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Petroleum products De&rmination

of foaming characte(isti($ of lubricating
Pradurc petulierc Debiiniiiation des caractEristiques de noussage
des huites lubrifiantes

,t .Z;,I;.,.:"":e*,jr


ry= ISO 6247:1998(E)
ISO 6247:1998(E)


ISO (ihe lniernational Organizallon for Standardization) is a wordwide

federation of natonal siandards bodies (lSO memb$ bodies). The work of
preparing nternaiiona Standards js normally carred out through iSO
lechnical committees. Each member body lnteresied ln a sLrblect for which
a iechnical commiiiee has been esiablished has the nsht lo b,^ represenied
on that cornrniiiee. lntemational organ zations, govemmeniai and non-
govemmental, in aison with lSO, also take p6rt in the work. ISO
coLaborates closely wiih the lnternational Electrciechnica Commission
(lEc)on al rnailerc of electrotechnical standadizailon.

Draft inlernational Standards adopted by the iechnical committees are

c rcuated to the member bodies for volng. Publicailon as an lnternatonal
Siandard requires approva by at least 75 % of the member bodles casUng

'nrFrnd ional S.aaod d lSO 62a7 was prepared oy Conm:tioe

Sa rC .8 Pelroteum Dtoducls ancl tubnca4ts.

t; Annexes A a nd B form af infegral part of thjs lntemal ona Staddard, '


@ tso 1998
Alrghts reseryed Unless otheNs€ spectied, nopaftoflhispubliMlior may b€ reprcduced
or ulllzed n any form or by any means, e eclrcnic or mechanlcal, incuding photocopynq and
microflm, withoul pemiss on nw ling ffom th€ pub isher
Ir€ ar,ond O 9d . " on'o. Srandad%lb'
case poslare 5€. cH-1211G€nOv6 20' Switorand
X 400 c=oh;a=400nel p=iso: o=isocs; 6=cenlEl

Petroleum products Determination of foaming

characteristics of lubricating oils

WARNING - The use ofthis lnternationalStandard may involve hazardous materials, operations and
equipment. This lnternalional Standard cloes not purport lo address all ofthe safety problems associated
with its use. lt is the responsibility ofthe user ofthis lnlernationalStandard to establish app.oPriate safety
and health practices and determine the applicabilily of regulatory limitat'ons prior to use.

1 Scope
at specified moderaie iemperatures. lt s appllcab e to Lubricants which may or may not contain addltves 1'r modiiy
or suppress the iendency to form stable foams. The ralings !sed io describe ihe foam ng tendency afd/or stab ty

Th s method may be lsed to lnd cale polenl a probems n ubrcat.n.a\rralonand oss n srsrehs where foam
do ". " .r. spq.oi 6i.oFF...or

2 Normative references
The io owing slarda.ds conta n prov s ons which, thro!qh reTerence n th s te/l .onstlute provsons ofth s
lnternatona Standard. At the time of plb icalon, the ed iions nd ca1€d were va d. A I standards are subjeci to
revlsoi, and pa.ties to agreements based on thislnternaiiona Standard are enco!raged 10 investigatethe
possb ty of applylng ihe rnost recent ed tons ofthe standards nd cated below Members of IEC and ISO maintain
reg siers ol currenty va d ntematona Slandards

SO 3696:1 987. Wate. for analtlical labaratory use - Specificatian and test nethods.

SO 6353 2:1983, Reageris far.henical analysis Pad 2: Speciticatians Fitst se es.

lso 6 353-3:1987, Reage, i for anatysts - Parl 3: Speaficauans secondseries.

3 Terms and definitions

For tlre purposes ofthis lnternatonalstandard, the following defnilions apply.


device for dispers nq qas into iqu d


a co eclon ol bubb es jorrned ln, or on the sudace of a liquid in which the air (gas) s the major component on a
ISO 6247:1998(E) oso


any nraterial interposed between ndo sudaces ihat red!ces the frcr on or wear belween them

maximum pore diameter

the diameter of a capi ary ofc rcllar cross-secton expressed n mtcronretres, wh ch is equ varent, wiih respect to
su.face tension effecis,lo the argest pore ofthe d fiuser under cons derarion

the low ofgas through ilre gas diifuse. inm iires per rn nute underagaspressureoi2,45kpa

4 Principle

The volume olfoam smeasuredailheendoieachperiod.Thetestisrepeaiedonasecondtesipoftonar93,5!C,
and then after collaps ns the foam, at 24 .C

5 Reagents and materials

Durlng the analyss, unless oiherwise stated, use onty reagents sp€cfed in ISO 6353 2 and tSO 6353 3, tf sle.l
there orofanaytca reagentg.ade and water conform ng to grade 3 of ISO 3696

5.2 [/]elhylbebzene (toluene).

