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Explanation text
A.What is explanation text ?

What is explanation text exactly? Explanation text is the text that explained about the
prosess of something in detail,it might be explained about natural event,social,culture and many
more.Explanation text and procedure text are quite similar,but they are different. Explanation
text explains about how and why or the detail process of event but procedure text is the text that
explained about the way of making something. Explanation text aim to tell the reader about the
related information or HOW and WHY that happened in detail,so that the reader can get
information clearly.

The questions such as :

1.How does that thing happened?

2.What causes that thing happened ?

3.What is it about ?

4.Why that thing happened?

5.How to solve that?

Those are the questions that we need to now and developed in order to create a good explanation

B. The characteristics(features) of explanatory text

Explanation text also has characteristics so that it can be said as an explanatory text,

1. Consists of several paragraphs and discusses one topic

2. Explain about how and why something happened in detail.

3. The thing being told is factual. Therefore, it uses the simple present tense.
4. The explanation is focused on events that occur not on people or objects so that they use
passive voice.

5. Use conjunctions(for,and,nor,but,or,so), technical terms(terms related to the topic being

discussed), and action verbs(cook,become,runs,walk,etc)

C.Explanatory Text Structure

The structure of text is a very important part and must be contained in a text.By following the
structure,the text explained regularly so that the reader can understand it well and clearly . In
explanatory text, the structure is as follows:

1. Title.

The title determines the quality of the text.In each reading text requires a title to find out what is
discussed in the text, the title must be related to the content of the text and should be short,
concise and clear.Make the title as good as possible so that people will be interested to read it.

2.General Statement.

The opening statement is the first part of the explanation text.The opening statement provides
information about the general description of the topic or event to be discussed. The general
statement also contains things that answer questions about the event, especially for the questions
"what", "why", and "how". In the opening statement, explain in general about the topic in
question and avoid explaining small things more detail.

3.Sequenced of the text.

The sequenced describes the causes and effects of the event.This is the primary part of the text.
In this part we have to answers to the questions "how" and "why" in order to arranged the text in
chronological order and causality, thus explaining the detailed process of the event. Usually
consists of several paragraphs that explain the causes and effects of the related event.


In the closing statement,explains the conclusion of the explanatory text. The conclusion can
contain the author's response to the events discussed. With the closing statement, the reader
becomes more aware of the text they read and make the information more valid.


Visual is a form of evidence of events that occurred.With the presence of visuals, the events
described become more reliable because they are equipped with evidence such as photos, videos
and others related to the topic so that they can strengthen our writing.
D.Tips for making a great explanation text.

1. Find and create a simple and interesting title or topic.

2. Briefly explain your topic.

3.Use technical terms to make the text more interesting.

4.Use paragraphs effectively.Do not make the paragraph too long, because it might be make the
readers bored when they read that.

5. Include a visual as a proof such as vidios,photos,etc.

D.Steps to make an explanation text

After knowing about the meaning, characteristics, and structure of the explanatory text, the next
thing that is also important is the steps in making an explanatory text.

Steps to make an explanation text,such as:

1. Determine the topic to be raised, whether in the form of natural, cultural, or social events.
According to each interest.

2. Create an outline based on the structure in making an explanatory text by following the
characteristics of writing a good and correct explanatory text.

3. Include the facts and data that have been collected, put in the visual section.

4. Develop the outline that has been made to become a paragraph or text that is complete and

5. Reread the text that has been written. Correct if there are errors.

That’s all my understanding about explanation text.Thank you!!!


Donnchaidh, Shane Mac. “How to write an excellent Explanation Text”, ,diakses pada 28 Agustus 2021 pukul 2.00 a.m.

Raharjo, Rahmat. “Pengertian, Structure, Ciri Explanation Text dan Contohnya”, ,
diakses pada 28 Agustus 2021 pukul 10.00 p.m.

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