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y=k where k=1

1. Is the relation a f(x), why or why not
NOTE: an equation is considered a function f(x) if a set of ordered pairs of members (x, y) in which no two distinct ordered pairs
have the same first numbers
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
Thus, there is only one value of 1 for any value of x.
y=k is an f(x)
2. Domain
NOTE: domain is the set of real numbers which could be used to make the function real (not imaginary)
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
Thus, any value of x would make the function real
Domain: (−∞ ,+∞ )
3. Range
NOTE: range is the set of real numbers which corresponds to the domain of the function
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
Thus, the value of y is always equal to 1 for all values of x
Range: { 1 }
4. Intercepts
NOTE: intercepts are the points where the function crosses the x and y axes
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
 x-intercept: when y=0
The value of y is always 1 and does not cross y=0
Thus, there is no x-intercept

 y-intercept: when x=0

y=1 for all values of x, even when x=0
Thus, the y-intercept is ( 0,1 )
5. Symmetry
NOTE: symmetry is the line where the graph of the function can be divided into two congruent halves, mirroring each other
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
 Symmetry about the x axis: when the function is still the same for negative values of y
The value of y is always 1 and does not cross negative values of y
Thus, there is no symmetry about the x-axis
 Symmetry about the y axis: when the function is still the same for negative values of x
y=1 for all values of x, even when x is negative
Thus, the function is symmetric about the y-axis
6. Behavior (use average rate of change)
NOTE: average rate of change is the derivative of the function
=0 derivative of a constant is always zero
The function does not increase not decrease as it will always remain constant
8. Turning points
NOTE: turning points a point of the graph where the graph changes from increasing to decreasing or decreasing to increasing
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
The graph of the function does not increase nor decrease but is always a constant horizontal line
Thus, there are no turning points
9. Relative extremes
 Relative maximum of the function whose y-coordinate is larger than all other y-coordinates on the graph
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
There are no other y-coordinates for all x0coordinates other than 1.
Thus, there is no relative maximum
 Relative minimum point is the smallest y-coordinate
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
There are no other y-coordinates for all x0coordinates other than 1.
Thus, there is no relative minimum
10. Absolute extremes
 Absolute maximum is a point where the function obtains its greatest possible value
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
There are no other y-coordinates for all x0coordinates other than 1.
Thus, there is no absolute maximum
 Absolute maximum is a point where the function obtains its greatest possible value
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
There are no other y-coordinates for all x0coordinates other than 1.
Thus, there is no absolute minimum
11. Behavior in the boundaries of the zeroes
y=1 which means that for all x values, y is always equal to 1
The value of y is always 1 and does not cross y=0
Thus, there are no boundaries of the zeroes

12. Sign analysis


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