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Mark Joshua A.

Demate October 28, 2020

I-AB Philosophy Ancient Philosophy
Compare and Contrast: Plato and Aristotle’s “Ideal State.”

According to the merriam-webster dictionary, the word state means: a body of

people occupying a territory and organized under one ruler or government; 1 and after

reading few articles as regards the definition of a state, state for me is a composition of

people that is living in a particular place that shares unique individual talents for the

greater good of the society, that is led by someone who is capable in ensuring the

security and the convenience of the whole society. But for the two Ancient

Philosophers: Aristotle and Plato, the essence and meaning of a state for them is

somewhat far beyond my understanding, at least for the most part of it. However, after

reading and reading and reading few articles about their “ideal state”, I finally

understood and grasp the thoughts that they are trying to say, at least some of the most

important part of it.

I will start first by discussing about Plato’s idea about his ideal state, for him, he

believed that the state should be governed by a Philosopher-King who has a proper

intellect and reason to lead. He bases his explanation about this to the construction of

the human body, as the human body is consist of head, heart and stomach the functions

together in order for us to live, 2

according to Plato, a state is also composed of three

parts that are alike, termed as: Rulers being the head of the state, Auxiliaries being the

chest of the state, and the laborers as the stomach of the state; for him, this system is

somehow necessary to be fulfilled and done in order for the state to be good. Also for

him, the creation of a good state will depend on its ruler if he is governing by reason,

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, pg. 699
Gaarder, Jostein., Sophie’s World, pg.77-78
just as the head governs the body by reason, so a ruler should also govern a state by

reason.3 He also exclaims that the government should enable the citizens to live a “good

life”. But he said that the only people who understand the moral values necessary for

that good life are philosophers himself. So, government should be ruled by Philosopher-

King.4 His ideal state is somehow a monarchial government led by a dictator.

Aristotle on the one hand have his own opinion and idea about an “ideal state”

for him the state came into being to meet the various needs of mean, according to him it

is like a family that is designed to ensure the security and well-being of its members. He

says that “man is a political animal” who needs the company of his fellow man.

Aristotle also describes 3 good forms of constitution which are: Monarchy, Aristocracy,

and Polity.5 His ideal state is any of these three forms but he is more favor in Polity


In the other hand, these two philosophers are somewhat similar in some of their

ideas about their ideal state, particularly in their stand that: each and every person has

his or her own function in the society for the good of the whole. They both believe that

in order for a state to function very well, all citizens must obey the laws and perform his

duties and occupation related to his or her own talent and capability in the society.

Aristotle conclude that: “Without a society around us, we cannot survive.”

Weeks, Marcus., What would Nietzsche do?, Pg.153
Gaarder, Jostein., Sophie’s World, pg.97

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