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Comparative Corneal Topography and

Refractive Variables in Monozygotic and

Dizygotic Twins



● PURPOSE: To investigate the role of heredity in deter- ● CONCLUSIONS: Axial length and overall refractive
mining corneal shape, axial length, and overall refractive error have a significant genetic basis. Corneal topography
error. data appear to have other overriding determining factors
● METHODS: Twenty monozygotic and 19 dizygotic twin for several of the variables studied. (Am J Ophthalmol
pairs, age 12 to 73 years, were enrolled in the study. 1999;127:158 –163. © 1999 by Elsevier Science Inc.
Zygosity was determined by physical similarity and by All rights reserved.)
responses to questions adapted from surveys. Two twin

pairs were excluded because of undetermined zygosity EFORE THE 20TH CENTURY, AMETROPIA WAS CONSID-
and one pair because of keratoconus (both siblings). ered to be a pathologic state caused by the alteration
Refractive error was determined by an automated refrac- of axial length, mechanically induced by traction or
tor. Manifest refraction was also recorded, as well as pressure.1 It is now understood that several components
cycloplegic refraction in subjects under age 18 years. contribute to refractive error, including axial length, lens
Corneal topography data and manual keratometer read- power, corneal power, and anterior chamber depth. Whether
ings were also obtained. Axial lengths were determined ametropia is genetically or environmentally determined
by A-scan ultrasound. Data were analyzed by Student t has been the subject of much debate. Raviola and Wiesel2
tests only in the right eye. Left-eye data were comparable found that suturing the eyelids of macaque monkeys before
for all variables. completion of growth promoted axial myopia, but only if
● RESULTS: Mean intrapair difference in refractive error diffuse light was allowed to reach the sutured lids. In
(spherical equivalent) was less for monozygotic than for contrast, early studies by Sorsby and associates3 on twins
dizygotic twins (RE: 0.41 vs 1.53; P ! .001). Mean yielded much data supporting a genetic basis for refractive
intrapair difference in axial length was less for monozy- error.
gotic twins (RE: 0.39 vs 0.76 mm; P ! .031). Corneal The present study of refractive and corneal topographic
topography data (power and meridian) in all zones (3, 5, variables in monozygotic and dizygotic twins was under-
and 7 mm) also showed smaller mean differences among taken to determine the genetic and environmental influ-
monozygotic pairs than dizygotic, but the difference was ences on refractive components by means of modern
statistically significant only for the 5-mm zone. In addi- measurement techniques, including computerized corneal
tion, most Holladay Diagnostic Summary variables that videokeratography and ultrasonography.
were studied did not show any statistically significant
Accepted for publication Aug 27, 1998.
From the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Wash-
ington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri (Drs Valluri, MONOZYGOTIC AND DIZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS, AGE 12 TO 80
Minkovitz, Essary, Walker, Chansue, and Pepose); and Cullen Eye years, were recruited for the study through television,
Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas (Drs Budak, radio, and bulletin board advertising. Twins were screened
Cabrera, and Koch).
Supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent by telephone for any history of previous eye disease or
Blindness, Inc, New York, New York, and core grant EY02687 from the surgery. This study was approved by the Washington
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. University human studies committee. Soft contact lens
Reprint requests to Jay S. Pepose, MD, PhD, Department of Ophthal-
mology and Visual Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, wearers were asked to refrain from all lens wear for a
660 S Euclid, Box 8096, St Louis, MO 63110. minimum of 2 days before examination, and wearers of

158 © 1999 BY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0002-9394/99/$20.00

