 65

Light chain
+H3N hypervariable L chain

+H3N H chain


VH CL 214 Fab

Heavy chain


S- 117 hypervariable


S S 220
Site of papain cleavage S S Hinge region
Site of pepsin cleavage 235
Complement binding region

341 Fc



FIGURE 5-13 IgG molecule.

flex to become “Y” shaped, and the arms swing in- complement activation (CH2), placental transport, and
ward. This flex change may also allow the CH2 and macrophage binding (CH3) were assigned to the Fc
CH3 effector domains more accessibility for comple- fragment. Treatment with pepsin results in a slightly
ment binding by reducing steric hindrance. The different type of Fab fragment, called F(ab⬘)2, which
lengths and flexibility of the hinge have been found in addition to retaining its antigen-binding ability, is
to vary with each of the IgG subclasses, and this vari- capable of causing agglutination and precipitation
ability is reflected in the ability to trigger the biologic reactions. F(ab⬘)2 is roughly the top half of the
or effector functions. molecule, including the disulfide bonds holding the
two heavy chains together. Pepsin splits the heavy
chains just below the disulfide bonds: papain splits
Fragment, Antigen-binding and Fragment,
them above these bonds. Pepsin also splits the remain-
ing Fc pieces into many small fragments.
In 1959, the research of Rodney Porter showed that
the IgG molecule could be split in the hinge region by
the use of proteolytic enzymes. Different products
IgG Subclass and Function
also are obtained when the enzymes pepsin and Immunoglobulins help to protect from disease by
papain are used. When papain is used, the molecule is specifically binding with the nonself substance that
split into three fragments, two of which are identical elicited their production. After antigen binding, the
and capable of antigen binding (although not capa- immunoglobulin molecule promotes phagocytosis,
ble of causing red cell agglutination or precipitation because macrophage and other cells have a receptor
reactions). These two fragments are referred to as on their surface that binds to the Fc region of the
fragment, antigen-binding (Fab) because they bind molecule. This function allows for the destruction of
antigen, and each is composed of one light chain and potentially harmful bacteria and the neutralization of
roughly half of its heavy chain (Fig. 5-12). toxic substances. The Fc regions of antibodies, which
The remaining portion of the molecule split by have bound their antigen, also activate complement.
papain is referred to as the fragment, crystallizable For the immunohematologist, these basic functions
(Fc) region. This is composed of the two remaining extend to and include the nonself antigens present on
carboxy-terminal end halves of the heavy chains. allogeneic transfused RBCs, white blood cells, and
Enzyme treatment has allowed these two portions platelets. Through the action of antibody, elimination
to be studied independently, and the functions of of transfused cells may occur extravascularly (outside
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66 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

