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During the holidays I read grammar book, did some assignments such us grammar and listening in

the Schoology app, and make a reading paper whose title is reading comprehension in French 1st
and 2nd grade children. I usually do my assignments at 8 pm after Isya. Material grammar
assignment about sentence types, listening assignment we were required to make a paper and detail
some points like background, problem statement, method and finding. I have to do the assignments
and complete them during the holidays because the due will soon end and I think the holiday is a
very free time to do the assignments. In my opinion, working on assignments is an obligation for a
student because with that we can increase knowledge through learning from the assignments given
by the lecturer and for my self, I can respect the time and arrange a time for fun and learning. All
that assignments that I mentioned have been completed but there is an assignment that I have been
complete like Bahasa Indonesia because it hasn’t had time and the time to due is still long so I
finished the tasks that will be gathered soon. On Monday, my group started to do Bahasa Indonesia
assignment, the first we determined what titles we would take and examine. Until now we still
compiling and conducting interviews on campus with several of seniors who were there at that time
to complete our assignment.

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