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Abstract Reasoning

A Visual Test:

• a series of five diagrams containing shapes and symbols

• you have to select the diagram that completes the series

Assesses your ability to:

• think flexibly and resolve new problems

• draw inferences and understand the relationship between various concepts

Does not require prior knowledge but does require practice!

Time pressure: You typically just have 30 seconds to one minute per question in an actual exam.
But don’t panic. Make sure you implement the tasks below.

Abstract Reasoning Method

• There are many ways to approach the abstract reasoning test and no single right way.
• The following three step approach - involving, inventory, rule finding, and elimination –
may be helpful for some people.

STEP 1: Observe

• It’s important to take a systematic approach to the abstract reasoning test.

• Start by briefly analyzing the sequence and identify what kind of elements
o number of elements
o shapes: circle, squares, etc.
o colours of the shapes and/or alternation of colours
o relative dimension : « big square », « small square »,etc.
o meaningful symbols: arrows etc.
o direction of the movement : left to right, bottom-up, etc.

STEP 2: Find the rules

• The next step is to establish what is happening to the elements
• Several rules may apply in a single sequence. Concentrate on finding them one by one.
• The range of potential rules which can apply in these tests is wide. Some of the key ones
relate to:
o elements move in clockwise and anticlockwise rotation
o mirroring of elements
o movement of elements along vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines
o movement of elements to different degrees (45,90,135,180 etc)
o color / size alternation: elements change from black to white or large to small
o visual arithmetic: number of elements changes through sequence
• However, these are only a selection of potential rules. The best way to become familiar
with others is through practice!

STEP 3: Predict the Result & Eliminate

• Before looking at the possible answers, try to generate the correct answer yourself, based
on the rule or rules you’ve identified. If you’ve found a match (and only one), mark that,
and move on – time is precious
• Otherwise, work through the answer options one by one, using your rule(s), and try to
’disqualify’ options as incorrect, hopefully leaving you with only one option – the right
• If your time is elapsing, take an educated guess at the answer and move on!


Colour / Size Alteration

The correct answer here is D. Look at the pattern of the square. It should be patterned to the first
3 options. Also, look at the colorings of the triangle. Same things, It should match the pattern of
the first 3.
Movement of Degrees

The correct answer here is C. As you can see, the arrow moves in a clockwise direction. The 5th
box just shows the same as the 1st box so in this case, the next pattern should look like the 2nd

Alternate Series

The correct answer here is B. It’s an alternating series and the movement is clockwise for the 1st,
3rd and 5th boxes. Therefore, the 2nd, 4th and the 6th box should complement the pattern. In this
case, 2nd and 4th box is moving counterclockwise, therefore, the 6th box should follow that
Shape and Direction Series

The correct here is D. The arrow changes direction and the shape on the right has 1 more side
than its counterpart on the left.

Counting Element Series

The correct answer here is A. This question is a bit trickier, as it is asking you to notice that there
are two patterns appearing at the same time with alternating dominos. If you consider the 1st,
3rd and 5th dominos, the pattern becomes more obvious; the top numbers is decreasing by 1 and
the bottom is increasing by 1. Now look at the 2nd and 4th dominos, there is a similar progression
happening with increasing and decreasing dots.
Contrasting Colors Series

The correct answer here is E. The black and white dots are alternating between 5 and 7 in
number. In the last picture, there are 5 white dots and 7 black ones, meaning the following image
should contain 7 white dots and 5 black ones.

Overlapping Shapes Series

The correct answer here is B. Each tile contains 2 overlapping shapes, 1 larger the other. As the
2 shapes overlap a new, smaller shape if created inside the first large shape. The large shape in
the following tile corresponds directly with this new shape that was created. When the shapes
overlap, the largest bisection is always within the biggest shape.
Letters Order Series

Which is the odd string of letters out?

The correct answer here is E. Each string of letters contain S, F, G, H, and J appearing in a loop.
It’s easier to imagine if you can see multiple loops appearing consecutively: S-F-G-H-J-S-F-G-H-J-
S-F-G-H-J. A, B, C and D letter strings all include letters In the right order to fit the same loop. For
example, F always follows S and preceded G however, in the last string (E), the letters are out of

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