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How to calculate the recruitment timeline

Suppose company A is a logistics company that is seeking to recruit for 20 new jobs in the warehouse.

A) So how many people should the company recruit for these 20 jobs?
B) Using the workload-driven forecasting, how many recruiters are needed for the staffing effort?
C) How long will it take to staff these jobs?

The historical staffing yield for the cabin crew is as follows

Phase 1- 20 percent of applicants are invited for interviews

Phase 2- 80 percent of interview invitations are accepted
Phase 3- 20 percent of the people interviewed are extended job offers
Phase 4- 50 percent of the people receiving job offers accept them

Application  Interview  Job Offer  Job Offer Accepted Begin Induction

Assessment Extended
   

14 days 7 days 7 days 21 days

Solution for Q1:

A) We multiply the percentages (0.2 x 0.8 x 0.2 x 0.5= 0.016 or (1.6%). The 1.6% is the hiring yield which
is the proportion of applicants who will become employees.

Now we need to have enough proportion of applicants from which we can hire 20 new employees.

Yield x Pool = Hires, we have the yield (1.6%) and we have the number of hires (20), but we need to find
number of pool, so we divide the number of hires by the Yield;

20/1.6% = 1,250 is the pool of candidates needed to hire 20 new employees.

1,250 x 20%= 250

250 x 80% =200

200 x 20% = 40

40 x 50%= 20

B) To get the number of recruiters needed here, we divide number of pool, and divide it by number of
hires; 1,250/20= 62.5, approximately 63 recruiters are needed.
So, what does that mean?

It means that;

40 of the candidates signed

the offers & were hired.

200 of the interviewed candidates

extended with job offers

250 applicants were called-in for interview, and accepted

the invitation

1,250 people applied for the 20 jobs

Solution to Q2:

1,250= Number of total applicants divide it by the number of jobs =20, will give us the approximate
number of staff needed for staffing effort.

1,250/20=62.5 approximately 63 employees are needed for staffing effort.

Solution to Q3:
Counting the number of weeks, 7 weeks, which is 49 days plus the time to generate applicants.

Solution-2: So take the total # of new jobs 20 and divide it by the first phase (percent of the people
receiving job offers accept them) which is 50%.


40/0.2=200 (Divide result of phase 4 by percent of the people interviewed & extended job offers).

200/0.8=250 (Divide result of phase 3 by percent of interview invitations accepted).

250/0.2=1,250 (Divide result of phase 1 by percent of applicants invited for interviews).

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