5-5 oetergent, non' onic, solub e n waler

5.6 Bulylphthalate, for lowmeter (6.4) ifuequircd

6 Apparatus
6.1 Foaming test apparatus, Lrskated infigure 1, and consisiinq ofthefolowinq:

6.1.1 Gra.luatedcylin.ler,ofl000mlcapacily.grad!atedinl0mincremenls.Thedisranceiromlheinsde
bottom to the 1 000 nrl graduation sha be 335 nrm ro 385 mm The top sha be circular, and f cut. sha be
smoothed by lne po ishing or ginding.
NOTE 2 Cy inders with spolts car have the top portoh cut off betow rhe spoul lo prodlce the.ircu ar top

6.1.2 Stopper, ofrubberoroihersuitabematera,tofitihecrcuarropotthegradlaredcytinder.Thereshaitbea

centra ho e lo accornmodate the a trintet iube and a second ofi centre ho e io accommodaie the aircuitet tlbe

6.1.3 Diffuser, sphercal ofrused cryslal ne atunr na grarn wlth a d ameter oi 25.4 mm or cytind cat otsntered
5 tm porcus stainless stee, and conforrn ng to the fotiow nq on as measured by rhJproced!res spec f ed

Pore diarneler: 80 Um maximum

Pemeabl ty: 3 000 ml/m n lo 6 000 ml/mtn
NOTE 3 Olfiusers may be atlached to the air nteirube by any conven ent means. Aslitabe arangement s shown n ligure 2

o tso ISO 6247:1998(E)

Figure 1 Foaming test apparatus

D mensions in m lmetres

l; -r Llr
t. I

Figure 2 Suitable attachment ofdiffuserto air int€t tube

6.2 Testbaths,olaszesuffcientloimrne.sethegraduaiedcynder(6.1.1)toaieastthe900mtmarkand
capable ofbeing rnainta ned atthe specifed tesi temperatLrre t 0,5.C. Both the bath and bath tiqu d shattbe
transparent enough 1o read graduatons on the imrne.sed cylinder

NOTE,1 Cyindicalboros icate glasslars approxirnaley 300 mm n diameterand 450 hh in heghl make satisfaclory baths.
NOTE 5 ll is recomhended thaithe 93,5'C bath is paced inside a clear conta ner ofslfficenl capacilyto contain the tquid
n the eveni of breakage
o so
ISO 6247:1998(E)
throlsh the gas
6.3 Airsupplv,fromasourcecapabLofmaintaninn'narftowrateof94rn/nin15rn/min jusi above rhe
;;,;;;. il:;i'';;; be passed lrroush a dry ns bw;r 300 rnrn in hersht packed as rorro!.ls
ii,,"" ";;i, "1o " zo -'l] aye, or co[on Rei ] rhe rower when the ,nd cat.e dFs .cant bes ns to
show the p;esence oi rnoisiure

rree does nol need to be passed tholgh the dryLng iowcr

6.4 Flowmeter, capable of measlring a flow rcte o{ 94 ml/rn n t 5 m /nrln

- o a 'l-oar'dpoo rlr'4 0'^ i
NotL, An"ro1-r" ,p" o^'F.e tr
;;:'"'"'"" '-q, ",r.

NOTE 8 Awetgas meiercaibrated in hlndredlhs ofa lite ss!tabe

6.6 Timer, e eciron c or manLral, graduated and accurate to 1 s or betle''

6.7 Temperature sensor oro p o6't "Iono' d aBodn

o f6'oa rad'r-6 o'
,*"-.l"i":".0".0" "*'i "--o'-.-,.u

7 Preparation of the aPParatus

7.1 General
use to remove any trace of addlUve
Th.rouoh cea. nc ofthe test cvL,nder and a r_rnlet t!be s essentlalaiter each
.--:---;q;-;. p ;, o". L- Fqua ol , l' 't'

