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Dirigida a Ubisoft

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Cancel Far Cry 5

Gamers United Estados Unidos

Gamers United
Estados Unidos

Enough is enough UbiSoft. We’ve sat through your multicultural lectures and your preachy games aimed at degenerates and miscegenators. We’ve
tolerated it in the name of gameplay design and innovation. But no more! Far Cry 5 is an insult to your fanbase, the Americans who make up the
majority of your customers, and it’s time you woke up to that fact. Change this, or cancel it.

Us Gamers have had to endure a lot of crap over the last few years. The targeted harassment by the mainstream press through Gamergate, the terrible
launch and outright lies of highly anticpated video games, the outright censorship of art through “localization” policies, the continued rejection of
romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called “gamers” on twitter. NO MORE!

It’s time to draw a line in the sand. We, the American gamers that make up the majority of your userbase, demand to you cancel this game, or alter it to
be less offensive to your main player base. In these times, you must understand that there might be some violent repurcussions if you intend to follow
through with your pointless criticism.

So here are the following suggestions to make your game right:

- Change the villains. It’s not so hard, really. Just change the villains to something more realistic. Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of
inner city gangs. Are you scared to do so? In the words of Boltair – “To learn who rules you, simply find out who’s not being criticized.”

- Alter the villains. Even if you insist on making the villains American Christians, consider mixing the races a bit to not target white people exclusively.
There are plenty of nationalists of every stripe and every race and creed. So throw in some blacks and Mexicans. There’s no reason a protectonist
nationalist movement would all be one race? Why stop being Politicaly correct here?

- Alter the plot. It’s obvious that you continue to insist on using these characters. However with a few artistic tweaks you can save the concept entirely.
Have the villains simply be misguided patriots forced into making their own nation vs. the will of an oppressive over-government, construed of all the
people they turn their wrath against in their immediate surroundings. Their brutal physical and sexual violence towards their oppressors will then be
explained as a reaction to harsh government policies and taxation, to show that both sides are wrong.

- Change the setting, but only for certain markets. Look, I get that anti-Americanism plays in France, and I’m not telling you to give up on potential
profits due to complaints. Wouldn’t want to be thought as one of those hypocrite feminists, right? But for America, right now, Anti-Americanism is
out. You gotta play your market. Change the setting to Canada for America. This way you don’t turn away potential players due to offensiveness. Just
trying to help you make more money.

Follow one of more of these and this game will be saved from PC hell and multicultural development. We Americans have so few games to call our
own, and we’re tired of losing them to multi-cultural bullshit.

I was hoping to update this petition in regards to the success we're seeing in our mission. But decided to attempt to censor this petition by
refusing access. They say they were just updating their servors, but we all know the truth.

I've seen a lot of claims that this petition promotes violence. Stop being morons. I was merely pointing out that the groups they target may feel slighted
and revolt against them. It's just a safety concern, that's all.

I would like to say that this petition has been a great success. UBISoft has created some new game images for the game that shows some black man in
the villains table. We can finally move towards true equality once we ensure video game antagonists reflect reality. I think they even made some of the
enemies a little more Islamic by having them invoke their religion a lot in that trailer, which is great news. UbiSoft is truly listening to gamers.

But in their efforts to smear gamers and this one gamer right here in particular, the mainstream games media and idiots on the internet have decided that,
since they can't target the argument, they have to find out the man and target him. Look at who they think or will say I am in order to derail the true
mission of this petition and the rights of gamers everywhere:

1. Some Random SJW journo - great guys, just great. Crap yourselfs almost immediately by saying this successful petition is just a false flag.

2. Two specific random SJW Journos - Double crap yourselves again. Thinking two idiots who stumbled on this petition first must have created it. And
CNN killed OJ's wife, right? Idiots

3. Some IGN editor - Yeah that makes us gamer look real good guys. We tell everybody the mainstream games press are a bunch of low talent cucks and
then say they're masterminds behind secret hoaxes Here I am, Gamergate's greatest success and they want to say I'm some kind of IGN secret.

4. UBISoft employee - Sure this is all marketing. The first real headway Gamergate makes into convincing a game developer to listen to their audience
and you screw it all up by saying it's some marketing stunt. Even worse, you throw around some kind of "confirmation" that it isn't an UBISoft
employee because some guy on Twitter or Gamefaqs says so. I have an uncle that works at Nintendo too, and he says your full of shit. No marketing
department would TELL you about a secret marketing campaign, you moroins.

5. Some dipshit named Ian cheong - this is the truest and most assured strategy to smear gamers in history. Find the worst example of a gamer and use
him to smear all gamers. They take one look at this basement swelling loser, obviously asian, )no stereotypes here, right), see he's fat dirty, and lonely
and smear the rest of us. Classic. He's even some kind of game journo too. Perfect sacrifice. It's bad enough when the mainstream press stereotypes
gamers, but when they find the perfect posterboy in their own group to throw under the bus, thats even worse.

6. A White house staffer. Certain journos with an agenda want to turn this petition into some kind of political crap. So it has to be trump. Of course,
they're obsessed with trump and want to link everything with trump. Project everything everywhere. Though I am trying to Make All Games American
an Great Again (MAGAGA), I don't have any affiliation with a government
also this weird thing about 4chan, saying it's from 4chan because it's "obviously racist" but also not from 4chan because "he didn't post a pepe once or
say "kek"". idiots.