PII S0002-9394(98)00319-5
hard or rigid gas-permeable lenses were asked to discon- similarities were evaluated by scoring the same patterns
tinue contact lens use for 2 weeks before examination. All between twin pairs with a score of 1 and different patterns
contact lens wearers, with the exception of one twin pair, with a score of 0.
subsequently declined to participate. Twin pairs were Refractive data were analyzed by regression analysis of raw
examined together to facilitate zygosity determination. data for each variable, as well as Student t test on intrapair
Participants filled out questionnaires detailing ocular his- differences for each measurement. Topographic data were
tory. Information aimed at determining zygosity was also entered into an Excel database and then converted for
obtained with the use of questions adapted from surveys by statistical analysis by means of SAS statistical software. The
Sarna and associates.4 Examination of each twin included geometric means of the predicted corneal acuities were
the subjective assessment of similarity, as well as the calculated by the log of the inverse of the Snellen visual
recording of eye and hair color, height, and weight. Visual acuities (logMAR visual acuity).9 Using analysis of variance
acuity was measured with the standardized Early Treat- (general linear models analysis of variance), we compared the
ment Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart. Refraction was interpair differences for the following values from the Holla-
performed with an automated refractor (Nidek Inc, Palo day Diagnostic Summary: steep refractive power, flat refrac-
Alto, California) followed by a manifest refraction. Cyclo- tive power, effective refractive power, total astigmatism
plegic autorefraction with cyclopentolate 1% was per- (vector differences), irregular astigmatism, asphericity, and
formed in all participants under age 18 years. Keratometry predicted corneal acuity (logMAR values). Fisher exact test
was measured with a keratometer (Bausch and Lomb Inc, was used for corneal uniformity index. Chi-square test and
Buffalo, New York). Slit-lamp examination was performed variance analysis were done to compare interpair pattern
to rule out any ocular disease. Finally, axial length mea- similarity scores.
surements were made with Storz A-scan ultrasound (Storz
Ophthalmics Inc, St Louis, Missouri).
In addition, computed corneal topographic analysis was RESULTS
performed (EyeSys Corneal Analysis System, Version 3.2;
EyeSys Technologies, Inc, Houston, Texas).5 We com- FORTY-TWO SETS OF TWINS WERE RECRUITED. TWENTY
pared the intrapair differences in magnitude and meridian monozygotic and 19 dizygotic sets of twins were enrolled in
of astigmatism at the 3-, 5-, and 7-mm zones. The axial, the study. Ages for enrolled twins ranged from 12 to 73
instantaneous, refractive, and profile difference maps were years. Zygosity was readily determined in all but two sets of
obtained for each eye and evaluated by means of a scale of twins by history, phenotypic characteristics, and survey
0.5-D intervals. Patterns were classified by a masked results. Two twin pairs were excluded due to undetermined
observer (K.B.) with respect to middioptric green value by zygosity. One pair of monozygotic twins was excluded due
means of the classification reported in Budak and associ- to previously diagnosed keratoconus. The spherical com-
ates.6 ponent of refractive errors ranged from !1.25 to "9.50 D
Intrapair differences for the following variables from (mean, "1.13 # 2.29 D) among monozygotic pairs and
Holladay Diagnostic Summary7 were also evaluated. The !3.25 to "6.00 D (mean, "1.21 # 2.03 D) among
steep refractive power is the highest refractive power in dizygotic pairs. (Data described are for the right eye only.
any single meridian of the cornea within the 3-mm pupil Left eye data were comparable for all variables.) Mean
zone. The flat refractive power is the lowest refractive intrapair differences of the spherical equivalent of refrac-
power in any single meridian of the cornea within the tion were less for monozygotic than for dizygotic twins
3-mm pupil zone. The effective refractive power is the (0.38 # 0.065 vs 1.38 # 1.46; Student t test: P $ .001).
refractive power of the corneal surface within the 3-mm Regression analysis of the spherical equivalent showed a
pupil zone. Total astigmatism is the difference between the significantly higher level of correlation for monozygotic
flat and steep refractive powers within the 3-mm pupil twins than for dizygotic twins (R 2 $ .957 vs .311) (Figure
zone; intrapair differences for total astigmatism were eval- 1). The cylindrical component of refractive errors ranged
uated by the vector analysis method used by Holladay and from 0 to 6.25 D (mean, 0.97 # 1.28 D) among monozy-
associates.8 Irregular astigmatism is the difference between gotic pairs and 0 to 1.0 D (mean, 0.57 # 0.34 D) among
total astigmatism and regular astigmatism (amount of dizygotic pairs. Vector analysis as reported by Alpins10 was
astigmatism that can be neutralized with a spherocylinder performed. There was no significant mean intrapair differ-
correction within the 3-mm pupil zone). Asphericity is the ence between the monozygotic and dizygotic twins in
corneal asphericity inside the 4.5-mm diameter zone. magnitude or direction of the astigmatic vector (Student t
Corneal uniformity index is a measure of the distortion of test: P $ .46 and .36, respectively). Keratometric data
the corneal surface within the 3-mm pupil zone expressed were also analyzed in the vertical and horizontal meridians.
as a percentage. The predicted corneal acuity estimates the There was no significant mean intrapair difference be-
predicted acuity within the 3-mm pupil zone, ranging from tween the monozygotic and dizygotic twins in horizontal or
20/10 to 20/200, assuming that the cornea is the limiting vertical meridians (Student t test: P $ .25 and .06,
factor in the visual system. Interpair topographic pattern respectively). Mean intrapair differences for axial lengths