7.2 Cylinder
l) Wash w th delcrgent Eollton r5 5) RlNe the
Rlnse the cv nderwlth toLuene (5 2)lollowed by hepLane (5
o^c' ' 6' F-rd
'"'1,""^, ^";-"" "".-",':*;"*' ' u'p-orcec ^tqott6
'l'a1lj 1ou d'ops'o'"110
z.: cas Oitruse.
turn with to uene a nd hepta ne' Immerse th e diifu se r 'n ap
proxim atelv 300 ml of
Clea n the dlffuser by washing n
back and fodh throrroh the dLfruser at LeasLnve iLme! wfth a vacuum and alr
fl""1" i,"'r."
r'-o rt'eoi " cnror ''roeanod'rFo rnoo qq\.o o 10
p"":-- ;r,;: 'oloFllo "iit
""r"""i""0 Let'1a
raLnd ed^ t haolon' .-'
or u,r,",o'q" """ Aperneo-''deolhed n'6riubp l
^d 1rL

:.cEn dto.oth Do not wrpe rhe d fiuser

7.4 Asse bly of aPParatus
r inleltube so ihai when ihe stopper is iLr Lv inserted ihe
Assemble the apparaLus as shown tn lLgure I Adlusl the a
malelv the centre ofthe cross sectron The conre'ion
Oir*",,"r"n"J ir'," o"tt"- ofthe cv nder at app;ox
it" aid the (6.a)sha b; made throush a cop per co olat eastone turn wound
i",,r*" ir," ,ti irowmeter
*" ofthecotd barh in order to ensure ihat the arrvo Lrme is rneas!red ata t€mp,arature closeto
,"r"Jir," i"t*_"r,1",
24 "c. Check the system for leaks

D sconneclihe flex b e 1ub ng from the a trinlet and air ouUet t!bes and remove ihe slopper
oso ISO 6247:1998(E)

I Procedure

8.1 Wiholtrnechancalshakingorstfrng decant approximatey 200 r. ofsampe itoa600m beaker. Heat!o

49 'C t 3 "C and a owto coolto 24 "C 13'C (see opton A n 8 5.T for siored samples)

Each step oJthe procedure descr bed n 8 2 and 84 shallbe catred oltwithjn 3 h aftercompeton ofthe prevors
step ln 8.3,lhe iest shal be carred out as soon as s compat be with the temperatLrre speclicaton and not more
than 3lr after immersiof ofthe cy nder n the bailr ai 93 5 'C

8.2 Sequence l. Pourtheiest porton nto the graduated cy nder(6.1 1)unt th€ qudleve isatthel90m mark
mmese the cylinder at leasi to the 900 ml mark n the bath at 24 'C us ng a heavy r ng to prevent i float ng. When
lhe o has reached lhe balh ternperatLrre inse(1he stopper, dfiuser, and the ar n ettlbewthlhe a rsource
d sconnected and pem t the d ffuser to soak for approrimate y 5 m n. Connectihe air-ouilet tLrbe lo the va urne'
measuringdevce(65) Aiiheendof5min,connecttothearsource adjust the a r flow to 94 ml/nr n and force
cean dry air through the d fflserfor 5 min I3 s, t rned from the frsl appearance ofair bubb es rs ng from the
dfiusei At the end oi th s per od sh!tofftheai.flowbydsconnectnglhefexibletubngftomlhefowmeter and
immediate y obsetue and record the vo ume ofloam by s!btract ng the vo !me of liqu d lrom ihe totalvo !me
obseved n the gradlEted cy inder. The tota air vo urne ihai has passed through the system sl-ra be:170 ml
-25m Aowthecyndertostandiorl0mf:r0sandagalnrecordthevollmeoffoamlolhenearesll0m
8.3 Sequence ll. Poura second iest podion oflhe sampe ito a ceaned cy nderunt the o
s atthe 180 m
rnark. lnrnrerse the cy inder at eastto the 900 m mark n the bath at 93,5'C When the has reachedo
93'Cr1'C nserta cean dfflser and alr'nettubeand proceed as..descrbed n 8.2, recording the vo lrne
of foam atihe end olthe blow ng and seltling peiods to the nearest 10 ml.