the blood vessels) in the reticuloendothelial system antibody specific for the immunizing antigen. The
(a system of fixed-tissue phagocytic cells in organs advantages of this new technology were at once clear.
like the liver), or intravascularly (within the blood The synthesized antibodies made from the single-
vessels) through the mechanism of complement cell clone are structurally identical to each other and
activation. therefore are monospecific, capable of binding a single
Of the total amount of serum immunoglobulin in a epitope. Further, cell lines can be maintained continu-
normal adult, fully 80% is constituted by IgG: its level ously in a culture and may be frozen and recovered.
is approximately 600 to 1600 mg/dL of serum. Within Hybridomas provide a highly reproducible, well-
this class, approximately 60% to 70% is IgG1, 20% to defined, and replenishable supply of homogeneous
30% is IgG2, 4% to 8% is IgG3, and 1% to 6% is IgG4. The antibody. The application of monoclonals has had a
level of each is influenced by genetics, age, race, and sex profound effect in immunology. They have made
and may vary considerably from one individual to diagnostic testing more sensitive and specific. This
another. The main interest in subclasses lies in the differ- is true for the monoclonal reagents used in blood
ences in their biologic properties. banking.
In humans, IgG is the only immunoglobulin
class capable of crossing the placenta. IgG also fixes
complement with unequal facility within the ANTIGEN–ANTIBODY REACTIONS
subclasses, in the order IgG3 > IgG1 > IgG2, with IgG4
possibly activating only in the alternate pathway. The structural framework comprising the typical
This difference in complement-binding ability derives mammalian cell membrane is a bilayer of lipid and
from differences in subclass hinge region flexibility, as phospholipid molecules, approximately 4.5 nm thick,
previously described, but it is influenced by the length arranged with the hydrophilic heads forming the
of the hinge region and the number of interchain outer and inner membrane surfaces. The hydrophobic
disulfide bonds (which varies among each of the sub- tails meet at the center of the membrane. Many other
classes). molecules are also present in this membrane structure,
IgG1 and IgG3 molecules also complex with including, on RBCs, the carbohydrate molecules com-
macrophages through Fc receptors. At least three prising the A, B, and H antigens, the lipoprotein struc-
different receptor types have now been studied: FcRI, tures of the Rh system antigens, and other essential
FcRII, and FcRIII. The interaction between these recep- membrane molecules, such as cholesterol and N-
tors and the IgG molecule is integral to the processes of acetylneuraminic acid (also called sialic acid) and
phagocytosis and immune complex clearance. other blood group system molecules. In transfusion,
these molecules may act as antigens.
Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies
Since the mid-1980s, the use of monoclonal antibodies
The Zeta Potential
has expanded considerably. A monoclonal antibody is The microenvironment of the red cell and the ions that
a very specific preparation. All molecules produced may be present in human plasma or serum can
are identical, unlike what would be seen in a normal dramatically influence whether an antibody is able to
immune response. In the normal immune response, attach to RBCs, or whether the red cells themselves
many clones of lymphocytes produce antibody spontaneously aggregate. In 1965, the work of Pollack3–5
directed toward many different epitopes. The hetero- and others showed that the red cell carries a net nega-
geneous antibodies produced by many lymphocyte tive charge that results from the ionization of carboxyl
clones are known as polyclonal, and they represent groups of the essential membrane constituent,
the normal immune response. N-acetylneuraminic acid. The negatively charged RBC
The proliferation of a single lymphocyte clone attracts positively charged cations in an ionic environ-
producing antibody of identical specificity and ment such as human serum. The red cell then travels
having identical heavy and light chains results in a in a cloud of positive cations, the density of which de-
monoclonal antibody. This situation is abnormal and creases as the distance from the cell increases. The
often pathologic, as in cold hemagglutination disease, zone separating the most dense layer surrounding the
in which the monoclonal antibody is IgM and may be cell from the remainder of the cationic environment is
anti-I or anti-i. referred to as the slipping plane of plane of shear. The
In 1975, it was shown that mouse myeloma cells zeta potential is the force expressed at this boundary
grown in culture could be fused with lymphocytes that results from the difference in electrostatic poten-
from immunized animals to produce a cell, called a tial at the red cell surface and the boundary. Any
hybridoma, that would grow continuously and secrete increase in the ionic strength of the microenvironment
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CHAPTER 5 Basic Immunologic Principles 67

(or suspending medium) results in an increase in the IgG or IgM subclasses. IgM antibodies are usually the
charge density and a decrease in the thickness of the result of the primary immune response, are of a rela-
cation cloud and the zeta potential. tively low concentration, and are detectable within 3
to 4 weeks. On reexposure to a nonself antigen, a
Hydration and Surface Tension secondary response may occur, with typical IgG anti-
body production in 1 to 2 days and in much larger
Zeta potential theory is not the entire story concerning amounts than the IgM response. This secondary re-
the physics of red cell–antibody binding. Steane6 have sponse is known as the anamnestic response.
also investigated the ability of IgG molecules to cause Many factors, known and unknown, affect the
agglutination. They concluded that the degree of primary and secondary responses. Among the most
hydration at the red cell surface also contributes to the important are the immunogenicity of the antigen, its
agglutination phenomenon. These investigators found survival in the circulation, and the strength of the
that the hydrophilic heads of phospholipids comprising immune system of the recipient. The immune
the red cell membrane attract and orient water molecules. response of the recipient depends on factors such as
Phospholipid structures in the membrane are not static, age, nutritional status, and prior exposure.
but move more or less freely in a dynamic shifting and
reorienting of water, creating a surface tension effect at
the water–lipid interface. Many other factors, including Mechanisms of Agglutination
the number, size, and distribution of antigen sites and Antigen–antibody reactions follow the law of mass
van der Waals forces, also contribute. Artificial alter- action7 in a simple combination reaction (Ab + Ag Δ
ation of the normal ionic environment through the use AbAg complex) that is followed by secondary and ter-
of intravenous solutions in patients who have lost tiary reactions. The reactions are reversible and
blood and as in vitro suspending media, such as depend on many factors, the most important of which
low–ionic-strength saline (LISS), causes complex prob- are goodness of fit of antibody-binding site and anti-
lems for the blood banker when determining the pres- gen, complementarity of charge, the concentration
ence and compatibility of IgG alloantibody. of antigen and antibody, the pH of the suspending
medium, temperature, and ionic strength.


