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TIME : : M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30




TIME: M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30

1. Cite how schools at present are working on the realization of the following 4
purposes as cited by the functionalists.

The purposes of schooling according to the functionalist theory are:

a. Intellectual purposes- acquisition of cognitive skills, inquiry skill
- Students needs to acquire knowledge and learn by themselves but with the proper
guidance of the teacher/instructor.

b. Political purposes- educate future citizens; promote patriotism; promote

assimilation of immigrants; ensure order, public civility and conformity
to laws
- Teaching citizenship in schools is important. Students need to respect the law and obey
the rules, being a good citizen is important in caring for others and also helps to promote
values, liberty and equality, which are building blocks in any community.

c. Economic purposes- prepare students for later work roles; select and
train the labor force needed by society
- OJT or On the Job Training give students first-hand experience that helps them to
practice and preparing to apply in the real work environment.

d. Social purposes- promote a sense of social and moral responsibility;

serve as a site for the solution or resolution of social problems;
supplement the efforts of other institutions of socialization such as the
family and the church.
- University Acquaintance and Celebration of College days, these activities help students
to socialize from different field of specialization. It also help students practice social skills
through interaction with teachers, staff and other students.

2. Adherence to the conflict theory claim that schools teach loyalty so that
those in power remain in power and those below will forever be at the
bottom. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- I strongly disagree for the reason that, as the school teaches loyalty it is not the
reason why those who in power remain in power. It’s too much unfair for those who
doesn’t have power, because everyone has their choices in life. If you are at the bottom
you have to do something to empower yourself, you need to rise from the top. And
everyone has the privilege to go to school regardless of their differences in class, gender,
race, and ethnicity. It is not right if students of low socioeconomic status will be generally
not afforded the same opportunities as students of higher status, no matter how great
their academic ability or desire to learn.



TIME: M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30

Identify the social science theory that is referred to in the sentence below.
1. When one institution fails to function, another institution ought to come in to perform the
function for the stability of society.
Structural-Functional Theory
2. A new society comes because of the resolution of clash between the powers that be and
the workers.
Conflict Theory
3. Differences in meaning of symbols for both sender and receiver result to
The Symbolic Interactionist Theory Perspective
4. One weakness of this theory is this is focused on small interactions.
The Symbolic Interactionist Theory Perspective
5. Schools teach humanitarian attitude, altruism, democracy, civil rights, and other positive
aspects of society to preserve society and social order.
Structural-functional Theory
6. The overall health of society depends upon the healthy functioning of its institutions.
Structural-functional Theory
7. When one institution fails to perform its function, the other institutions showed come I for
the preservation of society.
Structural-functional Theory
8. Meanings that individuals give to symbols change over time.
The Symbolic Interactionist Theory Perspective
9. Two opposing sides are welcomed. This paves the way to change.
Conflict Theory
10. Faulty communication can result from differences in the perception of the same events
and symbols.
The Symbolic Interactionist Theory Perspective
Assignment : Let’s Reflect!


TIME: M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30

I learned that there are four purposes of schooling according to functionalists. These are
intellectual , political , economic , and social purposes. I also learned that there are three social
theories namely structural- functional theory, conflict theory and the symbolic interactionist
theory perspective. The focus in structural-functionalism is the way each part of the society
functions together to contribute to the whole. On the other hand, in conflict theory the focus is the
way inequalities contribute to social differences and perpetuate differences in power. While in the
symbolic interactionist theory, its focus is the one-to-one interactions and communities. These
perspectives help me to understand more about how society influences people, and how people
influence society. Above all, I have learned the sociological perspective: the idea that our social
backgrounds, broadly defined, profoundly influence our behavior, attitudes, and life chances.

I realized that through these things I have learned, I will be able to understand their functions
and their purposes in education base on their perspective. Since I am a future educator, these
things are very helpful and useful to me on how to view education as a whole.

