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The Nanny and the Wolf

One night, a hungry wolf came upon a house where a little baby
was crying. The wolf heard the nanny tell the baby. “If you don’t stop
crying, I’ll throw you outside and let the ferocious wolf eat you!”

So the wolf sat down and waited for the nanny to throw the
baby out.

But the baby stopped crying. The nanny took the baby in her
arms and tenderly said, “That’s better! Don’t you cry again, alright?
I’ll tell you what, we’ll get the sword and chase away that bad wolf
and kill it.”

The wolf heard the nanny and hurriedly run away. At that
moment, he learned that people do not always do what they say.

1. Who came upon a house where a little baby was crying?

a. Wolf
b. Cat
c. Lion

2. Who will throw the baby outside?

a. Nanny
b. Wolf
c. Lion

3. What did the wolf do when he heard the nanny say “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll
throw you outside and let the ferocious wolf eat you!”?
a. Sat down and waited
b. Go in the house
c. Run away
4. What did the wolf do when he heard the nanny say “That’s better! Don’t you cry
again, alright? I’ll tell you what, we’ll get the sword and chase away that bad wolf
and kill it.”?
a. Jump
b. R u n a w a y
c. Waited and sat down

5. What can we get from this story?

a. First think and then act accordingly.
b. Too much greed is harmful.
c. Our hearts do not always agree with our lips


1. ferocious = __________
2. hurriedly = __________
3. tenderly = __________
4. chase = __________
5. learned = __________

Answer key

1. A 1. violent
2. A 2. quickly
3. A 3. lovingly
4. B 4. run after
5. C 5. acquire knowledge

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