PRODUCTS AND SUBSEQUENT Antibody Binding to Red Blood Cells
HEMAGGLUTINATION For red cell–antibody binding to form a visible agglu-
tination reaction, a minimum number of antibody
The immune response has already been described in molecules must be bound to antigen. It follows that
some detail, with specific reference to antigen presen- the larger the number of antibodies bound on each red
tation and the formation of antibodies. The chapter cell, the stronger the observed reaction will be. Also,
has described the concepts of the primary and increasing the serum-to-cell ratio has a desirable effect
secondary immune responses and the regulation of regarding the appearance of observable agglutination;
these responses. the test sensitivity is increased. Conversely, increas-
The blood banker may be primarily concerned ing the antigen concentration by increasing the
with the B-cell antibody product made in response to strength of the red cell suspension in a test system
antigenic material such as allogeneic (“foreign”: from results in lower sensitivity, and fewer antibody
a donor other than the transfusion recipient) red cells molecules are bound per red cell.
and sometimes white blood cells, platelets, and drugs. The law of mass action also allows for a description
Immunization, or sensitization (exposure to foreign of binding in several stages. The primary reaction may
antigens resulting in immune response) to these sub- be viewed simply as one of recognition in which an
stances, occurs through transfusion or pregnancy. antigen and its specific antibody possess complemen-
Cellular elements from the donor or fetus contain tary structures that enable them to come into very close
antigens recognized by the immune system of the re- apposition to each other. They then are held together by
cipient as nonself. When presented to the recipient, weak intermolecular noncovalent bonds. The weak-
these antigens are processed by the recipient’s im- ness of these intermolecular bonds may or may not be
mune system and may result in the formation of de- sufficient to hold the complex together. Several types of
tectable antibody. This occurs in 30% to 70% of all noncovalent bonds have been described. The simplest
people transfused with blood products that contain ionic bonds arise from electrostatic attraction of posi-
leukocytes (nonleukoreduced). The antibodies made tive and negative charges, which are dramatically influ-
in response to foreign blood products may be of the enced by the distance between the charges.
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68 UNIT 2 Genetic and Immunologic Principles

Weak hydrogen bonds result from the sharing of Essentially, however, the membrane surface should be
hydrogen atoms between protons and contribute to thought of as a fluid moiety of phospholipids and
bonding. van der Waals forces are normally present glycolipids with antigen molecules having the ability to
from the shifting in the ionic environment of various move around and reorient themselves. Furthermore, the
positive cations and the resultant attraction of nega- antigens protrude from the membrane bilipid layer. The
tive ions. (Remember that electrons are in constant reaction of specific antibodies largely depends on the pH
motion around the atomic nucleus.) Hydrophobic of the medium in which they are suspended. Most
bonds are extremely weak and result from water blood group antibodies react within a relatively narrow
molecule exclusion from the antigen–antibody com- pH range, 6.5 to 7.5, but there are many exceptions to
plex formation. Figure 5-14 describes the binding of this range. For example, pH-dependent forms of anti-M
an antibody to its antigen. and anti-Pr (Sp1) can be encountered.
Blood group antibodies, depending on their class,
may react in the range of 4°C to 37°C. The rate at which
antibody complexes with antigen increases with
The second stage of a red cell antigen–antibody reaction temperatures up to 37°C, and the rate of dissociation
involves agglutination, or, more precisely, hemaggluti- increases as the temperature is increased above that
nation. Hemagglutination as an observable reaction temperature. This principle is used in all antigen–
may or may not occur as a consequence of a patient antibody tests, from the compatibility test to the anti-
becoming immunized to allogeneic red cell antigens, body elution procedure that uses heat to remove the
and depends on many variables, including the amount antibody from the red cell surface. The clinical signifi-
and type of antibody present; the size, number, and cance of antibodies reacting throughout this range is
location of available antigen sites; and the pH, tempera- discussed later, but as an example of the influence of
ture, and ionic strength of the test system. temperature, it has been demonstrated that the binding
Although much progress has been made in the bio- of anti-D is 20 times more efficient at 37°C than at 4°C.
chemical characterization of blood group antigens, their The important findings of Hughes-Jones7 and
location over the surface of the red cell membrane, and Hughes-Jones et al.8 revealed that reducing the ionic
their approximate numbers, many problems must be strength of the suspending medium results in an in-
resolved before a more complete picture emerges. crease in the antigen–antibody association rate. In other



◆ Interaction between the three dimensional structure of

the Ag and the cleft between the heavy and light chains.

◆ Non-covalent interaction. Weak van der Waals forces, H

bonding forces. Strong electrostatic and hydrophobic

Fab site of an
◆ The closer the 3D fit, the stronger the interaction, the
higher the affinity. Competition reactions. immunoglobin

FIGURE 5-14 Binding of antigen to its corresponding antibody.

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