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1 8
2 16
3 256
4 65536
5 4,294,967,296

My Jalapeno population started with only eight seeds. Each seed later produced one

Jalapeno plant. After five generations there were 4,294,967,296 plants.

This graph is similar to the population of HUmans here on Earth . After five generations

there are millions of humans on this Earth. Pretending that everyone only had one child and that

one child later had one child. Some humans never have children and some humans have many

children . In this situation let's pretend that the people that have more than one child make up for

those who do not have any children at all. That is a lot of humans being born every year.
Environmental factors that may limit populations of all kinds may include extreme heat. Extreme

heat comes from the Sun. All living things depend on the energy from the sun . Plants and other

living things cannot thrive in extreme heat so many populations would have to avoid these

conditions if possible. Too much sun is deadly .

Lack of water may be an issue for many

populations. All living organisms need water to survive and if there is no water life will cease to

exist. Another issue may be rising sea levels or monsoon rains . A jalapeno plant cannot grow

submerged under water. They would have to thrive elsewhere. Humans also would be affected by

rising sea levels . Humans would relocate elsewhere. Taking over more of the Earth. Winter

weather would be another issue for a Jalapeno plant. They do not thrive in winter weather. Humans

can survive in winter weather but the ice and freezing temperatures could affect the food supply

chain. Many living populations would have to find a home elsewhere.

When all of the humans take over the living space of the animals they have no home and

cannot reproduce. They die. All of these things would limit growth for many populations. This

would affect the Earth’s natural processes. Causing changes in the weather, temperatures, oceans ,

air , food chain, and more. Eventually the Earth will not be able to support the billions of living

things on it.

All of these environmental factors would ultimately cause a decrease in many living

populations. If it is too hot to grow a Jalapeno plant and life depended on the Jalapeno the jalapeno

would need to live somewhere else. Possibly taking over the land and resources of some other living

plant. This could possible cause a decrease in the reproduction of these plants over time and if

changes were not made they would become extinct forever. This is possible for all living

populations and this is what has happened to our planet. There are too many living things on the

Earth taking up space and using up all the Earth resources. When we run out of water we will die.

Humans, animals and all living things will die.

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