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BSED Major in Biological Science
Understanding Similarities and Differences of
Cultures: A Mini-portfolio Inspiring Cultural


South Korea, an Asian nation. It is located in the south of Korea. North Korea
bounds the country to the north, the East Sea (Sea of Japan) to the east, the
East China Sea to the south, and the Yellow Sea to the west. South Korea
occupies nearly half of the peninsula. Seoul is the capital.
All Koreans speak Korean and Altaic language with Japanese affinities and many
Chinese loanwords. Korea's Hangul (Han'gl) script contains phonetic symbols for
the 10 vowels and 14 consonants. In South Korea, Korean is written with a mix
of Chinese ideograms and Hangul. However, less Chinese is being used. The
American presence in the country since 1950 has introduced several English
terms and phrases into the language, either intact or changed by local usage.
Its closeness influences the Korean peninsula's climate to the Asian landmass.
It also establishes the northeast Asian monsoons (seasonal winds) that alter
precipitation patterns. Climate variability is stronger in the north and interior
of the peninsula than in the south and along the coast, indicating the drop in
continental impacts.
South Korea's constitution protects religious freedom, and there is no national
religion. There is very minimal religious homogeneity, which often confuses
outsiders. Historically, shamanism (belief in gods, devils, and ancestral spirits
receptive to a priest or shaman), Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism
predominated. While one religion may have succeeded another in supremacy, all
have played a role in the country's social evolution.
Italy, a South-central European country, occupies a peninsula that reaches the
Mediterranean Sea deep. Italy has some of the world's most diverse and
attractive landscapes and is sometimes referred to as a boat-like country. The
Alpes, one of the roughest mountains in the world, are at their wide peak. The
highest points in Italy are the mountains of Monte Rosa in Suisse and Mont
Blanc in France. The Western Alps overlook a panorama of mountain lakes and
glacier-sculpted valleys stretching down to the Piedmont River. Tuscany is likely
the most well-known region in the south of the Cisalpine region.
As a written administrative and literary language, standard Italian was
established decades before Italy was unified in the 1860s. However, Italians were
slow in taking on the language of the new nation-state and identified with their
regional dialects far more firmly.
In terms of geography, the temperate area in Italy because of the extended
length of the peninsula, the climate in the north and the south of Europe,
bordered by the Mediterranean, varies. The Appennines and the large plains in
northern Italy provide special climate fluctuations, while the Alps are a partial
barrier to westerly and northern winds.
The role of Roman Catholicism in Italy's history. From 1929, when Italy signed
the Lateran Treaty, until 1985, when a concordat removed the church's status
as a state religion, banned forced religious teaching in public schools, and
reduced state funding to the church. Also, 4/5 of the population is Roman
Catholic. But the number of practicing Catholics is dwindling
Understanding Similarities and
Differences of Cultures


While Italy and South Korea are

over 5,000 kilometers apart, there
are numerous coronavirus
similarities. The disease
immediately affected local health
systems in both countries because
the largest outbreaks started in
smaller towns or cities

Korea, or Korean Italy is located

in Southern Europe, in
Peninsula, is a region LOCATION
the heart of the
in East Asia. Mediterranean Sea.

Many of them have been classified as

Korean, also referred to as historical language minorities by the
Hangul, is the national and LANGUAGE government of Italy, including French,
official language in South Greek, German, Sardinian, Albanian,
Occitan, Croatian, Slovene, Ladin,
Korea as well as North Korea. Friulan, Catalan, and Franco-Provencal.

Italy has a predominantly

South Korea has a temperate Mediterranean climate with
climate with four seasons: CLIMATE mild, sometimes rainy
winter, summer, spring, winters and sunny, hot, and
and autumn. usually dry summers.

mostly hills and mostly rugged and

mountains; wide coastal mountainous; some
plains in west and south plains, coastal lowlands

This centralized democratic republic The Government of Italy is a

has three basic branches: executive, democratic republic and was
legislative, and judicial. The president GOVERNMENT established by a constitution in
is the top authority figure in the 1948. It consists of legislative,
country, followed by the prime minister executive, and judicial subdivisions
and government ministries. and a Head of State or President.

Religion in Korea Roman Catholicism is,

encompasses Buddhism, RELIGION unsurprisingly, the dominant
Confucianism, Christianity, religion in Italy.
Daoism and Shamanism.