FIGURE 1. Regression analysis of spherical equivalent in monozygotic twins (left) and in dizygotic twins (right).

total astigmatism (vector analysis), and astigmatic axis. On

TABLE 1. Mean Intrapair Differences in Refractive the other hand, we found trends for lower differences in
Variables for Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins dizygotic pairs for predicted corneal acuity and corneal
uniformity index.
Mean # SD

Monozygotic Dizygotic P
Refractive Variable Twins Twins Value*
Spherical component (D) 0.41 # 0.28 1.53 # 1.0 .001
Cylinder magnitude (D) 0.50 # 0.41 0.51 # 0.37 .46 THE AVERAGE LENGTH OF THE HUMAN EYE IS 18 MM AT
Cylinder meridian 39.1 # 3.24 42.4 # 28.46 .36 birth. The eye then undergoes two phases of axial growth:
a rapid infantile phase and a slower juvenile phase. This
Keratometric vertical (D) 0.52 # 0.55 0.92 # 0.88 .06
growth results in a myopic shift in refractive power of 16 to
Keratometric horizontal 0.70 # 0.69 0.90 # 0.98 .25
20 diopters. In a process referred to as emmetropization,
Axial length (mm) 0.39 # 0.29 0.76 # 0.58 .03 changes in lens power and corneal power compensate for
this myopic shift.11 A large study of emmetropic and
*Student t test. ametropic individuals showed a wide range of “normal
values” for each refractive variable. In most individuals,
these components correlate in such a way as to result in an
were less for monozygotic twins than dizygotic twins (axial emmetropic eye. Ametropia can develop in one of two
length: 0.39 vs 0.76 mm; Student t test: P $ .031) (Table ways. Component ametropia results when one component,
1). Regression analysis supported this higher correlation most often the axial length, falls outside the normal range.
(axial length: r 2 $ .838 vs .36) (Figure 2). Correlation ametropia results when each component falls
Corneal topographic data (power and meridian) in all within the normal range, but these components fail to
zones (3, 5, and 7 mm) also showed smaller mean differ- combine appropriately to focus an image on the retina. For
ences among monozygotic than dizygotic pairs, but the example, corneal curvature may be at the “steep end of the
differences were not statistically significant: Student t test normal spectrum,” while axial length is at the “long end of
in 3-mm and 7-mm zones (3-mm: magnitude [P $ .26], normal,” combining to form a myopic eye.1,12 Whether one
direction [P $ .18]; 7-mm: magnitude [P $ .07], or all of these components, or their relationships, are
direction [P $ .40]). However, the 5-mm zone showed genetically determined, or whether an individual’s envi-
significant mean intrapair difference between monozygotic ronment plays a significant role, has been a point of
and dizygotic twins in magnitude but not in direction speculation.
(magnitude, Student t test: P $ .006, direction, Student Current theories for the cause of myopia include the
t test: P $ .21) (Table 2). There were no statistically “use-abuse” theory and “biologic” or genetic theory. The
significant differences between the monozygotic and dizy- use-abuse theory stresses that environmental factors such
gotic twins in the intrapair comparison of topographic map as accommodation, convergence, diet, and education con-
patterns (Table 3). For the Holladay Diagnostic Summary tribute to myopia.13 The biologic theory, on the other
data, mean intrapair differences were significantly lower for hand, stresses that a genetic predisposition plays an impor-
monozygotic twins for irregular astigmatism and for dizy- tant role in determining myopia.3,14 –17 In our present
gotic twins for asphericity (Table 4). There were trends for study, the spherical equivalent of refraction shows higher
lower differences for monozygotic pairs for steep refractive correlation for monozygotic twins than for dizygotic twins.
power, flat refractive power, effective refractive power, There have been several other studies, including early


FIGURE 2. Regression analysis of axial length in monozygotic twins (left) and in dizygotic twins (right).

TABLE 2. Mean Intrapair Differences in Effective Astigmatic Vectors from 3-, 5-, and 7-mm
Corneal Topographic Zones for Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins

Mean # SD

Zone Monozygotic Dizygotic

(mm) Variable Twins Twins P Value*

3 Magnitude 1.41 # 1.11 1.59 # 0.84 .27

3 Meridian 45.9 # 25.5 37.9 # 28.5 .18
5 Magnitude 1.74 # 1.56 3.69 # 2.81 .006
5 Meridian 35.9 # 15.2 32.6 # 8.3 .21
7 Magnitude 1.49 # 0.96 1.02 # 0.95 .07
7 Meridian 43.9 # 28.2 41.4 # 31.0 .40

*Student t test.

