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Table of contents

Table of contents .................................................................................................................................. 1

Terms of use & Disclaimer ............................................................................................................... 2
Presentation........................................................................................................................................... 3
Retranslation project.......................................................................................................................... 4
Criticism (by DLPB) ............................................................................................................................ 5
Other improvements .......................................................................................................................... 7
Download links ..................................................................................................................................... 8
What is the “Canon Addendum”? .............................................................................................. 8
What is the “Chicago” font and why? ....................................................................................... 8
What is the “Hard Type”? ............................................................................................................. 8
Hard Type (by GalenMyra)............................................................................................................... 9
How to apply the patches ...............................................................................................................11
F.A.Q. .......................................................................................................................................................12
Tools used .............................................................................................................................................13
Credits ....................................................................................................................................................14
Special thanks......................................................................................................................................15

Terms of use & Disclaimer
These patches are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or

You use these patches at your own discretion and risk. You agree that you will be
solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that
results from such activities.

You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and
equipment used in connection with any of the patches, and we will not be liable for
any damages that you may suffer in connection with using, modifying or
distributing any of these patches.

No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us shall

create any warranty for the software.

These patches and their authors are not associated with Sony Computer
Entertainment/Squaresoft/Square Enix in any way. “Final Fantasy VII” and all the
related materials such as logotypes, product names and trademarks are the
properties of their respective owners.

My name is Green goblin and I’m just a translator and localization engineer. I have
always been interested in romhacking. In the beginning, I was just an observer,
watching with fascination what others were doing and wondering if one day I
could be one of them. Aside from that, I have always been a very big fan of the PSX;
I spent all of my adolescence playing and enjoying its games, especially Final
Fantasy VII.

My day finally arrived in 2013, when I started my very first translation project:
Parasite Eve. I learned a lot of things about romhacking thanks to CUE and others
during this project.

Shortly after that I was involved in another PSX translation: Legend of Mana. This
time I used some French tools I found on the Internet and I had the help of other
romhackers, including Gadesx, Tony and Albertutxo.

I found out that this whole romhacking thing was very addictive and decided to
translate another PSX game: Castlevania – Symphony of the Night. This time I had
the help of a Brazilian romhacker called Rafael Silva.

In the middle of all this I discovered The Reunion project, where some determined
people decided to retranslate from scratch my beloved Final Fantasy VII. They
used the PC version as a base, so I thought: why not port their retranslation to the
PSX? And this is what this project is all about: Final Fantasy VII retranslated on the
PSX, no more, no less.

Retranslation project
This is a complete retranslation and relocalization from the ground up, based on
the original Japanese. The aim is to have an end product that is accurate and
professional. Official sources have been used to minimize errors in context and
spelling. The project’s name “Beacause” comes from a misspelling (in the original
localization) in the only line spoken by Jenova.

Non-dialogue documentation can be found here. Please remember to look at this

before asking questions about character/item/weapon/materia names and so


• The original English localization suffers from errors in grammar, spelling,

context and translation.
• A lot of the errors point to a rushed job due to little communication with the
original authors.
• Many of the errors miss out on specific references to people, places, and
• Some errors alter the plot; a few, severely. Some errors have been adopted
as canon by SE, and some have been modified in later media.

What we have fixed:

• Items, spells, places, monsters, and characters for which we have good
evidence as having been incorrectly translated, or modified for a western
audience, have been restored.
• All dialogue checked for translation/context errors and modified as
necessary. Grammar/spelling mistakes in the dialogue have been fixed.
• Any error that has been adopted as canon does not preclude it from being

What this project isn't:

• A literal translation from the Japanese.

• An attempt to rewrite or warp any of the game's original content.
• An attempt to prove that we somehow know what the original authors
wanted for every single byte in the game.

Remember, this is just a port to the PSX, the original PC project is located here.

Criticism (by DLPB)
We have strived to create the best localization of Final Fantasy VII we can within
the boundaries of the original writers' wishes. Our job is to create something
Hironobu Sakaguchi would be proud of.

Some of the feedback that we receive provokes a positive discussion or leads to

corrections being made, but some of it is, in my opinion, unfair. The following
criticisms are frequently made:

You are changing something I grew up with. I and many others loved it the way it
was, bad translation or not.

I don't find this a rational argument, because if we had been the original localizers,
and the version that you grew up with was our version, you'd now be defending
our version. Also, people have the choice to play the original game if they don't like
our relocalization.

I liked the original place names and character names. They are canon and you are
changing canon.

Let us be clear what canon means. It means "English canon", because every game is
localized for many countries, and each have their own quirks. A lot of these quirks
exist because of a bad or lacking original translation (usually extending back to
much earlier titles). I see no issue at all in correcting this type of error. On the
other hand, there is a logical reason for "Megalixir" being used instead of "Last
Elixir", and so in those cases I have given people a choice in the installer. I have
also allowed the original character names to be used.

