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Hitler (pg.

113 ques) – David Fan

1 Analyze the factors that allowed Hitler to become Germany’s Chancellor by 1933.
Hitler used his charisma and orating skills to rouse the people and capitalized on the economic
troubles and ills caused by Germany’s involvement in WWI. He positioned the Nazi Party to
where they gained almost a third of the popular vote by 1932, and through the use of propaganda
and wit, Hitler eventually became the Chancellor in 1933.

2 To what extent had Hitler consolidated his power by the end of 1934?
By 1934, Hitler had become Further and adopted Gleischaltung which allowed him to
exterminate all opposition to his rule and to the Nazi Party. This effectively made him the most
powerful man in Germany and went from Chancellor to Dictator in the span of a year. Any
policies had to be approved by Hitler himself, and nothing was not under his control.

3 What was the role of propaganda in maintaining Hitler’s government?

Hitler established Goebbels as the Propaganda minister and he began to promote the German
nation unified under Hitler and the Nazi Party. He made sure that the symbol of the swastika and
Hitler’s name and face appeared everywhere and utilized all the media at the time. The
propaganda campaign also involved great rallies led at night that portrayed Hitler as the new
Messiah and a man of destiny. Of course, Nazi propaganda also promoted the Aryan race while
heavily discriminating against the Jewish population, blaming them for all of Germany’s

4 Discuss the impact of Hitler’s rule on women by 1939.

Hitler introduced a motherhood campaign that encouraged women to give up work and become
caretakers of the home once again, preventing women from going to college, and providing less
job openings for women. Then, because of the outbreak of WWII, the Nazis had to allow women
into the workforce because there were not enough men to fill those positions. In 1939, the Land
Year Program was passed that required unmarried women to spend at least a year working for
farms, which were run in a military style and required hard work.

5 To what extent did Hitler’s government impact upon the arts?

Hitler and his government officials pushed to guard against so called Jewish corruption in the
arts by heavily censoring anything that went against Nazi ideals. Arts that glorified German past
and heroic deeds were the only form acceptable, and abstract art and Jazz were criticized. Any
Jewish art was immediately oppressed, and cultural growth was inhibited during this time.

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