I was pleased that I was able to know about the implications in teaching of the three social
science theories. Above all, I was pleased that I know the differences between the three social
theories because knowing their differences makes me understand better the perspectives.

I was not aware that there are four purposes of schooling according to the functionalists. I was
also no aware that there are three social science theories of education.


TIME: M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30

1. Do you agree with all the weaknesses of the Filipino character, as cited in the
Report: “A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, Building a Nation”.

- As to what we can observe, the Filipino nation at present is on the verge of a crisis. We
can say we, Filipinos, generally have a considerable number of strengths but these
strong points are also the root of our weaknesses. We, Filipinos, are generally
person-oriented and are sensitive to what others feel. And yes, I agree because of the
fact that most Filipinos are faced with weaknesses, self-interest and disregard for the
common good and we are confronted with lack of discipline and rigor, our colonial
mentality, and our emphasis on porma (form). The purpose of this program is to build our
nation, to build ourselves as a people, and to have unity and concern for one another.
Because building a people means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our
strengths. We must take a good look at ourselves not just physically but also
emotionally. We must have courage, determination and strength of purpose.

2. One weakness of the Filipino character is lack of analysis and emphasis on

form (porma). The report states that this lack of analysis and emphasis on form
are reinforced by an educational system that is more form than substance.

a. What is meant by an educational system that is more form than

- Educational system that is more form than substance means that it is built on rules
and identified program but it is not substantial. Educational system must be a system of
learning strategies. An educational system must be outcome based. It focuses on the
efficiency of the teachers and effectiveness of the newly applied learning strategies. At
some point, officials in the teaching profession tend to formulate rules that are not
effective. Rather than focusing on the effectiveness of classrooms and good study
materials, they bombarded teachers with loads of paper works making them drained.
This makes educational system a mere form but having no substance at all.

b. Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more form than
substance? If yes, why? If not, why not?
- No, due to the fact that the Philippine education system nowadays are settled for
flexible learning. Not all students are privilege for this kind of set up. At some point,
officials in the teaching profession tend to formulate rules that are not effective. The
Philippines Education system nowadays is forced children to memorize a lot of
unimportant information and grades them on it while leaving now the knowledge of
practical value. We were supposed to memorize how to spell "Cheat" is just a way to
pass all your requirement. In this new type of virus called Covid19 has a downfall world
history. Students teach themselves how to cheat because no one of them will help each
other. What would happen to any modern country if all of us we don't do something about
how education important is. Rather than focusing on the effectiveness of classrooms and
good study materials, they bombarded teachers with loads of paper works making them
drained. This makes educational system a mere form but having no substance at all.


TIME: M-W-F 5:30 - 6:30

1. In a post-observation conference, school head cites points for improvement for

the teacher observed. It happens that there are more points for improvement than
positive points. Teacher concludes the school head is biased against her. Which
Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be done?
- The weaknesses of the Filipino that school head is trying to eliminate are the extreme
personalism and lack of self-analysis and self-reflection. School head should avoid bias
in teacher performance. However, school head might give a lower point because the
teacher has different preferences for instruction, even though the instructional delivery is
effective. If the teacher is rated too high or low based on a rater’s personal biased, she
will not know how to improve her teaching because she will not understand from where
the rating really came.

2. What should be done in the Philippine basic education system so that it is more
substance than form?
- It should be done with giving free college education, building more public Math and Science
School, using classroom interaction technology and higher teacher’s salary. And also,
Philippines should focus on making schools to those faraway baranggays so that students don’t
have to go the lowland to study. Here are some examples I think on what should be done in the
Philippine basic education system so that it is more substance than form.

3. Based on Sen. Shahani’s Report, Chapter IV as written by Patricia B. Licuanan,

once Chair of the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines, schools
have contributed to the development of Filipino passivity and lack of critical

Aside from the influences of the formal curriculum, there are the influences of
the “hidden curriculum”, i.e., the values taught informally by the Philippine school
system. Schools are highly authoritarian with the teachers as central focus.The
Filipino student is taught to be dependent on the teacher, so he attempts to record
verbatim what the teacher says and to give this back in its original form with little
processing during examination.