Ganghwado Island, Pocheon Colosseum, Florence Duomo Santa

Art Valley, Seoraksan Maria del Fiore, The Grand Canal in
National Park, Bulguksa TOURIST SPOTS Venice, Pompeii and Mount
Vesuvius, Leaning Tower of Pisa,
Temple, and more to
and many more to mention.
DISCUSS, in at least 200 words, the SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES of the two
countries in terms of:
Burial Customs:


Many Italians will refrain from speaking about the deceased following the period of
grief for fear of resurrecting them. Additionally, they bury the departed with their
preferred worldly goods in the expectation that this will discourage them from returning to
earth. Due to Catholicism's prominence throughout the country of Italy, significant
funeral rituals adhere to the religion's teachings and practices.

In Italian Funeral Service, according to Catholic tradition, a funeral involves last

rites, a prayer vigil, a funeral liturgy, and a Catholic Mass. Pallbearers are picked from
family or friends, and family members may or may not speak a few words about the
deceased. Open or Closed Casket funerals are widespread in Italy, where it is customary
to kiss the deceased's cheeks or forehead. The kiss serves as a mark of respect for the
deceased. At the Grave Site, following the burial mass, mourners congregate at the
cemetery site. Occasionally, each individual will approach the casket and place a fistful of
dirt or a flower on top. Because grave space is scarce in Italy, interment is typically
performed in a mausoleum. Italian cemetery provides a tranquil and park-like atmosphere
in which visitors can picnic or take a leisurely stroll. Flowers are a necessary component
of Italian funeral rites. They are frequently presented to the deceased's family members
and placed in the casket and in the church. Black has long been the color associated with
funerals. Lastly, upon giving meals, when friends and neighbors learn of a death, they
will bring meals to the deceased relatives. In the past, guests have brought casseroles,
fruit, sweets, and wine. Not only is this cuisine consumed by the family, but it is also
served to visitors.


Numerous religions, including Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity, have

influenced Korean burial practices. Furthermore, many Koreans do not identify with a
particular religion. Regardless of religion, Korean funeral customs are centered on the
concept of assisting loved ones on making a peaceful journey to the hereafter. In the past,
Koreans observed special burial rites to honor deceased loved ones.

Family members would meticulously bathe the body, cover the eyes with coins, stuff
cotton into the ears and nose, and pour rice into the mouth. They would shroud the
deceased and set them in a casket beside their garments. As the coffin was carried by friends
and relatives through the deceased's front door on its route to the burial site, it symbolized
the passage from life to death. Lastly, while preparing the body for burial was always a
significant element of Korean funeral customs, the majority of Koreans today choose to
cremate rather than bury their loved ones. The National Funeral Directors Association
(NFDA) reports that over 71% of South Koreans choose cremation. This is partly due to the
difficulties of securing burial space in the country's cemeteries, but it is also an economical
option that honors the deceased.
Dining Etiqutte:


An Italian meal is a small celebration. Before anyone can begin, each meal begins with
"Buon appetito." Each dish is attacked with zeal and zeal. Each item is tasted, admired, and

Italians keep their hands (and occasionally their elbows) on the table, a practice that
dates back to the medieval practice of demonstrating to your tablemates that you are not
concealing a weapon beneath the table.

Italians order each course and consume them sequentially. If you're pressed for time, or
your companions ordered separate courses, request that the waiter bring them all at once.
Italians do not twirl their long noodles on a spoon or cut them into smaller pieces; instead, they
twirl them against the curved side of their plate and consume them whole. Italians do not eat
bread before or with their pasta, soup, or risotto – they only do so with the main course or mop
up the sauce leftover after their pasta is finished. Italians never serve fish or seafood with cheese
on top. (And, in most cases, no truffle pasta.) Italians do not eat eggs for breakfast (as they are
considered too heavy), but rather at dinner. Anything more than a cappuccino, a croissant, and
possibly a small amount of fruit is considered excessive on an empty stomach. Italians never
drink coffee with their desserts. Italians exclusively consume bottled water. Even though Italy is blessed
with fantastic spring water and high-quality tap water, Italians prefer to drink water from a bottle. Consider
this. However, accept it.


In Korean culture, sharing meals and drinks are highly valued. The list of Korean table
manners contains etiquette still used today, even if certain older norms have eased.