TABLE 3. Classification of Corneal Topographic Maps in Monozygotic and

Dizygotic Twin Pairs

Monozygotic Twins Dizygotic Twins

(no. [%]) (no. [%])

Same Different Same Different

Map Type Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern %2 P Value

Axial 10 (50) 10 (50) 11 (58) 8 (42) 0.244 .621

Local radius of curvature 12 (60) 8 (40) 9 (47) 10 (53) 0.626 .429
Refractive 12 (60) 8 (40) 14 (74) 5 (26) 0.821 .365
Profile difference 14 (70) 6 (30) 10 (53) 9 (47) 1.242 .265
Total, all patterns 48 (60) 32 (40) 44 (58) 32 (42) F $ 1.61; P $ .3231*

*General linear models analysis of variance.

studies by Sorsby and associates, the Finnish Twin Cohort bility of axial length was reported by Sorsby and associates
Studies, that had similar findings.3,16 –18 These results in 1962.3 Unlike Sorsby and associates’ original study, in
suggest that there is a strong genetic determinant of the which the axial length was calculated on the basis of
spherical component of refractive error. Gullstrand’s schematic eye, in our study axial length was
Our present study also compared the axial length differ- measured and therefore an independent variable. Several
ences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. The experimental and clinical reports have demonstrated an
results show that there is a statistically significant intrapair increase in axial length caused by visual deprivation from
difference between the two groups, suggesting a genetic cataract, vitreous hemorrhage, or corneal opacification,
contribution toward axial length. Similarly, high herita- especially in the early months of life.19 –21 However, when

TABLE 4. Intrapair Differences in Variables of Holladay Diagnostic Summary for
Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins

Mean # SD Variance Analysis

Monozygotic Twins Dizygotic Twins F* P

Steep RP (D) 1.05 # 0.97 1.11 # 0.96 1.15 .77

Flat RP (D) 0.79 # 0.83 1.05 # 0.97 1.37 .51
Effective RP (D) 0.87 # 0.88 1.04 # 0.85 1.05 .92
Astigmatism (D) 0.88 # 0.89 1.06 # 0.96 1.18 .73
Irregular astigmatism (D) 0.03 # 0.04 0.07 # 0.20 17.78 .000
Asphericity 0.37 # 0.50 0.19 # 0.19 6.92 .0001
Predicted corneal acuity 0.15 # 0.13 0.12 # 0.11 1.50 .398
Corneal uniformity index 6.50 # 11.36 4.73 # 6.96 — .354†

RP $ refractive power.
*General linear models analysis of variance.

Fisher exact test (two tailed).

there is no visual deprivation, there seems to be a strong overriding environmental factors, which presumably ex-
genetic predisposition toward axial length. plain the lower difference in asphericity for the dizygotic
Unlike the refractive spherical equivalent, astigmatism pairs.
did not show a genetic predisposition in our study. Astig- In conclusion, the results of this twin study suggest
matism is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and genetic predisposition toward axial length and spherical
direction. Mean intrapair differences did not show a equivalent of refractive error. However, environmental
statistically significant difference between monozygotic and other factors may play a significant role in determining
and dizygotic twins in either magnitude or direction. This astigmatism. The use of monozygotic and dizygotic twins
suggests an environmental contribution toward the cylin- provides a powerful tool for analyzing genetic and envi-
drical component of refractive error. It is interesting to ronmental factors on a disease cause or a trait. However,
note that individuals who have a propensity toward eye one should keep in perspective that there exists a greater
rubbing, such as atopic patients, have a higher incidence of intrapair correlation for environmental factors for monozy-
keratoconus.22 However, most patients in the current study gotic twins compared to dizygotic twins. This predisposes
had relatively low astigmatism, and the reliability and the toward a genetic bias, and our results might therefore
accuracy of manifest refraction in the assessment of mild overestimate the genetic contribution to refractive error
astigmatism is questionable. Unlike other twin studies, in and axial length, and underestimate the environmental
our study astigmatism was analyzed by vector analysis, influence of these and other biometric variables.16
which takes into account both the magnitude and direc-
tion of the astigmatic vector. Our results concur with those
of the previous twin studies, including the Finnish Twin
Cohort Study and that of Lyle, which support an environ- REFERENCES
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