Teachers reward well-behaved and obedient students and are uncomfortable

with those who ask questions and express different viewpoints…Critical thinking
is not learned in school.
Does this picture still hold true today? Why or why not?

- The entire picture of the text is not so present in today’s educational system for the
reason that our educational system today is not like before because of the pandemic,
there are a lot of changes. Nowadays, CHED planned that there are no face-to-face
classes and they settle for flexible learning. In my opinion, this kind of set up is not
effective and there is no learning at all. Because not all students are fast learner and can
learn by themselves only, not all students have the ability to cope and adjusting every
time. There should be and interaction with the teacher.
Assignment: Let’s Reflect!

1. List the strengths of the Filipino character then in a phrase or clause; explain when that
strength becomes a weakness.

STRENGTH It becomes weakness when

1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao  Extreme personalism
- Opening yourself to others and - Someone abuses of the
feel one with others with dignity relationship they have and use
and respect deal with them as it as a shortcut to make things
fellow human beings. easier.
- sense of fairness and justice - always trying to to give personal
- concern for others interpretation to actions
- ability to empathize with others - thank you with "but"
- helpfulness and generosity (compliment-criticism-complime
- practice of hospitality nt)
- sensitive to other feelings and
2. Joy and Humor  Lack of self-analysis and
- Filipinos have a cheerful and self-reflection
fun-loving approach to life and - They are proud of their sense of
its up and down, pleasant humor; they sometimes forget
disposition, a sense of humor that there are things that should
and propensity for happiness be taken seriously. When things
that contribute not only to the went wrong, they are more
Filipino charm but also to the willing to blame others rather
Filipino Spirit. We laugh at than asking what they did
those we love and hate. We wrong.
tend to make joke about our
good and even bad fortune, to
smile even in the most trying of
- emotional balance and optimism
- healthy disrespect for power and

3. Flexibility, Adaptability and  Emphasis on porma rather than

Creativity substance
- Filipinos have a great capacity to - The work is more ornate and
adjust and adapt to circumstances and artistic, the less substantial and
the surrounding environment, both less content it is.
physical and social.
4. Hard Work and Industry  Passivity and lack of initiative
- capacity for hard work given to - They start a project with
raise one’s standard living of a enthusiasm and great attention
decent life for one’s family. but in midway they lost their
interest and they leave it
unfinished, strong reliance to
others fate.
- yeah proud Pinoy. It's all because
of the race (nationality/blood)
not by persons attitude,
hard-work, dream and
perseverance etc.
- very complacent (relax) but their
rarely is a sense of urgency (It's
OK we have 1 day left to
finished, just relax)
- too patient without any plan or
action (matiisin) "Bahala na
- No matter what, At least we tried
- doubt and debate first than
study, discuss until planning
and action
5. Family Orientation  Extreme personalism
- A genuine and deep love for - Takes things personally and
family, commitment and cannot separate task and
responsibility, honor and emotions, and uses palakasan
respect, generosity and system to make things easier.
sacrifice and sense of trust and
6. Faith and Religiosity  Lack of Discipline
- Faith in God - accepting reality to - relaxed attitude but poor time
comprehend as a human created by God. management
"Pampalakas-loob" - impatient and unable to delay
gratification or reward
- love to take short-cuts or 'palusot'
- carelessness

2. Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino character applies to you? Have schools helped
you to counteract such weakness/es
- Of all the weaknesses of the Filipino character, one that sometimes applies to me is the lack
of discipline for the reason that I have a poor time management and in procrastination. I am lazy
sometimes in terms of doing my school works and tend to cram during my exams, but I realized
that it is not a good habit that’s why I change my perspective, and schools helped me counteract
with the help of my teachers and classmates to have some motivation, practice prioritizing and
set some goals. Because I believe that success begins with self-discipline.

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