8.4 Sequence lll. Co apse any foam rema ning after 8.3 by strng Coolthe sample to a temperature be ow
43,5'C a ow ng the iest.yllnderto stand in a r at room lernperature, then p ace the cy inder n the bath a124'C
After the o has reached bath iemperat!re, nsertaceanedalanett!beanddlluser afd proceed as descibed n
8 2. record n9 the ioam voiume at the end ofthe bow n! and sett ng perods to the nearesl l0 m

8.5 Cerra n types oi lbricat ng o s in storage showan increase nloam eve s becalse ol a change ndspersion
ofthe foarn nh bilor. Where there s reason io slspecl ihat th s has occurred the lo ow ng opton A rnay be used

8.5.1 OptionA.Cleanthecontaneroial itrehlgh-speed benderuslrg tlre procedLrre given n72.Pace500nl

narma forconsiderabLearlobeentraneddlrngtlrisagtaton allowtosland!nt entra ned bubb es have
d spersed and the iernperalure oiihe oi has reached 24 'C :i 3 'C \ /th n 3 h oitlr s ag iaton (see noie 9), start
iest n! as descibed n 8 2

NOTE I ln lhe case ofvery v scous ois 3 h may not be enough to d sperse lhe enlraned air 1a lofgerlime s reqlired.
record the time. and reFonths wth the resllrs

I Alternative procedure

For roli proc€d!re may be used Th s procedLrre d ifers from the standard m€thod n
ne tesiing, a simpLified testing
onLy one respecl. The totalair vo ume lsed dlrn9 the 5 m n b owing perod s not measured afier the a r has
passed through the dlifr.rser Th s ellm nates the volume measuing equipment ard the aiftghi connections
necessary to carry the exit air from ihe cylinder io the vo !Fre-measuing devce b!t requ res thatthe fowmeier be
corecuy calibrated afd ihat the flow rate be carefllly controlled

10 Expression of resulls
Expressthe results, tolhe nearest 10 m as'foam n9 tendency (foam vo !me, nrn itres attheendotlheblowlng
perod) oras foamstEb ty {ioamvolme inm itres attheendofthesettlingperod).Eachresultsha be
referenced to ihe approprate sequence n!mber andwhetherthesampewastestedasreceved,orafteraglalon
(oplion A).
ISO 6247:1998(E) @ tso

When the foam or bubbe layer does nbi completey coverthe surface ofthe oil, and a patch or'eye ofcear oilis
visibe, report the foam volume as 'nil'.

'll Precision

The precision, as deiemined by siaiisi cal exa mination oi inter aboraiory test rcsults, is g ven n T 1 1 2 nd 1 1 2
below, and is illustrcted in fgures 3 and 4.

Eo opr o_ A .o p'ec s 01 slalemen I s ava able

1'l.'l Repeatablility, r
The ditrerence between successive test results obtained by the same operalorwith the ame apparatirl under
constant operatinq condltons on idenucaltest materialwo! d, in the normaland
method, exceed the following values only in one case n twenty.

15 + 0,33 X
10 + 0,22 X

where Xis the mean ofthe values being compared

A!eraqe tesr tev?t lnt oi rn:n)

Figure 3 Repeatability
o tso ISO 6247:1998(E)

11.2 Reproducibilitv, R

The diifercnce belweef iwo single and independent results obtained by difierent operatoG working n different
aboratories on nominally dentcallest maleia would in the no.mal and correct operation oithe test method,
exceed the followlng vaiues only in one case if twenty.

R (seqlence lll) = 35 + 1,01X

R (other sequences) = 15 + 0,45X

wlrere Xis ihe mean ofthe va ues being compared

A!El:]€ le5| L9}d 1nL 0i t0:m)

Fisure 4 Reproducibility
12 Test reirort
The test rcpoft shall,gontain at Least lhe lollowing informaion

a) a reierence io this lnierna|onal Siandardl

b) lh e type and com plete idenlificat on oi the prod uct tested i

c) the resuli ofthe test (see ciause 10)l

d) any devalon, by agreement or otheMlse Jrom the standard procedures specifiedi

e) ihe date ofthe test.

ISO 5247:1998(E) o tso

Annex A

Test for maximum pore diameter and permeability of the diffuser

A.1 Requirements

rhe diffuser (6.1.3)shatt meet rhe specified criteria for maximurn pore djamere. (: + aniieryneiiiility 1:.s) wren
F- ed b\ ro lo os nq re_roo

A.2 Apparatus
The apparalus s llustraled lf A 1 and A.2.

A.2.1 Air, from a regulated supply, ctean and dry.

