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Is a film that show what is life when economy is down. Where many Koreans are workless and are
forced to sell their properties. Then the international monetary fund makes its move where they lend
Korea the money but in return the Korean government must do what the IMF has to say. In the shoes of

The giver

I am legend

The film was a representation of how science advanced but also failed. Scientist and researchers are
trying to find cure to everything everyday but neglects the safety protocols and the intended cure for
cancer becomes the headache that is bigger than cancer which is mainly caused by what we ingest or
put in our body. Not by something that is transfer through our mucus which killed most of the humans
in the film and created monsters that feed on the immune ones which are maybe potential cures to the
virus. The point is the human body is designed to cure itself naturally creating immunity for ourselves
but because of our lifestyle and ways of life we stunted the progress of our body to adapt. We are
creating an environment that favors us but not adapting our body to the changing environment.

Black gold: world water wars

The supply of potable water is getting lower by the years and people turn to digging underground which
causes sink holes or lowering the elevation of the ground which will be later on be a problem because it
will be prone to flooding just to get fresh reserves of drinking water that can’t be replenish. Spring water
and water from the rain is not enough to supply the ever-growing demand of fresh water if we have a
technology to clean ocean water, big enough to supply the demand of a large mass then maybe the
mining of water will be stopped and only parts where far from steady supply of water will do these

Go, went, gone

African refugees came to European countries to escape war. Yes the escaped death by war indeed but
death by

The coming famine

The population of the world is increasingly growing but the land that supplies the food doesn’t. So, we
need a sustainable way to feed the masses and to stop the unreasonable and luxurious way of
consuming and wasting food that is enough to feed the ones who need them the most. A balance
between how the governments and the people living within earth will manage the need to feed. Or else
many of the people specially in the lower class will die because of hunger.

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