These are all of the tactics these guys try to silence this petition, to pin it on some random idiot and attack the idiot. But I have news for you, mainstream
game journalists:

You targetd gamers. GAMERS.

We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and
over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the
point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be
referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs?
Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape
apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group
that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange
when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big
brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're
not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

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Cancel Far Cry 5


Gamers United ha iniciado esta petición con solamente una firma y ahora la petición ha conseguido 1.240 personas que la apoyan. Inicia una petición tu
mismo para crear los cambios que quieres ver.

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Marlene! Seguir

This is some of the funniest stuff I've ever read.…
14:55 - 31 May 2017

1 6

3. Hace 7 horas
1.000 firmantes

Sos Sosowski Seguir


Petition to cancel Far Cry 5? I refuse to believe this is not a joke,

and now I'm really exited for this game.
21:12 - 30 May 2017

10 35


☕ Seguir

Nobody is taking this outrageous parody seriously, right?…
20:05 - 30 May 2017

Laura Shortridge Seguir

@Jbunnyxoxo You haven't seen this?…
Or this?…
19:59 - 30 May 2017


michael koh Seguir


lmfaooooo is this a joke??????…

19:21 - 30 May 2017 · New York, NY

2 8


Chloi Seguir

"Us Gamers have had to endure a lot of crap over the last few
years" is my new catchphrase.…
19:17 - 30 May 2017

9 61

9. Hace 24 horas
750 firmantes

Mike Bithell Seguir


Petition asks for less stereotyped depiction of American

extremist violence in game, threatens violence 3 paras in:…
18:01 - 30 May 2017

49 138


Brock Wilbur Seguir


guys i laughed so hard i almost threw up spicy curry…
18:01 - 30 May 2017

4 28


Robert Swartwood Seguir


Look at these snowflakes.…

17:42 - 30 May 2017

7 22

Julie Delanoy 🇪 🇺 Seguir
17:38 - 30 May 2017

6 21


Andy Chalk Seguir


Yes, change the setting to Canada. That'll work.…
17:22 - 30 May 2017


misharrrgh Seguir

US-Gamers go full @JulianRoepcke. Never go full

@JulianRoepcke.… #farcry
16:42 - 30 May 2017

2 6

16. Hace 1 día

500 firmantes

Britton Peele Seguir


Poe's Law is in effect, but I don't think this Far Cry 5 petition is
real. Chuckle-worthy parody, though.
16:12 - 30 May 2017

1 7


Brian Gaar Seguir


"Boltair" hahahahaha…

15:22 - 30 May 2017

30 119


Stephen Paton ❄ Seguir


I have no idea if this incredible petition is real or not... But it's

certainly getting me more hyped for the game.…
14:32 - 30 May 2017 · Glasgow, Scotland

9 31

Timothy J. Seppala Seguir

Well, this is a thing.…
14:15 - 30 May 2017

2 2


Tauriq Moosa Seguir


This is beautiful & I swear causing me to preorder Far Cry 5…
14:00 - 30 May 2017

64 181

23. Hace 1 día

250 firmantes

mike diver yes that' Seguir

12:11 - 30 May 2017

2 7


Gav Seguir

I legit can't tell if this person is trolling or serious lol…
12:08 - 30 May 2017

89 449


Richard Cobbett Seguir


"brutal physical and sexual violence towards their oppressors

will then be explained as a reaction to... taxation."…
12:06 - 30 May 2017

3 13


Rami Ismail Seguir


Bookmarking this beauty for when I get told I'm being "too
sensitive & too offended" by Muslim antagonists in games…
12:01 - 30 May 2017 · Hilversum, Nederland

417 1.160

CLG Bunni NY Seguir

This. This right here is fucking incredible. And makes me even

more excited to play Far Cry 5…
11:53 - 30 May 2017

35 141


Zsolt Wilhelm Seguir


11:47 - 30 May 2017


Chloé Woitier 📰 Seguir


Dites-moi que c'est une parodie…

11:09 - 30 May 2017

44 56

31. Hace 1 día

200 firmantes

Jennifer Scheurle Seguir


@lordmortis Look at this beauty:…

07:18 - 30 May 2017

2 10

33. Hace 2 días

100 firmantes
34. Hace 6 días
Gamers United ha lanzado esta petición

Razones para firmar

I'm a delicate little flower who is okay with shooting brown people, foreigners, and liberals who work the EVIL corporations, but you, Ubisoft, have
gone too far. How dare make a game about that antagonizes a group of criminal white christian zealots terrorizing a small town community that for some
reason I okay with and agree on a ideological level. This is 2017, you can't make a game about killing doomsday cultist that are primarily white...unless
they're gay or Muslim, then it's acceptable.

I hope you're ready for retribution, because after this, I going to write an angry post on twitter and facebook that will largely go ignored. That will show
you! #Ubisoftdead

Dontshootme Imwhite, Spring, CA

hace 3 días

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I'm signing because I'm a fucking dumb cunt that is oversensitive that MUH WHITE CHRISCHUN VALUES are being violated!

How dare people do things that I don't like!



Brandon Fisher, Sydney, Australia

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Hey guys, I'm just here for the scene.

Moonrat Earthman, Macon, CA

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Ubisoft: Cancel Far Cry 5

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1.240 firmantes
Aún faltan 260 firmas para alcanzar las 1.500

Nicolás Monciero




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