A.2.2 Manometer, of U-tube design wtlh wateras the trqurd, of suffic enr ength ro read a pres5ure d trerenUa
800 nr. o a- a te'aa. ve ca o.a,Fd ranoTet-r { ar'edsl equiva ert acc. aly

A.2.3 Cylinder, ot 250 mtcapacity ofaheghtsuffcrenuor$mq.sethedfllsertoadeDthoft00mm

A.2.4 Gas meter, votumetric, capabte of measLrdng flo* iie, o, ur,a.O U OOOnlt/min. A iowmeler wirh a trE.k
pressure sh6 I not be used ...

a 2.5 firtering lrask, wrrh a neck rarge enough for lhe ditrusitf to pass ihrough, and a side arnr. The
nask sharibe
i tted wlih a rubber stopper w th a singte hole io adrnit lhe air in ei rube.

Figure A.1 Apparatus for measur'ng maximum pore size

o tso ISO 6247:1998(E)


Figure A.2 Appar6tus for measuring perlneabillty

A.3 Procedure
A.3.'1 Maximum pore diameter . :',

Connecl ihe ditruserio ihe manometer using an adaptora;rshown in ngure 2 (butwrholrt the b€ss tub nq)and a
1,0 m lensth of8 mm bore tubfg Support the clean d &*)r aia.depth ot 100 mm, as measured airhe top oithe
d ffLrser, in water lfihe djffuser ls non-meiallc, or in propan ?otif the dffuser is metat c, in rhe cyinder (A.2.3)and
a ow it to soak for at leasl2 m n. connecl lhe ai. idlbttube to the sou.ce of air (A.2.1). Lncrease the air pressure at
a rate ofapproximately 490 kPa/min uniilthe fnst dynamlqllrbble passes through ihe difiuser and rises ihrough ihe

NOTE 10 A dynamic bubble ls recognized s followed by a succession oI additona bubbles

NOTE 1l The !niforhity oI distlbul on olp?res?b.proEch ng the mafmum pore s ze may be abserued by gradla ty increasinq
'|-"r'0".u",-d ouq
the air pressure and noting the rr:.c
bubbes are dishlbuted over the sudace.
"uilormr7e].$.i.1'-re"TsolbJbbesdreors!b-Leoo.Frrhe '
ca c!late the max mum pore diam;6r,€s or Dm, in micromerres, frorn one ofthe folowns equatons:

29 225
^" p-100

8 930

Ds is the maximurn pore d ameter ofa non meta cdffuser;

Dm is the maximum pore d arneter of a metallic d ffuser

p is the diiference, in mll metres in rnanomeier evels.

ISO 6247:1998(E) o tso

A.3.2 Permeability

Connect ihe clean, dry diffuser to ihe source of air (A.2.1) using ihe 1,0 m length of 8 mm bo.e tubinq, afd ptace ir

I' in thenfieing nask (A.2.5) connected io the g6s meler (A.2.4) by means oia fufther 0,5 m tength of 8 mm bore
tubins (see ngure A.2). Adjust the pressure ditrerentialio 2,45 kpa {250 mm of ware.) and rneasure the raie offlow
of airthrough ihe diffuserin millilitres per minute, using ihe volumeiric gas merer (A.2.4).

NOTE 12 Depending on lhe sensitivliy of the volurnetnc gas meter used, this obseNation may be made for a suilabty tonger
peiod and ihe averaqe flow rate ecorded.


@ tso
ISO 6247:1998(E)

Annex B

Thermometer specification


Table 8.1 Therm ometer sp€cjfication

.tzA Ia 1A2

'' a,2

scale eror, maximum 2

E\panson chamber permrtlino heat na to
'C .:r*. 150
415 to 425
Bu b length 6to8
15la 20
6 to outer d iameter of stem
Distance from bottom of bulb ro ne at _20 "C:
35 to 50

NOTE 13 An AST[112CltP 64C themoineter meets



Publlshed 1999-0915 -
rfsqna no cra ItAPrm^w,

Petroleum products Determination of

characteristics of lubricating oils

Pradu peffat:ctn
- Deptnnahoh d"
s dcs caactztistques noussase des
"u,;s lubtitante"
Technicai corisendum 1 to tntemationat Slandar;iso 6ta7:1998 was prepared
by Technicat Commitee
)SOFC2A. p-rote,Jn praduds and tubrican,s

ragraph, replace'490 kPa/min, by,,490 palmin"

tcs 75.100 Ref. No. ISO 6247:1998/Cor.1 r1999(E)

O ISO 1999 -Al ghls rcsery€d

ISO 6247:1998(E) 0 tso


tcs 75.100
Descnpbrs: pelbleum pmducts ubncants ubncalnsoiLs, tesrs deteminatlon, loaming power.

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