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Invasive procedure and thourough informed consent, why explain procedure

For Pre recorded documentation and comparison purposes

Kasagaran ra gamitun ang heparin ug bag o pa

para gud aware ang patient sa mahitabo niya nig perform nah sa procedure. Unya naay informed
consent para naay legal basis if naay complication during or after performing the procedure kay naa
baya invasion of privacy and confidentiality anah

Para relax ra ang patient inig insert

Kanang ang heparin is used to prevent any clot formation in or around the catheter to keep it patent.
This is used mostly during the first few days of the insertion because the would has not healed yet.

KCL kay to prevent hypokalemia. PD can remove too much potassium in the blood that it may
subsequently cause hypokalemia. By adding KCL into the dialysate solution before administration, it can
prevent this from happening.

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