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The physical distribution system has a definite role. It provides a new orientation
for marketing. The following points will reveal the role of physical distribution system.
1. Creation of Utilities: Creation of or addition of utility is addition of value to a thing.
The major component of physical distribution are transportation and warehousing. It is
transport system that creates place utility, making goods more useful by bringing them
from the places where they are not needed. Warehousing system is known for creating
time utility.
2. Improved consumer services: Customer service in physical distribution system
consists of providing products at the time and location corresponding to the customer
needs. High level of customer satisfaction can be possible through a viable distribution
system that takes into account the factors that affect customer service such as time,
dependability, communication etc.
3. Cut in distribution cost: The prices paid by the customer consists of not only
production costs but also delivery cost. Delivery cost can be minimized by systematic
planning in inventory levels, warehousing location and operation, transportation
schedule and modes, material handling, order processing and communication.
4. Increased market share: There are definite ways in which an efficient physical
distribution system can contribute towards the objective of increased market share. It is
possible by decentralizing its warehousing operations, devise the combination of
efficient and economic means of transport, planning inventory operations to avoid stock
outs etc.
5. Price stabilization: It can contribute considerably to the attainment of price
stabilization. It is the best use of available transport and warehousing facilities that can
bring about amicable and matching adjustment between the demand for and supply of
goods thus preventing price fluctuations.
This indicates the number of intermediaries between the manufactures and
consumers. Mainly there are four channel levels. They are:
1. Zero level channel: - Here the goods move directly from producer to
consumer. That is, no intermediary is involved. This channel is preferred by
manufactures of industrial and consumer durable goods.
2. One level channel: In this case there will be one sales intermediary i.e.,
retailer. This is the most common channel in case of consumer durable such as textiles,
shoes, ready garments etc.
3. Two level channel: This channel option has two intermediaries, namely
wholesaler and retailer. The companies producing consumer non-durable items use this
4. Three level channel: This contains three intermediaries. Here goods moves
from manufacture to agent to wholesalers to retailers to consumers. It is the longest
indirect channel option that a company has.
factors will determine the length of the channel of distribution
1. Size of the market: The larger the market size, longer the channel.
Conversely the smaller the market, smaller the channel.
2. Order lot size: If the average order lot size is small, it is better to have a
longer channel and vice -versa.
3. Service requirements: If the product and market require a high level of
service, and it a major factor in the buying decision, it is better to keep a shorter
4. Product variety: If a wide variety of the same type of product available in the
market, then it is advisable to select a wider channel.

Marketing intermediaries are the individuals and the organizations that perform
various functions to connect the producers with the end users. These middlemen are
classified into three:
1. Merchant middlemen, who take title to the goods and services and resell
2. Agent middlemen, who do not take title to the goods and services but help in
identifying potential customers and even help in negotiation.
3. Facilitators, to facilitate the flow of goods and services from the producer to
the consumer, without taking a title to them. E.g. Transport companies

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