The canon of Final Fantasy VII (prequels-sequels and so on) is a hugely insulting
mish-mash of retcons and ideas aimed at appeasing fanboys and the easily pleased.
A number of totally unworkable and stupid plot threads have been introduced to
the series, which had absolutely no business being there and cannot work within
the confines of the original story. The original story was a mostly well-written, self
contained piece of work. The FF7 "canon" consists of characters who have been
revived from the dead (Rufus, Hojo, Sephiroth) and other characters who have
been plonked into the original story out of nowhere (for example: Genesis). Citing
"canon" isn't a good argument. Personally, the only thing I find more disappointing
than FF7 canon is Star Wars canon. Both suffer with the same problem: money
making at the expense of art and intelligence—the mutilation of the original work,
because that's easier than writing logical, thought-provoking dialogue. We've
treated the relocalization of Final Fantasy VII as a separate piece of work.

I liked Barrett being like Mr. T, and so did others.

We have adhered to the original writers' wishes on issues such as this. J R R

Tolkien said it best in the following passage, upset by a translator's hack job with
his material.

Quote from: J R R Tolkien:

In principle I object as strongly as is possible to the 'translation' of the nomenclature

at all (even by a competent person). I wonder why a translator should think himself
called on or entitled to do any such thing. That this is an 'imaginary' world does not
give him any right to remodel it according to his fancy, even if he could in a few
months create a new coherent structure which it took me years to work out. [...] May I
say at once that I will not tolerate any similar tinkering with the personal
nomenclature. Nor with the name/word Hobbit.

Other improvements
Aside from the retranslation, the patch includes many other improvements:

• Added colors to character names, items, materias, etc (Green goblin)

• Added icons to items, materias, etc (Green goblin)
• Added some extra button icons (Onion)
• Script engine fixes (DLPB)
• All windows repositioned (DLPB) [not yet]
• Mouths in characters have been reinserted (Tony)
• Some animations have been fixed
• Some 3D models have been fixed (Rodritaku & Ortew)
• Some characters without eyes have now eyes (Ortew)
• Fixed some sound bugs in menu files (Ortew)
• Magic defense bug fixed (Gemini)
• 9999 damage limit fixed (CUE)
• W-item bug fixed (Ortew)
• Shop menu bug fix (Ortew)
• Quadramagic bug fixed (Jusete)
• Red eyes fixed (Ortew)
• Some background images fixed (IlDucci)
• New subtitled videos reinserted (IlDucci)
• Gongaga maps fixed (DLPB)
• Conformer weapon bug fixed (Ortew)
• Vincent Mug Glitch fixed (NFITC1)
• Squaresoft logo fixed (Ortew)
• Final battle bug fixed (Tony)
• Long Range bug fixed (Bosola)
• Gil Plus bug fixed (Pating)
• Gongaga map dot added (IlDucci)

Download links
• Beacause: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2
• Beacause + Chicago font: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2
• Beacause + Hard Type: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2
• Beacause + Chicago font + Hard Type: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2

• Beacause Canon Addendum: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2

• Beacause Canon Addendum + Chicago font: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2
• Beacause Canon Addendum + Hard Type: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2
• Beacause Canon Addendum + Chicago font + Hard Type: Mirror 1 / Mirror 2

What is the “Canon Addendum”?

The “Canon Addendum” is identical to “Beacause”, but it features the canon terms
used by Square Enix. Full list of changes here.

What is the “Chicago” font and why?

Here is an example of the Chicago font:

This beautiful and classic font was used in several Squaresoft games in the past. It
is based on a Mac OS font and is very popular among fan translators as it has been
used in numerous projects.

What is the “Hard Type”?

The “Hard Type” is a hack created by GalenMyra that enables a hard mode. I
included the latest version available which is the “beta 16”. This hack was
originally posted on this website, in case you are interested.

Hard Type (by GalenMyra)
Played Final Fantasy VII to the very end, leveled up your character, collected all the
best equipment and materia only to realize that not even the two super bosses of
the game could give you a decent challenge? And most other enemies in the game
die from a single hit with the sword? Ever wished that monsters did at least
enough damage to let you use your final limit break once in a while? Got
disappointed when the final boss died after the first few turns? Ever wished Final
Fantasy VII was a bit more... epic?

In this version of Final Fantasy VII you will need every inch of fury in the limit bar,
you will need the most powerful protective spells the game has to offer, and you
will need to call forth your most devastating summons to stay alive.

I've tried to stay close to the original game while still improving and balancing out
gameplay as much as possible for a more challenging and enjoyable game.

Gemini's spirit bug fix and ARMs FF7 Damage Break (9999 Damage Cap Remover)
has also been included.

Main features

Player characters

• You start out with 1/2 Hp and end up with 1/3 on max level.
• Stats are halved and can no longer be maxed out.
• MP values are scaled down by 50% to increase maximum MP and spell cost.
• Initial items and materia have been changed.
• Cloud now requires slightly more XP to level up.
• No overflow damage.