Sit at the table after the oldest person or persons. The esteemed visitor, who is also the
oldest, is seated farthest from the door. It's polite to mention you're excited about the meal before
eating, especially at someone's house—Jalmukesumneda (I will eat well). Please wait for the elderly
to lift their spoon or chopsticks before eating. Don't worry; it'll be quick. Don't sneeze at the table.
This is incredibly rude. If you need a tissue, leave the room. While this may appear excessive to
some, it helps prevent germ spread. Always eat with the group, especially the elderly. This makes
the meal more pleasurable for all. Because Korean meals feature many communal side dishes,
they should be treated as cocktail food. Take enough for yourself while making sure there's
enough. Pour drinks for others first, especially seniors. When your neighbor's glass is half empty,
you usually refill it. It's also your neighbor's job to refill your glass and others'. Avoid touching
food you don't intend to eat. It's impolite to refuse an alcoholic drink from an elder. In every social
situation, be aware of your alcohol intake and its effects.

When a senior pours you a drink, hold your cup out both hands (this also holds for someone
passing you a side dish or something else at the table). Pour for a senior using your other hand
lightly under your pouring hand or elbow. Keep your chopsticks out of your bowl to avoid
traditional Korean ancestor ceremonies. It's considered impolite and unlucky. After use, put
utensils back on the table. Taking too much food is considered wasteful. Cleaning your plate is a
Korean custom. After a meal, thanking someone who has hosted you or treated you to a meal is
usual—masegaemugusuyo (I ate well).

Every country develops its own distinct culture that it adheres to in order to survive.
Both South Korean and Italian cultures are marked by a number of distinctions and
commonalities. Several characteristics distinguishing their cultures, beginning with their
food and morals, are markedly different in both countries. Even if our cultures, traditions,
and beliefs were vastly different from one another, we are all human beings who had a
culture that we wanted to maintain and cherish.

DEVELOP a paragraph incorporating the RELEVANCE of CULTURAL APPRECIATION

to you, to the society, and to the world.
Sharing cultures, whether they be traditions, food, or fashion, is one of
the most essential parts of living in a multicultural society where diversity
flourishes, and it is one of the most important aspects of living in a multicultural
society. Meanwhile, there is a fine line between appreciation and appropriation,
as learning about one's culture can lead to taking its principles without regard
to one's own interests or relating to the culture's identity. For example, learning
about one's culture can lead to taking its principles without regard to one's own
interests or relating to the culture's identity. Appreciating diverse cultures in
this way is a wonderful aspect of living in the modern world. The difficulty is
that there is a delicate line between respecting a culture and taking elements of
it without permission. People's lives are heavily influenced by their cultural
heritage. It has an impact on their worldview, their beliefs, their sense of humor,
their hopes, their loyalties, as well as their worries and anxieties. In order to
effectively engage with individuals and create relationships with them, it is
beneficial to have a perspective on and awareness of their cultural backgrounds.
Creating a culture of appreciation is all about recognizing and appreciating
employees as human beings while also recognizing their contribution to the
organization as well as their desire to grow and make a difference, which is
especially crucial when they fail.

However, as we learn more about one another's cultures, it is crucial to

recognize how much we have in common. People have extremely varied
perspectives on the world, but they all understand what it's like to wake up in
the morning and look forward to the adventures that await them throughout the
day. We are all created in the image of God. We all have profound feelings of
love, a desire to learn, goals and dreams, as well as memories of anguish and
15 Top Tourist Attractions in South Korea. (2021, February 19). Touropia Travel Experts.

Christopher John Wickham, & Giuseppe Di Palma. (2019). Italy | Facts, Geography, & History.

In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Hahn, B., & Im, H.-B. (2019). South Korea | Culture, History, and People. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Imatome-Yun, N. (2019, October 14). What Are Essential Etiquette Rules for Korean Dining. The Spruce Eats.

Italian funeral SERVICE RITUALS. Funeralwise. (2018, August 9).

Miller-Wilson, K. (n.d.). Common Korean Funeral Customs. LoveToKnow. Retrieved September 3, 2021, from


Perkins, M. K. (2020, March 27). Religion in Italy: History and Statistics. Learn Religions.

Radcliffe Rogers, B. (2020, November 17). 15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Italy | PlanetWare. PlanetWare.

The Italian Concierge. (2013, January 14). Italian Dining Etiquette: A Cautionary Tale – And How to Avoid

Becoming One.

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