• HP and MP of monsters and bosses (except Emerald and Ruby) are

increased by 50%.
• Physical damage of monsters and bosses (except Emerald and Ruby) are
increased by 50%.
• Weak bosses should put up a better challenge.
• 4 new bosses guarding the materia caves. (Credit LandonRay)
• Bosses use more death and status attacks and have more immunities.
• The Northern Crater and the final boss are more challenging.
• Prowler, Vice, Bandit and Magic Pot have been removed from the game.


• Weapons and armors have a better balance between damage/protection,

slots, and bonus effects.
• Ultimate weapons have growth but fewer slots.
• Missing Score powers up by HP, Death Penalty by MP and Premium Heart
by enemy level.
• Ribbons protect against all status effects including haste and barriers.
• Stealing items is generally easier and more rewarding in the first part of the
• Turbo Ethers, Elixirs and Mega Elixirs are now extremely rare.


• The effect of Plus Materias have been reduced by 50%.

• Barrier spells and most enemy skills require more MP to cast.
• You can no longer learn Big Guard from Beachplug, try in the Sunken
• Mime requires 5 times more AP to level up.
• Knights of the Round is weaker and more expensive.
• White Wind removes all status effects including haste and barriers.
• Long Range materia can be bought early on in the game.

Special thanks to

• Archael for Art donation and hosting.

• LandonRay for new materia bosses, help with hex editing, and general
support and inspiration.

Tools used

• CDmage, made by TWoeMS

• WallMarket, made by NFITC1
• Proud Clod, made by NFITC1
• Hojo, made by Squall78
• Enemy Manipulator, made by Dr. Dimension
• FF7 Scene.Bin Explorer, made by Mav
• Scenester, made by Lord Ramza
• PPF-O-MATIC, made by zweifeild, Paradox, H2o
• PPF-Studio 1.01b, made by Icarus/Paradox
• Spirit bug fix, made by Gemini
• ARMs FF7 Damage Break PSX, made by ARM

How to apply the patches
You will need the original US version with the correct size and CRC-32:

• Disc 1 (SCUS-94163)
747.435.024 bytes
CRC-32: 1459cbef

• Disc 2 (SCUS-94164)
732.657.408 bytes
CRC-32: a997a8cc

• Disc 3 (SCUS-94165)
659.561.952 bytes
CRC-32: 1c27b277

Before applying the patches, it is recommended to backup your original ISOs.

Once you have the correct ISOs and the patches, use the GUI patcher:

1 - Load the ISO

2 - Load the patch

3 - Click on “Apply patch”

Will you release future updates?

I will try. Visit my blog or RHDN to stay alert.

How can I contact you?

You can contact me using the “contact form” of my blog:

How can I check the CRC-32 of my ISO files?

Use 7zip, right click button on the ISO file, CRC-SHA > CRC-32.

Does this retranslation work on real hardware?

Yes, it does.

Are old saves compatible?

Yes, they are.

Can I distribute a pre-patched game?

No, and please don't do it. It is illegal to release hacked versions of games.

Can I distribute the patches?

We would prefer you did not. The sites and mirrors we use have no bandwidth
problems. Moreover, your link would become obsolete each time we release a new
and improved build of the patch.

Can I sell the retranslated game?

Of course not. These patches are available online for free; nobody should use them
for commercial purposes.

I don't own the game. What can I do?

Contact me using the "contact form" of my blog.

My ISO files do not have the correct size and/or CRC-32. What can I do?

Contact me using the "contact form" of my blog.

Tools used
• Aegisub
• Armips
• Autohotkey
• Black Chocobo
• CDmage
• Cebix tools
• Ffmpeg
• Gzip
• HxD
• Jpsxdec
• Lzss
• Makou Reactor
• Notepad++
• Paint.NET
• Photoshop
• ProudClod
• PSX imager
• Retroarch/Beetle PSX
• Tilemolester Mod
• Tim2view
• Tim plugin
• Touphscript
• VirtualDub2
• Whitechoco
• Xdelta

Translation: Luksy

New localization: DLPB

Full Japanese proof check: Charlie Beer

Original localization: Michael Baskett

Non-dialogue proof check:

DLPB, Luksy, Charlie Beer, Defade, Herman, Ragnarok2040,


Testing / additional proof check:

Green_goblin, JeffreyATW, WatashiWaZero, Kalkano,

Caledor, Tim Rogers (via his videos), Prince Lex (Scottish dialect),

Covarr (also helped with English grammar queries)

Special thanks
Thanks to Tony and Ortew for their help and support. As you may or may not
know, I have been working with them since 2013 in the Spanish retranslation
project of Final Fantasy VII. If you are interested, you will find more information

Thanks to IlDucci for his help and support in editing the subtitled videos.

Thanks to all betatesters that debugged the game.

Thanks to the authors of the tools aforementioned, without them this project
would not be possible.

Thanks to DLPB, Luksy, Charlie Beer and each one of the individuals who made this


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